Category: Silver

Happy Memorial Day, 2021

In der news.

Happy Memorial Day!  Thanks for nothing, ethnonationalist filth.

Silver reveals himself once again:


May 28, 2021 at 2:53 pm

thanks to modern internet technology, the study of Fascism is increasingly becoming the subject of less condescending, hostile analyses.

It’ll never be completely free of either condescension or hostility, however, because at bottom it’s a bunch of ultranationalist hogwash.

What political system is better? Marxism was a world historical disaster, and collapsed in Europe on its own accord, and its offspring of Cultural Marxism is killing the West. Representative democracy is a fraud that has degenerated into a plutocratic-managerial oligarchy that serves elite interests at the expense of the majority population. Back in 2016, Silver’s comments on blog threads were accompanied by the description of “Trump supporter.” Very well. Trump won. Hail democracy!  And what was the outcome of that? What was accomplished? Nothing. None of the Trump fanboys can admit that they were wrong, and “rightist” cheerleaders for “democracy” have nothing to say when the election of someone who ran for President as a right-wing populist leaves the nation in a position even worse than it was before his election.

What else? Hereditary monarchy leads to a parasitic dynasty, and of course can result in inept retards as heads of state, and feudal systems lead to an equally parasitic aristocracy running the state for their own selfish ends. Libertarianism is an absurd pipedream, is totally unrealistic, and is unilateral disarmament in light of cohesive mega-state competitors such as China.

Fascism, like all political systems, has its flaws, but if a population has to be led top down, a sane form of fascism seems to be as good, or better, than any other political system. Fascism is a protean ideology, with a core of palingenetic ultra-nationalism coupled with considerable variability in its actualization. One doesn’t need to mirror the ethnonationalist lunacies of the past, particularly Nazi aggression. There are other alternatives than rabid Nutzis invading other people’s countries.

It’s very easy to make snarky, superficial criticism – at bottom it’s a bunch of ultranationalist hogwash.”  It is more difficult to offer useful analysis as well as effective solutions. 

Europe and the USA today are sharply polarized along racial and gender lines, both waiting to implode with deadly consequences not yet seen in the history of the West. Dolbeau’s book will help us better understand the root causes of the coming catastrophes.

Understanding neither its causes nor its remedies relies on anything that fascists thought.

Causes – agreed. The remedy part is wrong. What other effective “remedy” is there?  A bunch of fetishists sitting in their hobbit holes measuring their “Nordish” metrics with calipers? What else?  Being “Trump supporters?”

One could very easily understand what is happening and one could very easily formulate remedies for it without ever consulting a single fascist tract.

That’s true. One could understand and one could formulate inept “remedies” doomed to fail. That doesn’t mean that a form of fascism wouldn’t be the best option as a form of government, and the best remedy.

Far and away the main reason for trying to rehabilitate fascist thinkers is being a fascist oneself.

Guilty as charged.

Silver’s comments by no means invalidate any of the points in the original book review. It’s just so much empty noise – the memetic equivalent of passing gas.

A question, re: Negro HBDer Lipton Matthews. If Matthews was really sincere in his concerns about Black pathology and Black dysgenics, shouldn’t the prime target audience for his work be his fellow Negroes, with an important secondary audience being White leftists, both of whom would likely be more receptive getting these hard truths from a Negro?  It doesn’t pass the “smell test” when he’s focusing on the White Far Right, who already know these things, particularly when he’s using such common knowledge to sugarcoat memetic poison such as aracial citizenism, HBD cognitive elitism, and high IQ miscegenation.

Can the Quota Queens articulate some good reasons – or even one single good reason – for collaborating with Matthews and giving him a forum on the Far Right?  Please explain. 

The Sullen Jew.

Answering Hood (emphasis added):


MAY 30, 2021 AT 7:36 PM

“Yet the decisive blow came when Western European crusaders sacked Constantinople in 1204.”

“You could say the doge served Venice by destroying Constantinople, but by destroying the empire, he ruined Venice because under Turkish rule it was no longer a gateway to the east.”

blah blah blah blah

You don’t have a clue about the Mediterranean basin.

For hundreds of years, the Republic of Venice was the shield that held back the Turks.

The Ottoman Empire’s expansion on the Mediterranean was disputed for three and half centuries by Venice with ridiculous gains for the Ottomans, even when they won, at very high cost.

Talk about the crucial battle of Lepanto that effectively stopped the Ottoman expansion in the Mediterranean in the moment their naval strenght [sic] was at its peak.

The Ottomans were not able to wage war on Venice for 70 years and, when they did the balance of power on the sea had completely tipped.

Little Venice won almost all the naval engagements, and was able to several times block the Dardanelles for months, forcing the Ottomans to sail only in winter, when the Venetian fleet had to retire.

With the machinations of the Popes, it was a miracle that Venice survived at all – a state that was never conquered for 1100 years

years – like in the formation of the League of Cambrai, an anti-Venetian alliance put together by the Pope Julius II, consisting of himself, Louis XII of France, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Maximilian I, the Holy Roman Emperor.

Constantinople was a walking corpse back in the times of the 4th Crusade, also the Turks could of blocked all sea access and starved them out no matter how strong they were. Look at the maps the Turks had grabbed all the lands around Constantinople. What were they going to eat?

They beat the Turks to Constantinople and all that fine art and sculpture was safe in another part of the old Roman Empire rather than in the hands of the Turks.

Europe was a miserable shihole after the fall of Rome that they were totally unable to pay Venice the 95.000 marks from a contract to build ships to transport and maintain an army of 33,500 illiterate European men 1,400 miles across the eastern Mediterranean to fight for some Bible nonsense. To ancient Rome to transport 30k- 40k men across the Mediterranean would have been

Not a clue about history of Rome, Greece, Venice, the Mediterranean basin

Write an article about the grotesque submission of the so called Anglos to the Jews for over 3 centuries which is dragging and pushing all the “West” to the abyss

Please see this.

Let us consider together.

What if the following two points are true:

1. Covid-19 came from a Chinese lab, AND

2. At least some HBDers have been knowingly spreading Chinese lies about the virus’ origin

Question – if both are true, would it be unreasonable to call for a federal death penalty conviction for those HBDers?

Another question – should the promotion of the HBD cult be considered a form of anti-White terrorism?

A final question – is HBD an act of war against Whites and the West?

Odds and Ends, 1/24/21

In der news.

One final word (at least for now) about Taylor asking that “pro-White Indian” whether he plans to move to India. Now, although the question could possibly have been phrased more tactfully (from the perspective of Amren, which is more “classy” – to use Silver’s word – than is, say, EGI Notes), I see the question as perfectly legitimate.  It is the same with Derbyshire’s absurd “Arctic Alliance” – if East Asians really wanted to help Whites as part of such an “alliance” then they could start by stop immigrating to majority White nations, optimally followed by reverse migration; i.e., repatriation back to their homelands (including “Rosie and the kids”). Likewise, the number one thing South Asians could do to help is the same, although, to be fair, from the perspective of net EGI, a “pro-White Indian” – as a single individual doing authentic pro-White activism – could be a net plus for White EGI. But, still, in general, the principle holds – ultimately, Whites need their own nations so a non-White genuinely concerned about White interests would acknowledge this and consider their own situation. Of course, these people do have a legitimate gripe in the sense that they did not force their way here; they were invited in. Now, for post-1965 American immigration, the response could be that it was the Jews (and their helpers) who did the inviting, not White Americans in general (although they helped elect politicians who served Jewish interests), but that’s not the fault of the immigrants (and their progeny) themselves. In the case of Canada, where the South Asian Taylor interviewed is from, the situation may be even murkier; the bottom line is that these Asiatics can rightly claim that they are “here” (wherever “here” is) because someone invited them.

But at the very least, if nothing else, they should agree with the principle of freedom of association – putting aside the issue of repatriation, Whites are under no obligation to live among any type of non-Whites anywhere (of course, no one, even intra-White, should be so forced).  Further, these types should agree that there should be no more immigration of their co-ethnics. Then, later, the issue of actual geographical separation, including repatriation, could be discussed.

Let’s compare this leftist hysteria with this reality here.  So, why isn’t endless violent leftist protest, which include driving the President into a bunker at the White House, trying to burn down a police station with police barricaded inside, storming statehouses, attacking political headquarters, and establishing an “autonomous zone” for godssakes – why is that not “insurrection” and a “threat to democracy?”  We have major league gaslighting going on here, that’s for sure.

Very cognitive, very elite.

Time to investigate the HBDers.

And who has been telling you that HBD is a tool of Jewish and Asian interests?  Who has been telling you to prioritize genetic and cultural kinship above a ranking of IQ?  Who has been telling you HBD is enemy propaganda, outright anti-White lies?


…I like immigrants. I have been in love with a few…I have always liked Orientals.

No doubt, Asiatrix “Ben Dover” likes John Engelman in return.

HBD is the enemy, the traitor within the gates. In order for the White race to live, the false ideology of HBD must die.

HBD is NOT “race science” or ANY sort of science. HBD is nothing more or less than a political movement to privilege Jewish and Asian interests over that of Whites. The constant lies of HBD are easy to refute, and such refutation is a common theme of this blog.

Very cognitive, very elite.

Well Then

After thirty years? 

Considering again the comments for this podcast, we observe something interesting. Some time ago, at Counter-Currents, I had a back-and-forth with Silver (in his guise as “Verlis”) about Amren and Taylor.  In contrast to Silver’s pro-Taylor, pro-Amren views, I took a negative view – that after a quarter century or more (at that time) of activity, Amren and Taylor really haven’t accomplished anything (and the same holds for Der Movement in general); thus:

…Given the standard human lifespan, and given the current negative and rapidly declining racial trends, it is not unreasonable to look for ***some*** signs of progress after 25-30 years of sustained effort. No, we are not asking for “victory” and we are not asking for “rapid growth” – merely asking: is the experiment better off today than when it started? Better than 20 years ago? 10? Five years? Better in any way at all?

If we cannot see such signs, and if the experiment shows no signs of re-direction, we can say, without rancor, without personal animus, with good faith and sincerity – “I appreciate what you have done, and best of luck to you, but I need to try something else.” It is also possible to critique other ongoing experiments without personal rancor (note I did not name anyone in my original comment).

Moderation, trying to appeal to a historically hostile group that does nothing but denounce you, this has not led to success. And, over time, it has real costs – “turning off” dedicated activists, diluting and diverting the message, misdirecting efforts,

Equating “what has been accomplished in a QUARTER-CENTURY?” with “Dad, are we there yet?” is the height of mendacity. I don’t know, if that kid has been driven around aimlessly for 25 years, probably he should ask if he’s there yet or not. The “movement” certainly is not “there” yet, or anywhere close to “there.”

Now, Silver (who admits not even having listened to the interview), calls Taylor a “clown,” mocks him as “Mr. Classy,” and states: How could someone have been at this for over thirty years (!) and think “why don’t you go back to your own country” is a good look?

silviosilver  H J 

Mr. Taylor asks why don’t Indians go back to India.

I couldn’t be bothered listening to the interview, but did Taylor actually ask that?

If he did, sheesh, what a clown. So much for his reputation as “Mr. Classy.” Does he really think that question makes the pro-white side look good?

silviosilver  HamburgerToday2020 

It’s not a question of fairness, it’s a question of effectiveness. How could someone have been at this for over thirty years (!) and think “why don’t you go back to your own country” is a good look?

I myself never called Taylor a clown (that is unfair) and I do not think Taylor did anything wrong in the interview with respect to the question at hand.  But, note how Silver is now questioning Taylor’s “effectiveness” after “for over thirty years (!)” of activism.

Well then.  Once again, who was right in the first place? Other news:

Poor quality control and corruption in Chinese factories…in 1900.  The more things change, the more they stay the same. HBD!

Exactly as I have written – the longer the covid-19 crisis is allowed to continue, the greater the probability of a devastating mutation.  Der Retards and the other anti-vaxx filth may result in the development of an extremely dangerous strain.  What absolute garbage they are – pitiful mewling babies afraid of “jabs” and all humanity has to suffer because of them.

A sincere man of genuine greatness:

Rappers Lil Wayne and Kodak Black who were prosecuted on federal weapons offenses, were also granted pardons.

Laugh at this.  Some of us knew that five years ago.

More sincere and genuine greatness!  The last chance for White America!  MAGA! Pepe! Kek!

And, oh, by the way, that South Asian commenting on the Amren thread:

You are triggered because I’m superior to you in every way imaginable. I pity you.

Well, that’s HBD right there, in a nutshell.

Odds and Ends, 1/19/21

In der news.  In all cases, emphasis added.

A gift from the ethnonationalist filth.

Ethnonationalist hypocrisy:


The ethnonationalist vision is of a Europe — and a worldwide European diaspora — of a hundred flags, in which every self-conscious nation has at least one sovereign homeland, each of which will strive for the highest degree of homogeneity

Ah, yes!  “…the highest degree of homogeneity.”  Very good!  Excellent!  So, John Morgan can get the hell out of Hungary and Full Moon Ancestry can end his intermittent Bang East Europe tours. I can’t wait!  And we all await, with bated breath, for Der Movement to criticize British expat colonies in other people’s nations to the same extent they decry “Polish plumbers” in the UK.

HBD begins to devour itself.  Good, good.

Most scientific discoveries have originated from Europe, and Europeans have won 20 times more Nobel Prizes than have Northeast Asians. We argue that this is explained not by IQ, but by interracial personality differences, underpinned by differences in gene distribution. In particular, the variance in scientific achievement is explained by differences in inquisitiveness (DRD4 7-repeat), psychological stability (5HTTLPR long form), and individualism (mu-opioid receptor gene; OPRM1 G allele). Northeast Asians tend to be lower in these psychological traits, which we argue are necessary for exceptional scientific accomplishments. Since these traits comprise a positive matrix, we constructed a q index (measuring curiosity) from these gene frequencies among world populations. It is found that both IQ scores and q index contribute significantly to the number of per capita Nobel Prizes.

From ancient natural philosophy to modern physics, the history of science has been dominated by Europeans.

Virtually everything said in this podcast about electoral politics is exactly what I have been saying on this blog for years. Years.  Interesting that Taylor explains why he is not interested in electoral politics.  OK, fair enough.  If someone is not interested, if they believe they are not suitable, who are we to say otherwise?  But what about really organizing and helping others who are so qualified?  Grooming Amren supporters for such?

The comments section gets into Sallis’ Law as well as the failures of HBD. Some “North Indian” comes there and asks why he needs to leave America since he’s so superior in every way (cognitive elitism!).  You see, if you follow the HBD approach of ignoring genetic kinship, ethnoracial identity, and High Culture/civilization, then, yes, I suppose a “high IQ Indian” is acceptable (of course, one has to evaluate the “q index” HBDism discussed above). But, the whole idea of White nationalism and racial preservationism is based on racial identity, and EGI is based on genetics, not to mention Yockeyism, which is based on High Culture and the overall Identity (racial, civilizational, etc.). The reason to exclude a South Asian is precisely because they are South Asian and not European, and it doesn’t matter “what they contribute.”

Then we get into Sallis’ Law and the typical NEC behavior of using Southern Europeans as some sort of “racial yardstick” for comparison (phenotypically of course, genetics are ignored).  The alien Asian asserts that if he mated with a White woman, the mongrel offspring ‘would look like an Italian or Greek.”  So, we see the usual NEC mendacity in this regard.  Of course, it doesn’t matter what this alien believes his potential mongrel offspring would look like, it matters what they would actually be, racially speaking (genetically half-Indian, and from outside the Western civilization).

What someone believes someone looks like is irrelevant; what matters iswhat they actually are.

Then we have Silver talking about “woppish Italians.”  So, Sallis’ Law is, as usual, in full force. Indeed, Sallis’ Law is more of a natural law than anything you can find in physics.