Category: Wisconsin

In the News,4/7/16

Two items.

Exit polls clearly show Cruz voters were motivated by pro-immigration, anti-Trump attitudes.  What outrageous liars all these quota queens are.  That’s right: mendacious, no-good, outright liars.

Dear reader: Coulter is LYING to you.  Brimelow is LYING to you. Der Movement is constantly LYING to you.

Speaking of mendacity, let’s consider this story of cogelite science and technics.  You know full well that if this had happened to a Negro, the HBDers would be putting out all sorts of snide posts about “low Negro IQ” and how stupid do you have to be to try and put a model rocket onto a skateboard.  But, let a Holy Oriental do it and, well, move on, move on, there’s nothing to see here.

Lind 1, Brimelow 0

Truth vs. Mophead.

In response to the Brimelow stupidity described here, we can see a more honest description of the Wisconsin voting, based on actual exit poll data:

A walk through the Wisconsin exit poll — thank you, CNN! — shows not only how complete Cruz’s swamping of Trump was but also just how much opposition to Trump and the Trump message there was in the state. Cruz crushed Trump by 21 points among self-described conservatives. More than six in 10 Wisconsin Republican primary voters said illegal immigrants working in the United States should be offered some form of legal status. And, perhaps most damning for Trump, 58 percent of GOP primary-goers said they would be either “scared” (38 percent) or “concerned” (20 percent) if he were elected the next president. That’s Republican primary voters!

So, no, Mophead, the voters there did NOT vote for Cruz due to “immigration patriotism” but the exact opposite: ultra-race-cuck progressive liberal Republicanism, promotion of amnesty, and being “scared” and “concerned” by the big bad racist Trump. Can’t ask for a better refutation of Brimelow (and, not coincidentally, support for Lind) than that. Indeed, a vote for Cruz was essentially a vote for Paul Ryan being nominated at a contested convention, the real “wet dream” of Wisconsin cucks.
I do hope readers of this blog are beginning to understand just how fundamentally dishonest Der Movement is. Der Movement is going to be held to account for the dishonest domain of dogma and delusion they’ve been festering in, and promoting, this electoral cycle. Until then, the proper response to Brimelow’s mendacity is this.

Brimelow Goes Full Retard

At least they didn’t blame the result on “Mormons.”

Any reader of this blog, which has cited the Lind Hypothesis as worthy of consideration this electoral cycle, would not at all be surprised by the Cruz victory over Trump in Wisconsin.

How does Der Movement and associated precincts (such as VDARE’s HBD-oriented “immigration patriotism”) interpret this?

Someone needs to tell mophead Brimelow that not only is Cruz a pro-immigration shill, but, any Cuban flim-flam aside, fact is, Cruz is being used instrumentally by the Republican Establishment to have a contested convention, where the hope is a far-left ultra-race-cuck like Paul Ryan (who “just happens” to represent Wisconsin, by the way, that state of yeoman immigration patriots one and all) will be put forward.

It’s an open secret that Cruz is a stalking horse for Ryan.  Now, it may not work out that way, but that’s one plan, and no doubt the GOP voters of Wisconsin have heard all about it.

Kind of puts all those “immigration patriot” votes for Cruz in a different perspective, doesn’t it, Brimelow, you raging idiot?

Or is it not idiocy, but just the mendacity of HBDers and Nutzis avoiding trends that do not fit “the narrative?”  After all, with dogma that takes on a religious purity, any blasphemous commentaries need to be ignored, eh?