Category: Merkel

A Brief Ethnographic Comment


Contra MacDonald’s wrong-headed claim that I am some sort of spokesman in favor of (Southern) Italians, long-time readers of this blog know that I am in fact highly critical of Italians (of all types, North and South). However, my criticism is based on reality, not crazed fantasy, and I am equally critical of other groups. In contrast to Der Movement, I do not say that Italians are bad and Germans are good; instead, I say that both groups are bad (and of course each has some good as well). Indeed, all groups can be justly criticized, including each and every European ethny.

I see Italians as undisciplined lazy hedonists who act the buffoon and whose pathological individualism makes then comically inept with respect to collective action, and who therefore are the subject of well-deserved contempt.

I see Germans – and here I also include Austrians – as humorless comically self-unaware fanatics who lurch from one extreme to another and who are oblivious to the damage that their crazed behavior does to themselves and others. 

If Italians are a comedy, then Germans are a horror movie.

The ultimate indictment of wops – the common fate of Rienzi and Mussolini.

The ultimate indictment of krauts – the mirror-image extremism of Hitler and Merkel.

No one else should smugly laugh at that; I can criticize your ethny with equal accuracy and effectiveness.

Debased Poland

Der Movement marches on.

“Based” Poland!  Visegrad! Ethnonationalism!

Wrong, wrong, they’re always wrong.

Apparently, the Nazi occupation caused less damage to Poland’s genetic structure than the current reign of “Polish nationalists.”  Leave it to ethnonationalists to impose a genocidal immigration policy on their countrymen.  Another fail for “implicit Whiteness.”

Another fail for mainstreaming as well – even if the mainstreamers achieve power (a rare occurrence) they achieve nothing of value and may very well – such as in Poland’s case – act in a destructive manner. In some ways, this action of Poland’s “based” government is worse than Merkel’s – since, because of the alleged “cultural compatibility” of the Filipinos, they are more likely to interbreed with the natives, compared to the Muslims invited into Germany by Merkel.

All hail the Visegrad group!

Maybe the Poles should get back their people from the UK instead of importing Filipinos.

Durocher, January 13, 2019:

On all this, Darwin and other early evolutionary/racial scientists were ahead of the curve. See for instance the innumerable genetically-determined human adaptations to local environments that have been identified ( or the striking correlation between “the shape of the cerebral cortex — the brain’s outer layer of neural tissue — and genetic ancestry” ( The science indicates that race is ‘only’ cerebral-cortex-deep!

Sallis, November 4, 2018: See here.  

No further comment on that Durocherism.

Answer: Because Trump is a fraud and a vulgar ignorant buffoon, as this blog has been telling you since 2015 – you know, for the last three years that the quota queens have been screeching that “The God Emperor” was “the last chance for White America” and “an American Caesar who was going to stabilize White demographics.”  And, yet, who do you continue to prop up as leaders?

Der Movement has its priorities straight on Trump:

Once again the Beloved God Emperor has proven to be worth more than double his weight in gold. Those tweets are priceless.

All you need to do to be a successful President is tweet like Beavis and Butthead.  Der Movement marches on.

Read this, and remember that Counter-Currents writers now tell us how much they love the GOP. Republican conservatives: Vicious anti-White racist Sarah Jeong good, good, good; mewling cuckservative civic nationalist a bad, bad, bad racist.

Der Movement Marches On in 2019

Consistency in stupidity.  In all cases, emphasis added.

Read this.  Ultima Thule discovered!  “Shakin’ Stevens” will do an Odinist Christmas video there.  A copy of Das Kapital optional.

Read this.

Most white advocates therefore support nationalism and limiting the European Union’s power, if not dismantling it altogether. Yet it did not have to be this way. The most forceful argument for a centralized European Union organized along racial lines came from Sir Oswald Mosley’s postwar concept of “Europe a Nation.” Even some supporters of European populism recognize the advantages of the European Union, including the currency union, free travel, and the possibility of a common defense. Solid majorities in every European nation (except Italy) believe their countries have benefited from membership. Marine Le Pen’s call to withdraw from the monetary union was supported by only a minority of French voters and probably hurt her chances in the election. Populism is a growing force and nationalism is far from dead, but Europeans generally do not want to leave the EU, whatever true nationalists think about it.

Assuming Hood is correct, this exposes two common “movement” lies.  First, the lie that support for the EU is solely due to greasy swarthoids, which of course is inconsistent with Der Movement’s (somewhat accurate) characterization of swarthoid nations as politically and economically inept. Obviously, there is no way that Italy, Greece, Spain, or Portugal, much less Eastern Europe, are going to impose their will on, say, Germany or France (or the UK, which joined, and then decided to leave, the EU on its own initiative).  And, according to Hood, Italians are the exception in Europe in not believing their nation as having benefited from the EU (can we have a Wopexit then?).  Second, Der Movement likes to pontificate that “the common man” in Europe “would never accept a European Imperium” while it is clear that the “common man” is more than happy with the EU if only the EU would stop promoting race replacement and multicultural Orwellian repression. There is ZERO evidence that most Europeans would reject a pro-European, pro-White, anti-immigration EU.

Der Movement: Always, always wrong.  The Type I nitwits are so consistently wrong, about almost everything, that it is comical.

Of course, these migrants wouldn’t be in Europe were it not for Angela Merkel’s unilateral decision to put out the welcome mat for Third World refugees…

But, but, but…that’s Der Master Race!

Read this.

I also need what’s best for me and mine. And that means maintaining hope and enjoying many aspects of life beyond White Nationalism—being of good cheer, as Greg Johnson urges us. 

Really?  Is that the same Greg Johnson who urged this:

But these truisms easily serve as rationalizations for cowardice. Because, at a certain point, you have to ask what you are saving yourself for. You can’t take it with you. And ultimately, accomplishments do not come from saving ourselves but from spending ourselves. What we do not give, will be taken by death in the end.
Yet the whole bourgeois dream is premised on evading this simple, grim reality. Bourgeois man seeks eternal springtime and perpetual peace, a “happily ever after” on sunlit putting greens, free of tragic choices and tragic grandeur, free of ideals that can pierce his heart and shed his blood.
But you can’t overthrow a system you are invested in. You can’t challenge the rulers of this world and count on reaching retirement age. You can’t do battle with Sauron while playing it safe. In the face of world-annihilating evil, we can no longer afford to be such men.

Another example of the low standards, ethical vacuity, and hypocrisy of the current version of Counter-Currents.  They can’t keep on a consistent message from day to day.  By Johnson’s definition of “moral seriousness,” Quinn is not serious.  Then why should we listen to him?  

But I know my limitations. I know I wouldn’t make a very good public dissident—I lack the charisma and self-control. 

Who cares about any of that?  Let’s focus on what’s really important. What ethnicity are you?

Quite frankly, I’m afraid that if I were in the position of a figurehead, I would make quite a few blunders as well.

Well, you chose to be a writer for the current incarnation of Counter-Currents, so there’s that.

Cuck nagger Romney and the usual shtick.

In his essay on Tuesday, Romney said he “will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions.”

This happens EVERY time.  The GOP runs right to get elected, and then always takes a hard left turn in office (just like Trump, eh?).  And the rubes fall for it EVERY time.  How many times did McCain pull that trick?

And this is more evidence why mainstreaming can never work, politically speaking.  If the Far Right moves to the center, the Mainstream Right only has to feint right in order to steal Far Right votes.

And if Whites as a race are so stupidly gullible, so naive, what does that tell us about claims of “racial superiority?”

The Alt Wrong in one picture – Rosie and her Pet Derb here.  Let the “measured groveling” begin.  I won’t comment on the details of the picture itself, which I think tells us many things, but I’ll leave that alone.

And, hey, VDARE contributors – you do know you’re helping support Derb, don’t you?   How many of you get to visit Cancun? I mean, you do know you’re a bunch of pathetic suckers, don’t you?  You do know you’re a bunch of nitwit walking wallets, don’t you?  And you do know that Counter-Currents now supports Derbyshire, don’t you?

Commentary on the Italian Question

Hail Kesselring!

Read here. Excerpt, emphasis added:

Kesselring notoriously characterized the Italians in racial terms, suggesting that they had “inherent” qualities as “southerners” of Europe. After the war, he stated that “the Italian soldier was not a soldier from within. It is possible that I, as a northerner of a different species, am applying the wrong standards—but the results seem to prove my point.” He wrote that Italians were “hot-blooded,” “conceited to an extent which a northerner cannot conceive,” and had “only three fashionable passions: coffee, cigarettes, and women.”  He showed particular disdain for Italians from the South of Italy, stating that rural Italians were “a mass of people who, like children, could be led anywhere.” Kesselring also wrote that the Italian “species” was inferior…

The text also quotes some of Hitler’s criticisms of Italians.

If there are Italian readers who are upset with these negative opinions, and who are now gesticulating in outrage, they should consider the following hard truths.

If you behave in a contemptible manner, others will treat you with contempt.  If you allow yourself to be the anvil of history, others will be the hammer. If you want respect, you must earn it.

If the Italian people, as currently constituted, have it within themselves to overcome their deficiencies then they need to do so as soon as possible.  If they lack the racial character for such an undertaking, then they must submit to an absolutely ruthless regimen of eugenics, to reverse millennia of dysgenic influences.  A willingness to continue as an inferior species will do nothing except prove Kesselring correct.

Of course, if Kesselring were around today, he may have some harsh words for his own German species, allowing itself to be race replaced and its women sexually humiliated by Afro-Asiatic invaders invited in by a Borreby Stasi hag (in addition to the previous influx of Turks).

However, the current decline of Germania does not absolve Italia for its own longer-standing status as one of the laughing stocks of Europe.  Inferior is as inferior does.  Superior is as superior does.

Superiority must be earned.

Your choice.