Category: onanism

Odds and Ends, 4/1/21

In der news. In all cases, emphasis added.

South Dakota semi-POPA?

No person may be employed or dismissed, or accorded preferential, adverse, or unequal treatment with respect to any application hiring, training, apprenticeship, tenure, promotion, upgrading, compensation, layoff, or any term or condition of employment, by reason of the person’s … Ideological, political, or sectarian opinions or perspectives.

This should be expanded to ALL situations and conditions, not just “higher education,” and it needs to be a federal law, part of the Political Opinion Protection Act, proposed here at this blog. But, in any case, for now, we can take what we can get, and South Dakota is looking good. The “rubber will meet the road” when the law needs to be used in defense of Nutzis. Stay tuned.

HBD onanism.

More “movement” fantasies refuted.

The Easter bunny wants to “jab” you. Jew rabbit!

A wonderful comment, and one perfectly compatible with the anti-Asian views of the Sallis Groupuscule.

HBD is treason. Silk Road White nationalism is treason. Promotion of the absurd “Arctic Alliance” is treason. Shilling for China and repeating Chinese government propaganda talking points is treason. Using cheap, knee-jerk anti-Semitism to shame pro-White activists to be pro-Asian (if you dislike Asians, according to Anglin you are a “Jew lover,” and according to Daniel S., you “suck Jewish cock” [exact quote]) is treason.

The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

Being pro-White and being anti-Asian ultimately must go together, the West Against the Rest.

Johnson’s hypocrisy about covid-19 continues as Counter-Currents hosts yet another idiot.

…SWAT teams are swooping in to arrest Miami spring break revelers

Weren’t many of those “revelers” violent Negroes? Or to be more succinct, while still capturing the totality of the description – “Negroes.”

…and lockdown protests from Amsterdam to Kassel are intensifying across Europe. 

They won’t protest against mass immigration, migrant invasions, or “no go zones,” though.  Ramzpaul triumphant!

The much-vaunted vaccines seem to have brought us no closer to freedom. 

Yeah, well, if folks, particularly on the Retard Right, refuse to get vaccinated, and if the System is inept in vaccine distribution, and if new covid-19 strains emerge, then yes, that is to be expected, no?

The initial justifications for the suspension of liberty will now undoubtedly rank in history alongside such inglorious slogans as “the troops will be home by Christmas” and “diversity is our strength.” 

Or, the “movement” claiming, “we just need some more money.”

Debates continue to rage about the lethality and the origin of the coronavirus, but in truth, these are largely academic discussions now. The coronavirus is not primarily an epidemiological phenomenon, but rather a sociological and political one. Our question should not be “why has this pandemic happened now,” but rather “why have governments and societies responded to it as they did?”

Sure. Anything to absolve the Chinese of blame. Is that Chinatrix strap-on a snug fit?  It’s not too loose or over-stretching your rectum now, is it?

The truth may be that the coronavirus did not blink into existence in Wuhan one year ago. 

No, first it was incubated in a Chinese lab.

Rather, it had been incubating in the psyche of modern societies for years. 

Don’t blame Ms. Wei Fuk Yu!  It’s all in your psyche!

The ease with which populations not only acquiesced to governmental restrictions but also willfully demanded more of them

I thought you just wrote that anti-lockdown protests are spreading?

 …a pseudo-religious belief in experts and scientific redemption

Instead, let’s talk about “mRNA operating systems” and that “Christ will not recognize you on Judgment Day if the vaccine changes your DNA.”

Translated, this simply means that Jewish, Hindu, and Islamic communities have not been morally intimidated by a disease with a median death rate in most cases beyond the average life expectancy…

Which is why Israeli Jews have the highest vaccination rates in the world.

The shrill cries of moral indignation about the selfishness of killing grandma have much less weight if you have already accepted that your grandparents will die and so will you. 

If this is the case, please engage in bullfighting, unarmed, with a dozen rabid bulls. After all, you’re going to die anyway.

In a world riven by suffering and temporal chaos, they have opted to make meaningful lives, rather than to potentially live just that little bit longer in the self-imposed cryostasis of Western societies.

Gee…how about making your life meaningful by protesting against forced racial integration rather than against lockdowns and “face diapers?”

Sweden is perhaps the most advanced case of this terminal decay of modernity, yet it had the lightest lockdown restrictions in Europe. This at first seems paradoxical, yet in many ways, it only bolsters the analysis. With its huge migrant population that for reasons outlined earlier would not respect any restrictions, and with its completely atomized and self-censoring society in which nearly 40% of people live alone, formal legal restrictions were perhaps thought to be unnecessary when the vast majority of the population would self-police following the Jantelagen, and the migrant communities would never be compelled to obey anyway.

So, essentially, this person admits that Swedes are rigid collectivist conformists and that they grovel to Color. Where have we heard that before?

Online social interaction has ceased to be bi-directional and reciprocal; it is that of the devotee and the cult leader.

Counter-Currents readers and Greg Johnson.

It is a slave and master mentality. 

Non-Nordic National Alliance members and William Pierce.

Preying on health fears to instill compliance with governmental policy has proven so wildly successful precisely because the population is already so primed to believe that it is at risk. This is because it is. An obese, aging, mentally- and chronically-ill populace

Maybe you should worry more about that than about vaccines?

The freedoms we have lost may possibly be incrementally restored in the coming months and years, but we have shown ourselves amply willing to abandon our rights and painstakingly slow to ask for them back. 

This is EXACTLY what I have been writing about for months here. These yahoos think they had “freedom” before covid-19. You see, genocidal race replacement immigration doesn’t bother them. Enforced racial integration doesn’t bother them. The society-wide war against Whites doesn’t bother them. Public health measures – proper or misguided – during a pandemic do bother them. Take off your “face diapers” and enjoy your freedom!  What idiotic scum.

Our only recourse is to begin to re-root ourselves in a Heideggerian authentic life

Yogi Bear!  The Age of Aluminum!  The Men Who Can’t Tell Time!

Excerpt from a comment for that post:

It has struck me lately how scared people are of dying. Sometimes, if somebody challenges me by asking me why I am not wearing a mask, I ask them in turn why are they so afraid of dying. Can you imagine if the Spartans had been so afraid of dying when they marched to battle against the army of Xerxes? We’d all be speaking Farsi by now.

This is another example of the retardation of the Right in general and of the “movement” in particular. You see, dying of a preventable disease that originated among the bizarre and filthy yellow-skinned aliens of China is the equivalent of a Spartan dying fighting against the Persians in defense of their homeland. Ramzpaul screeching about “face diapers” is the same as Leonidas saying Molon Labe.

Really, and I have no other way of saying this without being vulgar: Go fuck yourself.

This was interesting, but as I have said before, I really cannot trust anyone who was once a libertarian. A major problem with WN 2.0, including the pitifully failed Alt Right, is that it is full of ex-libertarians.

Hainan at Home and Jeelvy

Chinatrix calling Whites “foreigners”…in America.

Read here. Emphasis added.

Thus, when, a week into the crisis, it looked as thought the U.S. was going to stand firm, I got into a spot of bother with my suggestion that perhaps George W. Bush should counter the Chinese demand for an apology by demanding an apology from them. After all, I pointed out, the U.S. plane was over international waters, and the F-8s must have been flying awfully close for the accident to have happened — close enough to fairly be accused of harrassment, whatever the precise details of the mishap.

Rosie: “Nonsense! China give an apology to America? You’re mad! What was that plane doing so close to our shore? Spying, that’s what! You foreigners think you can just do as you like in China! …” In less time than it takes to hit the MAYDAY button on an EP-3 control panel, we were into the Opium War and the suppression of the Boxers. Dialectical Materialism may have passed undigested through Rosie’s alimentary canal, but the xenophobic stuff went direct into her bloodstream.

Keep in mind that “Rosie” was living in the USA at this time (as she does now).  If I am not mistaken, “Rosie” is now a “American citizen” who votes. “You foreigners,” indeed.  Thanks, Derbyshire.

It’s OK. In the style of Mao Tse-tung, who was fond of comparing crises in the Party with earthquakes, this is no worse than a 4 on the Richter scale. It certainly doesn’t compare with last August 6, a Sunday, and a day that will live in infamy, when I woke early with the horrible realization that it was our wedding anniversary, crept out of the house, spent a frantic hour trying to find a card store that was open, and got home … too late. Harmony will re-assert itself. I just have to follow the President’s example: be patient, and do some measured grovelling.

The last five words = the role of Whites in the “Arctic Alliance.”  And also a summary of HBD.

The ethnocentrism on display here is also reflected in all the spying scandals involving ethnic Chinese living in America spying for their ethnic homeland, reflected in the mind-numbing knee-jerk hatred of Whites and of Western civilization, and is also reflected in networks of ethnic nepotism, including in the professions. Keep on groveling – in a “measured” fashion of course – Whitey.  Kneel down in abject subservience before the Altar of Asia. Hail HBD!

No Nut Jeelvy!

Pathetic. Jeelvy:

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard by now of No Nut November, which is a challenge for all who take it upon them not to commit the sin of Onan – i.e., masturbation – in the month of November. As it happens, most of the people taking the challenge are young men, most of them white and, if not quite on the Right, then at the very least not allergic to our ideas. Of note is also that No Nut November has been countersignaled by the smut merchants at VICE, which I consider to be a glowing endorsement.

I am glad to tell you, my friends, that I have passed this challenge. My mind is at ease, my soul feels clean and pure again, and my body is a weapon fit for the Archangel Michael. I could also offer you details concerning some of the other psychosomatic effects, but as Counter-Currents is a highbrow webzine, the traditional Slavo-Mediterranean braggadocio about sexual prowess and genital size should be used sparingly.

I’m no stranger to addictive behavior, or to the cessation of addictive behavior. In my life, I’ve been seriously addicted to three substances: risperidon, nicotine, and sugar. Two of those I’ve completely dropped, while sugar I’ve learned to consume in moderation. I’ve also had my fair share of problems with video game addiction…

Isn’t this the guy with the fist-sized-breasted wife?  So…what?  He was masturbating regularly before “No Nut November?”  Yes sir, that “traditional Slavo-Mediterranean braggadocio about sexual prowess” really fits when a married Millennial finds it necessary to pull a “no nut.”  Counter-Currents is really hitting new heights of “highbrow” erudition with the new crop of writers Johnson has pulled out of the Alt Right sewer.

As someone who used to write for both sites, I have to say that there are some remarkable parallels between Majority Rights and Counter-Currents. In my opinion, one major reason why Majority Rights declined is because of Guessedworker’s inability or unwillingness to exercise quality control over his site, to realize what is or is not appropriate for the site. While Greg Johnson, unlike Guessworker, actually moderates the comments section of his site (too much in my opinion), apparently he is not exercising quality control over the actual contributors to his site (Jeelvy being a perfect example). And thus, the sad decline continues,  Remarkably, the “movement’s” marching morons continue sending in the “D’Nations.”

Is Onan a Mainstreamer, a Traditionalist, or a Gamester?

Durocher’s sweaty obsession on display again.

Which can be compared to previous comments at this blog here.
Well, Orban is better than Merkel, no doubt, but the mainstreamers’ obsession with Saint Viktor is, to put it mildly, strange. One can almost imagine Durocher’s heavy breathing as he writes about Chicken Wire Vik, champion of blustering talk and of a flimsy fence that photographers have snapped pictures of, with smiling migrants climbing over and under, and with bored-looking Hungarian police standing by doing nothing.
Of course, those police were a bit more active when it came time to shut down the NPI conference.
Durocher’s excitement over Orban’s obvious attempts to win votes from Jobbik (what would Vik be doing if the Jobbik electoral threat was not there, I wonder?), rivals that of some folks getting all hot and bothered over Putin wrestling tigers bare-chested, or Roissy’s girl-crush on “the Trumpening.”
How about praising politicians and leaders for real pro-White action, rather than for shutting down nationalist conferences in Budapest, building mosques in Moscow, and praising legal “highly skilled” immigration?

Donald Trump: Pro-Immigration Beta Male

No worries, gamesters have explanations.
If Pedro, Patel, and Chen flood in illegally: bad.  If they flood in legally:good. Let’s fantasize about a mythical STEM worker shortage that doesn’t exist and replace Americans with Asiatics. Hey, maybe Charles Murray will stop picking on little beta-boy the Trumpening.
No worries, though. Panicked gamesters, their ardor temporarily dimmed by Trumps’s explosion of sheer betatude, come up with varied explanations, and then eagerly grasp at some fumbling “no, I didn’t really mean that” post-debate comments from “the Donald.”  Gamester ardor restored. Let the onanism commence!
Some alpha male. Can’t take “the heat” of a debate, and doesn’t know his “own” (i.e, Sessions’) policy positions.
Trump has done us a service by opening up American politics to right-wing populism. Can we now get a serious candidate, please?