Category: cuckservatives

Odds and Ends, 4/23/21

In der news.

Happy belated Earth Day.

This is American Renaissance:

Michael North 

I didn’t know Ariana Grande was Sicilian – now I loathe her even more.

Xanthippe2  Michael North 

Ditto. And I bet my loathing would increase even more if I was ever to hear one of her songs.

I’ll just continue reproducing this type of material here, and let the readers, particularly those who are so-called “White ethnics,” decide for themselves whether or not everything I say about Der Movement is, or is not, valid, and they can also decide whether they have any place in that “movement.”

The inept Quota Queens deny that they benefit from affirmative action. But consider: The rank-and-file of Der Movement routinely state that they only consider Celto-Germanic Northwest Europeans to be “White,” while openly expressing how much they loathe White ethnics. This being so, and no rational person can deny it is, then how can one deny that the former group would have advantages in Der Movement compared to the latter? How can any rational and honest person deny that incompetent Nordics are propped up as leaders despite endless failure, while the Ethnics are eschewed? What level of dishonesty must someone have to deny decades of evidence?

Re-writing “Hood.”  “Gregory Hood” writes:

However, no matter how far you run, how earnestly you plead, what you say, or even whom you marry, you will always be white to those with power. That means many despise you. At some point, you must decide to stand or kneel, and a society that kneels before the memory of a George Floyd is not one worth serving or saving.

A more accurate version, addressed to White ethnics in Der Movement:

However, no matter how much you sacrifice for the “movement,” how earnestly you support pro-White activism, what you say, or even whom you give “D’Nations” to, you will always be non-White to those Quota Queens with power. That means many despise you. At some point, you must decide to stand or kneel, and a “movement” that kneels before the memory of a Humphrey Ireland is not one worth serving or saving.

If there is only one thing you derive from EGI Notes it should be this: Der Movement must rank among the leading problems of the White race; for the White race to live, Der Movement must die.  

Readers should keep in mind that I used to write for both American Renaissance and Counter-Currents (and The Occidental Observer and The Occidental Quarterly and Majority Rights) – ponder that long and hard. It’s not like I’m some “Johnny-come-lately” who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, or some online troll who happened to pop up out of nowhere. I’ve been involved in pro-White activism for more than a quarter-century. This is the voice of hard experience.

Delenda Est Der Movement! Crush the infamy!

Please see this.  That is the result of the incredibly selfish and evil filthy scum who refuse to get vaccinated.  Such “people” should never be forgotten or forgiven. Worse are those who actively attack the idea of vaccination, encouraging others not to get vaccinated.

It is because of absolute filth like Torba that the pandemic is not going to end:

I am not going to stop pushing back against this experimental covid vaccine.

And I am not going to stop pushing back against selfish, cowardly, ignorant morons whose refusal to do the right thing is going to make covid-19, and its future more problematical variants, a permanent part of our ecology.

WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT LAB RATS. I’ve seen far too many horror stories and this is too important.

Well, I can say the same thing about forced racial integration or about racial miscegenation across continental population boundaries or about mass migration or about several other things, but I am not seeing the brave, freedom-loving Torba speak out against those “lab rat” “horror stories.” But let’s become hysterical about a vaccine during a pandemic, you stupid bastard.

Here’s a globalist lab rat experiment – having diseased Chinamen travelling through the world spreading disease from Chinese to humans.

The fact that Trump is pushing this vaccine and even proudly taking credit for it alongside the globalists..

Pathetic ad hominem.  If you support taking a vaccine, you are in league with “globalists.”

…is really disheartening, especially as someone who voted for him twice and faced down a mob of insane people for five years because of it.

It says something about this turd Torba that he finds one of the few things Trump did right “disheartening.” Take the Trumpcine!

Where is the Donald Trump of 2014 who tweeted “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”

Where did that guy go?

Hopefully, that ignorant moron is gone.

If you log into Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter today you will be bombarded with “GET THE VACCINE NOW” across every feed. You open up your email inbox or turn on the TV and it’s the same thing. It’s sickening. It’s the largest psychological conditioning operation in human history.

No, you despicable cowardly liar. The “largest psychological conditioning operation in human history” is convincing Whites to go along with their own genocidal race replacement dispossession.

Being anti-experimental vaccine is not about being “anti-science.”

It is.

It’s about being pro-humanity.

Isn’t it “pro-humanity” to oppose the genocide of European-descended people worldwide?  Isn’t it “pro-humanity” to stop a pandemic? What does Torba propose? Just ignore the pandemic and praise Jaysus?

It’s about religious liberty. It’s about free speech. This moment is exactly what Gab was built for.

Gab was built as an extended phenotype of covid-19? The virus thanks you. Spread far and wide!

If you can’t question the largest science experiment in history, if you can’t opt-out, if you can’t highlight all the problems with it, and if any medical professional who dares to question it is silenced then you are living in a state of global medical tyranny.

Let’s scream about “global medical tyranny” but if Torba wanted to rent a property to “Whites only,” then that would be illegal.  FREEDOM!

As I wrote earlier this month, the vaccine has become a religious ceremony…

This coming from a Jaysus freak.

…and people have a right to not participate in it.

I have the right to support measures to separate myself from potential virus incubators like Torba.

I will not be peer pressured by government, globohomo corporations, celebrities, or even my friends and family to do anything; let alone inject a foreign substance into my body. Deal with it.

But he’ll turn red in the face and wet his my pants when a feral Negro – now his neighbor because the government built section eight housing next door – stares him down, rifles he wallet, and slaps him upside the head.  Deal with it..

Gab will be the one place on the internet where it’s okay to say you’re not getting the vaccine and it’s okay to question it and it’s okay to talk about the horrific side effects that many people are experiencing.

Nothing and no one is going to change that.

Gab will also be the place where Ted Sallis calls Torba an ignorant fool. Free speech! 

Nothing and no one is going to change that.

The problem here is that people need to have a positive sense of identity and a positive sense of community. Whites are not allowed to have such as a group in today’s society, so Whites try to find an alternative – and weak-minded people gravitate to anti-vaxx and other such stupidity and a faux identity and a faux community.

Well, if you are worried about Jaysus not recognizing you on Judgment Day because a covid-19 vaccine will change your DNA, don’t get the DNA adenoviral vaccines; get the mRNA vaccines instead.

When someone pro-vaccination such as myself expresses reservations about the DNA-adenovirus vaccines, you should sit up and pay attention. The mRNA vaccines – like the one I myself received – are in my opinion the better option. 

See this Liddell essay.  Apparently, it was from at least from 2019, given this National Vanguard response.

If that sounds familiar, because that it what I’ve been saying about Germans here for years; for example, this from 2018:

The problem with Germans is that they are too fanatical, too ponderous and serious, unable to find humor in themselves, not being able to find balance and measure in the objectives they pursue and the belief systems they follow.  So, when the Germans accept nationalism, we end up with Hitler, WWII, and the wreck of the White World.  Then, when the Germans accept anti-nationalism and universalism, we end up with Merkel, Camp of the Saints, and the destruction of Europe.  No balance, no measure, insufficient feedback control.

Now, I am not saying that the Germans should become like feckless, hedonistic, superficial swarthoids.  It’s always better to be the hammer than the anvil.  But, please, can you be a prudent hammer?  Create and not destroy?  I realize that Faustian striving is part of German national greatness, but one can retain the striving without lurching from one extreme to another. Other European ethnies may not, on average, have the Germans’ sustained capacity for productive creativity, but perhaps they may know better when it comes to the balance of life…and death.  The Germans at some point need to stop always pushing themselves on Europe, either from the Right or the Left.  They need to be more flexible, more introspective when it comes to politics and the world stage, more careful in the exercise of their power and influence.

This applies to academia, it applies everywhere, and it definitely applies to the “movement.”  I stopped putting up with “movement” lies.

Always count on the GOP to cuck and to do the wrong thing. Always.

See this.

The fundamental difference between traditional HBD and HBD Nordicism is that while the former uses pseudoscience to elevate Jews and (Northeast) Asians as Herrenvolk, the latter uses pseudoscience to justify Der Movement’s traditional designation as Northwest Europeans (often excluding the Irish) as Herrenvolk, with Jews targeted for criticism. It’s therefore no surprise that the HBD Nordicist Welton criticizes Jews, as does MacDonald.

That said, the work on Jewish ethnocentrism seems to be solid and not pseudoscience, as the findings are robust and accord well with present reality and historical records. That can be contrasted to the hand-waving that takes place with respect to intra-European differences in individualism vs. collectivism, with bizarre explanations of how Scandinavians are Law of Jante ultra-conformist collectivists “because they are so individualistic.” The consistency in the observation of Jewish behavior does not require such delusional self-deceptive rationalizations.

With respect to the Chauvin verdict: The man should have been acquitted of all charges. But don’t make him out to be any sort of hero. He was just another casually brutal cop, who would have gladly acted in the same manner to “White racists, ” a race-mixer with an Asian wife.


I didn’t know whether Chauvin would be convicted or acquitted…

Huh? Is it possible for someone to be so cluelessly naive?  Did he really think an acquittal was a possibility?  That’s your “leadership,” my friends. Then get this:

Yes, there’s hope. Because most white people see this as a farce. But they don’t know what to do about it, or they are intimidated by the sheer magnitude of the rot.

Most? The guy’s delusional. I’d be surprised if a bare majority of Whites actually understand reality, and a disproportionate fraction of those will be the White ethnics that Der Movement loathes.

If “most white people” really are what Johnson claims, people who understand reality but are just despondent or afraid, then why don’t they vote in their own interests in the privacy of the voting booth?  While I do not argue that Trump or the GOP are actually pro-White, the public perception is that they are; in addition, they are certainly better than the Democrats in this regard. If “most whites” voted for Trump, he would have been re-elected, regardless of “election fraud,” and the GOP would have comfortable Senate and House majorities, with those elected officials being paleoconservative types. But that’s not the case, is it? Not only are GOP voters a relatively small majority of White voters, but some of those voters are undoubtedly cuckservative types. 

What’s the argument? That Whites suddenly got “red-pilled” after November? That “red-pilled” Whites voted Democrat like Spencer or spurned politics like Griffin? Or maybe the reality is that “most whites” are not in fact what Johnson says they are; at best, probably half of them are (and of those, only a small fraction are really strongly pro-White). Thus, we can see another example of the problems of the “movement’s” affirmative action policy – there are no consequences for the sloppy thinking and overall stupidity of the Quota Queens; instead, the morons who leave comments at Amren will continue to support the Quota Queens based on their approval of Quota Queen ethnicity.

See this. Note the subhuman savagery of the Northeast Asian high, high IQ cogelite Japanese, including putting White American soldiers in zoo exhibits like animals. Well, after all, Japanese and humans are different species, so perhaps this behavior is not surprising – you would expect non-human aliens to put humans in zoos, I suppose.  Note also how the Amerindian prisoner was treated with respect, underlining that Japanese ill treatment of White prisoners was motivated by the typical blinding hatred of Whites exhibited by Asians.

The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

Sunday Movement Roundup

Race and Der Movement.

“Based” Poland!  Visegrad! Ethnonationalism!

Wrong, wrong, they’re always wrong.

And, hey, I thought that Poles are “ethnocentric ‘Outer Hajnal’ Eastern Europeans.”  What happened? Maybe, just maybe (consider it) all of this “Hajnal line” nonsense is just more HBD flim-flam designed to divide Europeans against each other.  Yes, there are biocultural-behavioral differences among Europeans, but these are gradients, not sharp distinctions.  Poles may be a bit more on the ethnocentric spectrum than, say, Swedes (which is not saying much), but it obviously doesn’t protect them from the blowback from multiracial globalism.  All of this HBD nonsense would never have gone anywhere among racial activists if it wasn’t for the fossilized dogma and ethnic fetishism of the Type I retards of Der Movement. They have a lot to answer for.

One theme here recently is how HBDers try to appeal to Type I ethnic fetishists in order to derail White nationalism.  The emphasis on “David Reich’s data say Aryans invaded India” is one such example – because the word “Aryan” means different things to different people. To legitimate scholars, essentially, the ANI component in modern Indians is from Central Asian steppe people who were most likely more akin to modern Iranians than to anything else.  To Der Movement, it all means “blonde Nordics built the Taj Mahal.”  The HBDers are aware of, and exploit, these differences in perception.  

Spencer criticizes Puritans (who he calls “the worst people of the White race” – “horrible people”) – criticizing a major segment of America’s New England founders.  What’s interesting is that someone like myself who has never made any comments like that was wrongly accused of “bashing the founders” – while I don’t recall anyone criticizing Spencer for actually – and vehemently – doing such bashing.  Those affirmative action protections for “movement leaders” are really airtight, huh?

I agree with Spencer about pessimism being more realistic than airhead optimism. Is the King of Hobbits and the King of Racial Phenotype listening?

Is Spencer’s personal problems making him more Russia-skeptical?

Let’s not stereotype Italians, Richie, it’s not all olive oil.  The relevance of comparing the economies of Russia and Italy is that Russia is much larger than Italy in land mass and population, Russia is resource-rich while Italy is resource-poor, and Russia is a major military power while Italy obviously is not.

I agree with the fellow (Jason I believe his name is) who said non-White anti-White racism is based on envy, and I have written on this before.  And I agree on the description of anti-White Whites as well – intra-racial envy.

It’s all about punishment and revenge.  And the comparison between numbers is true with respect to racial accomplishment.  Compare, for example, some of the swarthoid regions of Europe with China – the former having accomplished more for human progress than the latter despite the latter having 1-2 (or more) orders of magnitude more people.  We can productively enrage the HBDers with this.  I can think of one small area that between the world wars presented to us Evola, Gentile, Majorana, and Pirandello (Cannizzaro died in 1910) – and then we have China, with a population a couple of hundred times larger, which at that time produced who?  Mao?  

I’ll say that overall that was a good podcast and I note that Spencer is behaving somewhat more mature with these people compared to the Alexandria VA-Brewery Boys crowd – until near the end, when he started behaving like a Beavis-and-Butthead Alt Right jackass again.  He almost made it…too bad he couldn’t go the distance. Maybe next time.

The voice of WN 3.0, right Greg? How can we trust Johnson’s judgment?  About the “voices of WN 3.0” or about anything else, including Trump?  At least now Spencer is turning against Trump, while Counter-Currents regaled us about how the mid-term elections were really a win for their tin god, and scolded any of us who thought otherwise.


Allied to this growing militarism was an intense nationalism in most of the Great powers. Weltpolitik or the desire for world power status was very popular in Germany. The French desire for revenge over Alsace and Lorraine was very strong. In Britain Imperialism and support for the Empire was very evident. This nationalism meant that there was little resistance to war in these countries. Many welcomed what they thought would be a short, victorious war. For example the outbreak of war was greeted by cheering crowds in Berlin, Vienna and Paris. As A P J Taylor wrote “the people of Europe leapt willingly into war.”


More importantly, the EU was not in fact the source of Britain’s demographic problems. True, the indigenous English and Celts of Britain are being replaced by virtue of the EU’s free movement of people, but mostly by European migrants. For the most part, these are quite assimilable and hard-working, and represent relative demographic gain…British patriots need to keep their eye on the ball: national sovereignty, good relations with their fellow Europeans, and, above all, keeping Britain British!

So – we will keep “Britain British” by replacing native Britons with Poles and Romanians?

Behold the pathetic loser.  Exchange real-time amnesty for invasive scum in exchange for a “wall” that likely won’t be built or that will be only modestly useful if actually built.  The Quota Kings have more testosterone than does The God Emperor.

We need today what Oliver described as The National Youth Alliance 50 years ago.

While I despise Welton, the following should make all of the “but, but, but…Joan of Arc” white knighters weep:

Males must not be ashamed of being males. The downside of being male is inseparable from the upside: the fact that it is men who have been responsible for pretty much anything of consequence ever accomplished by human race.

A picture for the ethnic fetishists.  All are prime candidates to be let into an “extreme vetted” “movement” meeting.  Especially the one third from left.  He’s from southern Sweden. The far south. Or maybe he’s just a S. Italian immigrant?

Some possible Presidential/Vice-Presidential ticket combinations – all in jest of course:








Daniel S/Captain Chaos


Unfortunately, the Williams/Covington ticket has been derailed by Covington’s death.

Der Movement Marches On in 2019

Consistency in stupidity.  In all cases, emphasis added.

Read this.  Ultima Thule discovered!  “Shakin’ Stevens” will do an Odinist Christmas video there.  A copy of Das Kapital optional.

Read this.

Most white advocates therefore support nationalism and limiting the European Union’s power, if not dismantling it altogether. Yet it did not have to be this way. The most forceful argument for a centralized European Union organized along racial lines came from Sir Oswald Mosley’s postwar concept of “Europe a Nation.” Even some supporters of European populism recognize the advantages of the European Union, including the currency union, free travel, and the possibility of a common defense. Solid majorities in every European nation (except Italy) believe their countries have benefited from membership. Marine Le Pen’s call to withdraw from the monetary union was supported by only a minority of French voters and probably hurt her chances in the election. Populism is a growing force and nationalism is far from dead, but Europeans generally do not want to leave the EU, whatever true nationalists think about it.

Assuming Hood is correct, this exposes two common “movement” lies.  First, the lie that support for the EU is solely due to greasy swarthoids, which of course is inconsistent with Der Movement’s (somewhat accurate) characterization of swarthoid nations as politically and economically inept. Obviously, there is no way that Italy, Greece, Spain, or Portugal, much less Eastern Europe, are going to impose their will on, say, Germany or France (or the UK, which joined, and then decided to leave, the EU on its own initiative).  And, according to Hood, Italians are the exception in Europe in not believing their nation as having benefited from the EU (can we have a Wopexit then?).  Second, Der Movement likes to pontificate that “the common man” in Europe “would never accept a European Imperium” while it is clear that the “common man” is more than happy with the EU if only the EU would stop promoting race replacement and multicultural Orwellian repression. There is ZERO evidence that most Europeans would reject a pro-European, pro-White, anti-immigration EU.

Der Movement: Always, always wrong.  The Type I nitwits are so consistently wrong, about almost everything, that it is comical.

Of course, these migrants wouldn’t be in Europe were it not for Angela Merkel’s unilateral decision to put out the welcome mat for Third World refugees…

But, but, but…that’s Der Master Race!

Read this.

I also need what’s best for me and mine. And that means maintaining hope and enjoying many aspects of life beyond White Nationalism—being of good cheer, as Greg Johnson urges us. 

Really?  Is that the same Greg Johnson who urged this:

But these truisms easily serve as rationalizations for cowardice. Because, at a certain point, you have to ask what you are saving yourself for. You can’t take it with you. And ultimately, accomplishments do not come from saving ourselves but from spending ourselves. What we do not give, will be taken by death in the end.
Yet the whole bourgeois dream is premised on evading this simple, grim reality. Bourgeois man seeks eternal springtime and perpetual peace, a “happily ever after” on sunlit putting greens, free of tragic choices and tragic grandeur, free of ideals that can pierce his heart and shed his blood.
But you can’t overthrow a system you are invested in. You can’t challenge the rulers of this world and count on reaching retirement age. You can’t do battle with Sauron while playing it safe. In the face of world-annihilating evil, we can no longer afford to be such men.

Another example of the low standards, ethical vacuity, and hypocrisy of the current version of Counter-Currents.  They can’t keep on a consistent message from day to day.  By Johnson’s definition of “moral seriousness,” Quinn is not serious.  Then why should we listen to him?  

But I know my limitations. I know I wouldn’t make a very good public dissident—I lack the charisma and self-control. 

Who cares about any of that?  Let’s focus on what’s really important. What ethnicity are you?

Quite frankly, I’m afraid that if I were in the position of a figurehead, I would make quite a few blunders as well.

Well, you chose to be a writer for the current incarnation of Counter-Currents, so there’s that.

Cuck nagger Romney and the usual shtick.

In his essay on Tuesday, Romney said he “will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions.”

This happens EVERY time.  The GOP runs right to get elected, and then always takes a hard left turn in office (just like Trump, eh?).  And the rubes fall for it EVERY time.  How many times did McCain pull that trick?

And this is more evidence why mainstreaming can never work, politically speaking.  If the Far Right moves to the center, the Mainstream Right only has to feint right in order to steal Far Right votes.

And if Whites as a race are so stupidly gullible, so naive, what does that tell us about claims of “racial superiority?”

The Alt Wrong in one picture – Rosie and her Pet Derb here.  Let the “measured groveling” begin.  I won’t comment on the details of the picture itself, which I think tells us many things, but I’ll leave that alone.

And, hey, VDARE contributors – you do know you’re helping support Derb, don’t you?   How many of you get to visit Cancun? I mean, you do know you’re a bunch of pathetic suckers, don’t you?  You do know you’re a bunch of nitwit walking wallets, don’t you?  And you do know that Counter-Currents now supports Derbyshire, don’t you?

Donald Hypercuck

Obama wouldn’t do it, but the obese effeminate leftist Trump did.

Read here.  Trump pardons race-mixing Negro boxer Jack Johnson, who was infamous for physically abusing and marrying White women.

Read here, emphasis added:

Johnson engaged in various relationships including three documented marriages. All of his wives were white. At the height of his career, Johnson was excoriated by the press for his flashy lifestyle and for having married white women…Johnson met Etta Terry Duryea, a Brooklyn socialite and former wife of Clarence Duryea, at a car race in 1909. In 1910, Johnson hired a private investigator to follow Duryea after suspecting she was having an affair with his chauffeur. On Christmas day, Johnson confronted Duryea and beat her so badly she was hospitalized. They reconciled and were married in January 1911. Prone to depression, her condition worsened because of Johnson’s abuse and infidelity. She committed suicide in September 1912, shooting herself.

The Far Left anti-White ultracuck Trump probably fantasizes about Melania, Ivanka, and Stormy all together with Jack Johnson.


No doubt that homoerotic Trump fanboys like Roissy will “spin” this as a “4-D chess” attempt by Trump to appeal to the “hoteps” – after all, in classic Republicuck fashion, his White base can be safely taken for granted and ignored.  Or, perhaps, we’ll just get more gifs of Trump strutting around like Vince McMahon, breathless pontifications about Trumps’s jackass Tweets, or more delusional rambling about how the defeat of the Deep State is “happening.”

All that’s really “happening” is Trump’s lickspittle groveling to the Negro.  “Black pill?”  Trump is a walking Black Pill, and I’m glad to (once again) remind the reader that EGI Notes accurately labeled Trump a Negrophilic beta race cuck long before he was elected, in contrast to the pathetic Man on White Horse screeching coming from the cognitively deficient quota queens of Der Movement’s affirmative action “leadership.”