Category: French Revolution

Odds and Ends, 9/10/22

In der news.

So, Taylor spent time in West Africa, MacDonald spent time teaching in Jamaica, Johnson taught at Black Morehouse College, and Ruston fathered an illegitimate child with a Negress. These specimens are living advertisements for my Racial Proximity Theory; they have a natural attraction and affection for Color, in these cases the worst of the lot, the Negro. That contrasts to their disdain for White ethnics. I won’t even get into those people on the Right with Asian wives and of course the rampant Yellow Supremacism and the whole WN 3.0 Kumar-Matthews-Malkin, etc. stupidity.

Is the racialism of the Quota Queens a form of noblesse oblige? The paternalistic High Trusters will uplift the Coloreds – The White Man’s Burden. In order to protect the Coloreds, White ethnic bigots must be opposed; thus, the Quota Queens are Far Right versions of John Lindsay.

Just like authentic White conservatives get turned off by Turk Oz and his “Democrats are the real racists” spiel so will authentic White nationalists get turned off by Taylor telling them “that frog-faced, covid-spewing Chinaman over there is your superior by every objective standard.”

If you want to discourage and dispirit White activists, telling them that a race of “human” photocopiers is their objectively absolute superior is a good way to do it. Whites are not going to fight under the banner of Yellow Supremacy.

Der Right is hostile to the French Revolution and of course I myself dislike that revolution’s ideology of leftist egalitarianism. However, the parasitical French monarchy and nobility got what was coming to them, and the revolution opened up the path to Napoleon, so it wasn’t all bad. The UK should be a republic. The Queen is dead, depose the King.  Let Charlie earn a living digging ditches or something.

Those good White Southrons voted for her, so…you made your bed, lie in it.

The Hobbit Hole Nerds can simply not watch that nonsense. Let it collapse financially. But, no. They’ll whine and complain and then jack off to hobbit holes.

I’m getting sick and tired of constantly getting Torba’s “Christian nationalism” spam. Just like the System constantly pushing Negroes in my face makes me more anti-Black, so do the Jaysus freaks pushing their religion 24/7 makes me more anti-Christian. And what is it? Just like “National Bolshevism” is for people too cowardly just to say they are National Socialists, “Christian nationalism” is for people too cowardly to say they are White nationalists.

And why is Torba hiding out in the PA woods when he can be living in, and spreading the good word of “Christian nationalism” in, say, Detroit or Chicago or NYC or any other place where there are so many nice Christian dark-hued Children of God? These guys talk Christian but live White.

Two Maxims

Some things I’ve discussed before, but which are worth emphasizing.

The first came to my attention from the work of the defector “Viktor Suvorov.”

Maxim One: Revolutions typically do not occur during the period of greatest repression; instead, they take place after that repression is suddenly relaxed.

Examples: The French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, Glasnost leading to the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe.

The System/Left knows this, if only instinctively.  Hence, they are doubling down on all their anti-White, SJW narratives and repression after Trump’s victory.  They refuse to concede an inch, refuse to take White concerns seriously; they understand that if they start compromising, they are (eventually) finished.  And they correct to believe that; however, we must create a situation in which they simply will not have a choice but to attempt compromise; the alternative for them being, in the long-term, even more untenable.  That’s why I advocate in favor of Salter’s strategy of Democratic Multiculturalism, a form of sociopolitical ju-jitsu that forces the System to either compromise with the White Right (eventually dooming them) or openly admitting that their entire worldview is morally illegitimate (eventually dooming them as well, particularly as that would increase White demands for the Democratic Multiculturalism option, bringing the System back to square one).  But the nitwit Type I activists of the “movement” reject that strategy in favor of their Turner Diaries fantasies and other stupidities.

Maxim Two: For any dissident force – guerrilla armies in the field, underground dissidents, racial nationalists and other fringe political movements – maintaining your existence in the face of System oppression, surviving, continuing Fabian tactics and strategies, still being there, that is itself a victory.  As long as you exist, the System has not won; as long as you exist, you prove that you could win, you place doubt in the minds of your opponents and of the masses, and if you can outlast your foe, eventual victory may very well be yours.

Thus, the importance of prioritizing survival, for not directly engaging with a superior foe, for using ju-jitsu and Fabian strategies; hence, the value of continued existence in the face of a seemingly overpowering adversary.

This applies to the “movement” as a whole, as well as dissident groupuscules within the “movement” such as EGI Notes.