Category: discrimination

The Free-Riding/Social Pricing Paradox

If free-riding makes ethnic nepotism “impossible” than why are social pricing and anti-discrimination laws felt to be necessary?

Question:  If free-riding is such a problem for ethnic nepotism and various forms of ethnic activism, if it is all so “impossible” and “unrealistic” then why, pray tell, is there an intricate system of social pricing – never mind actual anti-discrimination laws – designed to dissuade people from engaging in such “impossible” and “unrealistic” behavior?  If everyone would just free-ride on the ethnic altruism of a small number of naive saps, then where is the problem?  Social pricing would seem superfluous, and anti-discrimination laws even more superfluous.  Why, people would just like, you know, spontaneously engage in aracial behavior, right?
No, they would not.  That fact than a repressive “carrot-and-stick” regime of de jure laws and de facto social pricing has to be in place to punish (for Whites only, of course) ethnic altruism/ethnic nepotism while incentivizing (for Whites only, of course) neutral or even pro-alien behavior is practical prima facie evidence that people – including many Whites – would naturally engage in ethnic altruism and ethnic nepotism in a “free marketplace” system lacking in coercive laws and social controls.  There is no other reason for all these laws and social strictures except the very real fear that in the “free marketplace” of ideas and actions people would act in a more ethny-based fashion and discrimination (pro-ethny and anti-alien) would be commonplace.

Is Anti-White Discrimination Possible?

An example.

I have been reading some Negroes mocking White Americans for believing that anti-White discrimination is a serious problem. The Negroes scoff: “Nonsense!  Look at how well Whites are doing compared to Backs. They have more net worth, longer life spans, greater college attendance, etc. Those damn Whiteys just want to return to the 1950s, and oppress we beautiful people of color…”

The problem with that is the assumption that the races are equal in ability, and that differences in outcome that favor Whites must be due to a lack of discrimination against Whites, or even “White Privilege.”

An example.  Imagine two populations, X and Y, sharing the same polity. X is an intelligent, disciplined, and productive race. Y is a stupid, useless, and violent race. In the absence of any outside influences, we can model a situation in which the per capita net worth of X will be, say, five times that of Y, with fifteen years longer lifespan, and 100% greater rate of college attendance.

Then assume the polity adopts an extensive and vicious program of anti-X discrimination, favoring Y in every manner. After decades of this, X now has only two times more per capita net worth, the lifespan difference is only five years in X’s favor, and the rate of college attendance for X is 25% greater than that for Y.

Is X still better off – based on these metrics – than Y?   Yes. Is X still being viciously discriminated against?  Also, yes. Does X have a legitimate reason to complain about, and oppose, that discrimination?  Yes, most definitely.  If members of Y make comments that X faces no discrimination due to the smaller advantages still enjoyed by X as a result of X’s own innate abilities, does that demonstrate the intellectual inferiority of Y?  Yes, it does. 

We live in an age of Black Privilege.

Thank you.

Asians Acting Like Negroes, 7/10/15

A more intelligent form of Negro.
If Negroes did this, HBD filth like Derbyshire would endlessly pontificate about “Black” picking on “non-Black.”  Let the Holy Orientals do it, and it’s all OK.
HBD is the deadly enemy of the White race, and Whites will be free only when HBD is totally destroyed.
And…Asians HATE,HATE, HATE Whites and Western civilization. Never forget that, White man.