Category: Rand Paul

Boycott Sportsball

The sportsball test, and other news.

In the past, one could pretend that organized spectator sports were merely a mildly anti-White “bread and circuses” distraction, “sportsball” used to placate Joe Sixpack while America slowly is flushed down the toilet.

But now the mask is off; “sportsball” is revealed as another part of the Far Left faction of the System, closely allied with BLM and Antifa, and inhabiting the most fetid fever swamps of anti-White hysteria.

We’ve passed through the “kneeling” phase and now we have entered a more egregious “fuck you” middle finger to the predominantly White fan base – player “boycotts” and “strikes” and “walk-offs” in solidarity with Marxist terrorists, Negro criminals, anti-White extremists, rioters and thugs, etc.  Pampered and wealthy athletes, whose inflated salaries are paid, ultimately, by the fans who they despise, are being “courageous” by expressing their hatred of the White Americans who literally put money in their pockets.

Now, if those White Americans were themselves to boycott and strike, walk away from sports, then that whole rotten edifice would collapse. Well, of course, a significant portion of the White population are rabid leftists who support the players’ tantrums, but a sizeable portion of the fan base are composed of more normal, rightist-oriented Whites who are by now no doubt tiring of this nonsense.

If those people were to boycott sports, well, that may not cause the collapse that would occur if all Whites boycotted, but it would still sting, still make an enormous impact on the fiscal bottom line, really inflict financial hurt on organized sports and would be a clear signal that White America is not completely ready to roll over to these scum.

But – ah! – would they do it?  Consider what I am asking of these fans.  Am I asking them to boycott, say, medications or food or exercise equipment, etc. that could be construed as being essential for health? No. Am I asking them to strike from their employment, boycott transportation, or otherwise interfere with their ability to make a buck? No. I am simply urging them to refrain from supporting a form of entertainment (and thus save money, by the way) that consists of grown men and “men” playing with balls and sticks and hoops and nets and poles and pucks and grassy fields.  And consider that there has never been a time when walking away from sports would be easier – with the covid-19 disruption and all that means for the disconnect between the games and the fans.  If it can’t be done now, when could it be done?

Think of this as a test – the sportsball test.  If Whites, at least rightist Whites, can’t even be motivated to refrain from watching Negro behemoths collide with each other on a football field, or watch elongated neo-Watutsis dunk a ball into a net, or watch some Hispanic mulatto hit a little white ball with a wooden stick – if they can’t even do that, how can you trust them to make any real sacrifices to fight for race and nation?  If they can’t even shut off the ball game, or refrain from buying a sports jersey with a Negro athlete’s name on it, how do you think they will become “a fighter for their people?”

Do I believe that Whites will pass this test?  No. This race of feckless losers will instead continue to flock to sports and once The China Plague is over, will swarm like lemmings to the stadiums and arenas to watch their Colored Gods run, jump, dunk, throw, hit, and tackle.  Pathetic.

See this – evidence of the efficacy of HCQ against covid-19. Apparently, Antifa Don Trump was right, and all his further-to-the-left critics were wrong (so much for Spencer’s stupidity about liberal competence).  

Saint Adolf the disaster.

Rand Paul’s libertarianism takes a hit when he is put in a position in which he needs and wants big government to intervene on his behalf. In any case, we are reaching the point in this country that even sitting senators are being threatened. That doesn’t discredit by call for electoral politics – note that Paul has received more protection than the ordinary person and that he has a forum to speak out on the issue. Of course, a candidate is not at the level as an elected official, but still, you need to take what you can get.

America is falling apart even faster than I could have imagined.  I suppose I was right (again) when I said that Trump’s election would stimulate chaos and balkanization; unfortunately most of that has been one-sided. The majestic world-historical failure of Der Movement to take advantage of the situation is a tragedy of the first order. What despicable and destructive useless incompetents the Quota Queens are.  What a waste of unprecedented opportunities.

See this. I support Dr. MacDonald on this issue. I’m familiar with ResearchGate and it is despicable that they are censoring material.  If I object to some type of work, my response is to analyze it and make my arguments, not censor it. But then, I’m a Westerner and many who censor science are either non-Westerners or are in thrall to such.

ResearchGate should restore access to that material, immediately. 

On Paul and Putin

The pathetic “movement.”
One of the most pathetic aspects of the travesty known as the (American) “racial nationalist movement” (aka “White nationalism”) is the fanboy “man on the white horse” syndrome that exists with so many “activists.”
On the one hand, we have the Paul family, that gets many folks all hard-breathing and starry-eyed come election time.  Ron Paul, that decrepit old fraud, was bad enough, but his son – named after a particularly obnoxious Jewess – is infinitely worse.  Rand Paul is firmly established among the hardcore anti-White far-left, and there really can be no doubt about that.  Come 2016, we’ll see how many breathless and fawning racialists flock to the Rand Paul banner.
And then there’s the king of the schoolgirl crushes – Trad Vlad himself.  Now, I agree with Strom on many things, likely on most things.  But two things I disagree with him most strongly are his high opinions of William “Who We Are” Pierce and Vlad “Let’s turn Russia Central Asian” Putin.  Putting aside the issue of Pierce for now, I have to ask – how many times do we need to discredit Trad Vlad before some folks understand?
Let’s try again.
This is what Putin cares about: he wants to be the powerful leader of a “strong Russia,” a Russia that has risen again to the level of a major world power.  Now, Putin will crack down on anyone within Russia who he believes opposes that agenda, and he will not hesitate to act against those like the Ukrainians who threaten from the outside.  What does this mean?  It means that if Jewish oligarchs threaten that agenda by looting the Russian state, then Putin will oppose them.  It also means that if Russian racial nationalists and other “extremists” threaten that agenda by valuing racial and cultural integrity over some sort of “Russian” Eurasian hegemony, then Putin will “crack down on extremism” as well.  If making comments on the “White birthrate” fits the agenda, then you’ll hear those comments.  If flooding Russia with Central Asians, and silencing anti-immigration Russian nationalists, suits that agenda, then that’s what will happen – and it has.
As much as I have sympathy for Ukrainian nationalists who have been exploited by the Jewish/US forces, the reality is that in this Russian-Ukrainian conflict, real racial nationalists do not have a “dog in the fight.” Certainly, Putin is no more pro-White than is Rand Paul.  And this sort of hero-worshipping “man on horse” fetishism is a sign of mental weakness – an inability to face up to harsh reality as it is, with a need to manufacture false hopes. “He’s really one of us,” they always cry – from Reagan to Paul Sr. and Jr., to Buchanan, to Putin.  No, he is NOT one of us.  Get over it and deal with reality as it is.