Category: comic books

SciFi Follies

Open niche space.

Read this.  I will refrain from my typical critiques of Durocher and Unz and instead concentrate on the issue at hand – the dominance of the Left in all aspects of modern cultural production, including scifi/fantasy, pop culture, etc.

Let’s focus on scifi/fantasy, which can be extended to include the superhero/comic book genre. As Durocher’s piece asserts – and which is backed up by observable fact – we are in the midst of “woke” scifi/fantasy, which has displaced and replaced the more interesting and White male-friendly scifi/fantasy of the past. There is widespread dissatisfaction with the “woke” version of scifi/fantasy and much nostalgic pining for the more robust versions of the past.

This would suggest an open niche space for new cultural creations of more “rightist” and White male-oriented scifi/fantasy – both written (books, graphic novels) and audiovisual (film-style works).  The argument will be, of course, that “no publishing houses or studios would host such work” – an objection which, even if true, certainly doesn’t exhaust the possibilities in the year 2020 and beyond.

We are now in the age of self-published books as well as niche (including rightist) book publishers. There are independent comic book/graphic novel publishers establishing competition with Marvel and DC. Independent films of all sorts obviously exist as well.

I have previously written about the scifi “cult classic” independent film Primer.  You can read the Wikipedia article on the film here.  This highly regarded and award-winning production was made with a budget of only $7,000. It is a science/technics-based, (White) male-oriented film; indeed, the two main characters are “Nordish” White guys who look and dress like Mormons. There are two South Asians with bit parts, everyone else in the film is White. There are no SJW messages in the film – it is quality scifi compatible to a White male audience. Of course, there is no explicit rightist message here – we can say it is implicitly, not explicitly, White.

Here we see some Star Trek fan fiction – in this case, it is “diverse,” but, putting race/sex issues aside, we observe it is of high quality.  Take a look at the short film Among the Ruins. Again putting aside demographics, focus on the high quality.  My point being is that it is not impossible for motivated individuals with an artistic bent to produce quality material with limited resources. Therefore, addressing the currently unmet need for White male-oriented scifi/fantasy is not an impossible task.

Not all of this needs to be explicitly White, rightist, and racialist.  It may be prudent to start with implicitly White productions like Primer, while gradually introducing racialist themes. However, I would have no objection if someone was ambitions and motivated enough to dive right into the openly pro-White racialist set of themes. Optimally, eventually, you would have a mixture of both types of cultural productions – the implicitly White politically neutral material and the more explicitly White openly rightist and racialist material.

Of course, given my objections to Der Movement, I fear that Type I Nutzis and other “movement” nitwits would create material so bad, so counter-productive, as to do actual harm. One would hope that rightist scifi/fantasy and other cultural productions would be sane and reasonable, helpful and productive, and not reflect crazed dogmas, sweaty fetishism, traditionalist idiocies, paranoid ideation, lies and distortions, and other Der Movement specialties. Type II input and participation would be essential.

Some would respond – well, why don’t YOU do it?  I make no claims of being an artistic type. However, I would be willing to be a consultant for such projects (evaluating concepts, critiquing the science/technics of it, making criticisms and suggestions).  Folks can post their projects online or contact can be established through certain “movement” “heroes” or whatever.  

New stories can be created, or adaptions can be made of established stories, both of traditional scifi/fantasy as well as rightist works (Camp of the Saints?  Take Back this Day?) – although casting non-Whites would be admittedly problematical (Nutizis in blackface?).  If permission can be obtained from the relevant estates (if required), non-political fan faction based on the work of Wolfe and Vance and van Vogt would be useful.  Very old works from other authors are likely in the public domain

In any case, this post is not about details, but about the general idea of targeting the open niche space and creating useful cultural content – targeting an area that may be “pop culture” of sorts but nevertheless important.

Do I believe Der Movement will make any progress on this front?  No.  And this raises an important point. If Der Movement is not good at the arts, not good at artistic cultural creation, then what is it good for?  Certainly not STEM; indeed, hostility toward honest, objective STEM is fundamental to lying “movement” dogma. What?  Business?  They always complain that they have no money.  Law?  Laughable, since they constantly complain about a lack of competent legal help. Philosophy?  What philosophical insights have been contributed by Der Movement? Economics? That boils down to “I want my UBI money.”  History?  More laughable lying dogma. In fact, Der Movement seems to be good for perfectly nothing.

Messiah or Naughty Boy?

Also:  comic book art, McSpencer, and other items.

Watch this. If you want the executive summary, start watching from 27:50. The video also punctures some fantasies about the Oriental Gods. HBDers weep bitter tears.

This is another example of Sallis being right. After Rushton died, Johnson censored my negative comments about Rushton from Counter-Currents (I was not “banned” from that platform at that time) when there was a Rushtonite hagiography going on there.  After all, we are not allowed to question the dogma – and “Rushton was a messiah” is part of the dogma. However, Dutton (“one of the boys”) researched Rushton’s life and work, and Dutton’s conclusions about Rushton are even harsher than mine were. Sallis right, Johnson wrong.  You can copy and paste that last phrase to explain just about everything.

Trump is “going to look into it.”  Who knows, perhaps the horse is Jewish.  Just look at its nose!

From September 2016:

…if Der Movement is co-opted and subsumed by the Alt-Right, and if the Alt-Right itself is co-opted by the HBD Alt-Wrong, then White Nationalism becomes effectively replaced by a cult worshiping Jewish and Asian IQ. This need not be immediately overt and obvious, a shallow facade of cardboard racialism could be put up as a front, with the ironclad edifice of Jewish/Asian supremacy setting the agenda just behind that facade and manipulating all the “latrine flies” against their own racial interests.  That is not far-fetched if you consider that the described scenario represents what is already going on in certain precincts of the “movement.”

And now, years later, we see Alt Right heroes throwing their lot in with the Jewish anti-WN HBDer Unz.  Prediction correct.

All of this bears close watching, close monitoring.  I would advise a double strategy: on the narrower, intra-Alt Right level, the WN Alt-Right needs to fully and definitively separate from the HBD Alt-Wrong. 

Instead, after the collapse of the Alt Right, they allowed themselves to be bought off for thirty shekels of silver.

On the broader “movement”-scale level, there needs to be a critical mass of quality activists who remain separate from the Alt-Right (although there may of course be cooperation between these activists and the hardcore WN Alt-Right action).

They didn’t listen, did they?

If that doesn’t happen, I fear that all the eggs in that basket of deplorables will end up being clones of Humpty Dumpty.  And we’re all headed for a great fall.

Which took place.  Sallis prescient again – or is using “Sallis” and “prescient” together in the same sentence a superfluous redundancy?

This is hilarious, and not much different from this.

In my opinion, this is the single greatest panel in comic book history. 

Now, the Jew Kirby has (with justification) been given great credit for his work.  However, Joe Sinnott as the inker has been relatively neglected in all the praise and Sinnott’s role needs to be explicitly acknowledged.

Some artist-inker combinations work well; others do not.  Kirby-Sinnott was classic; Bucker-Sinnott was excellent as well.  But Sinnott did not gel well with John Buscema, and I believe Buscema eventually requested his younger brother Sal to do his inking. Sal Buscema eventually became an important artist for Marvel, perhaps ultimately eclipsing John.

This brings up another issue. Artists, at least Marvel artists in the Silver and Bronze ages, all had distinctive styles, in some cases, very highly distinctive styles.  Kirby, for example. Think Ditko, Trimpe, Tuska, and others.  Probably none were as distinctive as Sal Buscema. I immediately knew that Sal Buscema was the artist of a comic book just from a brief look at some panels. Truth be told, at that time, I was not a fan of Sal’s art, particularly with respect to The Incredible Hulk, for which I was used to the art of Trimpe; in general, at that time, I preferred the smooth and rich lines of Kirby (with Sinnott) and the similar “roundness” of Trimpe, as opposed to the harsh lines and clenched-fist faces of Sal Buscema.

However, in the intervening years, my view has changed, and I now view Sal Buscema as an outstanding artist, one of the Marvel Pantheon, with a style more realistic than that of the more “roundness” artists – although in some ways I still prefer the latter. I still am not a fan of Sal Buscema’s depiction of the Hulk specifically, but in general Sal’s art was excellent.  

Further, this is all in contrast to the horror seen in comic books today.  In general, the art today is terrible, and in some cases unbelievably bad, and the stories are unimaginative and mostly SJW.  

Listen to this. So, it seems that the hypothesis – broached here – of a possible falling out between Spencer and Friberg is essentially not correct.  Assuming that is so, we come back to the question of Johnson’s sudden embrace of the Yang Gang – can it just be Johnson’s ego about UBI?

Spencer is correct about the power of censorship – and he’s more realistic than some folks who say “all will be well, just send in the ‘D’Nations” – and I note he admitted that the Alt Right never took any of it seriously.  Too many drunken podcasts, I suppose.  Spencer is being a bit naïve about “speed limits” for the rules of censorship.  Eventually the “speed limit” will be adjusted to eliminate all pro-White content.  What then?

Spencer is correct that Trump will likely do nothing about deplatforming and censorship, but I disagree that the “Alts” has much to do with Trump’s election, and, as stated above, he’s being stunningly naïve to believe that social media/tech regulation would leave loopholes that can be exploited by pro-Whites.

Spencer about AIM and infiltration – absolutely correct.  Friberg makes a good point about how “hate speech laws” exerts selective pressure to force the Far Right to tighten their propaganda and arguments, but this argument – and Spencer’s agreement with this – only goes so far.  Eventually, the laws will be adjusted to narrow the opening for discourse to such an extent that you’ll be left only with the safety valve of mainstream conservatism.  You cannot adjust forever without exerting pressure of your own. I’ve made suggestions about that on this site; this post is not the place to discuss those details.

About the Ukraine – look, at that time I supported the Ukrainian nationalists, but I was not under any illusions about their long term independence from the Neocons. On the other hand, Putin’s Russia is multiculturalist as well, and given the Ukraine’s tragic history I thought it appropriate to at least give the Ukrainian Right a chance to make things right – even if there was little chance of success.  Maybe that was just foolish nativete on my part. I’m not perfect.  Are you?  And would the Ukrainians be better off losing their soul and becoming part of a growing Eurasianist-Yellow/Brown-Islamic empire?

The Way of the World organizing – good idea in theory, but the “rules” put in place for safety will not work in my opinion. The Left is too skilled at infiltration, and the Right is too dumb to prevent it, for all of this to effectively function.

Trump takes decisive action!  After all, that’s why his base voted for him, right?

Is it possible for the “movement” to be this stupid?  Is it possible for water to be wet?

The International Day of the Yeastbucket

A boycott for milady.

Weeks after EGI Notes tells you to boycott Captain MenstrualAmren jumps on board.

Desmond Jones’ homogeneous Italy.

Like many on the Far Right, I was saddened to hear of Faye’s death.  Note that the situation supports my contention that you should take care of yourself, your health, first.  Faye apparently did not do so, focusing on his work instead, and his cancer progressed too far before it was diagnosed. Essentially, he sacrificed himself for a self-destructive race with racialist “leaders” now sweatily pontificating about “the Yang Gang.”

Question: If someone really identifies as a WN, and believes that Jews are behind the genocide of the White race, and if you want to expel Jews to Israel, why would they work for a Jew HBDer who is on record of stating that White nationalism ranks among the biggest threat to America?

On “movement” feuds: To those of you readers who are rank-and-file activists, I blame you, and your ethnic fetishism, for enabling this disaster that is fueled by the affirmative action program enthusiastically supported by you. It are the rank-and-file activists who cling to a failed “movement” and its failed leaders, it is they I truly have contempt for.  Neither side of this feud are worth support; yet you people in general do continuously support one side or another.

I was telling you Trump was a fraud back in 2015-2016.


I can’t believe Trump would so brazenly betray his campaign promises (implied and stated), so his current actions make no sense unless it’s misdirection (good) or total co-option (bad).

It’s misdirection no doubt!  So, let’s just get back to those gifs of Trump strutting around like Vince McMahon and ignore the hordes of Trump-supported brownsters streaming in – legally!

An aspiring member of the Brony faction of the Alt Right?  Well, actually not, be it would seem to be a possible good fit.

Yes, let’s debate whether our “total victory” will occur now, or fifty years from now.

The only “total victory” is when all those “D’Nations” flow in to the tin cuppers.

So, a little brown alien yeastbucket tells off Jews (and they get what they deserve ,they’re the ones responsible for it being in America in the first place) and Congress denounces Whites.  Let’s have a gif of Greg Johnson and Richard McCulloch strutting around like Vince McMahon, celebrating Total White Victory!  Now or in fifty years.  Pepe! Kek! MAGA!

3/3/19 Movement News

In der news.

This here is probably the most archetypical “movement” story imaginable. That is what you suckers in the rank-and-file support, donate do, and devote yourselves to.

Princess Tulsi Coconut is old news!  The ascetic monks of the Alt Right have found a new hero to latch on to!

It’s The Oriental on Yellow Eggroll Syndrome!  The Yang Gang will save us!  Beavis-and-Butthead go full HBD!

I find it hilarious that Donald Trump Jr. is going around making a big deal about free speech, deplatforming, and the Big Tech-leftist alliance to silence the opposition.  Hey, Don Jr. – too bad you don’t know anyone in a position of power to do something about it!  You can fantasize –“imagine if my father was President, then we could have someone to deal with the situation!”

If Trump loses in 2020, it will not be because (as the media will no doubt tell us) of a resurgent Left, or as Roissy would tell us, that all the Amish horse and buggies got stuck in early November mud.  No, it will because Trump will be abandoned by the base that he betrayed.  If he had fulfilled his campaign promises, or at last made a good faith effort to do so, and if had kept the faith of right-wing populism, he’d win.  As of now, he seems to be currying favor with the Neocon Establishment for protection against prison in case he loses.

Hey, it’s about time that Roissy posts some gifs of Trump strutting around like Vince McMahon, or some”neg” from Trump, or whatever other homoerotic fantasy Roissy still has. The actual news about Trump – well, that’s another thing entirely, eh?

When are any of the Quota Queens going to be held accountable for their unhinged Trump worship?  Resign!

Well, forget about Trump: Eggroll-Coconut 2020!

Remember the great and good Desmond Jones – Italy is 100% ethnically and racially homogeneous, to the ends of time, forever and ever, amen.  Italian, Egyptians…what’s the difference?  The guy is more gracile, and an order of magnitude more racially European than the average S. Italian, amiritre?  And Sicilians are pure-blooded sub-Saharan Africans, so why complain about an Egyptian?  Dat right!

Der Movement marches on:

But the moon isn’t a structure one can travel to and land on. It is a light source with a holographic quality to it, not only that, the light emitted is cold in nature.

Dat right!

Things that are NOT real: The moon as a physical structure.  The moon landings.  Space travel (how are we going to top off the gas tank of our starship with Peak Oil?).  Quantum mechanics (a Jewish invention).  The White race (a twentieth century Jewish construct).

Things that ARE real:  The Age of Tungsten!  The Men Who Can’t Tell Time!  Spiritual Race.  The pyramids of Atlantis were built with psychokinesis. Ultima Thule.  The deep Asgardian themes of Shakin’ Stevens.  Snug in our hobbit hole!

Der Movement, Der Movement. Der Movement marches on.

I was reading some papers – apparently, gene expression variation can be greater comparing normal tissues from different individuals than between matched normal and tumorigenic (activated by an oncogenic mutation) cells. More variation within normal than between normal-cancer. Thus – cancer doesn’t exist, it is a social construct!  

The best thing about this stupid article is the “related articles around the web” part at the end. Anything stand out there?  We can play that child’s game: What here is different, what here does not belong?  This reminds me of the time when some over-sensitive Asiatrix put together a book about “Asian Graphic Narratives” and quoted from my Counter-Currents article on Marvel Comics and race.

SJWs are pathetically hilarious – almost as pathetically hilarious as Der Movement itself.

Anyone who listened to the Pilleater-Johnson conversation is now well aware that once again I am right –this time about my prediction of the growing Amren-Counter-Currents-VDARE Alt Wrong axis.  After all, with Greg no longer bashing Derbyshire and no longer telling people not to attend Amren meetings (which he attends) and working for Unz and Derbyshire praising Johnson at VDARE, the new configuration wasn’t at all hard to discern.

Quite obviously, this here is the type of person you want as a member of the Alt Right, this is your confidant for 98 minute gossip sessions, this is your dependable and trustworthy cog in the machine of “movement” activism, this is the person whose airing of “movement” dirty laundry you want to link to in tweets.

Der Movement, Der Movement, Der Movement marches on.

Then we have: 

The conservatives’ cult of Trump is somehow worse and stupider than their cult of Dubya. 

Rewritten for clarity:

Der Movement’s cult of Trump is somehow worse and stupider than its cult of Reagan, Putin, Rand, Buchanan, Princess Coconut, King Eggroll…


It’s unreal to think that the last GOP President who wasn’t demented, stupid, or a total cuck was Nixon. A man who, coincidentally, is always demonized. Really makes ya wonder.. 

Nixon, who brought us affirmative action and busing.  Yes, comments like these really “makes ya wonder…”

Never forget, women have “agency” – Greg tells us this.  Joan of Arc is offended!

The same chart for East Asian women:

A = You’re voluptuous!

B or anything higher = You’re not East Asian

Analysis by Derbyshire and Pilleater forthcoming.

Speaking of Asiatrices, she left someone out.

“Both parties are to blame,” she said. “And yes, I’m looking at you, retired Paul Ryan, and yes, I’m looking at you, Mitch McConnell,” she added, referring to the former Republican House speaker from Wisconsin and the current Senate majority leader from Kentucky.

“And yes, I’m looking at you, Bush family, and yes, I’m looking at you, the ghost of John McCain,” she continued with a gesture toward the ceiling. The line drew a standing ovation from the audience.

And, yes, I’m looking at you, Antifa Don Trump…