Category: 20 trillion dollars

White Reparations

We must demand compensation.

We are hearing much in the news about Negro demands for reparations, which are getting ever more absurd.

Of course, pampered Negroes, and other non-Whites, should not get one penny; they’ve already received hundreds of billions of dollars – trillions in fact – of de facto reparations over the last 60 years, in the form of actual cash payment distributions termed “social welfare” or in an endless number of programs, advancements, scholarships, and, of course, the never-ending affirmative action scam.

It are White Americans who are owed reparations.

We are owed for the diminishment of our ethnic genetic interests from mass immigration, racial integration, the promotion of miscegenation, and all of the factors leading to low White birthrates (and high death rates).

We are owed for all of the money transferred from us to Negroes (and other non-Whites, such as Hispanics).

We are owed for the racial warfare waged against us in the form of Colored-on-White crime.

We are owed due to the destruction of the cities, and the ethnic cleansing that goes by the euphemism “White flight.”

We are owed for the destruction of the American educational system, the terrorizing of our children in the school system, and the overall diminishment of the quality of life in many ways. We are also owed for the destruction of higher education and the transformation of academia into an anti-White racket.

We are owed for the costs of affirmative action, and the active discrimination against Whites for decades, destroying dreams and aspirations, hampering careers, and eliminating upward mobility.

We are owed for the looting of our economy, through outsourcing and the insourcing of immigrant labor; we are owed for being squeezed out of the professions and out of higher education, out of all possibilities of advancement.

We are owed for the loss of our freedom of association, under the aegis of “civil rights laws,” and, now, we observe the erosion of freedom of speech itself.

We are owed for the ongoing destruction of our medical care system, and preferential treatment given to non-Whites, at our expense.

We are owed for the diminishment of societal trust and in the investment in public goods due to diversity, and the derangement of the political system, and the irreversible damage done to the social fabric, due to diversity.

We are owed for the decline of America as a power, for the diminishment of all aspects of American life, of the pessimism of our people, as reflected in negative survey results, declining birthrates, increasing death rates, high rates of suicide and opioid use, and other pathologies, in large part induced by our dispossession.

We are owed for the destruction of standards and the enjoyment of beauty, for the pathologization of normalcy and the promotion of bioleninist abnormal freakishness, and, also, the corruption of science, of philosophy, and of all intellectual though, in pursuit of a radical anti-White racial agenda.

We are owed for the disruption of White racial solidarity, the infection of “wokeness” in so many of our people, estranging our own people – including family members – from us, wrecking a sense of community and of positive identity.  Included in this is the trashing – actual or memetic – of our beliefs, symbols, traditions, and monuments.

Finally, the campaign of defamation, memetic racial attack, endless anti-White propaganda, etc. fomented against us for decades, which, along with all of the above, constitutes genocide as per the UN definition, is more than enough to justify reparations.

We are owed, and we DEMAND!

Rotten Georgia Peach

And other news. In all cases, emphasis added.

And here we go.

A White-hating Black radical is elected Senator from Georgia, and the White-hating Jew is in the lead for the other seat. Oh, well, at least the Spencer-Wallace Quota Queens will be happy. 

The disaster unfolds.

Let us consider together. I warned all of you that Trump was a fraud and a buffoon back in 2015-2016.  I ridiculed the fervent Trump worship from Der Movement, all of the shocking naivete and the pitifully bad judgment. I shook my head sadly as Johnson and McCulloch (indirectly) debated and discussed whether the “inevitable victory” of the White Right will require “fifty years” or “will happen sooner.” I attacked Der Movement and Der Right in general for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, for wasting the golden opportunity for right-wing populism inherent in the 2016 election, and for leaving the “movement” and the state of Whites in general far worse than it was four years ago.

Of course, I was, and am, completely correct, and the motley crew of freaks, perverts, Quota Queens, fools, grifters, and retards making up the “leadership” of your failed “movement” were, and am, completely wrong.

And guess what – a solid Democratic control of the federal government won’t sit around doing nothing for two years, like the GOP did from 2017-2019.

Get ready for a bumpy ride. And watch the unimaginative dullards who are your affirmative action “leadership” navigate these treacherous waters with their stated grand strategy of “more of the same.”

At what point will the rank-and-file rebel against this disastrous “leadership?”

Bad news from Counter-Currents.

Beyond that, it was our best year ever in terms of fundraising

I still stand by my long-range forecast of the decline of that site, but for now, the moronic rank-and-file keep on flushing money down the “movement” toilet.  Note though how Italy is not on the list of the top 20 nations visiting Counter-Currents. Is that due to the anti-Italian sentiments on that site?  I am often critical of Italians, but let’s give credit where credit is due – they at least have the sense not to patronize a site that despises them. But Bulgaria, Spain, and Greece need to do better.  Come on guys, why support a site that hates you?

Another intellectual, high-brow Counter-Currents cartoon.

Laugh at this.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. 

Being born?  Writing for Counter-Currents?

Although most of these mistakes have merely led to embarrassing moments and memories, I am starting to notice the consequences of my lifestyle choices. 

Yes, you are a pathetic waste of humanity.

To put it bluntly, I have wasted a lot of time pursuing the wrong women

Eastern Europeans, whose homelands you are invading?

…While these experiences have made me the person I am today, I sometimes feel that my future is somewhat limited

Well, you are writing for Counter-Currents.

…our adventures are not over until the fat lady sings.

Your newest girlfriend?

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to wake up early each morning to exercise. As I was working out this morning

Struggling to lift a ten pound dumbbell?

Just like Siegfried, my search for a female partner has created a lot of drama in my life. 

How about looking in Denmark?

Ever since I was a teenager, I wanted a girlfriend that listened to heavy metal. Yet I quickly realized that the average woman does not listen to heavy metal. 

Very perceptive of you.

So for most of my life, I ended up in relationships with women that I had little in common with, other than our race and our age. 

Note that he doesn’t mention ethnicity. Strange, isn’t it, for a stridently ethnonationalist website?

Naturally, this resulted in several failed relationships.

And no successful ones?

I would have preferred to find a woman with whom I had common interests and compatible personalities, but that was never really my experience. 

I’m shocked, shocked I say!

Finding common ground with a woman has also become more difficult …it seems that slaying a dragon is sometimes easier than finding a girlfriend. 

Maybe being an over-earnest autiste has something to do with it?

…it is better to be alone without any friends…

I’m sure you’re doing well, then.

Some of the people who I thought were my closest friends ended up betraying me and abandoning me at the worst moments….they avoided me like the plague.

Smart folks, no doubt.

Odds and Ends, 12/5/20

In der news.

Since Counter-Currents is part of the HBD-Nordicist-ethnonationalist alliance, what we must accept – indeed, predict with mathematical certainty – is that the site will engage in ever-more-explicit hostility toward Southern and Eastern European White ethnics.

Case in point:

…it’s still arguable whether Italians are white.


Jim GoadPosted December 3, 2020 at 5:13 pm | PermalinkI think you’re right about this. In the neighborhood where I grew up, you were either Irish or Italian, and it was clear the Italians weren’t white.

We could in theory extend that analysis to other types of people, but, for example, examining the racial worth and “whiteness” of autistic defectives isn’t worth the time. And, after all, Goad, who is mysteriously sensitive on this subject, tells us that only “dumb and inarticulate” people use the term “autistic.” Very well. So, a question remains: Is being “colorblind” about Blacks consistent with “caring more about facts than social approval?” One would think it the opposite, no?  


Jim Goad

….I resent Italy for sending all its douchebags here, though.

Personally, I resent people – not anyone in particular, of course, just a general statement of principle – who produce mentally defective children who are a burden on society. 

See this.

The economic burden associated with ASD is substantial and can be measured across multiple sectors of our society. Previous analyses that focused on health care underestimated this economic burden, particularly for school systems.

But, wait:

…parents who reported that their child had ASD did not have significantly higher out-of-pocket costs…compared with control parents.

So – an increased economic burden and yet the parents “did not have significantly higher out-of-pocket costs.”  Guess who pays?  

And how much?

ASD is associated with approximately $3.6 million in lifetime social cost.

The lifetime social costs to date are more than $7 trillion, the equivalent of about two years of total federal revenue for the United States.

By 2029, If prevalence remains the same, the cost will grow to $11.5 trillion, and if prevalence continues to increase at the past rate, the cost will grow to nearly $15 trillion.

On Goad (from Wikipedia, emphasis added):

In May 1997, Goad began dating then-stripper Anne “Skye” Ryan about the time that Debbie was diagnosed with the ovarian cancer that later killed her. Goad described Ryan as “Sweet Dracula girl” and as being “…fifteen years younger than me and a thousand times more fucked-up.” In November 1997, Debbie was granted a restraining order against Goad, after stating that he had hit, kicked, and spit on her and threatened to kill her. They divorced in December, 1997.

In May 1998, Goad and Ryan had a fight in Goad’s car outside of Portland. Goad left Ryan by the side of the road, and fled to Washington state. When police met Ryan in a hospital emergency room, she had a blackened eye that was swollen shut, “bite marks on her hand and she was bleeding in several places. Goad was charged with assault and kidnapping…Goad plead guilty to reduced charges and served 2 1/2 years, split between jail and prison. He was released in the fall of 2000. When asked if he had any remorse or guilt about beating Ryan, Goad said, “Absolutely not. I enjoyed it.”

Oh my God, indeed.

I can’t think of another white criminal syndicate in existence that makes a point of being white.

What about Der Movement?  Certainly, the criminally-oriented are well represented in its ranks.

More HBD-Nordicist Counter-Currents comments in response to Goad’s it was clear the Italians weren’t white.”


Posted December 4, 2020 at 7:46 am | Permalink

The scene between Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken in “True Romance” is instructive in this regard.

Note how Sallis’ Law applies well in this case.  Here we have a Goad essay ostensibly about Black criminal gangs and, of course, it devolves into a discussion about the “whiteness” (or lack thereof) of Italians. After all, what “movement” discussion doesn’t end up focusing on that topic?  Godwin’s Law has nothing on Sallis Law.

The problem with that whole comments thread was that wop who decided to show up and complain. Why bother?  Just acknowledge that Counter-Currents is an anti-White ethnic, pro-HBD, pro-homosexual site dedicated to raising “D’Nations” and dedicated to promoting HBD-Nordicism-ethnonationalism (actually, ethnoimperialism) and move on. Start your own blog, do your own thing, and just scan Counter-Currents to stay up-to-date to what the opposition is doing; if you want to criticize them, do it in your own forum, or in another forum that supports the interests of all Europeans, instead of supporting the interests of “Rosie and the kids.”

My paradigm that Counter-Currents is headed in the direction of Majority Rights is supported by things like this. Regardless of what you think about that cartoon, the facts are that, first, Counter-Currents has pretensions of being the “erudite blog for the 120+ IQ crowd,” while, at the same time, catering to Goad’s Howard Stern-like essays that are accompanied by crudely racist cartoons and, second, this is exactly like “J. Richards” and his moronic posts that were accompanied by crude anti-Jewish cartoons of a quality that would have made Julius Streicher blush. It’s the same appeal to Type I crudity in order to boost page views and cater to the newest toy in the writer playpen (in this case, Goad). It would seem likely that one reason Johnson recruited Goad is to boost page views – and, hence, “D’Nations.” The seriousness of that blog (such as it is and was) suffers. And as regards the crude images at Richard Lynn’s Pseudoscience – that was openly a satiric blog, openly mocking HBD stupidities – unlike Counter-Currents, there was no pretense there of being the “Ivy League” of WN. The same with satiric content at this blog.

Typical Anglo-Nordicist perspective:

There are Hispanics in the Chicago area, but they mostly act, talk, and look like whites that are “ethnic.”

What?  Dominicans, Italians, Puerto Ricans, Poles, Mexicans, Greeks – all the same!  Damn the wogs!

Obama’s mother was a white liberal from the Anglo-Nordic American majority…

Having “white liberal” and “Anglo-Nordic” in the same sentence is superfluous repetition.

I see all of this at Counter-Currents as a very good thing indeed. After all, I could post for years (as I have done) about how Der Movement is hostile to White ethnics, or about Sallis’ Law, or about the HBD-Nordicist-ethnonationalist alliance, and the shabbos sud and shabbos ost stepandfetchits would ignore it all and just go along with Johnson’s description of me as “insane.” Then comes along the latest crop of moronic Counter-Currents writers and commentators who do nothing but prove my points, time and again.  More, please.

In theory, one shouldn’t interfere with an opponent making a mistake, but Johnson can’t help himself, so writing this won’t change a thing. That blog will continue making this blog look prescient.

GNXPers weep.

See this.

Beyond that, white men are increasingly embittered. Bitterness is a wild card, because it leads to spite. A spiteful man will even harm his own interests to avenge himself. He can’t be reasoned with, predicted, or controlled. A critical mass of white men like that is going to be a problem for more than just the movie business.

I won’t comment on the irony of Johnson’s comment considering his past attacks on me as “crazy and bitter” and “an embittered former writer” (at Counter-Currents).

Heil Hitler!

Meet Mike Lee:

Jack Ryanod 

This horror – sponsoring our people’s replacement by lowest wage Indian Shudra was sponsored by Mike Lee US Senator from Utah – White guy, went to BYU.

Hey!  Lee is a Herrenvolk high-truster, and that’s all that matters!

High Trusters!

Tom Cotton and David Perdue publicly supported it. It’s very odd that Perdue and Kelly Loeffler didn’t oppose it since they are desperately trying to convince Georgia conservatives to vote for them right now.

Very cognitive, very elite.

See this.  Maybe that will turn out to be the case.  It is more likely however that Trump will merely tweet “Fraud! Something must be done!” and go out golfing.  Predicting Trump is like predicting the weather, short term – the persistence theory holds; past history is predictive of future events. In Trump’s case, ineptness and inertia.  But, hey, if I’m wrong, great, I’ll admit it.

This is absurd.

The movement is far more serious and capable than it was in 2015 when the “Alt Right” was at its peak. 

No, the “movement” is worse than ever, and will continue to get worse with affirmative action losers in charge.

The movement in-fighting will fade, because it is easier to unite in opposition and there will be no more tactical debates about whether to defend Donald Trump.

Ha!  Tell that to the castrato-voiced Quota Queens who soil their trousers (front side) with every latest criticism of Richard Spencer.

Odds and Ends, 7/15/20

In der news.

You’d think that the HBDers would agree with this – after all, look at the “virologist” – very Derbyshirian indeed.  Let the measured groveling commence!

Flash from the past – June 2016, this blog critiques “Der Movement’s idolization of this idiot,” the “idiot” being, of course, Donald Trump.

TOO marches on:AVAsays:July 12, 2020 at 2:41 amWhat happened to that white girl also happened to me 20 years ago. It sucked royally. Now I live in the hood. But I also had a very narcissist misogynist family who did not want me to succeed as a feminist, which I am. Sorry, but feminism does not proceed from the mother. Stop reducing women to mother. I am not a mother but I have massive female and feminist intelligence and NO we won’t return to the slavery of patriarchy, which all of your rightwing self-hating she-males want. No, the right is misogynist through and through. That holds back ex-leftists who understand J power like myself from ever going near you. You worship the biologically inherent destructiveness of men that makes them unfit to rule, and unfit to conceive society. All the Floyd stuff is deep state. Floyd is still alive and you don’t even know it. The race war is part of their game. I am trying to flee my hood for sure, but you rightwingers need to acknowledge the fatal nihilism of patriarchy and all of its defective male religions. Honor nature. Only therein lies truth and power. True religion is to reconnect with NATURE not a figment of some defective male “imagination”.

Surveying the wreckage the Alt Right, and its collapse, has done to the “movement”- all predicted here – it is always instructive to remind ourselves who was responsible for this disaster, who created and propagated the Alt Right horror. Read this, and focus on:

Major Alt-Right sites: 

Atlantic CenturionThe Right StuffCounter-CurrentsRadix JournalThe Occidental ObserverDaily StormerAlternative-RightThe Alternative HypothesisVDareAmerican Renaissance

If you are going to “finger point” then start there.  Pepe!  Kek!

Amren marches on:

Apex_Predator Wow! You guys really nuked that entire 20 comment thread talking about the dangers of censorious heavy-handed moderators while decrying heavy-handed moderation by out of control leftists? Hypocrites to the core.I’m done here. Enjoy your exile to the internet hinterlands. May as well go to Facebook if you want to be squelched constantly. Outta here…
Amalric de Droevig  Apex_Predator It really is disgusting and bizarre.

WN 2.0!

I guess that discussion with Johnson had an impact.  But, can you get covid-19 while “under house arrest?”

By citing the despicable Humphrey Ireland, Counter-Currents once again demonstrates that it, like the rest of Der Movement, has nothing positive to offer to “White ethnics.”

And who are these “people of European descent” to which old Humph refers to?  To the west of Berlin and north of Vienna no doubt.  That’s the limits of “Europe” to Der Movement, in case you haven’t figured it out yet.
In any case, avoid “pessimism” since that might lead you not to send in “D’Nations” to Counter-Currents.  Do I need to remind you all of Spengler’s quote about optimism?  But, hey, this can be a challenge to the Quota Queens – give us something to be optimistic about.  Can you get through one year without horrific errors in judgment, terrible mistakes, childish feuding, shameless panhandling, gaslighting, and utter hypocrisy?  No, I didn’t think so.

Read this.

This wasn’t his real mistake, though. His faux pas was confiding the truth about his identity to someone. This someone ultimately did the dirty work of taking screenshots and forwarding them to Darcy.

Mr. Neff could do a real service by revealing exactly what he did that led to “the truth about his identity” being forwarded “to Darcy.”  Does he know?  Or did he do it to the entire forum?  What about that “reflection in the mirror” photograph?  I am being sincere here, not poking fun at Neff.  It would always be useful to get a “debriefing analysis” about what exactly went wrong, so others can avoid it, to the extent possible.

One word of advice – there is always a temptation for people who are secretly in some position of importance (as Neff was, relatively speaking) to brag about it to others, to confide it, to boost one’s status among supposed online peers, to “prove” one is just not another random anonymous “shitposter.”  Avoid that temptation for all you are worth; it is pure poison.  Assume your forum is full of infiltrators and/or spiteful “authentic” “activists” who would tear you down out of envious malice, if for no other reason.

One of our most beloved Presidents, John F. Kennedy, at the absolute peak of his health, fitness, and vitality!   It is stunning that they had the guy riding around in a slowly moving open air limousine, particularly in a city in which much hostility against JFK was evident. They might as well just painted a bullseye on the back of his head.