Category: accountability

WDR41: Sallis Defamed Again

Against Greg Johnson.

Following up on this.

Western Destiny Radio episode 41Listen here.

Background material (in all cases, emphasis added):

The Nash VNN piece.

Goad’s reaction. One correction – the Trad News piece states:

Goad, who once confessed to paying a Black boy to suck him off…

Listening to the Luke Ford Show episode, Goad says that the Negro paid him, as opposed to what Trad News says. From the JP Nash VNN review is this excerpt from Goad’s writing that supports my understanding of the Luke Ford Show segment:

Some skinny black kid with glasses paid me five bucks for the privilege of letting him suck my cock on the concrete stairwell to a fluorescent-lit Norristown subterranean parking lot, and he had his eyes closed all worshipfully slobbering all over it and said I could fuck him if I wanted to but I said no, and the way he fawned over my bone…

But, of course, any association with me is what harms the reputation of “movement” “leaders.”

The Amren Romania article.

The Amren article about Zoltan Hajnal.

Author Marisa Abrajano, whose origins we can only imagine from her name and appearance, teaches political science at UC San Diego. Zoltan Hajnal also teaches at UC San Diego. Zoltan is a Hungarian name, so it’s unlikely his ancestors came over on the Mayflower. White Backlash is published by Princeton University Press.

This is the perfect symbol for our degenerate times. Foreigners tell the American founding stock how benighted and deserving of oblivion we are, and are published by one of the country’s most prestigious academic presses. We have work to do.

Hajnal speaking.  Foreigner?

General background.

Data leak.

Polignano tape.

Matt Forney statement.

Apparently Parrott has been “rehabilitated” by Counter-Currents, compare this:



He’s intelligent, but his intellect has been ruined by insanity. I regret tolerating him and people like Parrott as long as I did. Better people saw it as indecent. It harmed my reputation.

With this:

Angelo Plume (Telegram, YouTube) and Matt Parrott (Telegram, Substack) were Greg Johnson‘s special guests on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, which was the fourth meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club…

Lots of people seem to be a problem for Johnson; it’s all our fault it seems:


I listened to the end of this interview, where I was discussed. Your claim that I told you in an email (an email that is conveniently lost on an old computer) that I am a homosexual is a flat out lie. (And anyone with ears can HEAR it in your voice.) I have our old correspondence. But I don’t need to check it, because I know that I said nothing of the kind, nor would I.

I wrote an article protesting the crude queer bashing on VNN. I republished that article in my CONFESSIONS OF A RELUCTANT HATER. If you want, you can use that as a fig leaf.

You admitted that you were being an asshole. Why not clear the air fully and just admit that you pulled that claim out of your ass in anger, because I was besting you in a debate? You speak of your political instincts and deride me for my lack thereof. Well, you constantly urge people to imitate the Jews: lie, cheat, and kill. That pretty much impeaches your credibility as a source right there. If that is what you mean by political instincts, I am pleased to be without them.

I have accused you, Brad Griffin, Sam Dickson, and others of narcissism, and I mean it in a very specific sense: narcissists lie, cheat, and even kill to project and maintain a false image of themselves in their own minds and the minds of others. They refuse to take responsibility for their acts, preferring to make others pay the price, because admission of responsibility would threaten their false self-image, their desire to always seem to be in the right. Such people are often called “sore losers.” M. Scott Peck simply describes them as “evil.”

I don’t see any value in associating with such people. I even have doubts about the wisdom of writing this, because even addressing you this way presupposes that you have a modicum of honesty and decency.

This is my beef with you: You are a very clever writer, but you aren’t honest, and it sabotages you and destroys your credibility.

Hell, it harms my credibility even to address you. As a friend pointed out to me: “A man whose colleagues are Kevin MacDonald and Phil Rushton cannot also treat Alex Linder and Hunter Wallace as colleagues, because the latter are morally and psychologically, if not ideologically, the same as the kind of creeps who attack and harass MacDonald and Rushton. It is indecent to associate with such people, even to attack them.

Sound familiar?

Linder’s response.

Johnson’s penchant for feuding with others in the Dissident Right has not only been noticed by the Far Right but by its opponents as well; this from the SPLC:

…his criticism of various people or doctrines in the far-right movement has led him to very public feuds with other far-right personalities.

Patrik Hermansson:

American alt-right figure Greg Johnson admired the London Forum so much that he replicated the concept in New York and Seattle with closed conferences of hard-core activists addressed by leading speakers from the far right.

One sunny Saturday in June, I joined the list of speakers at one of these forums in Seattle. I had intended to attend as a guest but one week before the event Johnson contacted me and asked me to give the opening address, removing any doubt in my mind that I was now accepted as part of this movement.

David Lewis:

Back in January, I e-mailed Dr. Greg Johnson, organizer of Northwest Forum, Seattle’s hottest closed-door white nationalist convention, asking for an interview on the latest in regional racism. He turned me down. Thanks to the internet, the far right no longer needs the mainstream media to get its message out. Print, television, and radio lose their relevance when everybody’s just a click away from Pepe the Frog, Disney songs dubbed with racist lyrics, and pseudo-intellectual essays that somehow try to bring ancient Rome into all this.

Also thanks to the internet, it only took me about an hour to change my identity from David Lewis, Seattle historian, to Dave Lewis, Neo-Nazi film editor and aspiring book critic from Charlottesville, currently living in Los Angeles. This Dave Lewis has never been to Seattle, but has always wanted to attend Northwest Forum.

My film editor persona dangled a giant chunk of cheese in front of Dr. Johnson. In addition to being a racist, Johnson is also a huge cinephile who has published two books of “pro-white” movie reviews wherein he rants against Zootopia as “pure evil” but surprisingly enjoyed 8 Mile. The role of film editor also worked to my advantage because, despite a recent fundraising spike, the white nationalist movement still has a hard time attracting people with artistic or technical talent.

Dr. Johnson bit the cheese. Entry into Northwest Forum typically requires “extreme vetting,” which means meeting in person and getting a beer with one of the Northwest’s white separatist organizations like True Cascadia. But I didn’t even have to send in a photo after mentioning that, as a Charlottesville native (actually from Ballard), I was writing an essay titled Tear Down Lee and Put Up Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln, World’s Greatest White Nationalist.

Pilleater tape.

Listen to this.

Of relevancy given Johnson’s accusations about “mental illness” and the “little bitch” comment” –

Mike Polignano: “We had sort of sick codependency. I allowed him to speak for me instead of speaking for myself. Also after a while I began feeling like the bitch in the relationship, handling all the shit work and “housekeeping” chores needed to keep a business running while he engaged with the world and became the face of Counter-Currents.”

“Greg thought it wisest to lock me up in a mental hospital rather than trying to stay with me and understand my reality. He told the psychiatrists the loaded gun I kept in the house — which he knew about and was okay with my keeping for defensive purposes during a time we were receiving threats against our physical safety — he told the doctors I had no justification for having it.

“I got committed, had my civil rights [and gun ownership rights] stripped away, and was forced to take antipsychotic medication under threat of state-sanctioned violence.”

See this:

Foreign students can apply to ELTE’s summer university to learn Hungarian and to get to know Hungarian culture. We know that Johnson and Zsutty took part in the course specifically to learn the language, which may indicate that they plan to stay in Hungary for a longer period of time…Johnson has been living in Budapest since he was deported from Norway in 2019, but Zsutty only joined him in 2023. Until now, they had been active almost undisturbed in Hungary, but during the ELTE course, one of the students found out who he was studying with, based on Johnson’s e-mail address, and reported it to the teachers….During the second week of the course, while reading a circular e-mail, one of the students noticed Johnson’s counter-currentses [sic] e-mail address and reported it to his fellow students.

Where are all the Hungarian ethnonationalists when you need them?

What I wrote at Gab on 4/12/24:

I see no reason why someone who “bans” me from their website should have the right to spam my Gab account, hence, Johnson is blocked here.

You can all laugh at the following ludicrous nonsense from Johnson. In response to RaceNatGoy (a reader of EGI Notes who follows me on Gab) making a comment defending my work, Johnson wrote:

Haha. This Ted Sallis praising himself with a sock puppet.

He actually is suggesting that RaceNatGoy and I are the same person. Can you  believe such nonsense?  Your “leaders” make unfounded, false statements with a smug attitude of complete certainty – is such poor judgment surprising given the Hermansson amd Lewis fiascos?

With the permission of RaceNatGoy, I reproduce in this blog post some of the Gab Chat messages I had with him, see this. I suppose that some irrational person (no names of course) may claim that I was direct messaging myself in that Gab Chat as part of a nefarious “insane” plot to establish RaceNatGoy as my dastardly “sock puppet” for future use. Of course, rational individuals will simply recognize that RaceNatGoy and I are different people, and thus Johnson’s “sock puppet” comment is just more poor judgment, laughable jumping to conclusions, and…wrong, wrong, they’re always, always, always wrong.

Here is a real sock puppet account to make things clear to everyone.

Greg Johnson expresses himself:

I think a lot of people who attack other people on the Right do so out of financial motives.

Oh, indeed, I agree. Consider Sallis vs. Der Movement. I ask for no money from anyone; Der Movement is noted for its fundraising and its dependence on supporter donations. Is this part of the reason they ban critics and duck debates? Interaction with critics would help legitimize and disseminate the views of those critics. There is likely an inverse relationship between the degree to which my views and those of other critics are accepted and the level of Der Movement’s  revenue streams via donations. Given the overall importance of fundraising to “movement” “leaders,” that outcome must be avoided at all costs. Thus, they defame me as “mentally ill” and keep their followers isolated from viewpoints, such as mine, that would make those followers lose confidence in the “leaders” (with the consequent drying up of donations).

Laugh at this:

To celebrate, any gift of $120 or above will receive:

At least one year’s paywall subscription (extension for current members; you can also gift paywall memberships to friends)

The Cultured Thug Mug!

Shipping to the US Only

The Jonathan Bowden Cultured Thug Travel Mug

(See above, pictured front & back — single-sided optional if you prefer a more subtle, less violent mug for your commute.)

But, hey, if anyone claims that Der Movement is simply an entertainment brand, then obviously – obviously! – they are simply a mentally ill insane jerky boy freak. It is perfectly natural for an “intellectual center of the Dissident Right” to be selling mugs for money, leveraging the memory of a deceased rightist.That is perfectly, absolutely acceptable, sophisticated, and classy, and don’t you forget it!  Get your cultured thug mug today!  Your package of privileges is expanding!

Don’t forget!

To thank donors who pledge at least $10/month or $120/year, we offer an ever-expanding package of privileges

It is perfectly acceptable for a “pro-White activist site” focused on “metapolitics” to offer “an ever-expanding package of privileges.” Give generously today!  Enjoy your mug, you cultured thug!

Is “Hood” engaging in “sophistry” by shifting the “goalposts?”

Yet, what have we gained in the real world? Nothing. There are still no pro-white elected officials. Indeed, a local official who attended Unite the Right and was attacked by far-left groups was recalled by local Republicans who voted with the far-left rather than ignore the media. No Republicans fight explicitly for white interests, but this is not because they don’t believe in “identity politics.” They trying to ban speech against Israel and Jews, even though Jews mostly do not vote for them. Whites, and whites alone, are utterly unrepresented as a collective interest group.

There have been cutbacks to DEI programs, but the industry (and it is still an industry) is still vastly larger than in 2020. The money spread around just by Jeff Bezos’s ex-wife dwarfs all the money given to ever American nationalist group since the end of World War II. “Anti-racism” is still a great career. The likes of Ibram Kendi get MacArthur Genius Grants and cozy berths in academia, corporations, and government. Even AI is crudely anti-white. Top universities train intelligent young people in what could be called “offense archeology,” or discovering ever-more reasons to take money from whites and give it to blacks. Indoctrination and propaganda work. Generation Z is not “based.” Young Republicans are well to the left of their elders on race.

The entire West has shifted from “colorblind” to overtly anti-white, with “whiteness” defined as privilege, oppression, and exploitation. The Great Replacement goes on unchecked. No white men run a single government in the United Kingdom. America’s foreign-born population has grown by 15 percent in 12 years. Immigration is fueling the greatest population increase in Canadian history — against the wishes of most Canadians.

Of course, if you read the entire post, you will find “Hood” much too optimistic, and too willing to believe that his “movement” is on the right track.  I don’t expect any of those guys to write or say the full start truth – that Der Movement has been, is, and will continue to be a laughable failure, and that whatever progress is being made by ideas – but not in real world practical politics – is occurring despite of, not because of, “movement” buffoonery.

Covid Update, 1/24


I want to write a brief summary as to what my hypothesis is about the covid scenario form the beginning to Jan. 2024.  Again, this is a hypothesis, what I most likely believe happened.  We may never know one way or the other. NIH (and others, likely) funded gain of function viral research in China because it was banned in the USA, and because of the yellow fetishism extant among STEM people. The Chinese, being sloppy and inept, allowed a lab leak.  The original strain that leaked was either:

  • a) of moderate transmissibility and moderate virulence, but of greater virulence toward susceptible people, for whom morbidity and mortality were higher, or
  • b) of moderate transmissibility and moderately high virulence, causing more severe effects at the very beginning, but quickly losing some of that virulence once it started spreading more extensively

The Chinese were unable to contain the initial outbreak.  Realizing this, they essentially adopted a “Rome Falls” (see The Stand) strategy of allowing their citizens to travel internationally to make sure everyone else become infected as quickly as possible, so that China was not in any strategic disadvantage. Yes, it is likely it would have eventually spread anyway, but it could have been significantly delayed if all of the Wei Fuk Yus weren’t going around like Yellow Johnny Appleseeds, spreading contagion.  Of course, humans visiting China at this time also helped the spread, it wasn’t only Chinese.

At the beginning, Der Right and Trump were sounding the alarm about this – a foreign contagion that needed to be stopped by closing borders.  Of course, the leftist, pro-Chinese WHO opposed that, and Da Left accused Trump and Der Right of being xenophobic, racist, germophobes – telling us that there was no threat and we should leave the borders open (as usual), allow travel, go to Chinatown, hug an Asian, etc.  At some point though, Trump became concerned that covid panic would tank the economy and hurt his re-election chances, at which point he started downplaying the covid threat, and Der Right started its contrarian stance about covid as well.  In response, Da Left became hysterically concerned about covid, accusing Trump and Der Right of ignoring the threat – a complete, hypocritical, politically-motivated turnaround.  At the same time, the NIH folks went into a panic and started damage control – cover-up of viral origins, pushing through a vaccine, and instituting lockdowns (likely a good idea if temporary – weeks to a couple of months, but stupidly destructive once the virus became endemic in America).

The vaccine was lousy – of mediocre efficacy and with lots of side effects, but it was what we had, and it likely had some efficacy against the original strains circulating, and may have helped many vulnerable people.  But once it become clear that it didn’t prevent infection and particularly with later strains it didn’t do much of anything but reduce symptoms (if at that), it should NOT have been mandatory at that point.  Meanwhile, the disease went through multiple variants.  Although the delta variant was particularly troublesome for both transmissibility and virulence, the broad trend over time, as is typical in these cases, is increased transmissibility but with decreased virulence.  Meanwhile, the vaccines became more and more ineffective and more was learned about the side effects.  An effort to cover up the side effects also came into play, and certain entities had a financial motive to keep pushing the vaccines.  We are still stonewalled about covid origins.

Today, the scientific establishment and Da Left has been discredited about this, but Der Right partially as well.  The vaccine skeptics were partially (and only partially) right – but for all the wrong reasons.  Der Right discredited itself with kneejerk anti-vaxxism, “viruses don’t exist,” and other contrarian and conspiritard nonsense.  We have all learned nothing from this fiasco.

The bill will come due. We haven’t yet realized all of the long-term health consequences of both covid infection itself as well as the (mRNA) covid vaccinations. There has been no accountability for any of this.

Odds and Ends, 11/26/23

In der news.

Answering the snide Dal Cerro as to what the purpose is for The Great Replacement for those responsible, I divide the problem people into two groups.

First, there are those for whom race replacement is the primary objective. This group includes:

  • Jews who hate and fear Whites, have a historical animus against Europe and Western civilization, and who feel more comfortable among “diversity.”
  • Coloreds who hate Whites and the West and who want to demographically expand at our expense; some of these also have a religious/civilizational imperative to conquer and convert the “infidels.”
  • Hardcore leftists of all races have replaced class struggle with racial struggle; hence, race replacement is a core ideology.

Second, there are those for whom race replacement is a secondary side effect of other impulses:

  • Humanitarians want to help migrants.
  • Anti-racists want more multiculturalism and oppose discrimination against migrants.
  • Women want alien males for sexual purposes.
  • Capitalists want cheap labor.
  • Politicians and others in power want to stabilize declining demographics and the consequences they think will occur because of falling native birthrates – they want more people and don’t care who they are (it is not they want to replace the natives but believe they have no other choice).
  • Leftists want votes and don’t care where they come from – these differ from the leftists in the first group because this second group cares only about political power;; if they could get the votes from Whites they wouldn’t need migrants.
  • Some Coloreds honestly want a better life.
  • Any others who have an interest in the migration that is not directly based on the desire to replace Whites.

Note that the second group continues to promote the invasion even after seeing its effects, so they are not really better than the first group. Is Dal Cerro now satisfied? Can he stop the straw man characterization of the Far Right?

One of the things that reflects a defective and failing institution (including nations) is a lack of accountability, typically coupled with unequal justice, so that for some there is no accountability and for others, less favored, there is perhaps too much accountability. 

This can be observed in mainstream society, where there has been little to no accountability for the violence during the George Floyd riots while Jan. 6 protestors are mercilessly persecuted. The corruption of the Biden family goes unprosecuted, and Fauci can openly like to Congress with impunity, as Senator Paul’s calls for justice are ignored. In contrast, Trump is indicted every five minutes.

Der Movement also exhibits a lack of accountability for itself as a whole and for its Quota Queen leadership – who cares about decades of endless failure and millions of dollars of wasted support?  The poor judgment of these leaders is ignored or excused, and their constant “man on white horse syndrome” delusions (Reagan, Putin, Trump, RFK Jr.) are pathetic, and reached a level of absolute absurdity with their apotheosis of Kanye West.  Accountability?  None.  How about the Hermansson Humiliation or the Pilleater tape?  Zero accountability.  With rare exceptions (Dickie Spinster’s antics finally proved too much for most activists), The Fearless Leaders are never held to account for wrecking White racial activism. On the other hand, that dastardly insane paranoid nasty piece of crap Ted Sallis is banned and blacklisted by the “movement.”  And so it goes.

I may be a reactionary geezer wasteful of paper, but I prefer physical reading material to digital, not only books but journals etc. At least both options should be available. I believe there is something that builds connection by having a physical object (putting aside my ideological disagreements with American Renaissance, and just focusing on this issue, going to a purely digital form was, in my opinion, an error, although allegedly they claimed they had no choice). Related to this is how pathetic Der Movement in America is that (insofar as I know) it has no regular publication that has a physical option that comes out more often than The Occidental Quarterly (TOQ) (4 x year). There are no monthly journals, no weeklies, no daily newspaper formats, nothing. Decades of “activism” and millions of dollars of donations and, other than TOQ (putting aside that the content is usually typical “movement” garbage), there’s nothing except online sites that revolve around page views and fundraising. There’s not even the most indirect forms of community of members receiving and reading the same regular (print) journals or papers.

True story: In my last year of middle school, or first year of high school, we has an substitute teacher in English class – a young, 20-something, Eloi female with a general hippie-like appearance. We were reading a novel in which there was discussion of some weak, skinny boy being ruthlessly bullied. This female then made a quite remarkable speech to the class, stating her opinion that the boy in the novel deserved to be so bullied because he was skinny and weak, and then she looked with disgust at the 12-14 year old White boys (the Coloreds by that age being long ago fully grown and perhaps fathers) in the classroom, and then saying that she sees too many skinny weak boys in class and that her own husband is strong and muscular and be can come and bully us if he wanted to. Again – this is a true story. Milady marches onward.

At the height of McCarthyism, it was not a wise career choice to be an open Marxist. However, the McCarthy threat was eliminated and it was not so long after his downfall that academics, including American university professors, could be open Marxists and no one would bat an eye. Certainly today, being a Marxist is perfectly acceptable; however, anyone who is an open Fascist/National Socialist/White nationalist cannot show their face in public without the threat of getting “Spinstered,” much less be a college professor or anything of the sort. Even MAGAtards are under threat, and yet Marxists do their thing with complete impunity. So, this difference cries out for an explanation, and I am not going to give any quick, glib answers here, other than to say, as I have in the past, that the Right essentially ceded all American institutions, and popular culture, to the Left without putting up much of a fight. The Left marched through the institutions unopposed as the naive Right thought winning occasional elections had meaning, and as the Right basked in self-righteous anti-intellectual reverse snobbery. This is an issue that needs to be analyzed, discussed, and debated, but fat chance of that in your “movement” where Greg #1 tells you “we’re winning” before rattling the tin cup, and Greg #2 tells us how bad everything is, with no solutions in sight. There are consequences when people like me are banned and blacklisted, and a lack of serious discussion is one of them.

See this. I suggest that just like individuals can have this “instant dislike” for each other, based on the reasons cited in the article (and, likely, other reasons as well), so to can ethnies have such an innate disdain. The relationship between Anglos and Italians, for example, can be viewed through this lens (and, more generally, Eloi vs. Morlock tensions).

The idea that (White) racism is inherently bad and that being a (White) racist is the worst thing someone can be, worthy of social ostracism (or worse), needs to be deconstructed. I assume that a major argument against racism is that it causes people to be unjustly treated badly based on innate characteristics over which they have no control. If so, why is it socially acceptable to attack people on the basis of being White and/or men? Why is it considered “good sport” to ridicule, say, a male political candidate for (allegedly) wearing heel lifts because of short stature? Why do we make distinctions between people based on innate characteristics for fitness with respect to various jobs and positions? Can a blind person by an airline pilot? Can a spastic weakling be a professional athlete? Further, why is negative racism (“hate”) always stressed rather than a positive attachment toward those more genetically similar, which is an extension of family? Is it by extension always unjust to favor family? And if “people have done terrible things because of racism” can we not say the same about equality, religion, or many other ideas? Why the selective outrage? Do we go back to the innate characteristics issue, already discussed above? And what about positive things done on the basis of preferring one’s own kind, often celebrated as “patriotism” (and hijacked by civic nationalism)?

We are now seeing the Nikki test. If after everything, after Trump and MAGA and everything else, will White GOP voters backslide and not only support a neoconservative but a non-White female neoconservative? Are Whites really that stupid and feckless? So far, the test is being somewhat failed. Someone like Haley shouldn’t be getting any support whatsoever; who knows, if Trump has to bow out, she may become the frontrunner. But “we’re winning.” I’m disappointed; I thought that we had moved on from the neocons, but I underestimated the Eloi vote.

Speaking of Trump and politics, back in 2016 the Quota Queens were saying that Trump was the last chance, the last hope, for White America. Well, Trump was elected, betrayed his White base for four years (as even many in Der Movement now admit), lost in 2020, we’ve had years of Biden, Trump is facing multiple indictments, etc. So, is all hope lost for White America? If so, why do the Quota Queens tell you “we’re winning” and ask for more money? If not, when will they admit that they were wrong with their previous statements, once again demonstrating poor judgment and hyperbolic language?

An American Renaissance commentator writes (emphasis added):

I’ve been reading AmRen since ’91 (a year after you started) when you were a newsletter mailed to your house. Occasionally, I’d write in a comment and occasionally you’d publish it in the next installment.

I’ve also been reading 90+% of the articles on AmRen (and Vdare) since you went on the Net and have commented on a ton of them.

I hate to say this, but every now and then, I feel like NOTHING I’ve ever said has made a damn bit of difference. Things have just kept getting worse and worse (part-time since LBJ was first elected and full-time since ’67-’68). Maybe you feel the same way; maybe you don’t. AmRen is banned from almost everywhere and Litigious James (NY AG who’s suing Trump) is trying to shut down Vdare.

I won’t stop reading and I might comment here and there, but it won’t mean a damn thing. It’s just a way to let off a little steam, but other than that, it won’t mean a damn thing..

That’s correct – “it won’t mean a damn thing.” Der Movement, Inc. is merely an entertainment brand. Just accept the harsh truth, folks.

I believe I have figured out why Der Right positively obsesses over the work of Tolkien (e.g., The Lord of the Rings) and Herbert (e.g., Dune) but ignores Wolfe (e.g., The Book of the New Sun) and Vance (e.g., Dying Earth works) even though all of these books focus on more traditionalist societies that are either non-technological, post-technological and/or archaeofuturist, or skeptical of technology. Tolkien and Herbert present their societies in fundamentally positive terms, while for Wolfe and Vance their societies are obviously negative. The worlds of, e.g., Severian (Wolfe) and Cugel (Vance) are dystopian, unpleasant, and dangerous – in both cases, literal dead ends. That negatively conflicts with “movement” fantasies and prejudices in favor of anti-technological, traditionalist societal constructs. Thus, after reading Wolfe and Vance it is difficult to get excited over Der Ethnostate, in which sturdy Nordic peasantry will use crossbows to shoot down Chinese ICBMs.

In theory, in an optimal situation, all pro-White activists of every ideological permutation – Pan-Europeanists, Ethnonationalists, Nordicists – would be united in the attitude of rejecting Color and telling non-Whites to mind their damn business and keep out of White racialist activist space. However, only the pan-Europeanists adopt this approach. My own attitude is clear. Yockey labeled all non-Westerners as “Guks.” I’ve never seen Lowell grovel to Color. It’s only those other “ists” who eagerly grasp onto whatever Colored “ally” who tells them what they want to hear and who engages in ethnoracial flattery to stroke the egos of those “ists.” Vanity, all is vanity.

Some right-wing commentators assert the Left pushes transgenderism on children because leftists like to harm people. Yes, but we need to dig deeper. Observing who primarily pushes this agenda among “colleagues” I unfortunately know, and correlating that to national trends, these pushers are heavily: women, sexual deviants (and thus women + deviants = lots of lesbians), and other assorted Bioleninist flotsam and jetsam. So, yes, they want to harm others, harm society, and in particularly harm what could have been heathy members of society out of resentment toward those not as botched as they. One suspects that homosexual White Knghting has its origins in a spiteful passive aggressive resentment against heterosexual men. Milady’s participation in porn, e-thottery, OnlyFans, etc, is likely motivated by envy and resentment toward men. Then there is the “misery loves company” factor – if Bioleninist freaks can help create many other Bioleninist feaks, then the freaks will not feel so isolated and alienated from society.

It is imperative to keep all such people away from the levers of power, and from societal influence – otherwise they will wreck society (as well as wreck healthy political movements).

Finally, you should judge someone’s intentions toward you based on whether they promote adaptive or maladaptive memes toward you. I, for example, am harshly critical of many White ethnies, and some people may be offended by this. But my criticism is precisely because those ethnies are behaving maladaptively, while I promote the idea that they should behave adaptively (e.g., racial nationalism, homogeneity, healthy social values). In contrast, those who are cheerfully friendly (on the surface, no doubt fake) toward particular groups, but who promote maladaptive memes to those groups (e.g., mass migration influx, multiculturalism, deviancy) do not have those groups’ best interests at heart. Beware, and understand the difference between surface attitudes and fundamental intentions.

It’s Not Over, Greggy

More mendacity from Sir Gaslighter.

Laugh at this.

The typical Johnson approach – pooh pooh the horribly bad judgment by saying no real damage was done. That’s not the point Greggy – the bad judgment is the point.

It is akin to the antifa creep who claimed to have a hidden-camera expose of me . . . in which, it turned out, I was saying the exact same things that I have been saying publicly for years now.

What mendacious trash Johnson is. Hermansson was a humiliation NOT because of what he exposed Johnson as saying, but how easily an infiltrator got through to the top echelons of Der Movement, that he was invited to give a keynote address to a Counter-Currents meeting about…infiltration, and that, as even Hermansson admits, it was his Swedish ancestry and Der Movement’s Nordicist obsessions that allowed that comedy to unfold in the first place.

More absolute mendacity:

Half the story was devoted to a file that had not been published at Counter-Currents: a recording of Mike Polignano (who co-founded Counter-Currents and was my business partner until 2013) talking to a journalist in 2016. I can’t think of anything more public than giving an interview to a journalist. The fact that the journalist did not use it in no way alters its public nature.

If it was such a “public nature” why didn’t you run it at your site? Why didn’t we all hear from your site that Polignano admits to having sex with non-Whites, including a married Jewish woman, and about his account of his falling out with you about how you were running Counter-Currents? Never mind the absolute stupidity of talking to her in the first place.

At least Johnson clears up how Counter-Currents got the file. It’s bizarre that Polignano send it there, but…bad judgment. So, my hypotheses were incorrect and I appreciate the correction. When I am wrong I admit it.

And then Johnson ends this “spin” about another Counter-Currents scandal by asking for, you guessed it, donations. Reward him for this humiliation. You just can’t make this stuff up.