Category: Joker

You’re Just a Freak…Like Me

A message for White liberals.

Let’s consider this scene from the second of the Batman trilogy movies; let us consider the Joker (considered “insane” by the masses) as akin to White nationalists and Batman as akin to typical White liberal “good Whites” (and to an extent similar to the general White masses, who believe they’ll somehow survive the coming Colored darkness).  

You’re just a freak…like me.

White liberals like to think they can make common cause with the Coloreds, that they are “good Whites,” that they are allies to “people of color,” that they will be accepted as individuals, and that they will seamlessly fit into the progressive multicultural world of tomorrow.  Truth is, Whites – all Whites – are considered by Coloreds (including Asians, by the way) as The Enemy, simply by virtue of their race.  In the end, White liberals are considered as racial “freaks” just as are White nationalists.  Do you doubt this?  Look at how often ultra-cuck White liberals are accused of “racism” by their Colored “allies,” all the nonsense about “implicit bias” (even if you are an anti-White ultra liberal White you are still somehow an anti-Colored racist, it’s in your blood), and the even greater nonsense about “White Privilege” (even the good White liberals benefit from that “invisible knapsack,” don’t you know). Whites anywhere and everywhere can never escape from their Whiteness, regardless of what they do and what they believe.  And in some cases, the “freakishness” is considered literally: thus, Whites are “Ice People,” creations of the “mad scientist Yakub,” and “Whiteness is a relatively new genetic mutation.”  

So, as a WN I say to the White liberal that you are not one of them, regardless of how much you would like to be.  You’re just a freak…like me.

They need you right now, but when they don’t, they’ll cast you out….

As a corollary to the above, White liberals will be tolerated by the Coloreds for just as long as those Whites are useful.  Once Whites are safely a minority everywhere, the good Whites will be cast out just like the rest.  The “progressives” below deck on the ship in The Camp of the Saints were killed by the brownster hordes once Europe was reached, no?  When Fanon said that Whites would be eliminated with the indispensable help of the Whites themselves, what’s going to happen to the Whites after that?  And the Jewish leaders of the Colored hordes tell us that the White race (all of us, not just the “bad” Whites) must be “abolished.”  There’s no future for Whites in the Colored Future.  White liberals: you’ll be cast out of the progressive paradise along with the rest of us.

You have nothing to threaten me with…

On the surface, the System can persecute WNs, and does so very well.  But the concept of WN, the inner necessity of WN, the ideals of WN are beyond threatening by a corrupt System, which, despite all its strength, cannot even save itself.  So, yes, just as Batman physically threatens and attacks the Joker, WNs are persecuted, but just as the Joker remains unbroken in his inner self, so does WN survive.  In reality, the only ones who can really destroy WN (for as long as Whites exist) are WNs themselves (and unfortunately they are going a fine job of doing just that).