Fisking Johnson, 5/24/24

A relatively easy task.

Laugh at this.  Excerpts and my comments:

Mind you, a case could be made for giving up on America. I could make that case. But Jared Taylor does not make it. Instead, he’s clearly speaking from his heart or his gut. But he’s drawing upon decades of observation and experience. So, arguments or not, he deserves to be taken seriously.

Many of us can draw on “decades of observation and experience.”  Maybe we can be taken seriously as well.

Things really are bad. 

Wait – what?  I thought that “we’re winning.” What’s this?

Scott Greer, who according to his Twitter/X bio is as tall as me…

It there is anything “sub-masculine” about the Dissident Right, it is its womanly obsession with male height.

…and much smarter…

That’s not too difficult, is it?

The issue is that the vast majority of whites are going to tune out the message of “it’s over.” 

They’ve been tuning you out all along.

They think on a different level from those of us in the know. The message also has the unintended effect of blackpilling our own audience. If told normal politics is a waste of time and we must pursue a far-fetched goal that’s hard to work toward in our day-to-day life, many will simply give up on politics altogether. 

Isn’t that what a sole focus on metapolitics is – giving up on politics?

Rather than work toward an ethnostate, they will turn to other pursuits. 

Like endless fundraising.

This would obviously fortify the corrupt status quo.

Uh huh. See below about some of Greer’s other points.

It’s better to think it’s not over and work with what we have.

The problem with working with “what we have” is that “what we have” is a system that dooms us, as well as a tissue of delusions that prevents us from fixing it. 

Is Johnson talking about the American System here or Der Movement?  Obviously the former, but I say it applies equally to both.

We are ruled by a political establishment in which anti-white ideas are hegemonic, no matter what party rotates in and out of office. Even Donald Trump, in whom Greer invests so much hope, thinks that white identity politics is taboo but will endlessly pander to blacks and Jews and proudly brag about it. 

Wasn’t he “the last hope or last chance for White America?” On the other hand, I seem to remember someone back in 2016 writing that Trump was a fraud with Jewish connections and a Negrophilic race cuck. I wonder who that was.

Imagine thinking that you belong to a conquering, Faustian race while you flee enemies you fear to name to ever more distant suburbs in search of “better schools” and “less crime.” 

Yes, and imagine thinking you belong to a conquering, Faustian race while you duck debate challenges and ban critics.

Greer cites polls indicating that Republicans today are resistant to secessionist ideas as well. That would be “racist.” But we won’t fix America, either, if racism remains the ultimate political sin, but only for whites.

Johnson of course skips over the point that these data clearly demonstrate Der Movement’s utter failure to convince even the MAGA crowd of the legitimacy of White nationalism.

Mainstreaming only makes sense when it comes to tactics of persuasion. We should be maximally flexible and pragmatic about how we persuade people. We should divide our camp and find ways to pitch White Nationalism to every white constituency. But we must be adamantine and dogmatic about our core principles and goals.

That is exactly what I’ve been preaching here while Counter-Currents was hosting “Le Brun” podcasts praising Marine Le Pen’s political-ideological mainstreaming.

Most Americans only pay attention to politics when it affects them locally or when presidential elections roll around. If our goal is to lead them toward a better worldview, then we need to approach them when and where they are most engaged, get their attention through topical political commentary and activism, and move forward from there.

Like talking about Savitri Devi and Kali Yuga?

There is another reason why it matters to White Nationalists who will be elected President of the United States this year. No, Donald Trump is not going to give us White Nationalism. That was never in the cards. Creating White Nationalism is our job. What Trump can give us is time.

Trump didn’t build a wall, but he did slow down immigration. The Biden regime has opened the floodgates, because they know that at a certain point, the numbers of non-whites will become so large that there will be no chance of America becoming a white country again, at which point we go to post-American “Plan B” thinking.

A million non-whites can cross the border in the time that it takes us to convert a thousand whites to our thinking. Yes, the fact that millions are flooding in helps us convert people. But numbers matter to politics. We aren’t trying to create an enlightened but politically impotent minority. We are doing this to win. Since we win by having more people on our side and fewer people opposing us, we need a slowdown of immigration.

Time is running out faster than the Quota Queens believe, It is not only a matter of demographic numbers and migrants and so forth. Every year that goes by, the lives of White Americans become more and more intertwined with that of non-Whites, making separation ever more difficult. It is no surprise that a majority of White Trump supports say that an ethnostate would be bad because it is “racist.” Some of these people have non-White friends, extended family, co-workers, they see Christian conservative Coloreds on FOX and at Trump rallies, and they don’t want to separate from Color. Those Trump supporters who are of Eloi ancestry likely have a genetically encoded tolerance of Color (Racial Proximity Theory). The more time that passes, the worse it will get – it may be too late already, as Der Movement has wasted decades with their endless failure. And WN 3.0 only makes this worse, by bringing non-Whites into the WN space, intertwining them even into pro-White activism. At the same time, the minority of Whites who are on board with the ethnostate will get disgusted with multiracial White nationalism. It’s a lose-lose situation for Der Movement – Der Movement being exquisitely skilled at losing.

I also see no reason to reject much of the substance of the American political tradition.

Because it is useless in the long term and it has been discredited?  Sure, use it short term, but long term, it’s irrelevant.

Americans are a distinct white ethnic group. 

That inane argument, which I have already previously debunked, is Johnson’s attempt to square his obsessive ethnonationalist fetish with the reality of White Americans as a multi-ethnic racial group.  Even today, in the year 2024, there are still White Americans of unmixed ethnic ancestry, and these people are not the same ethnicity; their ancestors were not of the same ethnicity and their genomes did not change crossing the Atlantic.  White Americans of founding stock Anglo, Irish, Italian, German, French, Greek, or Polish, etc. ancestries are not the same.  

I doubt Johnson really believes that they are the same, otherwise, he wouldn’t make his childish jibes about “sickle cell anemia.” I doubt his flagship writer Goad believes that they are the same, otherwise we wouldn’t get childish comments about Italian-American “douchebags.”  Of course, the Counter-Currents position could be that Italians are not White, a possibility previously proposed by Goad.  If so, they all can discuss that issue with Counter-Currents writers who are of part of full Italian descent.  

What about White Americans who are ethnic hybrids?  If there was a panmixia of such types, then that would be the beginning of the creation of a White American ethnicity (that would differ from the remaining purebreds).  But such a panmixia does not currently exist; the hybrid strains (e.g., Anglo-German, Anglo-Irish, Irish-Italian, German-Irish, German-Polish as well as various three-way and four-may mixes) differ from each other as they do from the parental stocks. There is no “White American ethnicity” – that is more dishonest gaslighting from Johnson.

There are two reasons for this awakening.

First, anti-white policies have had catastrophic consequences which can no longer be covered up. Second, our movement needs to take some credit as well. We warned against these follies, we documented their failures, and we dismantled their rationales. 

Oh, bullshit. As the data in the Greer article makes clear, your “movement” has FAILED utterly. If there has been any warnings of follies, documentation of failures, and dismantling of rationales, it has been from me against Der Movement.

We began on the margins. We felt we were talking to ourselves. 

You still are.

We felt that we were speaking to future generations. 

The future generations all of whom will be colored because of your endless failures?

But we persevered. 

To continue fundraising.

People began hearing us, and our ideas have moved slowly from the margins to the mainstream.

Nonsense.  Even MAGA Trumptards reject White nationalism.

In 2015, the political establishment had a gentleman’s agreement to never compete on immigration, globalization, and multiculturalism. That consensus was smashed by Donald Trump. 

Not by you.

In 2011, ideas such as “white genocide” and the “Great Replacement” were marginal within the White Nationalist community. Now they are being discussed by the Republican mainstream. A decade ago, ideas such as secession, partition, and the mass deportation of non-whites were only discussed among White Nationalists. Now they are discussed by mainstream Republicans.

Because of the underlying issues, not because of you. Without Trump, there would have been no breakthrough and your “movement” squandered the opportunity of Trump’s first term. Thus, even Trump supporters reject Der Movement’s message and the aforementioned ideas get some brief mentions by people like Carlson but so far have had zero impact on achieving any practical positive outcome.

…nothing lasts forever. 

Including Der Movement.

Yes, I treat politics as an afterthought, because politics really does come after thought.

Yeah, Der Movement failures can turn metapolitics into a money-making entertainment brand fairly easily; doing so with politics is just too much work and they’ll have to compete with Chad! Trump.

But white people are a diverse lot…

Of the same ethnicity?

All we have right now is metapolitics. But that’s where we must begin, anyway. 

That’s where the money is for people who don’t want to put the work in for practical politics.

We don’t need to persuade everybody. 

Just the gullible who send in donations.

Some white people cannot be saved. 

Sound familiar?

We don’t even have to persuade the majority, because most people follow others. All it takes is a significant minority of highly intelligent and engaged people. And if enough such people reject this anti-white system, it will end.

I can say the same about highly intelligent and engaged people rejecting Der Movement and making it end.