Category: beta race

Odds and Ends, 10/13/20

In der news.

And it’s another great moment in Counter-Currents history!  Nature finds a way!

Laugh at this.

This is why I argue that ethnonationalism is the best system for handling the politics of identity. Ethnonationalism upholds the right of all peoples to sovereign homelands if they feel their identities are threatened in multicultural, multiracial societies.

Does that apply to Hungary as well?  Out, Morgan, out!  In my opinion, the Hungarian people should eject the invaders in their midst by any means necessary.

White Nationalists are fond of the phrase “Our race is our nation.” But this is not literally true. The white race is not a people, because peoplehood is more than just kinship, which brings us to the second pillar of white identity politics: culture.

As if there is no underlying common culture, known as Western civilization. Keep on selling books on, or by, Yockey, you hypocrite.

I’m no fan of Liddell, but, still.

Something else we learn from this – genetically speaking, Corsica should be part of Italy.  Hello, Napoleon!

Hunter Wallace 

OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 9:16 PM


Donald Trump literally had four years to do something about Antifa. FOUR YEARS. He didn’t do a damn thing about the problem except blame it on “Joe Biden’s America.” He is the president and evidently he is helpless.

Further, all of Trump’s recent activity (obviously politically motivated and election-induced; typical Trumpian selfishness) against “diversity training” has come four years too late.

Gee, if Johnson agrees with Zman that boomer-bashing is stupid, then he should talk to Borat Jeelvy (No Bueno!) about that. I didn’t listen to the whole Johnson-Zman livestream– once Zman started talking (with Johnson’s prompting) about his coffee and tea drinking habits, that was enough. What navel-gazing, self-indulgent buffoons these morons are. So, at the risk of being called a “low information moralizer” (since I do not know what was discussed after the great caffeine revelations), I have to say that what a major topic of discussion and debate should have been was Johnson’s and Zman’s drastically different “takes” on covid-19.  Even if there was some discussion on that after I tuned out (or before I tuned in), that would still be clearly insufficient – covid-19 should have been the top priority topic. But given how fundamentally dishonest Johnson is, it is no surprise that we didn’t get a full-throated debate on this issue. They could also have debated the extent to which the “Jewish Question” is relevant.

Johnson is also hypocritical talking about “bitter” people whose sense of “not getting justice” makes then behave badly (Sallis?).  Very well. Three names to throw out here with respect to Johnson’s bitterness – Spencer, Friberg, Forney.  What about that?

By the way, if a buffoon like Zman is really a STEM worker, that’s frightening.  The rot in STEM has obviously affected the Right as well as the Left.

See this.  The Sardinian-Sicilian hope for the Italian Right.

Counter-Currents quality!

Much of my life has centered around fantasy books, role-playing video games, and heavy metal music…Perhaps the biggest influence of my life has been heavy metal music…we enjoyed complimentary drinks from the bar while listening to classic heavy metal songs all night.

WN 2.0!

Can we doubt that Whites are a grossly inferior race?  Hypothesis: the Herrenvolk will be over-represented among the “Black owned movement.”  Just the folks you’d want dominating (no pun intended) the leadership positions of the “movement.” Question: is HBD a “Yellow owned movement?”

Yeastbucket news.

The Tropical Alliance continues.  The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

Weidman a HBDer?

Hey!  What about those high, high IQ Jews and Orientals?

Der Movement marches on:

polistra says: • Website

October 12, 2020 at 11:21 am GMT • 100 Words   ↑

The plain fact is that Columbus is irrelevant. He didn’t do what either side claims. He didn’t discover anything. He landed on Haiti, not North America, and thought he was in Indonesia. He certainly wasn’t the first European; the Vikings had been here much earlier. He’s not worth fighting over.

Before the 1930s, school history texts didn’t emphasize Columbus. They correctly treated the Vikings as the first discoverers.

Columbus became a big deal in the 1930s because the Italians had the guns. Now the blacks have the guns, so their heroes get the national holidays. Heroes are just an expression of power.

Possibly, once the “movement” peanut gallery digests the latest genetic information about the Vikings, their fetishistic ardor may diminish; on the other hand, Der Movement Inc. has never let facts get in the way of dogma, so who knows?

The bottom line is that European colonization of the New World (and elsewhere, for the most part) only started after Columbus. Whatever occurred before had no geopolitical impact. In this sense, it were the “school history texts” “before the 1930s” that were biased, not the ones who came after.

Or, please tell us how the initial Viking exploration led to large scale European colonization.


MAGA in Three Easy Steps!

MAGA!  Pepe!  Kek!

Step One: Trump tweets that Antifa is going to be declared a terrorist organization.

Step Two: This occurs.

Step Three: Trump does nothing.

How is what is happening in Seattle different from what Aaron Burr was accused of doing, except in this case we have public, real-time evidence (witnessed by millions, not only by “two”) that the group is levying war against the USA – in other words, legal and constitutionally defined treason? Worse, this is a group Trump declared a “terrorist organization.”  Let’s understand this – a group so declared is in open, treasonous, armed insurrection against the US government and Trump does absolutely nothing except tweet.  Nero fiddled when Rome burned; the retarded jackass Trump tweets as America burns.

Pepe!  Let’s scream “Kek!” and chug gallons of milk!

What would happen if a bunch of armed WNs declared an autonomous zone in, say, a trailer park?

Trump would send Kushner to personally lead the airborne assault to destroy the WN 2.0 collective.

Seriously though, who is ultimately to blame for this state of affairs and the fact that the only Far Right reaction is some snide tweets?

I blame YOU, dear reader, all of you rank-and-file nitwits who have been enabling Der Movement’s ethnic affirmative action program, who prop up outrageous incompetents, who went along with the Alt Right and all the God Emperor nonsense, all of it.

But, but, but, you sputter…isn’t this the “chaos and balkanization” Sallis wanted with Trump’s election?  No, because true chaos and balkanization requires action and reaction from both sides of the equation.  What we are seeing is the total victory of the Left, because, like a bully in a schoolyard, they’ve tested the mettle of the class nerd and found it lacking.

Trump is a pathetic weakling.  Whites are a race of pathetic weaklings.  The Quota Queens are not only weaklings but grifting incompetents.  

What we have been seeing is not “chaos and balkanization.”  It’s nothing more or less than the equivalent of a (cowardly) middle school bully shaking down a (even more cowardly) wimp for his lunch money.  One punch in the face and the bully will run off crying, but the wimp can’t manage it, which is why he’s a wimp.

Trump is a wimp.  All the big and brave “twigs and branches” Type Is are wimps.  Any Far Rightists in the Pacific Northwest are wimps.  

The Alt Righters are now crowing that this shows that America, the liberal state, is an empty facade.  The pot calls the kettle black. When these types look in the mirror do they actually see a reflection?  Is there any there there?

The Camp of the Wimps

More manifest utter White inferiority.

For godssakes, forcefully send them back, and if they violently resist, then SHOOT THEM!  The European military must use their weapons and fire. It is a violent invasion. These are soldiers invading territory. They are attacking defenders. What the hell is matter with you wimps there in Europe?  (Of course the same applies to America’s unwillingness to defend its own borders – The White Man’s disease).

What a bunch of pathetic wimps Europeans are – depending on Turks to do the job they should do themselves, and then to flounder helplessly when the Turkish scum “stand down.”  “Migrants” throwing tear gas canisters at human police?  They attack European police and military?  SHOOT THEM!   I’m not – repeat, not – advocating civilians to engage in violence; I am urging the police and military to do their job.  They are supposed to be there to resist invasion.

Camp of the Saints, indeed.

You can thank your ethnonationalism for this, Greggy.  How can the West “thing big” when guys like you want the West to think small?

Joan of Arc, Joan of Arc, my free tampons and pads for my Joan of Arc!  Time for the Queer Brigade to tell us how we need to be ever-so-understanding to milady.

The Chinese people continue to MURDER Italians. The pitiful swarthoids do nothing except hysterically gesticulate and drop dead among their skin grease and hair oils.  Afrowops!

La Dolce Vita!  Except there’s not much “vita” left anymore, eh guineas?  Remember, swarthoids, just take the genocidal abuse from the Chinese and do nothing in response. Schettino would be proud!

A commentator spots the contradiction:

The following two statements in the article are contradictory:

“CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19,” the CDC says. “Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others.”

The CDC recommendations add that “the use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings.”

Another one:

Stop buying masks, they won’t prevent Coronavirus, but we need them for health care workers caring for people with Coronavirus.” So which is it? Either we don’t need them because they won’t prevent anything, in which case medical staff don’t need them because they won’t prevent anything, or we do need them, just like medical workers, to prevent illness. Can’t have it both ways there.

Face masks are of course protective, which is why health workers need them.  But, you see, thanks to globalism and outsourcing, the masks (and virtually everything else) are manufactured in The Land of the Gods, and the HBDers’ gods are not sharing them (sharing viruses yes, sharing face masks, no).

So, to fool the rubes, the retarded System makes moronic comments than are so transparently illogical that even the rubes recognize the contradictions. There are not enough face masks for health care workers, much less for the rest of us.  We’re screwed. But, hey, don’t panic, we don’t want the stock market to go down or anything. And certainly don’t blame the Chinese for this disaster; after all, that would be blasphemy against the doctrine of Yellow Supremacy. Hail HBD!  Hail race realism!  Hail!

As you die from coronavirus, don’t be racist against Asians.  That’s all that matters, after all.

By the way, it’s funny that everyone is pretending not to know why Italy has been hit so hard by the China Plague. It’s obviously from tourism; indeed, at the beginning of the Italian crisis, news reports openly mentioned infected Chinese tourists. Emphasis added:

Since Friday, Italian authorities have confirmed more than 130 new cases, including two fatalities, in the north of the country. Three people, including two Chinese tourists, who were confirmed positive in Rome last month have since recovered and are no longer believed to be contagious.

But after some scabrous Chinatrix complained about being harassed in Turin, all discussion about how the disease invaded Italy came to an end.  After all, who cares if a bunch of wops die; the important thing is not to offend any Holy Orientals.

The bottom line is that Chinese “tourists,” knowing their own nation had the epidemic, still traveled to Italy, and the typically useless Schettinos of Italy let them in. To the Chinese, Italy is not a nation but merely a museum to be gawked at; to the Chinese, the Italian people are simply zoo animals. Don’t feed the dagoes!  And we all know how well the Chinese treat animals now, don’t we?

So, all you Eyetalians, just sit down, shut up,and die quietly, sacrificing yourselves for your Chinese masters. Make sure you pitifully grovel before The Altar of Asia before you die; you don’t want to commit blasphemy now, do you?

Another American murdered by China.  America does nothing.

Wow, it’s great we have such a science-minded empiricist in charge here.  Wouldn’t want to think we had some sort of religious fanatic Jesus freak running the American coronavirus show now, do we?

Disgusting animals.

They’re laughing at us.

The Chinese reaction to another White person’s death from coronavirus.

The eyes have it.

Me look Chinese

Me make joke

Me be Ladogan

Epicanthic woke

Fetishists weep.

Germans siding with non-White invaders against Europe.

But, of course. If not Greece, then they take trains to Bulgaria to open the border there, or they sail the Mediterranean to “rescue” “migrants” and forcefully dump them into Italy.

Me be Kraut

Me am joke

Me destroy Europe

So Whitey croak

That’s real, like, high trust and all. Really really deep “Inner Hajnal” no doubt.  Where’s the half niece incest master Saint Adolf when you need him?

Fetishists weep.

That’s what Germans do. This is what Greeks do.

Fetishists weep. Any more Revilo Oliver speeches, Kev?

The Yang Problem and Other Issues

In der news.

This is affirmative action on display.  Sigh…the point is not that there are “strings attached” if an activist receives his $1000 per month handout (but after all the recent deplatforming, and the direction this country is going in, you’d be foolish to think that the UBI would never be cut off to public activists). The point is that Yang’s plan is meant to buy off White anger (to the extent that this anger exists or will exist in the future) over their dispossession. The point is not that Yang’s plan poses a danger to activists, but instead that his plan is a danger to the ability of activists to recruit from the White masses The point is, a la Salter, that we want multiculturalism NOT to work, not make it work more smoothly through “a minority-majority America is A-OK as long as some of my tax money is funneled back to me (and to the endless stream of invaders Yang supports) via UBI.”

“Movement” leaders are as “deep” as a piece of tissue cut by a microtome.

Of course, it has crossed my mind that the immature frathouse boys are merely trolling us, that it is just more Beavis-and-Butthead “lulzing.”

Others think so:


Posted March 11, 2019 at 9:45 am | Permalink

Gotta say, I was bewildered and disappointed by all the dissident right support for Yang. After all, the guy is a fairly standard leftist and anti-white on all the racial issues. But now I see it is (mostly) a joke/meme and have learned to laugh at it (a bit).

Then again, maybe not.  Remarkable.  Guess what, Richie, back in 2016, Trump was “worthy of support” because he was going to build dat dere wall, and he was possibly going to crack down on “legal” immigration as well.  Wha’ happen?

Either way, it is bad.  These guys are either demented as regards judgment or they are imbecilic immature idiots.

Should salaries be winsorized?

I am reading Crime and Punishment, and it is amusing that there is a male Russian radical character stating the belief that woman are equal to men in every way, including physical strength.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

This here does not in any way change the genetic interests of the English people; EGI is forward looking and how current genepools came into existence is not the issue.

Why I despise White people, particularly White males (not men).  Yes, international sales contributed, but the bottom line is that if Whites, particularly males, boycotted it, it would tank.  These are the people who are going to bring us Total White Victory (+/- 50 years)?

Whites are a hopeless omega race – lower than omega, the leucosa race.

But if they hate Whites (and they do) – that’s A-OK!  MAGA!  Pepe!  Kek!

Trouble in Colored Paradise.  It’ll all be good when Whitey is not around to kick around any more, right?

Eggroll?  Sounds familiar.  As for the meme itself, well…

Roissy: What’s the common thread?  Gee, I don’t know Beavis…maybe, cuck naggers?

How’s that “last chance for White America” thing coming along?  If the Quota Queens had any character whatsoever, they’d leave racial activism and go retire to some place they’d be comfortable (Israel or China are two prime destinations).

Behold the wopess – this couldn’t happen to a more deserving person. The Left devours its own.  I also enjoy Warren making noises about “breaking up” the Big Tech SJWs. Excellent.

Look at this nonsense, while remembering this written previously.  And this. Two points from the main piece.  First, this fellow claims to be middle-aged.  I always imagined him to be a Millennial, given he writes like a callow youth.  Second, note the part about gays, particularly that “committed” homosexuals should find an opposite sex gay person to reproduce with.

You see, gay apologists like to stress that “it’s biological.”  OK.  So, if it is biological, then by reproducing, they’ll be passing it on. Does a “White Ethnostate” need more homosexuals?  Also, if a man is a “committed” non-bisexual homosexual, meaning he is only sexually attracted to men, how is he going to “get it up” with a woman, much less a lesbian?  So, is it really “only biological” in that case?  And if this is the case of a man who can “perform with anything” in a Negro-like fashion, is that what we want reproducing?

I suppose this can be with artificial insemination – “turkey baster babies.” That’s great!  What a wonderful family unit!  Dad jacks off to gay porn and Mom has that semen placed into her fetid yeastbucket.  What tales they can tell “junior” about his (or her) conception!  Traditionalism!  Is that what a “White Ethnostate” should be about?  

Lots of deep thinkers among the current crop of Counter-Currents writers, of that we can have no doubt.  

His riposte would no doubt be: “I have personally seen it happen more than once.”  Interesting people this individual associates with.  His anecdotal claim then brings us back to the same questions and comments made above.

Then there’s the comments:

Madison Grant never had kids. Adolf Hitler never had kids. Were they losers? Were they failures?

Do I really need to answer that?

…the Movement is made up of and attracts men who are weirdos and spergs…


…saying to young WN men that we should get married and have kids is advice that’s dead on arrival. And to be clear, I’m not saying that nerds and spergs should be catered to or coddled (truth be told, we should submit to voluntarily sterilization after we create the White Ethnostate.

And he just proves his own self-characterization.  Gee…yes, let’s sterilize all the intellectual introverts, so the whole population will be strutting around like Vince McMahon and sniggering like Beavis and Butthead within two generations. The Alt Right/Game Idiocratic Ethnostate!  I support eugenics, but one has to be careful, since traits are linked.  It would seem to be a good thing to select against manic-depression, neuroticism, anxiety, introversion, etc. – until you end up with an uncreative, laid-back nation of Negrified psychopaths.  Selecting solely for intelligence may leave you with a nation of autistic soyboys. At least promote the breeding of well-rounded and accomplished individuals by suppressing the lowest dregs, without being too narrow in your criteria.

Might as well get it out of the way early on: I’m a young white man with an Asian wife.

American Renaissance awaits!  VDARE embraces you!  What’s the problem? Hail Derbyshire!

Question: Then why doesn’t this person support the Sallis groupuscule, which has been telling the truth about Trump for more than three years?  Do I really need to link to that affirmative action YouTube song video again? Let’s just pretend I did.

Roissy continues to be insanely deluded:

Trump, do something useful this week for your base. Direct your AG to declare the SPLC a hate group which should be monitored nonstop by the FBI.

What is far more likely is that Trump will write a big fat (like him) “D’Nations” check to the SPLC, while tweeting about how the Democrats are so terribly “anti-Semitic.” 

Weasel-faced Roissy still doesn’t get it.  Hey, Roissy – your “God Emperor” (by his actions and inaction, forget the bombastic blustering) supports the SPLC.  He supports Antifa. He betrays his base on a now-almost-daily basis.  Can you give up your sweaty homoerotic fervor for this obese clown?

And now it is all because “Bannon left and was replaced by ‘Javanka.”  Newsflash to the Trumptards: If your obese “God Emperor” was actually a serious right-wing populist and not a blustering buffoon, then Bannon would still be there, wouldn’t he?  Isn’t Trump the masterful alpha male billionaire “Art of the Deal” (ghostwritten) hero leading us into glory?  Is he going to be manipulated by his praying mantis-headed daughter and her skinny Jew husband?  What gives?