Category: amygdala

Falsifying Competing Hypotheses

Sallis vs. the HBD Nordicists.

Consider the competing hypotheses mentioned here – my own theory of intra-European behavioral differences contrasted to that of the HBD Nordicists.  How could one go about testing this, with an eye toward falsification?

One could consider stress responses, particularly that of the amygdala, to different ethnic/racial images.  If Southern and Eastern Europeans simply have stronger responses to alien faces than do Northwest Europeans, and there are no other differences, that would support the HBD Nordicist theory. On the other hand, regardless of possible overall differences in responsiveness, if Northwest Europeans demonstrated relatively greater responses to other Europeans and relatively lesser responses to non-Whites, as compared to Southern and Eastern Europeans who would be expected to exhibit the opposite relative pattern, then that would be more suggestive of my theory.

Note that in the cases of intra-European response measurements, there may need to be input other than just showing the face, such as a statement of the ethnic/racial background of the face (to control for recognition of foreign origin vs. just a difference in phenotype – a Norwegian may object to a German [as in WWII] even if there is phenotypic similarity), and to eliminate the statements as a variable, it should be done in all cases – if shown a Negro face, that could be accompanied by the statement, “this is a Nigerian immigrant.” These are all fine-tuned details.

The extent to which behavioral differences are innate/genetic vs. learned/cultural could be ascertained via twin/adoption/immigrant and descendant studies, and GWAS could be used to attempt to determine gene-phenotype associations.

Unfortunately, such studies, at least each in isolation, may not constitute definitive falsification, but they would provide strong evidence and perhaps in combination could represent reasonably effective falsification tools.

Others may have better ideas on how to approach this – I’m not a “social scientist” (sic) after all – but at least I’m thinking about the falsification problem, which is more than I can say about others with their own theories and hypotheses.

Odds and Ends, 6/20/21

In der news.

Refuting Nordicist liar (a redundancy) “Desmond Jones.” Look at Iberia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania – and France of course is in between North and South. The idea that only Northern Europe is demographically threatened is an outright lie.

See this. Who were the “race scum” of the East that the heroic Germans were going to destroy and replace? Russians? Ukrainians?

Then we have guys like GW telling us how difficult WN is, for example in America. How does he know? IT HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED. All we get is warmed over Nutzi Nordicism and Germanocentric Hitlerism and/or WASP animus to “White ethnics.”

See this. Note the bit about homosexuality. Is that perhaps a clue to Powell’s popularity among the “handbags at dawn” Alt Right?

Interesting discussion. Interesting that even at a podcast hosted by the pro-free speech Academic Freedom Alliance, SJW speech restrictionist perspectives filter in. The debate, it seems, is to what degree should academia be SJW – mild hysteria, or full blue-haired fatty hysteria?

Disgusting self-interested gaslighting.

…since I intend to be around for many years to come.

Bad news.

“Movement” “leaders” like Johnson need to peddle false optimism, because if his followers get too discouraged, then the “D’Nations” will dry up. Further, an honest appraisal of the sad state of today’s “movement” would lead to calls for accountability for the failed Quota Queens and their inept “leadership,” and we can’t have that! No sir! So, he’ll take a few (alleged) comments from readers, which do not get to the real problems and manifest failures of the “movement” (that I cover at EGI Notes on a regular basis), and then knocks down these strawmen. Another transparently mendacious performance from Gaslighting Greg.

The fact is that whatever good that has been happening – and it’s not much – has been in despite of, not because of, the retarded “movement” and its inept affirmative action “leaders.” The chaos and balkanization from Trump and the growth of right-wing populism in some precincts of the “normie” Right has been somewhat helpful. I suppose that some Whites are being modestly “radicalized” to the Right as a reaction to BLM, CRT, “wokeness,” etc. But those are political and social currents for the most part not directly connected to the “movement.” If Der Movement had done the right thing during the Trump years, such as quietly building in depth behind the scenes, it would be better positioned to take advantage of all that is going on today. But, no. The Beavis-and-Butthead Alt Right stupidly “acted out,” and the remaining “leaders” and their sycophants are useless freakshows and grifters. The reality is that, considering so-called “White well-being,” the “normie” pushback against “wokeness” – including that from traditional liberals and former “democratic socialists” – has been more useful, by far, than “movement” antics.

Der Movement ejaculates (although the mention of the Italian may induce flaccidity).

Better than Viagra.

Remember my theory of autism – that bizarre alien phenotypes, particularly those of NECs/South Asians, were shocking the amygdalas of vulnerable White children, thus precipitating the disorder?  Can you doubt it?  The face that launched a thousand autisms.

True story. I once had a well-known activist, who shall go nameless here, someone who posed as a pan-Europeanist, tell me that the ancient Romans were Nordic, and that the “proof” of this was that Augustus Caesar “looked like British actor James Mason,” and that “Julius Caesar was going bald, and only Northern European men lose their hair.”  I kid you not.

I’m not going to reveal the name of that “well-known activist,” but I can tell you that it was not Pierce.

Fetishists weep. Liddell has a nervous breakdown.

Also see this.

I believe that the reality is somewhere in between the mainstream narrative and the links above. On the one hand, where there’s smoke there’s fire; the reputation of Italian military ineptness has some basis in fact. On the other hand, that reputation has been over-inflated and taken out of context. Consider WWII. Allied with Germany and very poorly equipped, the Italian military lasted in the field for ~ three years before surrender.  In contrast, allied with the British Empire and much better equipped, the French military lasted in the field for ~ six weeks before surrender. And just because the French were allowed, for political reasons, to piggyback on D-Day, and ended up on the winning side, does not excuse the complete catastrophe of 1940. The French have a certain military reputation over the last 150 years that cannot be ignored.  Not everyone is as militarily efficient as, say, Germany used to be. Is that criticism of the French also over-inflated and taken out of context?  Perhaps.  But what goes around comes around. Every ethny should be held to the same standards.

Immigration marches on.

Summarizing Some Sallis Theories

Some Sallis theories.

The Sallis solution to the Fermi Paradox:

…racial diversity is the rule among sentient species; thus, highly divergent human racial types find their counterparts in significant racial variability among the alien peoples inhabiting worlds unknown. I further propose a Gresham’s law of universal racial diversity: the more intelligent and productive races of any sentient species will tend to be demographically outcompeted by the more stupid and useless races; the latter, despite their deficiencies for proximate values, are inevitably more fit with respect to the ultimate criterion of survival.  The threshold of technological competence for a detectable alien civilization would no longer obtain as the race or races capable of maintaining that civilization are replaced by those incapable.  Therefore, no such civilizations are detected.

The Sallis theory of autism.  Thus, the race recognition processing software of the amygdala (also involved in threat recognition) of Whites, particularly White children, is capable of easily distinguishing highly distinct racial types – Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, (pure) Amerindians, and East Asians.  But the post-1965 immigration influx into America (and similar immigration influxes into Europe) has brought into White societies previously rare, more racially intermediate types – South Asians, heavily admixed Latin Americans, Middle/Near Easterners and North Africans. This phenotypically confusing racial diversity “scrambles” the amygdala of susceptible White children, increasing risk for autism.  Hence, the link between diversity and autism and, hence, an explanation for some of the population-autism correlations discovered by James Bowery some years ago.

As regards politics – my “Sallis strategy.”

Xenophobia Is Good Mental Health

There are many legitimate forms of trepidation.

Note that damage to the amygdala can result in an individual unable to recognize dangerous situations, an individual always in trouble, and an individual whose genetic interests are endangered by the inability to actualize prudent and reasonable caution.

The amygdala is also important for race recognition, and I have previously written about my hypothesis on autism, that ties together the various functions of this brain structure into a coherent whole, and which points put the potential dangers of South Asian phenotypes to young White children.

Getting back to the main point here: can we not say that an absence of xenophobia – in other words, typical liberal universalism – is akin to a defect in the amygdala that impairs the recognition of the danger of the racial other?  Isn’t the typical xenophile leftist akin to someone walking around with a damaged brain with a damaged amygdala?  Isn’t racial liberalism than akin to brain damage, and isn’t then xenophobia akin to mental and neurological good health?

Then we get into the question of race-mixing.

Putting aside the issue of casual miscegenation (which is bad enough), let us consider the gross enormity of actually producing children with someone of a different race; let us consider the horror of inter-racial marriage. Of inter-racial family formation: spending your life with, and reproducing with, an alien life form.  What can we see about the amygdala of such a person?  What kind of defect must hey have in their mentality, in their brain circuitry?  Can any such person be trusted?  Why would WNs embrace any individual who “sleeps with the enemy” and who donates their genetic material to produce more of your racial enemies?  Aren’t the ones who embrace such individuals mentally damaged themselves?