Der Movement Makes You Stupid

And HBD is particularly bad.

Following up on this, let us not forget this.

Sweden’s population is highly individualistic, but operates with a societal consensus, while Sicily has strong families but little cooperation at the societal level.

Now, contrast that with MacDonald’s shallow assertion that Southern Italy is collectivist. Now, the Counter-Currents review is of the same work of MacDonald that MacDonald himself was discussing. Thus, if we try to merge both viewpoints of the same work, then we can conclude that a people that exhibit “little cooperation at the societal level” are “collectivist.”  That’s obviously an oxymoron.  These guys, lost in their sea of lies and hand-waving spin, simply can’t keep their stories straight.  Also note that peoples who are “highly individualistic” also operate “with a societal consensus” – which is almost as inconsistent as stating that folks who can’t cooperate at a level higher than the family are somehow “collectivist.”  Amoral familism is not collectivism, quite the opposite, and the “highly individualistic” Germanic populations cannot be that “highly individualistic” as they are prone to “societal consensus” of a mind-numbing conformity (see the SJW hysteria currently infecting the West).

So, in summary, Der Movement believes that people that operate with a societal consensus, easily invest in collective social goods, and who effectively work together are “highly individualistic;” while people who do not cooperate at the societal level, resist investing in collective social goods, and are composed of squabbling atomized families who don’t pull together are “collectivist.”  If that sounds absolutely crazy to you, that’s because it is.

It’s ludicrous.  If Italy – at least the south – was “collectivist” then they’d band together to at least stop the “migrant” invasion of their nation.  What’s the reality? The anti-immigration Salvini (a “Germanic” “individualist” Northern Italian, by the way) is gone, and the influx (aided and abetted by Northern Europeans) continues. The Italian mafia actually enables human trafficking of illegal immigrants into Italy in order to make money. They are destroying their own people and culture for individual and family self-aggrandizement. Collectivist?  Is corruption and organized crime collectivist? If you really want to see collectivism as a national trait look at the Jews and the Chinese, the HBD favorites. Collectivism?  How about German National Socialism?  That seems to be a lot more “collectivist” than a bunch of Afrowops scurrying around, all wrecking their own nation and people to make a buck.

HBD makes people stupid.  Der Movement’s fetishistic dogmas make people stupid. Always having to shove a square peg of dogma into a round hole of reality should cause severe cognitive dissonance in all of our “movement” “rock stars.”

So, this is a good Taylor video, but it demonstrates a lack of self-awareness.

“Say yes to your friends and no to your enemies.”

So – maybe stop slamming White ethnics and praising Jews?  Who’s been trying to shut down Amren?  Jewish organizations and/or organizations with strong Jewish support.  Who, on the other hand, used to be Amren supporters, even writers? Who do you attack?  Who do you praise?  Indeed, stop taking orders from people who hate you.


And, getting back to the main point of the video – what does this say about that “sincere man of genuine greatness” Donald Trump?  Any comments about that Greg?

It isn’t just HBD that makes people stupid.  Der Movement itself makes people stupid. Look what’s happened to people who’ve marinated in the “movement” milieu for years. MacDonald went from being a courageous and thoughtful scholar to a sweaty Kempian, spouting nonsense that isn’t even internally consistent or even superficially logical, never mind historically accurate. Johnson went from being a reasonably useful metapolitical contributor to a gaslighting grifter concerned about spiting Richard Spencer and garnering as much “D’Nations” as possible. David Duke, maniacally focused on “Zionism” to the exclusion of everything else, has been reduced to endorsing an anti-White half-Samoan leftist who supports reparations for Negroes. The National Alliance has become a pathetic caricature of what it was under Pierce (which itself wasn’t so hot). Whatever promise Spencer had as an activist before he took over NPI has been flushed down the toilet, and he’s become basically a meme for both the Left (elbowing in the face videos) and the Right (the face of Beavis-and-Butthead White nationalism). Taylor is an intelligent and well-educated man, and articulate enough to have been a viable political candidate (in the proper context), but he doesn’t realize when his video criticisms of others apply equally to the direction Amren has taken (HBD is also a problem there). And if guys like Johnson label me as “crazy and bitter,” then chalk that up to my experiences in the “movement” as well.  If Ted Sallis is now unbalanced and defective, as my detractors claim, then that’s from 25 years exposure to the madness of the “movement.”

Food for thought, isn’t it?