Category: Christianity

Odds and Ends, 2/3/23

In der news.

Am I inconsistent in being a STEM-oriented futurist while also agreeing with the underlying premise of the novella The Machine Stops? No. See this. Particularly, pay attention to the section about the tale of the machines in Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun. Science and technics are tools, means and not ends, and only human needs and wants and interests – whether these be rational or irrational – are the ends that can inform what means need to be used. We can not or should not sacrifice our humanity at the altar of the machine. On the other hand, we can not and should not sacrifice human progress at the altar of the hobbit hole.

Oy Vey!  More Jewish whining. If FOX blocks the direct link:

The rest of us can now discuss how Jewish-led racial integration (and mass immigration), ruined our lives, wrecked our neighborhoods, killed our family members, made public school into a living hell, and stole our country from us.

I won’t mock Torba about the Christian thing here but instead I will endorse the overall message. Just replace “Christian” with “White.” Of course, Torba and the rest of Der Right need to consider why STEM, including the IT field, is 99% or so on the Left. Keep on gibbering about religion, that will help, no doubt.

See this.  Consider the tweets Strom is responding to and then acknowledge that I am 100% correct when I talk about affirmative action in the “movement.”  When Der Movement considers right-wing Whites as prospective leaders, all that matters is ethnic ancestry and phenotype, with merit and ability being at best secondary and more typically irrelevant. To Der Movement, even dark-eyed, dark-haired Northern Europeans are suspect and potentially rejected; obviously Southern Europeans (and, usually, Eastern Europeans to some extent) have zero chance of passing muster, regardless of their ability and credentials.  Only Northwest Europeans with Nordic-style phenotypes are completely acceptable. How can any honest person deny this?

According to work by David Nemec, “Count” Campau faced “prejudice” because he was (mistakenly) thought to be Italian.  I looked up this person. Emphasis added:

He was given his unusual nickname because he resembled an Italian noblemanCampau stood out from other ballplayers. He was “graceful and distinguished looking,” and handsome with his dark complexion and “luxuriant” mustache. 

 Swarthy frog Campau had talent, thus:

From July 5 to July 23, he made at least two hits in 15 consecutive games, establishing a major-league record that still stands

But, alas, he looked like a wop, so…

Can the Italic Institute take some time off from praising Jews and virtue signaling against segregationists and instead comment on the Burr Ridge situation?

It’s strange that the Eloi ethnonationalists criticize the EU since that entity – led by Germans with French junior partners, with the UK being a strong junior partner as well before Brexit – exemplifies the ethnoimperialist mindset. The PIGS countries of Southern Europe are scorned and serve as colonies for Eloi expats wanting to escape bad weather and Color, while Eastern European nations are economic colonies – being deindustrialized and even with agriculture being wrecked, to serve as a source of raw materials and as a captive market for Eloi goods produced in the “West.” Then when these non-Eloi countries go into debt because they are not allowed to produce anything, that’ll be ascribed to “laziness” and “inferiority” and Eloi bankers will come in to pick the carcass clean of any remaining economic flesh. What could the Counter-Currents crowd have to complain about that?

This is why Christianity must be unalterably opposed and mercilessly destroyed. Also note the suggestion that (Ancient) Greeks were/are not “White Europeans.” So, according to Der Right, the Ancient Greeks were either (a) Nordics or (b) not White Europeans, because as we know, non-Nordic White Europeans do not exist, have never existed, and cannot exist. Note well how Nordicism, love of Coloreds, and Christianity form a seamless whole.

Christianity is the enemy. Crush the infamy!

Also notice how Der Right’s arguments in this case are ALL about proximate issues. It’s been twenty years since Salter introduced the EGI concept and it has had zero impact amongst the broader Right. Again, dispassionate, objective, purely rational arguments are not enough. Ultimately, Irrational Man gets convinced by passionate polemical argumentation. Thus, I note that with all of the controversies about immigration in the “West” no one who has the public ear even broaches the idea that the immigration is demographically damaging to Whites on an innate racial, genetic, EGI level. Even when Carlson mentions The Great Replacement, that is typically in a political-cultural context of “liberals brining in more Democrat voters.” So when Babylon Bee High Trust scum talk about “innately conservative Catholic immigrants,” Der Right flounders around trying to rebut that, again with proximate values. There’s been a complete failure of Der Movement to affect the discourse in a manner in which race replacement is viewed as bad in and of itself, rather than merely because of possible political-cultural and socioeconomic downstream effects of those changes. So, then, if large numbers of hard-working, conservative, assimilating, GOP-voting aliens stream in, what would Carlson say to that? Again, a failure of Der Movement, and a failure of the objective dispassionate empirical approach of promotion of the EGI concept (and it certainly didn’t help that certain more retarded elements of Der Movement have actually attacked EGI rather than promoting it). This has been a metapolitical (and, ultimately, political) catastrophe.

See this.

It’s hard to be the first at anything these days, but here is Spencer J. Quinn’s The No College Club, which is billed as the first white-positive young adult (YA) novel. 

Really? The first? What about this? Liars. Wrong, wrong, they are always, always, ALWAYS wrong.

Counter-Currents ALWAYS lies.


And young people . . .

My 18-year-old thought it was brilliant . . . and approachable.

The Hungry Wolves of Van Diemen’s Land is approachable because it is written via the voices of young people…”

Counter-Currents not only lies, but their lies are refuted by their own posts. TOO is just as bad.

But as bad as TOO is, Counter-Currents is the absolute worst.

OK, very well.  And here is another one:

Nordic Invention Myths

Nordics were the original founders of the classical civilization of both Ancient Greece and Rome


See this.

Odds and Ends, 1/22/23

In der news.

Inferior Species Confirmed!  Sallis is always, always, ALWAYS correct (emphasis added):

Migrant arrivals in Italy have increased by more than 50% since far-right premier Giorgia Meloni took office at the end last October, official statistics show, contradicting claims made by her government.

On Monday, interior minister Matteo Piatendosi appeared on an Italian TV show and claimed the “growth curve [of boat arrivals] had declined” in the government’s first two months in power.

But statistics published by the interior ministry and reviewed by Euronews show that migrant arrivals by boat have been considerably higher since Meloni took office compared to the same period the previous year.

The new PM’s first two full months in office — November and December — saw almost 20,000 migrants arrive by boat: a sharp rise from the same months the year before when there were 12,600 migrant landings.

The upsurge in arrivals by boat in the first ten days of 2023 has been even more dramatic: 3,709 so far this year compared to just 378 during the same time period in 2022, marking an 881% increase.”

Two take-aways:

  • 1. Mainstreaming ALWAYS fails. Even if it results in an electoral victory, the resulting moderate-right mainstreamed government will accomplish NOTHING.
  • 2. The modern Italian is a result of 2,000 years of dysgenics.

Then we have this.  Pathetic.

I will now dismantle some excuses that could be made for Meloni and Italy:

1. Italy is obligated to follow international conventions about refugees.  An organized mass migration, motivated by economic opportunity and living space, heavily composed of young males, and often aided by foreign actors, can very reasonably be identified as an invasion and a threat to national sovereignty and security. This argument must be made, defended, and acted upon. The Left will always try to mask migrant invasion behind gibbering about “refugees’;” if you are going to accept everyone claiming to be a “refugee” then you may as well disband your military and throw your borders open to the entire world. These migrants are not legitimate refugees and even if they were, it is time for Italy and other such nations to repudiate these “refugee conventions.” This is an existential issue and a “hill to die on.”

2. But Italy will become ostracized.  So?  By who?  How come the Hungarians can survive defying the EU but the larger and more influential Italy cannot?  Human quality of the population?  Of leadership?

3. NGOs are involved.  So what?  Refuse to let them disembark the migrants on Italian soil.  Let them go elsewhere, or nowhere.

4. This will cause an international scandal, bad publicity, and Meloni will be voted out of office. If you are going to be held hostage to globalist outrage and the mass media, you may as well just surrender now. Taking a bold stand will be controversial. That’s why it’s called leadership. And I would rather be voted out of office for fulfilling my campaign promises than for not doing so.  What’s the point of being elected?  To win more elections?  Are elections an end to themselves?  If so, you are merely a political grifter. If you were elected to forcefully deal with the migrant crisis then do so.

5. Italian courts will take action; EU courts will take action. Well, first you actually have to do something for them to take action against before you worry about it.  Again, if you are going to be held hostage to this, you are no leader and may as well surrender now. Do the right thing and declare an invasion and a national security crisis and see what the Italian courts do then.  As far as the EU goes – is Italy a sovereign nation or not?  If so, guard your borders. If not, then Italian leaders should be appointed by Brussels. Which is it?

Stop making excuses.

Beautiful! They fell short. Greggy can spin it any way he wants, but this is a FAILURE. Perhaps the real reasons are that people are getting tired of “movement” grifters who constantly panhandle for money but do not earn it, and also perhaps some groups alienated by Counter-Currents didn’t give.

To paraphrase Churchill – this FAILURE may not yet be the beginning of the end for Counter-Currentsbut it may well be the end of the beginning. They may have peaked. In any case, The Sallis Groupuscule will keep up the pressure, exposing and deconstructing Counter-Currents. Let us hope that they continue to fail to meet their fundraising goals.

A review of a moronic book.  So:

  • European history didn’t exist before Christianity. Julius Caesar was a hoax!
  • True Christianity is “Western European” (screw you, ya Orthodox!) and Germanic (go to your minarets you greasy moop wops!).

These Christian supremacists are a tiresome lot.

In response to Nord Christian types complaining about “atheistic” WNs, I repeat my three main complaints about Christians in Der Movement:

  • 1.They prioritize religion over race and insist that Christianity and the White West are one and the same.
  • 2. They are always the aggressors in these arguments, always trying to force their religion on non-believers, to the point of advocating that non-believers should pretend to faith and go to church so as to bolster Christian societal stability (that apparently the genuine Christians can’t do on their own).
  • 3. They keep on talking about the need to “redeem” Christianity, but they can’t seem to find actual Christian believers to assist in this project and so must constantly badger non-believers about the religion question. If Christianity is so “redeemable,” then shouldn’t Christian racialists be able to do it without the assistance of non-believers, some of whom despise the religion?

While I agree with most of what MacDonald has to say, I can point out that before this January, the Democrats had a two year monopoly of federal power. I note that nothing like this was introduced at a time that a Democratic House would have had the opportunity to vote it into law, triggering a constitutional crisis with the consequent free speech legal challenges and right-wing political outrage. I suspect this bill was introduced at the present time not to become law now but to push the envelope for the future, and to somehow make the GOP uncomfortable. Nevertheless, it does reflect leftist ideology and objectives.

I don’t understand why these full time activists, like MacDonald, cannot carefully edit their work (as well as other work on their site) and let things get posted with errors (in this case, in bold font [added]):

I don’t seriously think that this bill will be signed into law in this Congress, and the conservative-majority Supreme Court would very likely find it unconstitutional it was.

The word “if” is missing.

Finally, what none of these guys admit is that they are in part at fault. Their “movement” has been rolling along for decades, eating up millions of dollars of donations, wasting people’s time, occupying the Far Right niche space, and accomplishing absolutely nothing positive. Further, their combination of outrage porn and completely ineffectiveness agitates frustrated Nutzi retards, who lash out because they are feeling helpless and in despair.

Ultimately, I blame the Quota Queens for all of this, another reason that I have bottomless contempt for them and their complaints.

Christianity Again, 12/22

The same issue again.

See this. Excerpts and fisking:

It is the season of giving, and in that spirit I would like to give a Christmas present to the Christians within our ranks as a gesture of good will. 

That good will is never reciprocated. NEVER.  Always, the Christians are the aggressors, trying to force their religion into activism as an integral part – the priority, the most important part – of White racial nationalism.

Due to the Brandon economy, I do not have any partridges or pear trees, but I do have two arguments that can be used in defense of our politics by Christian Nationalists…

When are Christians going to return the favor and explain how atheism can better inform racial nationalism?

…I do not see Christian Nationalism disappearing anytime soon, especially given recent developments with Ye. 

An excellent reason to hope Christian nationalism does disappear soon. WN 3.0 is bad enough, do we need even more Coloreds associated with Der Movement?

Also, many of the people who we are trying to reach are Christian. Thus, we need to find a way for Christianity to coexist with dissident politics.

Shouldn’t that be the responsibility of pro-White Christians? As I have written repeatedly, if Christianity is really compatible with White nationalism, then it are the Christians who need to demonstrate this. They need to do the work. Why should non-Christians, including anti-Christians, expend time and effort to square a circle that they do not believe can, or even desire to, be squared?

My advice is inspired in part by the Nick Fuentes versus Alex Jones debate. At the end of the debate, at around 1:16:30, one of the callers asks Fuentes why he doesn’t start “living in Christ,” “become like the Amish,” and do his own thing instead of “throwing bombs.” Fuentes responded well, and I will give him credit where it is due despite having criticized him in the past. But the caller’s question, while asked in good faith, is indicative of a mindset that is so widespread and pernicious that it must be decisively refuted.

it must be “decisively refuted” by Christians.  Why must non-Christians, such as the author of this piece, or myself, do the work of people we disagree with? If Christians cannot defend their faith, then they prove themselves and their faith useless. I’m not here to help them with that, and neither is this author, and neither are all of you non-Christians out there.

There is an effeminate, ahistorical version of Christianity which seems to have emerged in the 1800s and then became even more widespread in the 1900s…

Have you noticed that Christianity moves to the Left as literacy increases among Christians? Once folks start reading the New Testament for themselves it becomes easier for leftists to leverage scripture for their purposes, and more difficult for patriotic forces to pretend that Christianity really supports a muscular domestic and foreign policy.

…which mostly boils down to passively praying as history passes by, being overly sugary sweet no matter what, withdrawing from the world, and indulging liberal subversion such as by forgiving the murderer of one’s child at the hands of feral immigrants. It is the fellaheen mindset which Oswald Spengler described as appearing when a culture becomes old and tired.

Actually it is what is in The New Testament.

While this specific caller and many others advance these attitudes in good faith, there is also a contingent of people who use the all-too-familiar tactic of demanding that Christians abide by a cherry-picked version of their rules and values while they themselves have none. Thus have some of the most well-intentioned people been taken advantage of by the worst of the worst for decades.

Why do you assume that Christians are among “the most well-intentioned” and their critics are “the worst?”  I think it is the other way around.

I have found that I must temper my natural impulse to dive straight into matters of blood and iron, or to point in exasperation at how white Christians in Waco and Randy Weaver’s wife were murdered by the feds simply for wanting to peacefully live by themselves, and consider the matter to be decisively concluded. 

Yes, decisively concluded – Christianity is a useless religion of defeat, humiliation, and surrender.

I confess that I, too, often end up talking past people instead of addressing their viewpoints. I hope to arm Christian Nationalists with some arguments that are tailored to their worldview, and which will therefore be more effective when they debate other Christians who are adjacent to our politics.

Why, why, WHY? Why can’t the Christian nationalists arm themselves with effective arguments?  Why must they ALWAYS depend on non-Christians riding to the rescue, followed by Christians finally becoming aggressive in the only way they know how – attacking White Far Right non-Christians and asserting that the failed Christian faith, that hapless and hopeless system, is what we all should adopt?

OK, we all become Christians.  Who will ride to our defense then, when we are all useless weaklings who depend on our (now non-existent) Far Right opponents to make effective arguments for us?

Let us examine Descartes’ cogito ergo sum — “I think therefore I am” — first. Well, duh. But this point is actually an important first step. If we are thinking, we must exist. But what if we are deluded? 

Deluded like Christians are.

What if we are in an insane asylum, in a dream, trapped in The Matrix, or most importantly for this argument, deceived by a demon? We know that we exist in some form or another, but can we be sure about the exterior world? If the exterior world is a delusion, studying it would be pointless and perhaps even gravely misleading.

But there is hope. We have within us the idea of perfection — even though we have never once seen anything perfect in the exterior world. Descartes argues that it logically follows that a perfect being must therefore exist. Descartes takes this as proof of the theistic God: an all-knowing, all-good, all-powerful being.

That makes no sense whatsoever. All it demonstrates is the power of the human imagination and our striving for our human perception of perfection.

God, due to His theistic nature, would not delude us, or suffer us to be deluded. 

Err…all this is predicated on assuming the sale – that God exists.

God would therefore not prevent a demon, or anything, to permanently delude us. Thus, the exterior world is real and true.

Huh?  Did he mean “permit” instead of “prevent?”  That fine Counter-Currents editing again?

This means we can take the objective, exterior, empirical world precisely as we find it. We do not have to second-guess it.

No God required.

What this means for Christian Nationalists is that they can apply the cogito proof to the social sciences just as Descartes applied it to the natural sciences. They can study race realism, high politics, and history without being heretical. Race and IQ can be studied as they are empirically found, just like dinosaur bones. Some of these things may have to be reconciled with Scripture, such as race realism with Imago Dei, which is the doctrine that Man is made in the image of God. I will leave the details of that to the Christians. But they can be reconciled — or at the very least, both can be true. We do not have to recoil from the hard facts of black criminality and Jewish subversion as heresies.

Occam’s razor is thus replaced by Occam’s butter knife. No God is required. The preceding quoted paragaph is all nonsense.

The second argument is that there is a stark differentiation between the public and private spheres.

Christ’s commandment of “love your enemy” is probably the most manipulated passage in the entire Bible. The Bible was written in Koine Greek, which, like all languages, reflects the culture of its speakers. Koine Greek reflects how the ancient Greeks saw a stark divide between private (meaning personal) affairs and public affairs, such as the state’s.

As noted by Carl Schmitt in The Concept of the Political, the word for “enemy” used in “love your enemy” is inimicos and not hostes. Inimicos is a private, or personal, enemy such as the neighbor who doesn’t pick up after his dog, while hostes is a public enemy, such as an enemy’s army.

This distinction is vital. What this means is that in our personal lives we should be loving and forgiving, but not necessarily towards our nation’s enemies. Christ and those who recorded His words must have known that there were two very distinct words for a public enemy and a private enemy which don’t sound anything alike. If we were supposed to love our public enemies, Christ would have clarified that.

Furthermore, the distinction between private and public pervades the entire Bible. Christ never led an army or governed a state, and his life was focused almost entirely on the personal, or private. His teachings and leadership by example reflect this. Christ was a loving lamb of God.

In reality, private and public bleed into each other. What about when a White forgives a Black for doing something horrible to that White and their family?  Private?  Public?  Mass migration is viewed by WNs as an “invading army” but not by the Christian public. They see no army. They see private individuals in need.  When the Pope washes and kisses the feet of arrogant Negro migrants, is that act private or public? Why did the Quakers’ Christianity mean pacifism?

Too many Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) act like Christ in matters of state because they either have good faith, but ultimately a poor understanding of the Bible; or because they are manipulating their Christian constituents in bad faith.

No, they are following their religion.

Regardless, a Christian Nationalist should act as ruthlessly as Moses in the political arena, and save his Christian charity for making peace with annoying neighbors.

Annoying neighbors? Racial integration?  Mass immigration? Coloreds become your annoying neighbors. 

Let us apply this to the scenarios in which white youths are murdered by immigrants or blacks, and their idiot parents then ask for clemency for the killer. Is this a private or a public matter? In some ways, it is private, as it involves a wrong which is intensely personal. 

Yes. So? In many cases the private and the public overlap.

But it is ultimately more public than private. Murder is a matter of public concern, because if murderers are not dealt with harshly, they will likely murder other innocents. Additionally, the racial component makes it a public matter because it fits into a broader racial struggle between the white nations and their non-white adversaries. A Christian Nationalist might “forgive” a killer on a spiritual level and pray for the salvation of his soul like Christ, but he would also urge a swift execution by the state and stricter immigration policies — in the spirit of Moses.

You can make all the arguments you like, but Christians interpret that, in real life, as private forgiveness.  Who is not seeing the world with empirical reality now?  Let us consider a Goad comment:

Ask him to reconcile Galatians 3:28 with any ideological form of ethnic nationalism:

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The Christian apologists insist that this bible quote does not mean that races, ethnic groups, and male/female sex do do not (yes, I know, a double negative sentence, but you get the point, I hope) exist, but instead means that all are united as believers under Christ. That is a bait and switch argument, because people who raise this point are not arguing that Christians do not believe in differences, but instead that Christians believe that these differences are secondary to, and basically irrelevant compared to, being a believer – and that is precisely the argument that the apologists are making, once you strip away all the fluff and get down to basics.  And that is the whole issue – Christians prioritize religion over race and that is why in the real empirical world of today, Christians are for the most part self-destructive cucks and why the distinction between private and public meaningless with respect to the Christian question. All is private; all is public. It is all one “under our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Thus, you end up with someone like this Amren commentator:

I love the idea of a civilization state. That means people who share the same principles as I do: the Bible, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution. If they have the same color skin as I do and reject those principles, they are not my people. If they have a different color skin but accept those principles, they are my people.

Back to the Counter-Currents article:

Whether you should act more like Christ or Moses depends on if the situation is private or public.

A distinction often without a difference.

In summary, the lukewarm mindset which has held Christians back from realizing their full potential as a political force can be countered by, first, understanding that it is all right to deal with reality as we find it, because a theistic God would not deceive us; and second, differentiating between the public and the private, and therefore understanding that there is a time and place to be sweet and a time and place to be harsh.

May you have a Huwhite Christmas and some successful debates over hot chocolate.



Let us know when “recent developments with Ye” translate into anything resemblng [sic] electoral success rather than a PR disaster. 

Another example of why I utterly loathe these people. Goad’s buddy (WASP master?) Johnson has been a leading promoter of the Ye fiasco, as has Counter-Currents in general. But Goad won’t say anything in that direction, no siree. The tough Philly brawler knows where the money is coming from. 

If Goad was a real two-fisted truth-teller, he would denounce Johnson and Counter-Currents for being prime promoters of Der Movement’s Ye “PR disaster.” Conversely, Johnson should be telling Goad that Jimbo is lacking in “gratitude” and is akin to “a child who doesn’t want to eat his vegetables.” Do we see such animated debate? No. Observing the lack of character of these specimens is as unpleasant as looking at a tapeworm or some other particularly loathsome parasite.

Some of us have been on the right side of the Ye fiasco from the very beginning.

I do agree with Goad about Christianity though – that and the Boomer question are probably the only things we do agree on.

ButtercupDecember 21, 2022 at 8:37 am

When is this nonsense going to end? Torba’s Christian Nationalism book explicitly states that his movement and him are hostile to any forms of racial animus. These people want nothing to do with ethnic nationalism. Their favourite thing to do is to LARP as white nationalists and use “white” and “Christian” interchangeably and pretend that the latter is indispensable to the former. Christian Nationalists are a minority of a minority and will not compromise whatever kooky principles they have chosen that weekend because they are, by nature, hostile to earthly concerns and fixated on heavenly brownie-points. The more the white right leans Christian-conservative, the more it alienates the majority of whites who are either non-christian, or lukewarm private Christians who are publicly liberals.


My brief prescription:

Like it or not, Christianity, particularly on the Right, will be with us for some time to come. Therefore, we need to find a modus vivendi that allows peaceful coexistence between Far Right Christians and non-Christians. I see most of the onus here being on the Christian side, as they are typically the ones who cause these difficulties to begin with.

Let the Christians sort out their own house, without our help, and leave us in peace; they should proselytize their fellow White Christians into becoming racialists instead of proselytizing non-Christian White racialists into becoming Christians. Peaceful coexistence means that the endless Christian aggression against the rest of us must stop.  If they state that “spreading the good word” is an essential part of their faith and cannot be abandoned, then peaceful coexistence will be impossible.

Odds and Ends, 9/10/22

In der news.

So, Taylor spent time in West Africa, MacDonald spent time teaching in Jamaica, Johnson taught at Black Morehouse College, and Ruston fathered an illegitimate child with a Negress. These specimens are living advertisements for my Racial Proximity Theory; they have a natural attraction and affection for Color, in these cases the worst of the lot, the Negro. That contrasts to their disdain for White ethnics. I won’t even get into those people on the Right with Asian wives and of course the rampant Yellow Supremacism and the whole WN 3.0 Kumar-Matthews-Malkin, etc. stupidity.

Is the racialism of the Quota Queens a form of noblesse oblige? The paternalistic High Trusters will uplift the Coloreds – The White Man’s Burden. In order to protect the Coloreds, White ethnic bigots must be opposed; thus, the Quota Queens are Far Right versions of John Lindsay.

Just like authentic White conservatives get turned off by Turk Oz and his “Democrats are the real racists” spiel so will authentic White nationalists get turned off by Taylor telling them “that frog-faced, covid-spewing Chinaman over there is your superior by every objective standard.”

If you want to discourage and dispirit White activists, telling them that a race of “human” photocopiers is their objectively absolute superior is a good way to do it. Whites are not going to fight under the banner of Yellow Supremacy.

Der Right is hostile to the French Revolution and of course I myself dislike that revolution’s ideology of leftist egalitarianism. However, the parasitical French monarchy and nobility got what was coming to them, and the revolution opened up the path to Napoleon, so it wasn’t all bad. The UK should be a republic. The Queen is dead, depose the King.  Let Charlie earn a living digging ditches or something.

Those good White Southrons voted for her, so…you made your bed, lie in it.

The Hobbit Hole Nerds can simply not watch that nonsense. Let it collapse financially. But, no. They’ll whine and complain and then jack off to hobbit holes.

I’m getting sick and tired of constantly getting Torba’s “Christian nationalism” spam. Just like the System constantly pushing Negroes in my face makes me more anti-Black, so do the Jaysus freaks pushing their religion 24/7 makes me more anti-Christian. And what is it? Just like “National Bolshevism” is for people too cowardly just to say they are National Socialists, “Christian nationalism” is for people too cowardly to say they are White nationalists.

And why is Torba hiding out in the PA woods when he can be living in, and spreading the good word of “Christian nationalism” in, say, Detroit or Chicago or NYC or any other place where there are so many nice Christian dark-hued Children of God? These guys talk Christian but live White.