Category: demographics

Market Solutions?


See this.

Somewhere in these is a discussion of the increasing pressure Japan is under to accept migration in order to “get workers for an aging population with a low native birthrate.”  Alleged traditionalist Peterson asks whether the Japanese have a choice – don’t they have to accept migration because of their demographics and their need for workers?

Sigh. I have discussed this several times (see below for one such instance).  Haven’t we always been told how “the market can solve all problems” and that we should “depend on market forces?” What?  Is mass race replacement immigration – a Ponzi-like scheme of continuously bringing in new immigrants to deal with the current situation of needing workers to support today’s population – the only market solution?  Why can’t the vaunted market solve the problem of now native birthrates-aging population-workers in the absence of immigration?  Why can’t the market find a sustainable solution that eschews Ponzi scheme population flows?  Why can’t the market find a solution that is not demographic national suicide?  Where is the solution that doesn’t entail permanently changing the nature of the nation and replacing the native population?  How does the native population ultimately benefit if they lose their nation and the future belongs to others? And isn’t the immigration Ponzi scheme ultimately a short-term solution anyway? Either the native population will be replaced and the new population will no longer require more immigration or the new population will also exhibit lower birthrates and will require more immigration and/or national wealth differences balance out so that migration pressure ends, or some other scenario – but this cannot go over forever.  Sooner or later, the situation will change. Why not manifest change today and prevent race replacement?  Why must we “kick the can” down the road, procrastinate real change, and lose native populations before it is realized that this madness has to eventually end?  Are there any adults in the house?  Does anyone look to the future and realize that we are simply pushing the painful denouement to future populations that may be less capable of dealing with it?

We need to get all of the relevant thinkers together and tell them to assume a scenario in which immigration is possible, assume that there are no outside population sources.  In that situation, under those conditions, what would you do to solve the problems of low birthrates and (alleged) worker shortages?  If these problems really are so existential, then solutions must be found – these thinkers cannot be serious if they aver that in the absence of immigration these problems are insoluble and thus the nation will die. Eventually, effective solutions will be determined. Those solutions must then be implemented, even though it is acknowledged that these solutions would likely entail significant sacrifice and societal pain.  That sacrifice and pain are the prices to be paid for taking the easy way out for so long and procrastinating a sustainable and sane solution to these problems.  The sacrifice and pain are the prices to be paid to save the nation and prevent race replacement.

I note also this is why Salter’s EGI concept is so important, so as to clearly illustrate the costs involved in not making these necessary sacrifices. It’s not merely economics or politics or culture of whatever.  It is the loss of biological kin; it is a catastrophic loss of adaptive fitness.  This is akin to seeing an extended family diminished or actually eliminated.  These are ultimate interests; this is the destruction of one’s people, all for short-term selfish economic benefits and “well-being” – and even the “well-being” is suspect because the demographic changes bring proximate, immediate consequences that are unpleasant to natives.

Read this.  Emphasis added:

My solution to the demographic problem is the exact opposite of what the System is proposing and doing. My solution is to stop enabling nations and populations engaging in reckless demographic behavior, said enabling manifested by allowing Western nations to avoid the consequences of their selfish hedonism and allowing the Colored nations to avoid the consequences of endless population growth and poor management of their own nations, via the safety valve of transferring their excess population to the West.

Thus, I advocate zero immigration – absolute zero. Force the Western nations to face the consequences of their demographic choices – the shrinking and aging population, worker shortages, shrinking economies, problems in funding social welfare including caring for the aged, etc. Force the Colored nations to face the consequences of overpopulation, youth unemployment, restless young men, mismanaged governments and economies. Using the Colored excess to fill in the demographic gaps in the West, and so create a safety valve for Colored overpopulation and unemployment, is a short-term solution, one that enables bad behavior on both sides, makes both sides addicted to ad hoc immigration faux-solutions, and does not solve the inherent fundamental problems in both societies. And, as stated, for the West and Western populations, the problem is existential, for, if the process continues, it ultimately means the end of the West. It will result in the replacement of the West with new Colored nations, which will, in the end, exhibit the same problems as their original homelands. Thus, the West dies and the Third World remains as dysfunctional as ever, albeit with new territories for the ever-expanding Colored populations.

Instead, the West needs to find endogenous, internal solutions to its demographic crisis. Years, likely decades, of pain will ensue, with the consequences of the shrinking and aging population and all that means. Too bad. That pain will force radical solutions so as to adapt to the new reality, possibly including accepting negative economic “growth,” downscaled expectations, less social welfare, people working long and harder, extensive use of automation, and, yes, INCREASED NATIVE BIRTHRATES. Yes, the latter will take decades to “kick in,” so the period of adjustment will last a long time. But this, however painful, will be a long-term and sustainable solution, one that allows for the survival of the West and of Western peoples (particularly if combined with repatriation of aliens already present in Western nations, which does need to occur as well).  On the other side of the equation, if the Global South no longer has the safety valve of shipping their excess population to the West, they will need to take radical measures for population control and endogenous, native solutions to their political, social, and economic problems. That will entail pain as well.  But it is a long-term and sustainable solution.

The reason I am forced to repeat myself every few years is that my work is completely ignored and so I see, read, and hear people make the same wrongheaded arguments, and ask the same moronic questions, over and over again despite the fact that I have already refuted the arguments and answered the questions. Readers may have forgotten my past posts, and there may be new readers here as well, so here is value in pushing out these ideas every so often, in the forlorn hope that someone is paying attention and will actually take the arguments here seriously.

Suck It Up

A brief riposte to Colored arrogance.

See this.

Putting aside the typical stupidity of equating (thanks a lot Nordicists and nativist Anglomaniacs for making the comparison possible) past European immigrants to the more recent alien Colored influx, let us focus on the following example of arrogant and entitled Colored Privilege:

Allentown resident Emely Minaya, who came from the Dominican Republic as a child, says she thinks Allentown is an example of the future of America when it comes to diversifying communities. 

“Even those states where there’s probably no Hispanics at all, no Black people, they will be seeing a lot of that in next few years,” she said. 

Asked what she would say to those who may be troubled by that potential demographic shift, she says to “suck it up.” “It’s going to happen,” she said. “That’s it.”

Well, in response, when Coloreds, Jews, White leftists, System apparatchiks, etc. complain about:

  • Whites being racist, anti-Semitic, bigoted, privileged, intolerant, etc.
  • Whites rejecting demographic change and complaining about it.
  • Whites supporting Trump and other right-wing populists.
  • Whites increasingly becoming more attracted to the Far Right (even if the current stupidities of the Far Right alienate Whites and thus heretofore take advantage of this trend.
  • Whites looking askance at alien mongrels like “Emely Minaya” or Whites doing anything the System/Left/ Colored do not like.

Then the answer should be:

Suck it up!  It’s going to happen!  That’s it!

Whites should stop being so damn polite and so solicitous of the feelings of others. If the HBD Nordicists really believe their dogma, maybe they should promote the idea that Whites should reject the Universalist Eloi attitudes of the HBD Nordicists’ beloved High Trusters and instead adopt the (allegedly) more xenophobic attitudes of those runty chicken Morlock mouth breathing dagos and other such ethnocentric Whites. I seem to recall that the Eloi were a race of passive weaklings. Is that the ideal HBD Nordicist role model?  It does seem that way.

Another way of answering the “suck it up” comment is for Whites to absolutely refuse to “suck it up” and to refuse to accept the changes being forced upon them. There are many ways of doing this, legally, through the broad application of politics, metapolitics, and social engineering.

Thus – vote for right-wing populist, or better yet, if available, Far Right, candidates; get actively involved in the Far Right, correct its errors, and make it a vehicle for the effective pursuit of White interests; protest; speak out; manifest passive aggressive disengagement from the System that depends on Whites for its effective maintenance; do Salter’s democratic multiculturalism; behave in such a manner to make the newcomers feel unwelcome (legally, of course) and also shun Whites who support White genocide (social pricing against them); do White community building; etc.

With respect to accepting your displacement: Just refuse. Just say no. Then say yes to pro-White activism.  And, finally, tell the scum Minaya to go fuck herself.

White Resistance is going to happen.  That’s it.

Suck it up.

Odds and Ends, 6/20/21

In der news.

Refuting Nordicist liar (a redundancy) “Desmond Jones.” Look at Iberia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania – and France of course is in between North and South. The idea that only Northern Europe is demographically threatened is an outright lie.

See this. Who were the “race scum” of the East that the heroic Germans were going to destroy and replace? Russians? Ukrainians?

Then we have guys like GW telling us how difficult WN is, for example in America. How does he know? IT HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED. All we get is warmed over Nutzi Nordicism and Germanocentric Hitlerism and/or WASP animus to “White ethnics.”

See this. Note the bit about homosexuality. Is that perhaps a clue to Powell’s popularity among the “handbags at dawn” Alt Right?

Interesting discussion. Interesting that even at a podcast hosted by the pro-free speech Academic Freedom Alliance, SJW speech restrictionist perspectives filter in. The debate, it seems, is to what degree should academia be SJW – mild hysteria, or full blue-haired fatty hysteria?

Disgusting self-interested gaslighting.

…since I intend to be around for many years to come.

Bad news.

“Movement” “leaders” like Johnson need to peddle false optimism, because if his followers get too discouraged, then the “D’Nations” will dry up. Further, an honest appraisal of the sad state of today’s “movement” would lead to calls for accountability for the failed Quota Queens and their inept “leadership,” and we can’t have that! No sir! So, he’ll take a few (alleged) comments from readers, which do not get to the real problems and manifest failures of the “movement” (that I cover at EGI Notes on a regular basis), and then knocks down these strawmen. Another transparently mendacious performance from Gaslighting Greg.

The fact is that whatever good that has been happening – and it’s not much – has been in despite of, not because of, the retarded “movement” and its inept affirmative action “leaders.” The chaos and balkanization from Trump and the growth of right-wing populism in some precincts of the “normie” Right has been somewhat helpful. I suppose that some Whites are being modestly “radicalized” to the Right as a reaction to BLM, CRT, “wokeness,” etc. But those are political and social currents for the most part not directly connected to the “movement.” If Der Movement had done the right thing during the Trump years, such as quietly building in depth behind the scenes, it would be better positioned to take advantage of all that is going on today. But, no. The Beavis-and-Butthead Alt Right stupidly “acted out,” and the remaining “leaders” and their sycophants are useless freakshows and grifters. The reality is that, considering so-called “White well-being,” the “normie” pushback against “wokeness” – including that from traditional liberals and former “democratic socialists” – has been more useful, by far, than “movement” antics.

Der Movement ejaculates (although the mention of the Italian may induce flaccidity).

Better than Viagra.

Remember my theory of autism – that bizarre alien phenotypes, particularly those of NECs/South Asians, were shocking the amygdalas of vulnerable White children, thus precipitating the disorder?  Can you doubt it?  The face that launched a thousand autisms.

True story. I once had a well-known activist, who shall go nameless here, someone who posed as a pan-Europeanist, tell me that the ancient Romans were Nordic, and that the “proof” of this was that Augustus Caesar “looked like British actor James Mason,” and that “Julius Caesar was going bald, and only Northern European men lose their hair.”  I kid you not.

I’m not going to reveal the name of that “well-known activist,” but I can tell you that it was not Pierce.

Fetishists weep. Liddell has a nervous breakdown.

Also see this.

I believe that the reality is somewhere in between the mainstream narrative and the links above. On the one hand, where there’s smoke there’s fire; the reputation of Italian military ineptness has some basis in fact. On the other hand, that reputation has been over-inflated and taken out of context. Consider WWII. Allied with Germany and very poorly equipped, the Italian military lasted in the field for ~ three years before surrender.  In contrast, allied with the British Empire and much better equipped, the French military lasted in the field for ~ six weeks before surrender. And just because the French were allowed, for political reasons, to piggyback on D-Day, and ended up on the winning side, does not excuse the complete catastrophe of 1940. The French have a certain military reputation over the last 150 years that cannot be ignored.  Not everyone is as militarily efficient as, say, Germany used to be. Is that criticism of the French also over-inflated and taken out of context?  Perhaps.  But what goes around comes around. Every ethny should be held to the same standards.

Immigration marches on.

The Importance of EGI

Race, immigration, and the demographic future.

Read this about the real underlying issues of the immigration debate.

A focus on EGI is absolutely essential in evaluating any debates on, e.g., immigration.  We require a more thorough – and ongoing – analysis of this. We need to effectively ground our understanding of key issues, and our political activism, on a bedrock foundation of ethnic genetic interests and the pursuit of group adaptive fitness. While some proximate interests – for example, actualizing a High Culture – are of fundamental importance, we must always realize that ultimate interests – genetic interests – are paramount. If genetic interests, ultimate interests, must be given precedence over the most important of proximate interests, then this shows us how much more precedence they must be given over less important, less urgent, less fundamental proximate interests.  A further point – genetic interests and the most fundamental proximate interests are typically in accord; thus, actualizing a High Culture is not only compatible with the EGI-conserving objective of racial preservation and advancement, it can be viewed as being actually dependent on it (and, to a lesser extent, vice versa). On the other hand, one can think of many other proximate interests – for example, an emphasis on “economic growth” – that can be incompatible, in many contexts, to the ultimate interest of genetic continuity.

And even though culture and civilization are the most important proximate interests and in many ways overlapping ultimate concerns, they are not themselves ultimate concerns, so one should even be skeptical of comments such as those as Trump bemoaning immigration into Europe because of its pernicious effects on “culture.”  Now, Trump was right, and to be fair, we should appreciate that he went that far – crossing a line other American leaders feared to even approach or, worse, even acknowledge – but it is not enough.  The ultimate issue is demographic replacement, and we await the American leader “alpha” enough to cross that, final, line.  After all, we can always hear ‘spin” about how alien invaders “assimilate into the culture,” but EGI is a “firewall” that prevents discussion from veering too far away from ultimate concerns.

But for the firewall to be an effective one must accept that one’s worldview has a grounding in EGI, and one must have a serious understanding of the concept. I do not advocate the crazed stupidity of Type Is who warp the concept and use “EGI” to explain everything from bad weather to the price of milk; idiots who chant “EGI” as a talisman without even understanding what it is about. Instead, I simply say that consideration of EGI must be behind memes and schemes, behind goals and objectives, and even when proposing grand moral orders, sweeping vistas of a White future, one must always remember that EGI must be at least minimally considered in the background.  All schemes, agendas, and objectives must have a pro-EGI foundation upon which the grand structures can be built. This does not mean that EGI is itself the grand structure – I argue against that here – but it has to be the foundation, the firewall, the immutable prerequisite that prevents you from drifting in the direction of maladaptive ideas.

I note the “movement” – despite a small faction that, as noted above, chants “EGI” at every opportunity (typically superfluously) – also doesn’t properly incorporate EGI into its calculations (it if has “calculations” at all, rather than just endlessly regurgitating the same old tired memes, the same old fossilized dogma).

The implications of EGI cannot be responsibly evaded.  We know that the Left and the Mainstream Right, evil and stupid to the core, respectively, are bereft of responsibility to humanity – higher humanity – but the Far Right, in theory, should possess the sense of responsibility to do what is right.  And they cannot do this without having a solid foundation of EGI and its myriad consequences when considering the actualization of ideals into policies.  Only Type II activists are truly capable of doing this.