Category: undercut

White Warrior Emoji

A pathetic dying race.

In contrast to Der Movement’s fantasies of a “White revolt” derived from the principle “worse is better,” we instead observe the reality: Whites are in agonized anguish about whether or not to use “white emoji.”  That’s the warrior spirit!

True enough, not all Whites are like that – just all the educated ones, the youth, and all the elites. Sure, Billy Bob and Greasy Guido are voting for Trump, but who are they?  Who cares? The power brokers and the youth and the highbrow educated caste are, in contrast, carefully choosing colored emoji so as to not “unpack their privilege.”

Der Movement has no worries though, they will just continue with cephalic indices, Savitri Devi, and admixture percentages, and it’ll all be good!  After all, that’s what the “men who can’t tell time” would do.  And lest we forget, the latest “movement” meme that will save race and civilization: the undercut hairstyle!

Dat right!  They’re not their grand-dad’s “movement” anymore!  They’ll fail in their own way, stylishly “fash” as they go down in flames.

Der Movement, Der Movement, Der Movement marches on!