Category: Lindsey Graham

Odds and Ends, 6/7/20

In der news.

I just lost what little respect and positive opinion I had for Tom Cotton.  The LAST thing we need are more bizarre alien White-hating Asians.
Who would have ever guessed this about the individual I term “pink frilled Republican.”  But, hey, he’s Mannerbund material. If Lady G thinks you’re cute, will he flirt with you?  He’s ready for WN 2.0! It is remarkable how easy it is to tell if someone is gay, how clear “gayface” is, how definitive this is due to biological factors that are written on the face. And if not the face, then it is in the voice.

See this:

Furthermore, in an even more rigorously controlled series of experiments published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Rule and his colleagues replicated their discovery that people are able to accurately guess male sexual orientation. This time, the researchers demonstrated that perceivers were able to do this even when they were shown only individual features of the target’s face. For example, when shown only the eye region (“without brows and cropped to the outer canthi so that not even “crow’s-feet” were visible”), perceivers were amazingly still able to accurately identify a man as being gay. The same happened when shown the mouth region alone. Curiously, most of the participants underestimated their ability to identify gay faces from these features alone. That is to say, people seem to have honed and calibrated their gaydar without knowing they’ve done so.

A sincere man of genuine greatness.

We shouldn’t be surprised. This is the way it has been since Day One of the Trump administration which is why rightwing activism came to a screeching halt in 2017 and 2018. Hundreds of Antifa rioted at the Trump inauguration. They all got away with it. They rioted in Berkeley, Charlottesville and Portland. They all got away with it again. Jack Corbin was prosecuted by Trump’s DOJ for simply identifying Antifa. He never even left his house and was prosecuted by the DOJ over his political beliefs.

Can we call this “Derbism?”

Comment on the pitiful FMA livestream:

ei2020@ei20203Replying to @FullmoonAncest1 and @NewRightAmericaI gave up after 30 minutes. No focus, no actionable plan, no will to power.

What I find amusing is having homosexuals as well as unmarried video game playing and heavy metal listening heterosexual commentators pontificating about having children.  The great experts on marriage and family!  Role models galore!

Der Race and Der Movement in Der News


I do not disagree with any of this.  But it does not go far enough.  Everyone who took Heimbach seriously is an idiot.  Anyone who took seriously Heimbach associates like Parrott is an idiot. That’s a lot of people in Der Movement, including some of your vaunted “leaders,” and, yes, some of the people pointing fingers at Heimbach today. How soon the rank-and-file forgets.  I, alas, do not.

That’s why EGI Notes at least has consistency. I have long maintained that the ENTIRE “movement” is a pathetic joke, which is why a significant portion of the efforts here are dedicated to mocking and ridiculing said “movement,” with the aim of deconstructing it and exposing it for what it is. Once the niche space of Far Right activism is opened up for a New Movement, then real progress can be made.

Do I believe that will happen?  No.  In all likelihood, we’re doomed, with the buffoonish “movement” providing comic – tragicomic – relief amongst the chaos.

Black Man – note this.  It is time for the Black Man to stand up and DEMAND access to China and all that China has to offer.  China is the Promised Land for the Black African. It is time for the Black Man to seize what is rightfully his – the land, resources, and females of China.

Read this. Emphasis added:

Group identity, we see repeatedly, is not exclusively human. Sperm whales learn and announce their group identity. Young fruit bats learn the dialects of the crowds they’re in. Ravens know who’s in, who’s out. Too many animals to list know what group, troop, family or pack they belong with. In Brazil, some dolphins drive fish toward fishermen’s nets for a share of the catch. Other dolphins don’t. The ones who do, sound different from the ones who don’t. Various dolphin groups who specialise in a food-getting technique won’t socialise with other groups who use different techniques. And orca whales, the most socially complex non-humans, have layered societies of pods, clans and communities, with community members all knowing the members of all their constituent pods, but each community scrupulously avoiding contact with members of another community.

Sounds real xenophobic and all.  Group identity is important – who would have ever guessed? Want to bet there are genetic differences between these groups, including enhanced kinship within the group?

 All this social organisation is learned from elders.

Animal Boomers.

Elders appear important for social learning of migratory routes. Various storks, vultures, eagles and hawks all depend on following the cues of elders to locate strategic migration flyways or important stopover sites.

No, no, a thousand times no!  The Millennial and Generation Z storks, vultures, eagles and hawks know better!  They use smart phones to migrate.

The crazed madness of the high trust northern hunter gatherers.  Rights for jellyfish!  Stop breeding your dogs!  Let them choose their partners!  Gay dogs!  Trans dogs!  Female Chinese dogs abusing HBD White male dogs!

Vegan dogs!  A lifestyle choice!  How about metrosexual vegan dogs who support Feline Rights?  Let the dogs run free!  And, hey, if they attack someone, bite, if they maul and kill children, it’s, like, you know, an evolving interaction between humans and animals!  Vibrant diversity!  Canine Supremacy!

Really now.  I’m sorry, ”movement,” but your Nordo-Herrenvolk are nuts. They’ve gone off the deep end, they need a bit of pragmatic realism from hard-headed greasy swarthoids and slant-eyed mongolslavs. Der Master Race belongs in a nut house. This is the same madness that results in SJWism, Merkel’s “yes we can,” dreadlocked German sea captain whores crashing ships into Italian harbors to offload invading Third World scum, Hubert Humphrey groveling to Martin King, John Brown, abolitionists, John Lindsay siding with Blacks and Hispanics against White New Yorkers, the whole bit.

Another contribution of milady to the scientific work on The China Plague.

It’s Der Movement:

The chip is a huge improvement on what they already had.
The other point is simply to make vaccines mandatory, so that they can poison more people and lower IQs.

I always envision people like this (including “women”) as looking like Matt Heimbach and being on all sorts of maintenance medication.  Hey!  Maybe there’s some of dem dere microchips in your Adderall and statins!  Is your blood pressure meds lowering your IQ?  Something obviously is.  Maybe it’s all that fast food you’re shoveling down your gullet. Poison!

I’m shocked, shocked , I tell ya!

Another clueless rightist

The lockdown has demonstrated that you can impart knowledge just as effectively over a computer, but then the purpose of modern academia is not to impart knowledge. It’s to provide sinecures for man-bunned lefty academics and bureaucrats and allow them access to the soft, bendable minds of our young.

That is what passes for right-wing “thinking” and “logic.”  Note to Der Right: If you can impart knowledge effectively over a computer (and you can) you can just as effectively “access…the soft, bendable minds of our young” over a computer.  Do you think that “diversity training” and “critical race theory studies” have suddenly stopped just because classes are online?  Why is the Right always so breathtakingly stupid and naïve?

Richard Spencer?

Pink-frilled Republican becoming less pink?  Hannity is correct; China infected the world. Graham is correct. Sanction China. The Chinese people are conducting a remorseless war of genocidal extermination against humanity. Interesting how mainstream conservatives are more correct on this issue than are certain elements of the “Far Right” who are, as you read this, bending over with their pants down, awaiting proper attention.

Der Movement Saturday

Odds and ends.

It’s dat dere traditionalism!  Is the Dalai Lama snug in his hobbit hole?  Meanwhile, keep that tin cup a’rattlin.

Flake is more of an “alpha” than Trump.  Are all the fat cells in Trump’s body secreting estrogen?  What does it say that pink-frilled Republican Ms. Lindsey Graham has shown more grit and aggression this week than did Der Touchback?

Do the false memories include that of Dinesh and Costello?  Where’s her breakfast, Jef?

And yet, noodle-armed soyboys can make “Proudboys” scurry for cover at a LA bar.  Mental toughness counts too, I suppose.

According to (the American) Der Movement, all individuals involved in this incident, including victim and girlfriend, are non-White.

Yet More Race and Movement News: 8/3/17

Several items.

Well, well, well…that’s a surprise.  But if they really investigate, they’ll find a huge number of colleges (most) discriminate against Whites – particularly White men – in admissions.

Yeah…can’t the “God Emperor” eliminate affirmative action on the Federal government level (government hiring) simply by signing a decree to that effect?  Colleges are another thing of course, but why doesn’t he do what he has the authority to do?

Some more good news…immigration restriction?  Note that pink-frilled female GOP senator Miss Lindsey Graham objects.  We need dem dere restaurant workers!

I thought Antifa was “shrugged off?”

Three points:

1. Remind me who the President and Attorney General are again.  Have they declared Antifa a terrorist organization yet?  Civil rights violations by Antifa?  Attempted murder charges – holding someone under water?

2. I thought the security there were “tough state police who don’t take guff from anyone?”

3. Obviously, private security is required at such meetings, or even something as informal as attendees always moving around in “wolf pack” groups for self-protection.  Obviously, the “don’t take guff” security there are more interested in arresting attendees who are trying to defend themselves against being murdered.

HBD marches on.

This highly observant attendee wasn’t afraid to take the podium to present what he considered to be a serious problem for Nyborg’s thesis. If cold climates create strong selective pressures for high IQ, why aren’t the Inuit one of the smartest peoples on Earth? Nyborg responded that in certain areas, the local ecosystem is limited by the amount of solar energy reaching that location year-round, which in turn limits the extent to which the population can grow, which in turn leads to inbreeding depression as people in small populations will end up reproducing with others from whom they aren’t very genetically distant.

Nyborg’s explanation could possibly be correct.  It also possibly is yet another example of the HBDers using Occam’s Butterknife to hand-wave ad hoc explanations to excuse refuted hypotheses.  Consider: when was the last time you read or heard an HBDer say – “I was wrong” or “Maybe I am wrong” or “Yes, the data do not fit my hypothesis, perhaps the hypothesis is wrong and needs to be reconsidered” or “Yes, my hypothesis is wrong, we need something new?”  Answer: never.  That’s because HBD is absolute pseudoscience, or, if you want to be more charitable, it is hardcore Kuhnian science without a picogram of Popperian epistemology.