Category: observations

Relationship Observations

Behold the female.

In a book by the Soviet defector “Viktor Suvorov” he made a point, essentially – “imagine how bad Stalin and Soviet communism must have been if Ukrainians (and others) initially welcomed Hitler as a liberator.”

By analogy, imagine how bad White women must be if White men prefer Asian women; likewise, imagine how bad Black women must be if Black men prefer White women.

Advice for young men (*) contemplating marriage – long-term relationships are front-loaded for men and back-loaded for women, and, over time, the benefit vs. cost ratio of back-loading greatly outweighs that of front-loading. Thus, over time, women greatly benefit from marriage while men incur the costs. Put another way, early on, for men, benefits outweigh costs while later on costs outweigh benefits, while for women it is precisely the opposite. Since the latter phase is much greater in time than is the early phase, the net benefit is for women and the net cost is for men.

What do I mean by this? Relationships are best for men at the very beginning, while better for women for the rest of it, with increasing relative benefits for women over time.

Women are youngest and most attractive, and most eager and willing to sexually please the man, at the beginning of the relationship; further, the woman would be most agreeable overall and would make efforts to suppress negative aspects of her personality and behavior until the man is trapped into marriage. Thus, men get what they (generally) want at the very beginning of the relationship. 

Let’s assume that after several years of a generally agreeable situation, the man consents to marriage. We will further assume that, as is typical, the couple has children. Now, the woman begins to get what she wants – the security of marriage, a legal hold over the man who can thus be exploited, children and a father for the children, etc. It is a stereotype that, after marriage, and particularly after children, women become much more disagreeable, less sexually active, unpleasant with nagging, etc. This latter “back-loaded” phase is typically much, much longer than the relatively brief “front-loaded” phase at the beginning.  In essence, men are buying a brief period of agreeable companionship and sexual activity with a younger woman in exchange for many subsequent bleak years/decades of the “back-loaded” phase that favors the woman.

*Although this is aimed at White men, it applies for most men, although possibly in very patriarchal cultures (i.e., Middle. East, Near East, South Asian), it may not apply. For cultures (i.e., Black “American”, in which marriage, and other long-term relationships, is not very dominant, it may not apply either).

Some Observations, 1/26/21


Very cognitive, very elite. I suppose that’s just the Arctic Alliance hard at work.

Another example of autistic earnestness:

When I took the garbage out earlier this week, I saw a fox crossing the street. We stared at each other for a prolonged moment before it ran off. During that encounter, I felt a strange connection with this wild animal. As much as I related to wolves in the past, I think that modern dissidents share some characteristics with foxes. Just as every fox looks after its own tail, each person in our community can outfox our enemies and adapt to our changing environments.

During my high school years, I became fascinated with wolves…

If I wrote something like that as a parody of Counter-Currents, people would think I was being childishly unfair.  But it is all too real.

“Freedom” in academia. The Soviet Union was not any more repressive than modern day America.

See this. McCulloch cites a paper that utilizes 23andMe’s methodology, which has been criticized here before, in great detail:

See this.

And this.

And also this.

The net result of these (fairly obvious) flaws is that “admixture” is over-estimated in those groups for which proper and/or sufficient parental references samples are lacking, while possible real admixture is under-estimated or undetected for those groups that are being essentially compared to themselves, being well represented among parental reference samples.  Overall, the effect is to over-estimate the already low “admixture” in Europeans, but also to skew the results of whatever is in fact detected.  That these measurement biases favor Der Movement’s favorite groups, while disfavoring despised groups, is no doubt a major reason that laughably flawed methodologies are accepted as gospel. Amusingly, the same people can be tested with different companies and get radically different results; evenmore laughably, the same people can be analyzed by different updates of the same company – said updates typically involving adding different sets of parental reference samples, thus proving my criticisms correct – and get radically different results.


A similar racial transformation of the populations of the countries of Northwest Europe also began in the aftermath of World War II with much the same ethnic and ideological basis.

The radical population shifts taking place in nations such as, e.g., Italy and Spain, are to be, of course, completely ignored.  They’re all wogs anyway, so who cares?

Observation About Gods and Men

 An observation.

One wonders if the “gods” are to men what men are to the beasts. After all, to other life on Earth, we are akin to gods of a sort (or at least devils). We have advantages of intelligence, foresight, planning, tool use and inventiveness, organization, fine-grained manual dexterity, etc. but we are inferior in, say, strength, speed, ferocity, fecundity, etc. (we can make inter-racial comparisons of like kind as well, but that’s another story).

So, perhaps “gods” have the same strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis us – greater intelligence and other “higher” attributes, but lacking certain of the “human” traits that would rank us closer to animals compared to the “gods.” Traditionally, the “gods” have been portrayed a superior to man in every way, including the physical; perhaps that is not accurate?

Four Observations, 7/17/20

Some observations.

1. A. James Gregor described Nordicism as an ideology of despair, since a Nordicist theme often was (is?) that everyone – including modern Northern Europeans – are mongrel degenerates, not comparable to the noble pure Nordics of the past, that “the great race” was “passing,” that all that is great and good is threatened by racial contamination from inferior peoples.

HBD-Nordicism is likewise an ideology of despair; here the theme is that Whites – at least the real, Herrenvolk Whites – are so genetically individualistic that nothing activists can do will interest those Whites in becoming adaptively ethnocentric.  The best that we can all do is sit back and hope things get so bad that the “implicit ethnocentrism” of Whites will somehow become activated (likely too late in any case).

Gee…if that’s the case, then what’s the point of giving hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to “movement” grifters?  It’s not like they can ever accomplish anything, right?

2. There are certain “movement leaders” whose current ideology – in some cases opposite of what they promoted in the past – has been adopted merely to spite other “leaders” that they are feuding with.  What happens though is that the new ideology becomes part of the “leader’s” activist identity, they become emotionally invested in it, their massive ego demands that they defend it, even against arguments they themselves would have made in the past.  Can such people ever be trusted, even in the slightest?

3. Much “movement” discourse is essentially essays and articles telling us how bad things are and how Jews and Coloreds are working for our demise.  Very well, but my basic problem with such contributions is that they are essentially midway in the continuum of analysis.  On the one hand, they never explore, ultimately, how and why things reached the current sorry state, they never explore why “our side” has endlessly failed and let the Jews and Coloreds rise to positions of power and authority over us, they never identify the individuals and organizations on our side, always sufficiently funded, who have done absolutely nothing to stem the tide –nay, who have actually helped to make things worse.  It’s just that, hey, this is how things are today, and, boy, aren’t they bad!

Then, on the other hand, these analyses rarely if ever move on from the descriptive to the prescriptive, and tell us what we need to do from this point on to effectively deal with the situation.  Again, we are just told, over and over again, how bad things are, and how they will get worse, but no word on why we are where we are or what we should do next.

It’s the same old story time and again.  At some point we can ask – how is any of this at all helpful?

4. Consider this post and the accompanying comments thread.  If you have free time, do go through the most or all of the comments.

Consider that was nine years ago.  Since then, nearly a decade has passed.  We’ve seen the rise and fall of the Alt Right, we’ve seen the election of God Emperor Trump, we’ve seen millions of dollars of “D’Nations” be funneled into the accounts of “movement” organizations, we’ve seen the insanity of 2020, we’ve seen the migration crisis in Europe, we’ve seen many, many things.  

Now, compare that 2011 post and comments thread to the situation today.  Any real difference?  No. Nothing getting done, endless talk, endless feuding (even with the usual suspects involved), zero progress, zero planning, zero judgment, and the “let’s air dirty laundry in public” attitude as if these posts and comments thread are only being read by – dare I say it based on the subject of the post? – an activist elite, rather than by anyone with an Internet connection (including “watchdog groups” and other “antis”).  

I’ll say one thing positive about the CMS – to the extent that they are “confidential” and are working quietly behind the scenes – that is the right approach.  They may not get anything useful done, but this spewing forth of “movement” bile – some things never change, eh?  That whole exchange could have very easily have been 2020, rather than 2011.  It’s all one.
And for laughs, here is how Greg Johnson ends one of his comments on that thread:

Lapses in judgment like this really beggar the imagination.

Any movement with leaders like this is a joke.

Readers of EGI Notes understand why I find that comically ironic and highly amusing.  Yes, Greg, lots of “lapses in judgment” that “really beggar the imagination” – and, yes, “any movement with leaders like this is a joke.”  You see, we are in complete agreement – although when I say things like that – particularly when I cite your own “lapses in judgment” and when I include you in the “leaders like this” who make the “movement” into a “joke” – then I’m “crazy and bitter” as well as “insane and indecent.”

The hypocrisy really beggars the imagination.