Category: Schettino

Whither the pan-European Perspective

A re-evaluation?

For background, see this.  Also see this.  See this about the TOO controversy.  And see this. Then see my interpretation of Yockey’s comments on these issues, particularly in the last chapter of Imperium.

In the wake of the TOO dust-up, a Gab correspondent recently asked me if I still subscribe to pan-Europeanism. The answer is yes (but obviously not with the likes of the TOO crowd), but I am somewhat more pessimistic – I believe that the road to authentic pan-Europeanism will be longer, and far more bumpy, than I had heretofore imagined. I do not share Yockey’s optimism that the importance of differences between Europeans are no longer salient.

In theory, from a prescriptive level, Yockey was certainly correct. Today, with the worldwide racial crisis, with the clash of civilizations, with the threat of mass migration, with the Sword of Damocles of White Genocide hanging over our heads, how is it possible that intra-European feuding and hostility, and subracial conflict, is actually still consuming our thoughts and our energy? How is it possible that what Yockey called Culture Retardation (and indeed it is literally retardation) is an important factor in intra-European relations?  Is it any wonder Whites always lose?

In the “movement,” particularly in America, Nordicism has made a comeback, with the assistance of HBD and the juvenile jackasses of the Alt Right.  In Europe, economic frictions due to the EU and its policies, as well as problems over migration and, overall, the dominance of the union by Germany, has increased irritation between North and South, East and West.  We have therefore moved backward with respect to the pan-European perspective and people are “digging in their heels” and refusing to be reasonable, falling back on narrow identities, much to the delight of Culture Retarding ethnonationalists who exult in their “petty nationalism” as well to the delight of the ever-divisive Nordicists.  And, of course, since every action breeds a reaction, one observes some angry pushback from rightists of Southern (especially) and Eastern European extraction.

There is plenty of blame to go around on all sides. It is useless to try and put specific percentages of blame for particular groups; let us just say that no one is completely innocent and no one is completely guilty, although I believe one side is more guilty than the other. Putting aside the issue of ethnonationalism here (addressed in many other of my posts), let us concentrate on Nordicism (and related ethnic fetishisms).

As evidence that the Nordicists are more to blame, I can not only point out the history of White racial nationalism since WWII and the history of constant Nordicist aggression against non-Nordics, particularly in the American scene (the latest TOO nonsense being just the latest example), but we can also consider the opinions of others. For example, in the early 1960s, the Nordic Belgian Jean Thiriart was castigating Nordicists and Germanocentric intra-European racism for creating destructive division among Europeans. And, of course, fifteen years earlier, Yockey was criticizing the “vertical racism” of the Nordicists for the same reason in his book Imperium. Further, one can certainly find other examples of Northern European Far Rightists critiquing Nordicism; it certainly isn’t only Southern and Eastern Europeans who do so. However, while one can of course denounce Nordicism, one can still be objective enough try to understand Nordicist stereotypes of Europe’s South and East, and the degree to which those stereotypes have some basis in reality.

The Nord looks at the different peoples of Europe and sees different levels of accomplishment and productivity (at least over the last several centuries), as well as differences in phenotypic aesthetics that they correlate with accomplishment and productivity.  More fundamentally, the Nord sees differences in character and behavior. Thus, the Nord sees Southern Europeans (particularly Italians) as the Eternal Schettino – an inept clown; a superficial and lazy “wine, women, and song” hedonist who is always hysterical and cowardly in a crisis. The Nord sees Eastern Europeans as the Eternal Putin – a corrupt thug; a crude, brutal Asiatic with an ill-disguised inferiority complex, and ill-disguised envious hostility, toward the West.

Are those stereotypes precisely accurate?  Do they covey the full measure of those European peoples?  Of course not.  But, as do all stereotypes, do they contain some basic elements of truth? Of course they do – just like negative stereotypes of Northwest Europeans also contain some basic elements of truth.

Southern and Eastern Europeans must absolutely demand an end to Nordicist attitudes, BUT, at the same time, they must act in such a way to dispel the negative stereotypes and thus make Nordicism superfluous and ridiculous. Northwest Europeans absolutely have a right to demand that Southern and Eastern Europeans stop being the Eternal Schettino and the Eternal Putin, but they themselves must stop being the Eternal Merkel – forever arrogantly lecturing and scolding Europe’s South and East, while at the exact same time endlessly pathetically surrendering and groveling to The World of Color.  All Europeans have some significant room for improvement.

I am not optimistic. As I said, people are “digging in their heels,” digging their memetic trenches; they are not open to reason, compromise, and conciliation. Far from being the lunatic “Medicist” my critics claim I am, I try to see all sides of this issue.  But the aim of that reasonableness MUST be to eventually solve the problem.  I am not interesting in discussing these issues as a theoretical exercise, or to justify culture retarding attitudes, or to throw my hands up and say the problem is insoluble and that Europe (broadly defined as all peoples of European ancestry worldwide) is a house divided, and will remain so until it inevitably collapses.

I truthfully at the current time do not know the answer to this problem.  I have tried many different approaches; the problem only gets worse. The problem needs to be resolved in the direction of a pan-European solution; if not, Europe dies and the worldwide community of European peoples dies, and race and civilization fade away into oblivion. However that solution is not going to be possible until sufficient numbers of reasonable people on all sides of this problem decide that it must be so. Likely what is necessary as a start is for all sides to state what it is they want as the ultimate outcome of the process of dealing with this issue, and what are the possible areas where wants overlap and where they may conflict.

Those who agree with me and who want to work with me on this know where to find me, politically speaking.  I have my blogs and a Gab account.  The Sallis Groupuscle blog is open to others to contribute.

That is all I will say on this issue for today.

Style over Substance

Italian incompetence.

I have been looking at a number of websites and scholarly articles examining the issue of Italian military incompetence.  Some of these emphasize the most egregious example of this – the World War II (WWII) experience – and others take a broader, long-term historical view, with at least one author asserting that claims of Italian military incompetence can be found as far back as the sixteenth century (or earlier).

With all manifestations of human phenotypes, there are both biological and cultural mechanisms at play, and, of course, the biology and the culture influence each other. We must look deeply here. Some articles (and this is mostly with respect to WWII and to a lesser extent WWI) cite “poor equipment” (but others argue against this) and “poor leadership” from the officer class (who were mostly Northern Italians, by the way), but even if there is some truth there, that begs the question as to why the Italian state and military apparatus was so inept as to provide poor equipment and poor leadership to its soldiers.

The idea that this stereotype goes back centuries suggests deep-seated biological (e.g., genetic pacification starting with the Roman Empire and the dysgenic effects of war during the Roman Republic) and cultural (e.g., “La Dolce Vita,” amoral familism, a lack of a military tradition starting with when provincials and mercenaries began – to an ever-increasing extent – replacing Italians in the Roman Legions, etc.) causes. That Italians are not taken seriously as a people, in the same manner as, say, the Germans or the English, or even the French (or Spaniards for that matter, who have a much better military reputation than do Italians) is something that is very deeply rooted in Italy’s history (and by Italy I speak historically over the centuries and not just the modern Italian nation state).

One comment I found particularly interesting was that – and this again was in particular reference to WWII – Italian Fascism promoted style over substance.  Thus, the Fascist regime did not prepare the Italian military in any real sense – training, morale, an effective officer corps, equipment and other material, etc.  There was a lot of empty blustering about “eight million bayonets” but nothing substantive behind it.  It was a paper tiger, a fraud, a big show – style over substance.

Indeed, style over substance is a defining characteristic of Italians, perhaps THE defining characteristic.  Italian Fascism is a perfect example, but there are others.  Cola di Rienzi had impressive dreams, but no idea of how to actualize any into reality. Schettino is another excellent example, the stereotype of the flashy, superficial Italian womanizer, doing fancy tricks with his ship, but who is useless during an actual emergency and who becomes a meme for incompetent cowardice. Or The Great China Plague of 2020, met with Italians “singing on balconies.”  Empty and superficial – style over substance in every respect.

To the extent that this is biological, the Italian people desperately require eugenic improvement.  To the extent that it is cultural, degenerate elements of the culture – the whole “La Dolce Vita” stupidity and the emotional gesticulating “singing on balconies” paradigm – needs to change. Wine, Women, and Song need to be replaced with Authority, Hierarchy, and Discipline.

Let’s consider Italian Fascism in more detail – in what ways did it go wrong?  What could have it done instead to put substance over style in all things, including military competence and effective collective action?
Italian Fascism went in the wrong direction at its most fundamental basis. It emphasized the State, while it should have emphasized The New Man (like Romanian fascism) as well as racial improvement (like German fascism).  Italian fascism was externalized (the pipe-dream of a “new Roman Empire”) while it should have been internalized (to build a New Italy). Instead of comic opera wars against Ethiopia and Greece, Mussolini should have instead waged war against the Monarchy and the Church. He should have waged unrelenting war against “La Dolce Vita.” Instead of empty style, Il Duce should have delivered transformative substance.

f Mussolini was a real revolutionary with a dedicated vision, and far-sighted strategic planning, this could have been accomplished.  He could have slowly but surely removed pro-monarchy elements from the military and state apparatus, and replaced these with individuals who were both dedicated Fascists and also of high merit and ability.  He could have slowly but surely worked to lessen the influence of the Catholic Church over the lives of Italians, particularly the youth. He could have made fascitizing the society priority number one, with an emphasis on the youth, particularly boys and young men. He could have harnessed the vibrancy of Futurism as an underlying ideological force, focused on industrialization and science and technics, and slowly but surely (as religion waned) promoted eugenics and racial improvement. The Italian military should have been focused on for two purposes – to build a modern force of high morale and effective striking power to safeguard Italian sovereignty and Italian interests WITHOUT wars of aggression but to defend the Italian state and people (enabling Italy to be safely neutral in WWII) and as a school of national development for young men to learn discipline, sacrifice, authority, hierarchy, and heroism. Foreign policy could have followed the Montreux Conference model of promoting fascism throughout Europe and forging alliances of common interests with European fascist movements to help build a New European Order of cooperation, NOT military conquest.

These are things that would have been perfectly feasible, given Mussolini’s decades in power (and he would not have been deposed in 1943 if Italy had not been involved in the war).  All of the fascist energy should have been turned inward, to purge Italy of “La Dolce Vita” hedonism and instill in the youth a sense of purpose and greatness. Real improvements in industry, education, culture, military, and science could have been achieved.  Eugenics to improve the stock and undo centuries of dysgenics and genetic pacification could have been instituted, to biologically enhance the Italian breed, to go along with the important cultural changes. 

Mussolini’s war against the mafia was more or less effective (although that could have been done better as well), indicating that firm internal action was possible (the mafia was brought back to power by the Americans). That same drive and determination should have been applied to society as a whole. The Catholic Church was (is) a mafia, the Monarchy was a mafia – those deserved the same treatment as did the criminal mafia itself.  Of course, the tactics would have had to be different, the timetable slower.  But the ultimate endgame should have been the same.

But, no. Instead, Mussolini was the Donald Trump of European fascism – all bluster, no action; all style, no substance.  A blustering, bloviating fraud.  Talk loudly and carry a twig.

And so, in 2020, we get “singing on balconies” – essentially Schettinoism applied to the covid-19 response.  My dear Italians – you need less singing and more fighting.

The purpose of this post is not merely yet another critique of Italy and the Italians. Italy is an important cornerstone of Europe, particularly of Western Europe.  Italy – along with Germany, England, France, and Spain – was always cited by Yockey as one of the core pillars of his Western Imperium. Ultimately, Italy will be one key to ultimate success for the White, Western cause.  Therefore, that nation and its people need to do better than Schettino jumping into a lifeboat and do better than “singing on balconies” in response to the Chinese war of genocide against Italians and the rest of humanity.

Of course, nation-wide comprehensive change cannot occur under the present System.  But we need Italians to begin to step up now, as they are today. Not all of them, but there has to be a healthier, right-wing element that can begin to foreshadow, today, the New Italian of tomorrow.  The Italian Far Right needs to step up and become a key player, a serious player, for the fight for the West and for the White Race. And we need them to start right now.

It is time for substance over style. It is time to become a hammer of history and not an anvil.

The time for “singing on balconies” is over. 

Odds and Ends, 5/3/20

In der news.

Behold the deadly enemy – the Yellow Peril.  Please read this.  They’re waging war on humanity.  Humanity does nothing in response.

HBD onanism material.  Awkward squad heavy breathing commences…three…two…one…

See this.  I don’t understand why anyone is surprised by these differences.  Indeed, East Asians, as exemplified by the Chinese, may be the most radically un-White COLORED race there is; in fact, one can make an effective argument that that East Asians are the group most unlike Whites, much more different than Whites than are, say, sub-Saharan Africans.  Are the Chinese the ultimate TROPICAL race?  Derbyshire weeps.

It’s WN 2.0:

tony hayers  Chinaski 

Woes says that the cock-pic screenshots are real, but was just him trolling some bloke 3 years ago who kept bugging him about the gay thing , so he’s like “You wanna see my throbbing thistle gristle ? ” and he got a pic off the internet. So it’s genuine in that sense. But it’s an out of context joke from 3 years ago and nothing does “out of context” better than the internet.

gus2048  Ectropy

I agree with some of this- but not all. Yes women are hypocrites- they make out like they are some violated vestal virgin when some shy difficult inexperienced geek like Woes makes a clumsy move on them- then with some good looking chad or rich footballer they are prepared to go straight to sex & behave like a street haw- They cant have it both ways- its the same with women who go into men’s jobs where some behave in an aggressive macho way- this has been my issue with some (not all) women in jobs I’ve worked in- postman/ prison officer- these feminazi women adopt this aggressive condescending attitude- so mine is- ok if you are going to act like a man I will treat you like one- so I respond with aggression- then all of a sudden they are the poor helpless little woman again & I= the sexist bully- my attitude is- if you want me to be chivalrous& make allowances then ACT like a woman. It is the same with the sexual aspect for nerds like Woes- if he did act in a way that was sexually aggressive to some poor innocent young girl- then obviously I condemn him utterly- However if it is a case of some promiscuous female- who will throw it around for some men then act outraged when some shy geek like Woes makes a fool of himself this is different. Of course even if it is such a hypocritical female- the emphasise upon us males & particularly leaders is to rise above such behaviours- so even if the woman is a THOT a proud right winger undermines himself if he gropes her- leave her to go shag some black footballer in his Porsche. My difficulty with this is that I cannot see such types of women attending our events in the first place- as they will just go along with the liberal fashion- However we are a movement of redemption & fairness. We should examine the evidence 1st & allow the possibility of this being a lonely man acting in desperation- rather than some sinister predator setting out to abuse for kicks- if it’s the latter sadly he must go…

Meanwhile, Forney has gone full flubro. It’s real easy to call people “retards” with the claim that the “models” predicting “millions and billions” of deaths incorporated mitigation.  Err, excuse me, first, Fauci always admitted the models were only as good as the data put into them, and, second, the models apparently do not incorporate viral evolution due to altered transmissibility (although the association between virulence and transmissibility is not always clear).  

The flubros don’t quite get certain things. First, you can make legitimate criticisms of the extent of the lockdowns, particularly extreme cases like Albania, without openly lying about the scope and impact of The China Plague.  Perhaps taking a look at excess mortality in New York may be useful, particularly when considering the decreased deaths due to the lack of human activity (and subhuman criminal activity).  Also, last I looked, the flu typically doesn’t result in multiple organ failure, embolisms, etc.

Second, perhaps they should remember that the morbidity and mortality of The China Plague in not in place of the flu (itself from China as well), but in addition to it.  And this addition is, apparently, more contagious, more deadly, and with more unusual, and in some cases, lasting health consequences.

Third, there is a flu vaccine (of variable effectiveness, year by year) as well as people having residual immunity to new strains from having past, somewhat similar strains (mutations do not always completely eliminate immune recognition) and/or past vaccinations (ditto).  We are currently dealing with a novel virus, with no vaccine, the specific scope of which, and long term public consequences of which, we do not yet know.

None of the above necessarily implies supporting one specific mitigation strategy over another.  It does imply that stating “it’s just the flu, bro” is indicative of a certain amount of cognitive deficiency.

By the way, folks upset about their lockdown status, and unable to buy “vape juice” or microphones, should perhaps lay the blame where it ultimately belongs – the diseased yellow monsters who inflicted this upon the world, just as they inflicted multiple other genocidal plagues upon humanity in the past.

The one thing Forney’s podcast has revealed of utility is that there are people in Der Movement whose “take” on the Millennial Woes issue is that Robertson “looks like a Med” and “has Italian DNA.”  Whew!  That’s a relief. I thought we’d be able to get through some sort of “movement” issue without Sallis’ Law being invoked, but I was wrong. Should’ve known better!  Vintage “movement” – Northern Europeans behave badly, so blame Swarthoids. Makes sense. Those greasers must be involved somehow, guddummint!

Let’s return the favor.  Look at those light eyes on Schettino – looks Nord to me!  Must be some Swedish DNA there!  Let’s see his testing results!

The fact that Amren has as a writer the deranged HBD filth Engelman, perhaps even more pro-Asian than Derbyshire, tells you all you need to know about the “race realist” faction of Der Movement.  After all, we know who “calls the shots,” in HBD, don’t we?  Although, more realistically, she’ll look like this. And no, Engelman, her name is not “Ben Dover.”

This is WN 2.0.  This fellow gets retweeted by Johnson (on another matter). I’m shocked, shocked I say!

High standards of entry? The typical rank-and-file “activist” is a small step above (if at that) a drooling idiot, and the “leadership” are a bunch of tragically incompetent affirmative action cases whose only “productive” skill is grifting.

What would low standards look like?

Maybe humans are retaliating against the genocidal war being waged by Asians against humanity?  Maybe people weight the risk factors for covd-19 infection?

“They let it spread.”  Of course they did.  And they are laughing over it, laughing at the pain, anguish, and death they have inflicted on humanity.

Asia is waging war against humanity and humanity responds by doing absolutely nothing. When will YOU take a stand against Asia?

Is this sarcasm?  If not, maybe we should have Balkanoids chiming in about the Ottoman reality, not Quota Queen cuckolds.

Icelander breaks Englishman’s record.  Der Movement doesn’t know whether to celebrate or weep.  Oh the agony!

Science Supports Sallis Once Again

And other news.

The science. Emphasis added:

Anthropomorphism in impressions of animals is commonplace, and this generalization from humans to animals is one example of a broader tendency to generalize from adaptively significant categories when judging specific exemplars. Although anthropomorphism may lead to unlikely or incorrect judgments, it fostered accurate sex-differentiation of macaque faces due to an appropriate generalization from the sexually dimorphic cues that distinguish human male and female faces to macaques. As predicted, Koreans performed better than Caucasians in sex-differentiating macaque faces, a difference mediated by Koreans’ greater use of sexually dimorphic eye height cues. These results extend and disambiguate evidence of East Asian superiority in sex-differentiating human faces. Whereas an own-race advantage might explain the previous but not the present findings, both can be explained by East Asians’ keener sensitivity to sexually dimorphic cues, perhaps owing to the greater subtlety of such cues in East Asian faces. Implications of this sensitivity for other cultural differences in person perception are discussed.

East Asians (except perhaps for Yukio Mishima) are better at distinguishing sexual dimorphism because they have to be.  Since they have so little sexual dimorphism of their own, East Asians have evolved to be able to discern the smallest of sex differences, so they can eventually find a mate and reproduce. Hence, I quote: “Koreans performed better than Caucasians in sex-differentiating…These results extend and disambiguate evidence of East Asian superiority in sex-differentiating human faces” and now the reason – “owing to the greater subtlety of such cues in East Asian faces.”  Subtlety indeed!  Then there’s the body.

Just wait until all the sniveling Millennials and Zoomers come back from the “Spring Break” (some going to Europe), back to the hallowed halls of academia, to the colleges and universities, the law schools, the graduate schools, the medical schools, and all the other bastions of “higher education.” Just wait until all those collected coronaviruses are unleashed on the American public. Expect academic campuses to be new epicenters of infection, spreading to the surrounding local communities. Have fun!

The original nothingburger:

The biggest takeaway from this whole to-do is that Chinese people eat bats. Otherwise it’s a big nothingburger.

Type I stupidity at its finest.

Nothingburger one. It’s spreading…coming soon to a town near you.

Nothingburger two.  CHINESE bioweapon?

Nothingburger three.  China fighting an undeclared war on the UK. How are all those “British Asians” doing these days, eh Silkers?

By the way, I’ve heard from various correspondents in different parts of the USA of some unusual military activity in their areas over the past week or so. Practice makes perfect, I suppose.  Have fun!  Meanwhile, have you noticed that mainstream articles on Yahoo have now been advocating prepping?  Fun, fun, fun!  Thanks, China!

 A wise comment:

Chinese people are really lunatics.
I’m not really one to judge other people’s cultures and beliefs but they just seem moronic. I’ve never seen such a dull intellect and curiosity. The nice thing about mass immigration is that we get to see the average Chinaman – not just the super genius ones which used to cause us to hold all of China in high regard.
I would completely cut off immigration from Asia. They are just too alien to us. Jews and Muslims, as well as Africans are far more understandable, to me at least. We don’t need any of them but Asians just creep me out, especially non-Muslim ones

Derbyshire weeps.

It’s just the common cold!

Battle of the Ladogans!  The epicanthic competition!  Dueling chopsticks!  German vs. Swede – what will Der Movement do?  The fetishists in anguish!  Oh the humanity!

This is Asia.  Very cognitive, very elite.

Why HBD makes you stupid, but also means you’ll conquer Der Movement.

Oriental poetry:

Me Chinese

Me make joke

Me give virus

So you croak

We’re all safe now!  Pray to Jaysus and we’ll be immune!  Hallelujah!

Milady ages gracefully. One needs some distractions after hitting the wall, eh? Sounds like a thirty year delayed reaction, though.

Yellow milady.

It would really be a loss for me if I let the pressure overtake my possibilities…

Certainly!  I mean, she’s about to cure cancer and discover the secrets of the cosmos, so we can’t let all that pressure interfere with those possibilities now, can we?

High trust northern hunter gatherers. Have no fear, Greta Ladogan will save you!

But, but, but…Joan of Arc?  Is Hampton “crazy and bitter?” The “paranoid style!”

How many Alt Right Whiteys have been invited to the White House to meet the “sincere man of genuine greatness?”

It’s greatness!

Are you noticing that the greasy inept afrowops are floundering around helplessly with the China Plague in Italy?  Hysterical gesticulating is not a plan.  And, no, there’s no truth to the rumor that Schettino will be Italy’s coronavirus czar – dagoes to the lifeboats!