Category: Asians

Odds and Ends, 1/7/24

In der news.

The HBD race realists are somewhat illogical. First, they promote an ideology in which people/hominids are judged based on a hierarchical ranking of traits such as IQ, behavior, etc. Then they tell us that Asians are superior to Whites by all such standards. Finally, they then label themselves “pro-White advocates.”  Huh? If they believe that value is inherent in specific traits and if they believe that Asians are superior in those traits then the HBD race realists should be pro-Asian advocates. If, on the other hand, they value Whites because Whites are their racial kin, then they should jettison their slavish adherence to HBD and make kinship-based racialism their priority. They can get away with this incoherence within Der Movement because of the affirmative action program and because they refuse to debate their critics among the Dissident/Far Right. But once these issues are hammered away at by the Left, then the Quota Queens will need to deal with it.

Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun is disliked by Der Right because, unlike Tolkien, he makes a traditionalist society look like an unrelenting catastrophe, and unlike Herbert, he makes archaeofuturism look like a dystopia with no redeeming qualities. Wolfe’s work is disliked by Da Left because he is accused of “misogyny” and of having traditional Catholic (a convert) conservative values. The masses in the Center can’t understand Wolfe’s dense and indirect writing. Jack Vance’s style, although unique, is more direct, and sometimes strands of anti-fascist civic liberalism creep through, but because of his near-perfect rendition of female behavior, he too has been accused of “misogyny.” You see, if you are a White male writer who does not have 100 pound female characters effortlessly beating up 250 pound muscular male super-soldiers then you are, by definition, a “misogynist,” and don’t you forget it! If anything, I can criticize Wolfe and Vance for creating female characters who are too unrealistically positive. That’s why Vance is near-perfect and not perfect, re: milady.

Amren hates YOU (emphasis added):


…mass immigration of Jews, Italians & Irish.

“It is interesting to note that the original Indo-European descended Romans viewed anyone who was dark with suspicion. The Roman proverb Hic niger es, bunc tu, Romane, caveato (“He is black, beware of him, Roman’’) is recorded by Horace as being a common saying amongst Romans of the time. (Saz., i. 4, 85).”(March of the Titans).

Even the fair Brittonic, Pictish & Germanic men fought off the Roman Empire because they wanted to protect their fair colored women & children from the invading Black-haired dark-eyed Romans who wished to conquer & integrate with them. Fair-colored women like Boudica also lead the resistance against the blackening force of the Romans especially after her two fair daughters who raped by Black-haired Roman soldiers while she was beaten by them.

Sallis is always, always, ALWAYS right. Today’s Nordicism is a Nord-Colored alliance against YOU. Your reaction? Nothing.

Note the Sallis’ Law at Amren – a discussion about Irish riots against Colored immigration in 2023 devolves into a (Colored-led) discussion of March of the Titans and racially mixed Romans mongrelizing innocent Nords 2000 years ago. But – Rome conquered England. So by this logic – the English are dark colored mongrels?

Genetic evidence on Roman pigmentation shows that “fairness” has either been stable since the Iron Age/Republic or increasing, not decreasing,

Wrong, wrong, they’re always, always, ALWAYS wrong.

This is an old and tired schtick – non-Whites, South Asians and other NECs prominent among them, promoting radical Nordicism to divide Whites, with the willing cooperation of the Eloi, who get their vanity petted, to assuage their deep-seated feelings of personal inadequacy.

In this scenario, the Eloi are worse than the Brownsters. They must be opposed.

It is typical of Nordicists that they take comments from Roman satirists and poets and try to derive racial meaning from them. Let’s look a bit closer at the quote from Horace; emphasis added:

The title is taken from Horace: “Absentem qui rodit amicum, qui non defendit, alio culpante; hic niger est; hunc tu, Romane, caveto – He who attacks an absent friend, or who does not defend him when spoken ill of by another; that man is a dark character; you, Romans, beware of him.”, suggesting that the subject has betrayed a friend.

Is Horace talking about race? Is he suggesting that Romans not trust dark-eyed, dark-haired people?  Is “character” appropriate to be inserted in the translation?  I say yes, because it is quite clear from the context – “He who attacks an absent friend, or who does not defend him” – that Horace is referring to defects in character, in behavior, and there is no implication of a literal meaning of phenotypic complexion or race/ethnicity in general.  If the “hic niger est; hunc tu, Romane, caveto” was spoken in reference to, say, immigration into Rome then the meaning could be interpreted differently, but here Horace talks about a faithless friend of bad character. Further, even if you want to extrapolate that certain cultures, including the Roman, associated “dark features” with a bad character – and there is no implication of that in this quote – then it is more likely to refer to dark complexioned non-White aliens, such as NECs, rather than to dark-eyed, dark-haired Romans that could be the immediate family of lighter-complexioned individuals (as is common in European populations). To extend Horace’s comment to Roman race is ludicrous. 

In the context of the entire Horace quote, it is quite clear that “niger” refers to character and not a literal reference to complexion. If you hear someone refer to “dark humor” does that mean a Negro comedian? Does “a black day in history” mean Marcus Garvey’s birthday? A more relevant question – is a positive trisomy 21 status a prerequisite for membership in Der Movement?

Let’s apply the standards Der Movement applies to the Roman Empire to the British Empire. Disraeli as prime minister? Proves that 19th century Britain was populated by Judeo-Semitic Levantine mongrels, a fact supported by Jewish graveyards in London’s ghettoes. Random quotes from Oliver Twist will confirm the degeneracy of the population. Hence, the British Empire collapsed because of racial admixture. QED.

Some things (among) many in Der Movement that are annoying. First, labeling people you disagree with as Feds, CIA assets, Jews, Russian shills, etc. – while at the same time ignoring the open infiltration of Der Movement by non-Whites. Then we have individuals (“Hood” and the late “Roberts” being prime examples) who write under different personas at the same time. The last annoyance to be mentioned here is the opposite of what was just mentioned – in this case an individual is incorrectly associated with other personas; in other words, actual different people (two or more) are assumed to be a single individual (this has happened to me several times). Interestingly, the same types who make incorrect accusations that “X” is really “Y” never catch on to the “Hood” and “Roberts” types.

People who obsess over “racial admixture” in Southern (and Eastern) Europe have a blind spot when it comes to those areas they favor. I’ve previously posted links to papers showing North Asian/Siberian ancestry in Northern Europe and have posted pictures of celebrities whose phenotypes are consistent with such ancestry. Let us consider another case. Actor Charles Bronson’s ancestors came to America from Lithuania. However, his father was of Lipka Tatar origin, which likely explains Bronson’s phenotype. However, let us be realistic – the only reason this detail is known is because Bronson was a famous actor (and one with an unusual appearance), so someone went digging into his background. Otherwise, he’d just be a “Lithuanian-American” and that’s that. It is also obvious that Bronson’s family were not the only people in Lithuania with such ancestry. So, in addition to the more ancient Asian/Siberian ancestry, the Baltic states no doubt have some more recent Tatar influences as well (that no doubt crossed borders into neighboring countries). But we are not “allowed” to discuss such things in Der Movement; it takes away from mentioning True Romance every 15 seconds. The reality is that low levels of admixture exist throughout Europe and Strom is right in that racial purity is something we need to strive for in the future, not some state of grace we fell from in the mythical past.\\

It’s all well and good to say that we should be infiltrating existing community organizations. But you really need at least several people acting as a coordinated unit to make it work. The real underlying issue is how to form local groups of trustworthy pro-White activists to begin with; social pricing, infiltrators, and possible spiteful apostates turning against the cause and against you are all impediments. I suspect that in any locale with a reasonably significant White population there will be at least several pro-White activists who do not know of each other’s existence and would not know how to safely establish contact. They could be neighbors or co-workers and they would not know it. For all I know, I could have neighbors and co-workers who are regular readers/listeners of my work, and I would never know it. The System/Left and their minions have created – intentionally – an atmosphere of fear and mistrust, and this is a problem. Facilitating networking would be an important role for pro-White organizations, but I’m skeptical that Der Movement could effectively do it even if they wanted to. Der Movement’s history with infiltrators and apostates is rather depressing.

When the major difference between America’s “two” parties (actually two wings of a single party) was economics/class, Italian-Americans supported the “working class” Democrats against the “country club Yankee” Republicans. Once the Democrats became the Colored/Left party, Italian-Americans  started shifting to the GOP, on the basis of race and social issues. They were attracted to Nixon’s false “Silent Majority Law and Order” image (some Italian-Americans  were Wallace supporters in 1968) and more so Reagan’s image of semi-populist social conservatism (“Reagan Democrats” = White ethnics) and even more so to Trump’s (fake) right-wing populism. On the other hand, Italian-Americans  have been less interested in the Bush family, Dole, McCain, Romney, etc. Italian-Americans  in general care about “sticking it to the darkies” and not about “capital gains tax cuts.”

Four axioms of warfare:

  • 1. Victory is achieved through offensive operations; defense alone is insufficient
  • 2. Total victory is achieved through the destruction of the enemy’s armed forces and their ability to resist, not merely by occupying territory.
  • 3. All else being equal, and if possible, encirclement and maneuver are superior to a direct frontal assault.
  • 4. While both are important, morale is more important than is material.

Now apply that to politics (war by other means).

If you are a graduate of a college/university, and graduate/professional school as well, you may get in the mail the school magazine and you can read the contents, full of far left activism of not only faculty and current students, but stories of how graduates are now engaging in Far Left anti-White, anti-male sociopolitical activism, across a broad front of activities, with not a single example of anything on the Right. The idea that “we’re winning” is again shown to be ludicrous; we’re losing and losing badly. As the Left engages in effective, broad-based real world activism that has real destructive consequences for us, the Right engages in esoteric theorizing and debate, tin foil hat conspiracy theorizing, with the occasional foray into real world activity in doing things like opposing abortion and vaccination. As the Right preaches anti-intellectualism and downward mobility, the Left has a stranglehold on academia and on the professions, and are constantly training new generations of activists. The reality is utterly catastrophic for our side.

See this. I know I posted about that before, but it is useful to look at again. You do not need to stress out over the math, just listen qualitatively to Harpending’s arguments; his debunking of Lewontin is complementary to my own. Also interesting is his discussion of Bushmen having a phenotype with East Asian-like characteristics, with speculation that this convergent evolution was no accident, implying the possibility of a common mechanism. Contra HBD dogma, that common mechanism, if it exists, obviously cannot be “cold, Arctic conditions.” My own theory that the East Asian phenotype is due to selection for neoteny is, unlike the Arctic theory, compatible with the Bushmen situation. It is therefore possible that both Mongoloids and Bushmen underwent selection for neoteny for environmental reasons and/or sexual selection; in the case of East Asians, these adaptions pre-selected them to be able to thrive after some of them moved from warm climates to cold climates in Northern Asia. So, I’m saying the opposite of HBD – Arctic conditions did not cause the Mongoloid phenotype; the Mongoloid phenotype, due to selection for neoteny, allowed Asians to live in Arctic conditions.

WDR36: Not Your Superior

Are Asians superior to Whites?  Are they superior to you?

Listen here.

So, in this podcast, I analyze a clip from a publicly available video of Jared Taylor speaking at an Arizona university; the topic of my podcast is – Are Asians superior to Whites?  Are they superior to you?

My answer is a resounding NO. What do you think?

I must state the following once again. The ultimate purpose of Western Destiny Radio is not merely for me to express my opinions; after all, I can do so at my blogs and at my Gab account. The real purpose of the podcast is for discussion and debate with others; such has not yet taken place because all of my invitations and debate challenges have been ignored. 

Let me try again.

Mr. Taylor (or anyone else from American Renaissance) isvery welcome to come to Western Destiny Radio to discuss the Arizona speech (or any other issue). I can be reached at my Gab account. I will say it is becoming a bit tiresome for me to issue invitations and challenges that are repeatedly ignored by people who claim that they represent “the truth” and who claim that they are ever so eager to have “open discussions on race.”

One final thought. If Whites would have homogeneous states led by racial nationalist principles then they would have nothing to fear from Asians (or from anyone else). In that  case, Asians would be a competitor but not a real threat, because I am confident that healthy White societies can effectively deal with whatever challenges that would come from other groups. Creating healthy White societies is the difficult part.

Odds and Ends, 7/30/23

Some links for you to bookmark.

Johnson calls Yockey an enemy.

Taylor says that Asians are superior to Whites.

I’ll be forgiven I hope for using a single anecdotal example to make a point, but I believe it is useful. I actually once knew a White person with an IQ of 88 (and no, not a relative). My experience can put some perspective on the IQ question.  This was a person who could not hold down a job, who could barely string together comprehensible words to make an understandable sentence, and who had a puppy that died because they could not take care of it or even feed it properly.  Worse, they dumped the puppy’s remains into a public garbage can out in the street as if that’s the proper means of disposing of a dead dog.  Now, given that, I’m skeptical of some of the low national/regional IQ scores that the HBDers assert. That certain European and NEC ethnies legitimately have IQ scores in the range of mid 80s to low 90s I do not believe at all. I am even skeptical of some of the very low Negro IQ scores.  Yes, I know, for the latter, the IQ apologists claim that “low IQ manifests differently in racial groups” (evidence?) and they make correlations between IQ and functional age and claim that “ten year olds can still function” (why doesn’t IQ manifest differently with age then?) – I don’t buy it.  And then there’s the Flynn Effect. I am not denying the importance of IQ or its substantial hereditability.  However, I do not believe the ethnoracial range of IQ is as wide as the HBDers report, I don’t believe that all the scores they report are objectively legitimate, I don’t think that extant IQ tests are the best measure of intelligence (we need better measures of problem recognition, problem solving, and imagination – even pattern recognition can be assayed better), and I don’t think that IQ explains everything (behavior influences accomplishment as well, and yes behavior can be heritable as well). Never mind that using PISA scores as a proxy or IQ introduces another level of error, and never mind that Lynn’s methods of “estimating IQs” via non-IQ tests or by averaging data from different tests, were scientifically unsound.  But the HBDers don’t want to hear any criticism; they just want to repeat the same nonsense over and over again.

I seem to be the only person outraged that Lynn was promoting his own work while writing under a pseudonym, perhaps because as a STEM person who has written and reviewed many papers I understand that serious academics would consider Lynn’s behavior a breach of ethics and treated him with derision. This brings up the question as to why he felt it necessary to write under a pseudonym. At that time he was not a young, early career academic in some unrelated field but was an elderly, late stage academic with an already infamous mainstream reputation as a researcher into race and IQ, and someone who was openly associated with Amren (going to conferences, etc.). What did he have to lose at that point? It is difficult to reject the hypothesis that he wanted to promote his own work (and that of his HBD buddies) while hiding behind the mask of a disinterested academic, unrelated to Lynn but who nevertheless admired Lynn’s work. Of course, it would have been silly for Rushton or Brand to have written as “Hippocrates” as well, given that both were already internationally known for their politically incorrect views. The major reason I suspected them was the timing of Rushton’s illness and death, Brand’s death, and “Hippocrates” no longer writing for Amren. That raises another question – since Lynn was working and publishing into his 90s, until relatively recently, why did he stop the “Hippocrates” nonsense? A cynical hypothesis would be that he realized that if “Hippocrates” continued after Rushton and Brand dropped dead then that would focus increased suspicion on Lynn (or his close collaborators). The deaths of Rushton and Brand were convenient to deflect suspicion in their direction once the “Hippocrates” column ended. If my hypotheses are “unfair” to the “Great Man” then folks are welcome to come on Western Destiny Radio and explain it all to us. Otherwise, we are left to speculate about these puzzling questions.

HBD fails the Mertonian norms. You can argue it meets the first two, but HBDers are hardly disinterested, and HBD 100% absolutely fails the “organized skepticism” part. Thus, HBD is anti-fallibilist – it promotes a rigid dogma that is ultimately never questioned; they start out with their desired conclusions and then work backward to produce and/or cherry pick “data” to support their pre-determined conclusion.

See this.  Very telling. “Hood” states, correctly, that Rufo is not one of us (e.g., not pro-White) but that he also is the most important (presumably rightist) activist extant today. What does that say about all of the Quota Queens, including “Hood” himself, who are “one of us?” What does it say about all of your Fearless Leaders, with their constant demands for D’Nations, that they are not as effective as some “conservative” with an Asian wife and mixed race children? Hood” has tacitly admitted the failure of Der Movement and has therefore confirmed my criticisms of it.

The Quota Queens would no explain Rufo with the excuse that it is much easier to be an effective activist if you are an aracial conservative with mainstream appeal as opposed to a so-called “White advocate.” That’s true, but Rufo is objectively more successful than they even taking this into account; Rufo is much more effective specific to his field of activity than they are specific to their own. Rufo engages in practical activism; he gets concrete things done in the real world and understands the nature of power. The Quota Queens alternate between tin cup panhandling, promoting freakish unrealistic dogma, being inept, lurching from catastrophe to catastrophe, and focusing on “metapolitical” pseudo-intellectualism or “sieg heil and pass the beer childish acting out instead of on practical political work.

“Hood” writes about Rufo with respect to the latter not being a White advocate:

Married to an Asian woman and with interracial kids…

Hmmm…does that family structure apply to anyone else – for example, anyone that Amren is very familiar with?

Odds and Ends, 12/11/22

In der news.

My hypothesis:

  • Der Movement is full of semi-autistic, socially awkward, omega males with a predilection for pedophilia. Hence the interest in neotenic Asian females.
  • These males of Der Movement are (justifiably) self-loathing, hence they are masochistic.
  • Therefore, their masochistic sexual fetishism centered on Asian females results in HBD, talk of “measured groveling,” Asiaphilia, and serious blog posts suggesting that black booted Chinese girls with guns should enforce security in White nations.

It is interesting that the conspiritard types don’t turn their attention to Der Movement and ask whether the decades of endless failure and humiliation are at least in part intentional. After all, you would think that the “watchdog groups” would be happy with extant “movement” entities, which serve three purposes:

  • 1. Their antics discredit serious racial activism
  • 2. They soak up millions of dollars of support that could be better used elsewhere
  • 3. They are a useful bogeyman to scare gullible Jews and High Trusters to donate to the watchdog groups

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, eh?

Greg Johnson:

If every important person in America today knows about Jewish power, why don’t they just speak out about it? It is complicated. But the main reason is lack of solidarity. They all know that the game would be up if enough of them would speak out at the same time. But somebody has to go first. And nobody wants to be first, because these people have more rivals than friends, and they know that their rivals would scramble to denounce them for speaking the truth. So a prominent American would have to be nuts to speak out about the Jews.

Ted Sallis:

If every important Far Rightist in America today knows about Der Movement’s failure, why don’t they just speak out about it? It is complicated. But the main reason is lack of solidarity. They all know that the game would be up if enough of them would speak out at the same time. But somebody has to go first. And nobody wants to be first, because these people have more rivals than friends, and they know that their rivals would scramble to denounce them for speaking the truth. So a prominent Far Rightist would have to be nuts to speak out about Der Movement.

After all, I have been banned, blocked, and blacklisted, as well as defamed as “crazy” and “paranoid.” Certain people who shall go nameless here who corresponded with me in the past refuse to do so now. There is a price to pay for speaking the truth. That tells you that the truth is painful to the grifters who run the freak show.

Four reasons why Der Movement is infatuated with East Asians:

  • 1. Racial Proximity Theory – Asians (and Jews) can be elevated over the hated White ethnics. In addition, High Trusters may feel (even if subconsciously) some kinship with Northeast Asians, due to ancient East-to-West admixture across Northern Eurasia – the Bromstad-Bjork Syndrome.
  • 2. Sexual fetishism – particularly of a masochistic nature – consider HBDers married to East Asian women, consider admissions of “measured groveling,” as well as the Majority Rights fantasy of black booted Chinese girls with guns ruthlessly enforcing discipline in the West.  It may seem absurd, but I suspect this is a major factor. Consider that some “movement”/HBD types are socially awkward autistics with low self-esteem and a predilection for pedophilia – Asians are neotenic, thus attractive to these types.
  • 3. The race realism gambit – these people may want to promote “HBD race realism” and push the idea that Blacks (and Southern Europeans) are dumb, but want to evade the label of “White supremacist” – so they gibber about Asian cognitive superiority (doesn’t work, they are still called “White supremacists” anyway). When coupled to the other three motivations, this gambit evolves into open declarations of Asian superiority over Whites by every standard.
  • 4. Aesthetics – violin-playing Asiatrices (and erudite cosmopolitan, cocktail party Jews) are considered less threatening and more acceptable for the WASP country club mentality than are uncouth, rough-talking White ethnics with their urban Northeast USA accents – the Caddyshack Syndrome.

I believe those four points cover most of the explanations.

See this. Sallis:

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe

Nutzis being dire off the shoulder of West Virginia

I’ve read dumb memes bitter in the darkness of Der Right’s hate

All these moments will be lost like tears in rain

Time to cry

Der Movement marches on.

Well, well, well…

We must not allow one set of buffoonish elites to be replaced by another. We must not abandon our principles and follow the pied pipers of pandemonium down the slippery slope into madness.

It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage. Christianity is being lauded as the thread which can tie the disparate disruptor’s caucus together, the tried-and-true glue that can bind a shaky alliance of disaffected groups. At this critical moment, we must not be distracted by the circus an unravelling world serves up to us daily. We cannot lose sight of our goals. Our race will not be liberated from without, but instead its salvation must come from within.

BINGO! We have another winner.  The key point:

It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage.

That’s WN 3.0 – essentially the equivalent of “whiteshift.”

How’s that “Ye” thing doing, “movement?” Has it led to the “anti-Semitic uprising” yet? Does anyone in “normie land” actually care? Has pro-White activism been materially progressed? No. Of course not. And there will be no positive outcomes – unless you label increased Counter-Currents page views as a “positive outcome.” All it has done is once again associate pro-White activism with something weird, stupid, downwardly mobile (West humiliating himself in public and losing money), and comical.

Der Movement should worry less about West critiquing Jewish power and worry more about Taylor not doing so.

Much of sociopolitical reality is a zero sum game in which costs and benefits balance out. Da System claims that it wants to “inclusive” but thus excludes normal White people. Der Movement wants a “big tent” and thus promotes conspiritards, anti-vaxxers, Kanye West, etc., and by consequence alienates highly educated Whites, particularly STEM types. You can’t have it all; you must make a choice.

The problems of digital isolation and social pricing has created a situation in which, literally, WNs can be neighbors or co-workers and not even know it. We are not going to get anywhere in the real world as long as that obtains, but it is not immediately clear how to deal with it, except to start with the following. Instead of flushing huge amounts of money down the “movement” toilet, there needs to be an organization, or organizations, dedicated to facilitating real world interaction and community building. Because of the dangers of social pricing and infiltration, there would need to be air tight security, top level high quality vetting, a legal infrastructure, significant financial resources, and contingencies in place to protect the interests of participants. I have my doubts that the extant “movement” is up to the task – but this would be a minimal first step.

If by “traditionalism” you mean traditional social mores, respect for our ancestors and our history, and a hierarchical society, then I of course support that. However, if by “traditionalism” you mean Savitri Devi and Kali Yuga and the establishment of the Luddite Hobbit Hole Twigs and Branches Bring Out Your Dead ethnostate, then I oppose that. We must be precise in our definitions.

See this.  I agree with Griffin, say, 80% of that video. Four points:

1. I would like to see Johnson debate Griffin with respect to Griffin’s claims that an electoral solution is a delusional impossibility as well as his skepticism with respect to online metapolitical work, positions that Johnson apparently completely disagrees with (if I am mistaken about the positions of these two gentleman, please correct me).

2. It would be helpful if Griffin would make a video outlining in detail what he believes should be done.  It would seem based on his pessimism, something like this might be considered. For that to work, we would need real pan-European solidarity, which does not currently exist. Also see this.

3. I am aware that I am of the type of anonymous/pseudononymous online “intellectuals” that Griffin harshly critiques.  Perhaps that criticism is justified.  However, I would assert the following (and these would be areas of disagreement):

  • a) There is a place for “intellectual” and “metapolitical” analyses in any revolutionary movement, there has been in the past and there is no good reason why this should not hold in the present or future.
  • b) There is a place for anonymous/pseudononymous activists in any revolutionary movement, there has been in the past and there is no good reason why this should not hold in the present or future.
  • c) In the past I was a “in real life” activist, as myself. I was unimpressed by my experiences; Der Movement has always been a dismal failure (see point 4 below); Griffin cannot always point the finger elsewhere.
  • d) There is a problem in suggesting that individuals should be overt activists and make sacrifices if the activist entity they are supposed to act in is hostile to their ethny and their ethny’s interests. Would High Trusters in Der Movement act in a self-sacrificial manner for a movement that is hostile to their ethnies and instead focuses only on helping White ethnics?  I think not. So, why should I? That is a form of EGI cuckoldry, a person sacrificing their own personal interests, including genetic interests, and including ethnic genetic interests, to boost the genetic interests of other ethnies. I am not going to be a EGI cuckold, sacrificing my own interests to boost the EGI others, as those others attack my ethny.

4. Griffin should realize and admit that his past failures, and those of people like Pierce, whatever the explanations and excuses for those failures, are in part responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in. Also see this.

Have you noticed that none of your conservative superheroes – Trump, DeSantis, Cotton, Carlson, whomever – ever say to Negroes: “You’ve already had your reparations. Hundreds of billions of dollars transferred from White taxpayers to you for decades as part of social welfare programs, a half century of affirmative action advantages, a myriad of special programs (including internships, scholarships, trainings, etc.), and being catered to by the political establishment and popular culture. You’ve already bled the country dry, and you should not get another cent.”  No, they do not say that, they never say that, much less that “Whites should get reparations for decades of affirmative action and other discrimination, Colored crime, societal defamation, and race replacement immigration.” No, that would be “racist” so all of your conservative heroes say nothing.

Similarly, the same Italian-American groups and “leaders” who whine and cry about mafia movies never say a word about the racial defamation of Italians – for example Sicilians being called “Black” in movies (e.g., True RomanceTheMany Saints of Newark) as well as the trick of casting non-White actors and actresses as Italians in movies and television. They also will not say a word about Italian-Americans victimized by Colored crime.

In summary, two maxims I follow:

  • 1. Everyone is full of shit.
  • 2. If you want something to get done, you have to do it yourself.

Truer words never written.

Let’s follow up on this.  Consider an infant – small and stocky, relatively large round head, broad flat nose, high body fat percentage, hairless body. Epicanthic folds are also found in infants and children of all races.

Epicanthal folds may be normal for people of Asiatic descent and some non-Asian infants. Epicanthal folds also may be seen in young children of any race before the bridge of the nose begins to rise.

Cold adapted? The arctic womb?  Ludicrous.

My point is that all of these East Asian features ascribed to “adaption to cold” could be due to selection for neoteny.

Females are more neotenic than males, so the White male infatuation for East Asian females can be a pathological (pedophilia) extension of that. Of course, East Asian females are typically slender, another advantage, albeit with attenuated secondary sexual characteristics (also neotenic).

In addition, since East Asian females prefer White males who are less neotenic and hence more masculine than East Asian males (while eschewing the bestial Black male), White males with a low sexual marketplace value (SMV) can “trade up” for Asiatrices more attractive than whatever White females they could have gotten.

I can think of two British HBDers who shall go nameless who have/had Chinese wives. Let’s say that by White standards their wives are a “5.” The HBDers themselves – complete losers – by a very generous ranking would be a “2.” Thus, because of Asiatrix preferences, these low SMV males get a three point boost.

If they were restricted to White females, they’d either be alone or stuck with a Walmart landwhale shopping on a motorized scooter.