Category: Bulgaria

Happy Saint Adolf’s Day, 4/20/21

And other news. In all cases, emphasis added.

Happy Saint Adolf’s Day, April 20, 2021.

This is American Renaissance:

John Smith  

Anybody who isn’t an Anglo-Saxon of Northern European descent with light skin is a person of color.

George Clooney is fully Northern European but he sure as hell isn’t very “White”? Is he? I’ve seen Sicillians and Jews who are whiter then Clooney.

The French and other Southern European nations were all ruled by the Roman Empire which was mixed race. Including big parts of Southern Germany.

White people are Norweigans, Danes, Swedes, Dutch, Northern Germans, English, Irish and Scottish who have LIGHT skin. Anybody not listed is “a person of color”. Even those Eastern Europeans who have a lot of Central Asian admixture.

Not only are Southern and Eastern Europeans all non-White admixed cringing mongrels, but even darker Northern Europeans like George Clooney are non-White as well. Dat Right!

I recently wrote:

The Alt Right seems to have been enriched with younger Type I ethnic fetishists, people who indeed seem involved in activism to make up for personal deficiencies and who have little else other than their racial identities. Thus, among the majority of these “activists” who are Herrenvolkthere’s a tendency toward an exaggerated Nordicism, and a navel-gazing focus on their own ethnicity. We can then understand why hostility toward non-Nordic Europeans, fueled by the narcissism of small differences, is increasing…

That seems to fit “John Smith” very well. One can imagine him as some fellow playing video games in his mother’s basement, looking into a mirror from time to time to admire his light complexion, and obsessing over his Northwest European Celto-Germanic heritage, without which he would have nothing except his video game scores and the semen stains on the front of his sweat pants from jacking off to anime.

Some may say that comments like that of “John Smith” are so extreme and absurd (e.g., George Clooney [and other “Paleo-Atlantid” Northern Europeans] is “non-White”) that they are likely from anti-White, leftist trolls trying to be divisive.  But that’s the point, isn’t it – Nordicism becomes so ridiculous that one cannot with certainty distinguish a genuine Nordicist from leftist trolling. The ends result is the same.

I call Jeelvy a “Turko-Albanian” as a joke – mocking ridicule – to puncture his pretensions, but, alas, to the Herrenvolk, that designation is all too real:

FortunatusApril 19, 2021 at 6:38 am

Being a closed club, is not the same as having a national soul. The mafia is a closed club too. I thought you were talking about a meaningful nationalism based on blood on soil and a national soul and a national culture.

We are here discussing the problems of White people. And from my observation (I am a German living in Germany, which after 1945 was turned by the victors into a dumping ground for the riffraff of the world) the people of the Balkans often are somewhat Mischlinge between Turcs and Europeans proper. The occupation of the region by Turcs for centuries clearly had an influence on the gene pool, and at the end to Antiquity there was a fertility crisis of epic proportion, so I assume some Mischlinge from the East settled in that vacuum. So it would be very wrong to think the ancestors of your people fought in a phalanx with Alexander the Great.

So for me it is an open question what role the people of the Balkans can play in a discussion of a nationalism of White people. I don’t want to be divisive. So perhaps one can avoid this discussion.

But when someone from the Balkans comes along and denies Europeans in a very al fresco discussion of history their national identity (you seem completely ignore the fact that regional identity can coexist with a national identity), this will provoke some reaction from someone who knows a thing or two about your people.

I can understand where Jeelvy’s obnoxious posturing offends people, like this German, but the problem is that other Balkanoids are not responsible for Jeelvy’s stupid antics. Thus, because of his (justified) anger toward Jeelvy, this (alleged, self-described) German reveals his own hidden animus toward Balkan peoples. We see the typical Herrenvolk assumption that everyone else is admixed, but they themselves are pure, an assumption I have repeatedly challenged here.

In any event, we see the typical outcome of when people engage in ethnic gamesmanship – it antagonizes other people, who make their own offensive comments, and we get never-ending cycles of ethnic animus. Jeelvy is a master at starting these cycles of offense. Assuming he’s not doing it intentionally, then the man’s an idiot.

Nick JeelvyApril 19, 2021 at 5:16 am

Bulgaria got its name from the Bulgars and its language from Slavs, but they are the same people more or less who’ve lived there for centuries – i. e. Thracians.

Incorrect.  See this. See this figure. Now, that figure should NOT be taken literally, as it suffers from the same basic problems as supervised admixture analyses, both in the literature and from the testing companies – the choice of parental populations used will determine how the findings are structured. Interpreting the same populations with a different set of reference samples would yield a different set of ancestral components and percentages. That said, the data (such as they are), combined with other studies, and taking into account history, strongly suggest a significant contribution of Slavic ancestry to the Bulgarian genepool. The following seems reasonable:

Early gene flows between southeastern and eastern Europe make it difficult to obtain a correct estimate, although young enough identical by descent segments confirmed such connection and that the East and West Slavs share more identical by descent segments with South Slavs than with Greeks, inter-Slavic populations (a group of Romanians, Gagauz), but less with Balts, while the South Slavs share similar number with East and West Slavs, but fewer with Greeks.

I think most likely that the Bulgarians are mostly mix of indigenous Balkan (Thracian and other groups) and Slavic ancestry, with some fractional ancestry from Bulgars and other groups. But that is only my opinion, my interpretation, and I could be wrong. Unlike Der Retards of Der Movement, I don’t make definitive claims on subjects like this, claiming my opinion is a “fact” that “everyone knows.” I do think though that there is a general consensus among those that study Bulgarian ancestry that there is a Slavic component, but that component is less than what is found in, e.g., Poles.

More on the stupid Jeelvy article:

FortunatusApril 16, 2021 at 4:06 pm

It is never classy to allege that your audience is full of monsters created by propaganda and other evil means after their basic national soul has been destroyed, whereas oneself is the real thing.

I am pretty sure one could say very bad things about modern Macedonians as well. I did a quick picture search and what I saw was not a very pretty sight. If they have preserved their national soul, why do they wear the same garbage clothes like everybody in the West? And I am sure that the Macedonia youth does not sing the song of their ancestors while they annoy as expats others in the West (why did they emigrate, if they have preserved their blood-and-soil-nationalism?).

But I am not here to denigrate you, since I think you are a half decent writer, but this stupid bragging was a bit much.

PhoenixApril 17, 2021 at 3:45 pm

Yea, the Macedonian arrogance thing was laughable.

Also, this guy seems to be unaware that America was a mixture of different European ethnicities at it’s founding.

That last comment is completely consistent with my previous statements about how Europeans know very little about America and American history. Then they complain how the “Yanks” and the “Hamburgers” know nothing about Europe.  Pot, kettle.

Rotten Georgia Peach

And other news. In all cases, emphasis added.

And here we go.

A White-hating Black radical is elected Senator from Georgia, and the White-hating Jew is in the lead for the other seat. Oh, well, at least the Spencer-Wallace Quota Queens will be happy. 

The disaster unfolds.

Let us consider together. I warned all of you that Trump was a fraud and a buffoon back in 2015-2016.  I ridiculed the fervent Trump worship from Der Movement, all of the shocking naivete and the pitifully bad judgment. I shook my head sadly as Johnson and McCulloch (indirectly) debated and discussed whether the “inevitable victory” of the White Right will require “fifty years” or “will happen sooner.” I attacked Der Movement and Der Right in general for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, for wasting the golden opportunity for right-wing populism inherent in the 2016 election, and for leaving the “movement” and the state of Whites in general far worse than it was four years ago.

Of course, I was, and am, completely correct, and the motley crew of freaks, perverts, Quota Queens, fools, grifters, and retards making up the “leadership” of your failed “movement” were, and am, completely wrong.

And guess what – a solid Democratic control of the federal government won’t sit around doing nothing for two years, like the GOP did from 2017-2019.

Get ready for a bumpy ride. And watch the unimaginative dullards who are your affirmative action “leadership” navigate these treacherous waters with their stated grand strategy of “more of the same.”

At what point will the rank-and-file rebel against this disastrous “leadership?”

Bad news from Counter-Currents.

Beyond that, it was our best year ever in terms of fundraising

I still stand by my long-range forecast of the decline of that site, but for now, the moronic rank-and-file keep on flushing money down the “movement” toilet.  Note though how Italy is not on the list of the top 20 nations visiting Counter-Currents. Is that due to the anti-Italian sentiments on that site?  I am often critical of Italians, but let’s give credit where credit is due – they at least have the sense not to patronize a site that despises them. But Bulgaria, Spain, and Greece need to do better.  Come on guys, why support a site that hates you?

Another intellectual, high-brow Counter-Currents cartoon.

Laugh at this.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. 

Being born?  Writing for Counter-Currents?

Although most of these mistakes have merely led to embarrassing moments and memories, I am starting to notice the consequences of my lifestyle choices. 

Yes, you are a pathetic waste of humanity.

To put it bluntly, I have wasted a lot of time pursuing the wrong women

Eastern Europeans, whose homelands you are invading?

…While these experiences have made me the person I am today, I sometimes feel that my future is somewhat limited

Well, you are writing for Counter-Currents.

…our adventures are not over until the fat lady sings.

Your newest girlfriend?

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to wake up early each morning to exercise. As I was working out this morning

Struggling to lift a ten pound dumbbell?

Just like Siegfried, my search for a female partner has created a lot of drama in my life. 

How about looking in Denmark?

Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted a girlfriend that listened to heavy metal. Yet I quickly realized that the average woman does not listen to heavy metal. 

Very perceptive of you.

So for most of my life, I ended up in relationships with women that I had little in common with, other than our race and our age. 

Note that he doesn’t mention ethnicity. Strange, isn’t it, for a stridently ethnonationalist website?

Naturally, this resulted in several failed relationships.

And no successful ones?

I would have preferred to find a woman with whom I had common interests and compatible personalities, but that was never really my experience. 

I’m shocked, shocked I say!

Finding common ground with a woman has also become more difficult …it seems that slaying a dragon is sometimes easier than finding a girlfriend. 

Maybe being an over-earnest autiste has something to do with it?

…it is better to be alone without any friends…

I’m sure you’re doing well, then.

Some of the people who I thought were my closest friends ended up betraying me and abandoning me at the worst moments….they avoided me like the plague.

Smart folks, no doubt.

Thoughts on Trump, 9/15/20

And other news.

Thoughts on Trump:

One thing that will be interesting about a Trump victory in 2020 will be how his fanboys will adjust their excuses for his continued uselessness and inaction after that. After all, the excuse of “he’s holding back so as to not endanger his chances of re-election” will no longer hold. Let’s see.  First, they’ll say that “Trump is holding back so as to not endanger the GOP in the 2022 mid-term elections.”  After that, it’ll be “Trump is holding back so as to not endanger the GOP Presidential candidate in 2024.” There will always be excuses. The excuses never end, just as Trump defending the interests of his base never begins.

Trump’s covid-19 comments to Woodward are not “bad” because of their actual content – it is just more Trumpian bluster, which never matches what he actually does (or, more often, does not do).  By cutting off travel from China, he did more than any Democrat would have done at that time in his place, as they were all criticizing even that small step as “xenophobic;” the anti-Trump press were mocking him as a paranoid “germaphobe” and telling us that covid-19 was no threat.

No, the real problem here is that Trump would talk to a leftist journalist with a proven history of Republican Presidency-wrecking, that Trump would show such juvenile lack of judgment and political savvy (*) so as to go on record with his true feelings on the matter, compromising himself to the brain-dead public (who can’t distinguish rhetoric from action) during an election year. Trump is really an incompetent jackass and a laughably vulgar buffoon, as this blog has been telling you since 2016.

*One reason the Quota Queens love Trump so much is that they see themselves reflected in him – an incompetent, no judgment, juvenile, affirmative action case who doesn’t have the intellectual and behavioral “chops” to handle the job he has, a job he is making a mess of.

Other news:

Moronic Chinatrix-loving HBDer is voting for Biden.

Danish Roosh invades Bulgaria.

The written history of Sofia begins with the conquest of the Serdi tribe in Serdica by the Romans in 29 BC. During the decline of the Roman Empire, Serdica was invaded by the Huns, Visigoths, and Slavs. In 809, Serdica became part of the First Bulgarian Empire and was known as Sredets. The Byzantines took over the area in 1018, but the Bulgarians reclaimed the city in 1194. For the next 200 years, Sredets developed into an economic and cultural hub in the region. That all changed when the Ottomans conquered the area in 1382. Around this time, the city became known as Sophia. Between 1520 and 1836, Sophia was the regional capital of Rumelia Eyalet, one of the main provinces of the Ottoman Empire.

Very interesting.  Of course, he left out the invasion by the Bulgars, the group that, you know, the nation is named after.  But what’s a bit of historical omission between friends, eh?  I mean, the “First Bulgarian Empire” was established by who, exactly?

As a wanderer, dissident, and white nationalist, I hope that all stray dogs…

Real funny.  In actuality, it were the whining West European Herrenvolk who prevented the Bulgarians from solving their stray dog problem.  The same in Romania. Stray dogs, refugees…who cares as long as the Bulgarians suffer, right?  They’re only wogs, right?  But, alas, pathological altruism (enforced on others) has a way of backfiring, eh?

…heroes, and people find a home of their own.

In your case, either America or Denmark.  Not Bulgaria.  Not Eastern Europe.  Please leave.

This is a useful review of On Genetic Interests, although I can quibble that some of the numbers may be outdated and some of the definitions wrong.

Read about Jodie Huang here.  Now, once again, Sallis is right and others, in this case, Derbyshire is wrong.

Sallis promotes the idea of a Tropical or South-South, pan-Colored Alliance, of all “people of color” against Whites, in which Asians play a fundamentally important role.  Sallis promotes the idea that the existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.  Derbyshire on the other hand, with his Chinese wife (“measured groveling” – his words describing his behavior towards her) and his half-Chinese children, promotes the absurd idea of an “Arctic Alliance” of Whites and Asians vs. non-Asian coloreds.

With the Huang case, we once again, for the umpteenth time, observe Asian solidarity with Blacks and other Colored against Whites.  We once again observe Yellow as key component of the rising tide of color against White interests.  Just because a pitiful miscgenenator chooses “measured groveling” as a marital strategy doesn’t obligate the rest of us to ignore the Asian threat.

Odds and Ends, 8/10/20

Various items.

Mike Mentzer.

Comments about the video:

Quantum Potential

I like how Mike says “morons to the far left and geniuses to the far right”. Classic commentary from the mind behind the scenes of bulking and hulking.

marren lacy

The Left is the home of morons…. i have always known this to be true!

Mentzer indeed says “morons to the far left and geniuses to the far right”.  He also refers to “Negroes.”  Listen from 12:50-13:15.  Unfortunately, Mentzer was a Randian objectivist.

By the way, Mentzer’s views on HIT seem to make sense to me.  People with great genetic potential can gain with any system, but ordinary people, and particularly the genetically less gifted, likely need approaches more similar to HIT. That’s for prioritizing muscular development, but with a secondary benefit of strength increases, as you do progressive overload over time. However, for maximal strength development, prioritizing strength, with muscular development secondary, you would do multiple sets of low reps with a heavy weight.  

More Mentzer:

And it’s also true that there’s a lot of homosexual hustling going on. It’s been going on since the inception of bodybuilding in the early part of the century. It appears that there’s a faction of homosexuals who find bodybuilders irresistible and are willing to pay them considerable sums of money for sexual favors. I know a number of bodybuilders who have done this, too, but for obvious reasons I’m not going to reveal their names.

The Mannerbund!

Mentzer and the Negroid:

How central a role does genetics figure in bodybuilding? The answer is, perhaps, best illustrated in the following anecdote. Invariably, during the question and answer portion of every seminar that I’ve ever conducted, a skeptic will ask, “But, Mr. Mentzer, if Heavy Duty training is truly the one valid, scientific approach to training, how do you account for the success of men like Arnold and Lee Haney?” To which, my stock reply is, “If you wanted to learn the most effective method for developing an optimum suntan, would you ask someone of negroid heritage?” The point being, of course, that while there are those born with the best tan possible (negroid), others swelter on beaches in the summer to obtain a moderate skin burnishing, and yet others will never tan, i.e., albinos.

Come now, according to Der Movement, Bulgarians and Gypsies are one and the same!

Of relevance to this, see this older post.

A beautiful online comment from the execrable Counter-Currents (CC) site:


Posted August 7, 2020 at 10:05 am | Permalink

CC has been falling since a couple of years, and now we can say that’s finished: intellectual masturbation about obscure topics, book reviews of texts no one care about, and clever articles about musical albums of Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift. Even false flag operations and controlled opposition sites have better content than this shite.

The reason the jews and their lackeys are winning is not because they are better, but because the ones fighting [sic, lol] them are just cowards, hobbysts, kooks, and fags.

The jews won, the White race is pretty much finished, and it deserved. If a people is not willing to do what has to be done in order to secure its existence and future for his children then it deserves nothing more than death.

Hail Andy!  What else to expect when Johnson feuds with and alienates his best writers?  Hey, Andy, I’ve been saying here for a long time that Counter-Currents eventually will slide into Majority Rights-like irrelevance.  Not for a while though – just like the USA is taking a long time to collapse, as it spends the political-social-economic-moral-technical-military capital built up by past generations, so has Counter-Currents a long way to fall from the heights it had when quality people wrote for it, as opposed to the current crop of immature jackasses.  Plus, Johnson possess considerable affirmative action protections for “choosing the right ancestors.”  But give it time. It seems on the surface that Counter-Currents is riding high.  But the rot is already there, and eventual collapse is baked into the cake, absent some sort of radical change in direction.

Yockey vs. the ethnonationalists (from Imperium):

But the greatest opposition of all has not yet been named, the conflict which will take up all the others into itself. This is the battle of the Idea of the Unity of the West against the nationalism of the 19th century. Here stand opposed the ideas of Empire and petty-stateism, large-space thinking and political provincialism. Here find themselves opposed the miserable collection of yesterday-patriots and the custodians of the Future. The yesterday-nationalists are nothing but the puppets of the extra-European forces who conquer Europe by dividing it. To the enemies of Europe, there must be no rapprochement, no understanding, no union of the old units of Europe into a new unit, capable of carrying on 20th century politics.

The battle against the ethnonationalist filth, against the petty nationalists, may well be a defining battle of the Right.

See this:

Derbyshire’s entire argument boils down to this thesis: “Yes, miscegenation is bad, but only a small number of people are doing it, so it’s fine for me to do it. And if you have a problem with that, then come over to my house and I’ll punch you in the face.”

Of interest (emphasis added):

Codreanu had an enduring influence in Italy. His views and style were attested to have influenced the controversial Traditionalist philosopher and racial theorist Julius Evola. Evola himself met with Codreanu on one occasion, and, in the words of his friend, the writer and historian Mircea Eliade, was “dazzled”.[141] Reportedly, the visit had been arranged by Eliade and philosopher Vasile Lovinescu, both of whom sympathized with the Iron Guard.[142] Their guest later wrote that the Iron Guard founder was: “one of the worthiest and spiritually best oriented figures that I ever met in the nationalist movements of the time.”[143] According to De Felice, Codreanu has also become a main reference point for the Italian neofascist groups, alongside Evola and the ideologues of Nazism. He argues that this phenomenon, which tends to shadow references to Italian Fascism itself, is owed to Mussolini’s failures in setting up “a true fascist state”, and to the subsequent need of finding other role models.[144] Evola’s disciple and prominent neofascist activist Franco Freda published several of Codreanu’s essays at his Edizioni di Ar,[145] while their follower Claudio Mutti was noted for his pro-Legionary rhetoric.[146]

Laugh at this:

When people in the Dissident Right think about Sweden…

They get intractable priapisms.

…we often think of a country at the pinnacle of anti-white propaganda and anarcho-tyranny. 

But I thought that they were all hardy individualists?

Nevertheless, Swedish culture has had a great influence on my life…

The life spent in Eastern Europe, being a Danish Roosh.

…from the music I listen to each day to the furniture I fall asleep on each night. 

I suppose milady makes him sleep on the couch a lot.  Who can blame her?

Furthermore, much of our fascination and modern-day perception of the Vikings comes from…

Your sweaty fetishism.

As ethnic nationalists…

We live in other people’s nations and take their women.

…we can learn a few things from these Swedish artists to form a collective identity…

Collective?  I thought that the Swedes were all highly individualist high trust northern hunter gatherers?

After college, I worked as an inventory manager at IKEA. 

With an eye out for the Eastern European ladies.

It made me mad…

So he held his breath, stomped his feet, and counted to ten.  After that, mommy gave him a cookie.

We must remind our people that they are the descendants of warriors and adventurers. From the spartan and the gladiator, to the Cossacks and the Vikings…

Any reason that “spartan” is not capitalized but “Vikings” is?  Sort of like “white” vs. “Black?”

…we are a race of heroes. 

Heroically writing that deer are “cute.”  Wield your battleaxe!

All I can say is that when I went to the Scandza Forum in Stockholm, I met Swedish people that were just like me. They looked like me, talked like me, and had the same concerns and goals as me. 

Except that they lived in Sweden and were not doing “Bang East Europe.”

Yet if Barbara Lerner Spectre has taught us anything, it is that white Europeans have not yet learned to unify as a racial group. 

Racial?  I thought you guys were ethnonationalists?