Category: amnesty

Sunday Movement Roundup

Race and Der Movement.

“Based” Poland!  Visegrad! Ethnonationalism!

Wrong, wrong, they’re always wrong.

And, hey, I thought that Poles are “ethnocentric ‘Outer Hajnal’ Eastern Europeans.”  What happened? Maybe, just maybe (consider it) all of this “Hajnal line” nonsense is just more HBD flim-flam designed to divide Europeans against each other.  Yes, there are biocultural-behavioral differences among Europeans, but these are gradients, not sharp distinctions.  Poles may be a bit more on the ethnocentric spectrum than, say, Swedes (which is not saying much), but it obviously doesn’t protect them from the blowback from multiracial globalism.  All of this HBD nonsense would never have gone anywhere among racial activists if it wasn’t for the fossilized dogma and ethnic fetishism of the Type I retards of Der Movement. They have a lot to answer for.

One theme here recently is how HBDers try to appeal to Type I ethnic fetishists in order to derail White nationalism.  The emphasis on “David Reich’s data say Aryans invaded India” is one such example – because the word “Aryan” means different things to different people. To legitimate scholars, essentially, the ANI component in modern Indians is from Central Asian steppe people who were most likely more akin to modern Iranians than to anything else.  To Der Movement, it all means “blonde Nordics built the Taj Mahal.”  The HBDers are aware of, and exploit, these differences in perception.  

Spencer criticizes Puritans (who he calls “the worst people of the White race” – “horrible people”) – criticizing a major segment of America’s New England founders.  What’s interesting is that someone like myself who has never made any comments like that was wrongly accused of “bashing the founders” – while I don’t recall anyone criticizing Spencer for actually – and vehemently – doing such bashing.  Those affirmative action protections for “movement leaders” are really airtight, huh?

I agree with Spencer about pessimism being more realistic than airhead optimism. Is the King of Hobbits and the King of Racial Phenotype listening?

Is Spencer’s personal problems making him more Russia-skeptical?

Let’s not stereotype Italians, Richie, it’s not all olive oil.  The relevance of comparing the economies of Russia and Italy is that Russia is much larger than Italy in land mass and population, Russia is resource-rich while Italy is resource-poor, and Russia is a major military power while Italy obviously is not.

I agree with the fellow (Jason I believe his name is) who said non-White anti-White racism is based on envy, and I have written on this before.  And I agree on the description of anti-White Whites as well – intra-racial envy.

It’s all about punishment and revenge.  And the comparison between numbers is true with respect to racial accomplishment.  Compare, for example, some of the swarthoid regions of Europe with China – the former having accomplished more for human progress than the latter despite the latter having 1-2 (or more) orders of magnitude more people.  We can productively enrage the HBDers with this.  I can think of one small area that between the world wars presented to us Evola, Gentile, Majorana, and Pirandello (Cannizzaro died in 1910) – and then we have China, with a population a couple of hundred times larger, which at that time produced who?  Mao?  

I’ll say that overall that was a good podcast and I note that Spencer is behaving somewhat more mature with these people compared to the Alexandria VA-Brewery Boys crowd – until near the end, when he started behaving like a Beavis-and-Butthead Alt Right jackass again.  He almost made it…too bad he couldn’t go the distance. Maybe next time.

The voice of WN 3.0, right Greg? How can we trust Johnson’s judgment?  About the “voices of WN 3.0” or about anything else, including Trump?  At least now Spencer is turning against Trump, while Counter-Currents regaled us about how the mid-term elections were really a win for their tin god, and scolded any of us who thought otherwise.


Allied to this growing militarism was an intense nationalism in most of the Great powers. Weltpolitik or the desire for world power status was very popular in Germany. The French desire for revenge over Alsace and Lorraine was very strong. In Britain Imperialism and support for the Empire was very evident. This nationalism meant that there was little resistance to war in these countries. Many welcomed what they thought would be a short, victorious war. For example the outbreak of war was greeted by cheering crowds in Berlin, Vienna and Paris. As A P J Taylor wrote “the people of Europe leapt willingly into war.”


More importantly, the EU was not in fact the source of Britain’s demographic problems. True, the indigenous English and Celts of Britain are being replaced by virtue of the EU’s free movement of people, but mostly by European migrants. For the most part, these are quite assimilable and hard-working, and represent relative demographic gain…British patriots need to keep their eye on the ball: national sovereignty, good relations with their fellow Europeans, and, above all, keeping Britain British!

So – we will keep “Britain British” by replacing native Britons with Poles and Romanians?

Behold the pathetic loser.  Exchange real-time amnesty for invasive scum in exchange for a “wall” that likely won’t be built or that will be only modestly useful if actually built.  The Quota Kings have more testosterone than does The God Emperor.

We need today what Oliver described as The National Youth Alliance 50 years ago.

While I despise Welton, the following should make all of the “but, but, but…Joan of Arc” white knighters weep:

Males must not be ashamed of being males. The downside of being male is inseparable from the upside: the fact that it is men who have been responsible for pretty much anything of consequence ever accomplished by human race.

A picture for the ethnic fetishists.  All are prime candidates to be let into an “extreme vetted” “movement” meeting.  Especially the one third from left.  He’s from southern Sweden. The far south. Or maybe he’s just a S. Italian immigrant?

Some possible Presidential/Vice-Presidential ticket combinations – all in jest of course:








Daniel S/Captain Chaos


Unfortunately, the Williams/Covington ticket has been derailed by Covington’s death.

March of the Happy Penguins

Defund Der Movement. and American Renaissance, to quote the Boomer Movie Animal House, have “a long tradition of existence.” They’ve both been around a long time, sort of like their editors. And they’re not going anywhere—particularly in Peter’s case, because he has a young family to support!

Here Lydia essentially agrees with EGI Notes that the panhandling at VDARE is, at least to a partial extent, designed to support the Happy Penguins lifestyle: “particularly in Peter’s case, because he has a young family to support.”  Indeed.

Peter keeps wittering about building a completely new links page on, featuring an index of absolutely all Dissident Right content producers.

“Absolutely all.”  Very good.  I look forward to seeing the EGI Notes and Western Destiny blogs linked to from VDARE.  That’s what “absolutely all,” means, eh?

First of all, I want to thank John Derbyshire for reading this letter on behalf of and I want to announce here that we expect him back for our next Christmas webcast—last time he greatly impressed our viewers by drinking half a bottle of bourbon on camera with no visible effect!

Can “Rosie” do the same?

Who said immigrants couldn’t assimilate?!!

And honesty would entail mentioning that Derbyshire is essentially an amnestied illegal immigrant (*), the very thing VDARE purports to oppose.  

What can I say, Peter and I are breeders, and with three little girls…

Get those donations rolling in…please give generously (children used as fundraising props again).

If the United States had not permitted my wife to immigrate in 1986, we should have gone to live in some other country. Perhaps I would have gone to live in China. The United States is under no obligation to respect my marriage preferences.

Very good.  So, if a future White ethnostate, under no similar obligation, decides that the Derbyshire clan has to go, Johnny will leave with no complaints.  Right?

See here.

Despite his oft-voiced opposition to illegal immigration, Derbyshire has admitted that he was an illegal immigrant himself in the U.S. before achieving legal residence and eventual citizenship. He has even joked about his former illegal status, comparing himself to a “reformed drunk at a temperance meeting.” According to Derbyshire, no American ever expressed concern about his immigration status…

Well, I’m expressing concern right now.  Get out of my country, illegal invader.

More King Cuck

Roissy weeps.

The Trumpian fraud, emphasis added:

President Donald Trump may have announced that “DACA is dead” over the weekend, but statistics released Monday by the Justice Department appear to suggest otherwise.

Since the start of January this year, the Trump administration has approved tens of thousands of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications and renewals, a quarterly report from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), has revealed. (The report was filed in court by the Justice Department in an ongoing legal fight with California).

More than 55,000 initial and renewal applications were approved by the Trump administration in the past three months alone…


Pathetic homoerotic Trump fanboy Roissy (cuck nagger) weeps bitter tears.

The Alt Right crowd doubts Trump has what it takes.  Some of us know that before he was elected.

Race and Der Movement in Der News

Odds and Ends.

This is what the far-left ultracuck Donald Trumpamnesty wants to legalize.

MAGA indeed!  Perhaps MAFAUA would be more appropriate: Make America Fat And Ugly Again.

Well, not, not “again” – as the average American, of all races, Trump included, is already fat and ugly, so “Make” and “Again” are superfluous.

I note that the “work” of the despicable Andrew Hamilton is now being featured at the National Alliance’s National Vanguard site.  Well, what can one say?  Apparently, the new National Alliance is keeping close to the spirit of William Pierce and his ideology – and I do not mean that as a compliment.  The NA was always an iron-core Type I organization, so none of this should come as a surprise.  Let a thousand (plagiarized) flowers bloom!

It is unfortunate that an individual as intelligent as Strom so frequently displays bad judgment in his professional and personal lives.  As regards the former, trying to revive the National Alliance (which died with Pierce) is an error, and if you are going to go ahead and try and do so anyway, do you have to repeat all of Pierce’s mistakes, and enable the worst forms of freakishness and ethnic fetishism?  Isn’t there a better way?

Be that as it may, the new National Alliance once again proves it is just as unfit to represent White interests as was the old.

Brimelow is a Happy Penguin (LLC), not a White nationalist.

And see this:

This is why I’m rich and famous.

Well, I don’t know about “famous” but while “rich” is subjective, news reports about “movement” funding – which Brimelow has never denied or argued against – show that the Happy Penguins must be quite happy indeed with the financial haul VDARE gets.

A Sicilian expresses his love of chicken.

This is great; unfortunately, the way America is going, the typical “American” will be hanging from the trees by the time the Chinese set up (military) bases on the moon.

Apparently, Amren’s Munro films some Romanians dancing the Hora, long may it turn.

The beginning of the end: Gregory, Gregory, where art thou? A “full time staff writer” for the Alt Wrong.  How have the mighty fallen.