Category: America is finished

What’s the Idea?

What is America?

We are told that America is not defined by a core racial or ethnic group but is instead defined by an idea. We are told that Americans are not a particular ancestry group but people who agree with this idea.

Putting aside the laughable assertion that all of the competing groups in America actually agree on anything fundamental, we can ask a more basic question – what’s the idea?  What actually IS the idea that defines America?  Can anyone tell me?

Freedom? The current USA is defined by a social control apparatus that commands human behavior via myriad de jure and de facto mechanisms in order to manage the chaos of diversity and multiculturalism. We have numerous civil rights laws (de jure) and an endless array (de facto) of social pricing controls, as well as government-corporate cooperation, all in order to stifle dissent, particularly dissent from the disappearing White majority. Freedom of association does not exist, freedom of speech is being constantly eroded – what is this freedom? Where is this freedom?  It is all a lie; it is all a mirage.

Making a better life? Is that the idea? “The American Dream?” The current American ideology is one of “equity” – enforced equal outcomes, reducing all to the lowest common denominator. The American industrial economy has been outsourced to China and elsewhere, the remaining “economy” is a Ponzi scheme of shuffling money around, the middle class is in decline and income inequality constantly increases (likely a reason the elites, who benefit from this income inequality, push the “equity” nonsense to attack the White middle class/working class that they hate, and whose response to income inequality they fear), and Americans have become a herd of overweight, drug-addicted, dumb, cowardly sheep.

Democracy? We have a System that is essentially an oligarchy, with a suppressed and oppressed White majority, and when the people elect a President (who ends up being a lazy, useless, good-for-nothing) that the elites do not like, the elites conspire against him, and “our” military essentially behaves as if they want to have a coup, and plot treason with foreign governments.

Tolerance? The System is intolerant of Whites, White Identity, and pro-White activism; indeed, the System is defined by its totalitarian intolerance. Treating everyone fairly, everyone treated the same – equality?  No, Whites are a subaltern untouchable under-caste; the whole “equity” paradigm implies treated people non-equally, giving advantages to non-Whites. A half-century of affirmative action disadvantaging White men for the benefit of everyone else apparently hasn’t been enough, now the System is really going to show us how to discriminate against Whites, particularly against White men.

So – what’s the idea?  What is the defining idea of America?

Answer: The United States of America is nothing more or less than a group of (mostly fat and stupid) disparate peoples living together in the same territory under the same government, ruled by self-interested, rent-seeking elites who are fearful of losing their hold over a disintegrating nation.

America Is Finished

An economic analysis.
Multiculturalism, immigration, free trade, Jewish influence – have all destroyed America. A hollowed out economy is just a symptom of the disease, as is the traitorous and feckless White Gentile political class that allowed all of this to happen.
A diverse America is an America in terminal decline.  The world is handed over to Asian robots, the human photocopiers.
What a waste.