Category: Amerindians

Odds and Ends, 3/20/21

In all cases, emphasis added.

Welcome to Spring!  All of the Winter-loving, cold-weather-is-in-the-(Northern)European-soul-pontificating, “movement” “activists” are mourning, as they weep bitter tears – weeping in their places of residence in California, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Arizona, Washington, Virginia, Maryland, etc. Not one in, say, Alaska or North Dakota. Mysterious, it all is!

See this. The following is a sample of the juvenile Boratism that passes for intellectual discourse at Counter-Currents. 

After all, we’ve transcended the era of housewives and we simply love conservative women with big tits in MAGA hats, brandishing guns and spouting libertarian boilerplate. 

The reality, however, is that Simone de Beauvoir is right. 

Female gender roles are manufactured by society and imposed upon females, thereby making them women, the second sex. Natural woman isn’t, as the conservative would have you believe, a mother or a loyal wife, nurturing, submissive, and meek. No, she is a rapacious and hypergamous sex demon, consumed by a narcissism rarely seen in men. Absent patriarchal society’s relentless shaping of females into the eusocial category of woman, which here means wife and mother, females become whores, jumping from cock to cock in their quest to secure ever-grander alpha male attention for themselves.

Here’s the thing – if Sallis, or anyone else Johnson dislikes, wrote things like that (more intelligently, of course), then they are “insane” and “paranoid” and “MGTOW incel woman haters” – “don’t let the bastards get you down,” milady.  But, if Borat writes that – it’s perfectly fine, no problem.

…the instinct to whoredom and hypergamy — must be violently discouraged (and by violently, I mean beatings). 

Try to imagine Johnson’s reaction if one of we “insane” people wrote that. Promoting violence on a Far Right blog, and that being anti-female violence after the Georgia shooting – what could go wrong?  Absolute zero judgment.

Question: Does Jeely beat his (small-breasted, by his own admission) wife?

I don’t know how things are done among the Turko-Albanians, but in the USA, beating women is a sure ticket to prison. Incitement to violence is also. Putting aside the legalities, the idea itself seems stupid. Is woman-beating part of “tradition?” Did the Founders need to beat their wives to prevent “whoredom and hypergamy?” I can’t seem to imagine George Washington beating Martha, or John Adams beating Abigail.  

Commentators know better:

Wilburn SprayberryMarch 19, 2021 at 12:44 pm

No – you found the guy who knows a lot of munchkins who live off parents, can’t hold a job, find a girlfriend, but see themselves as Viking warrior-kings

Mike RicciMarch 19, 2021 at 1:59 pm

You got that right. These sorts of articles are cringe and don’t help at all, but unfortunately the dissident movement itself is too incel to notice.

Where’s “Lexi?”  No comments yet? Do Mr. Sprayberry and Mr. Ricci (“Ricci?”  Wrong website!) contribute “D’Nations” to Counter-Currents?

Jeelvy, Goad, and Ancestry are all doing a marvelous job destroying whateverncredibility Counter-Currents still has (if any) as an “intellectual” webzine. These days it is all about page views and “D’Nations” for that lousy site. Quantity over quality, eh?

Speaking of which: Bad news.

See this.

Mr. Cozzens points out a fundamental Indian weakness in their fight against the whites: “Not only did the Indians fail to unite . . . they also continued to make war on one another. There was no sense of ‘Indianness’ until it was too late.”

So, that’s the Indian equivalent of White ethnonationalism, narrow tribalism that causes the group to be defeated by more organized peoples. 

Not a happy ending.  No doubt she “worked tirelessly.” Did the customers have the same levels of precious bodily fluids after the tireless work as before? Just asking a question. I make no assumptions, no accusations.

See this. The alleged killer was apparently motivated because of “sex addiction” and the need to “remove temptation.”  So, why did he target folks who were innocently “working tirelessly?” Just asking a question. I make no assumptions, no accusations.

Next, Putin will challenge His Fraudulency Biden to a live, on-air, stair climbing contest.

Der Right continues to grovel to China. This is reality. But, you see, Der Right is in bed with China, and in more ways than one, eh?Never forget, never forgive.  Remember, there is no statute of limitations on homicide; an investigation could in theory be re-opened at any time. I make no assumptions, no accusations; I simply state a fact of law.

Race Realist Odds and Ends

In der news. In all cases, emphasis added.

An interesting comment:

3G4Me  John_Engelman 

That Jared Taylor has made you a prime commenter/editor at Amren illustrates why Amren is just another dead-end gatekeeping operation for White people. Angry Whites have accomplished far more than Taylor with his vaunted civility . . . and followers like you, who prize every other race other than your own.

See this. Re: the alleged hostility to the white settlers by the good and great professor Silver…well, I don’t know for sure what Silver’s ancestry is, but “Silver” is a common Jewish surname.  His phenotype can be seen here.  Does he look (((HuWhite))) to you?

The bottom line of the Amren article, and the book upon which the review is based, is the creation of the perception of a common racial white identity when confronted by a common external racial threat. Not too much ethnonationalism under those conditions, huh?

I find this particularly interesting:

Prof. Silver finds that during the French and Indian War, the Pennsylvania Gazette increased its use of the term “white people” to distinguish settlers from Indians.In 1756, 77 percent of articles about Indian attacks used the term. The next year, the number rose to 92 percent and remained around that figure throughout the war.

Never forget that the Anglocentric Nordicist “Desmond Jones” claimed that “the white race” (as commonly described by the racial terms “white” or “white people”) is a “20th century Jewish construct.” Strange then that 18th century founding stock Americans used the term “white people.” Or were there “20th century Jews” working atthe Pennsylvania Gazette in the mid-18th century?

Der Movement, Der Movement, Der Movement always lies.

The pathetic fraud Trump cratered with White voters.

Thanks, China.  Race realism tells us there’s nothing to worry about…after all, covid-19 has a high, high, high-IQ!

Odds and Ends, 6/21/20

In der news. In all cases, emphasis added.
Another example of how ethnonationalists ruin everything they touch:

1999, a manifesto of a second ‘European Liberation Front’ was published in Paris, but there is apparently no more active organisation of that name now. The manifesto takes its ideological inspiration from Yockey, and from Otto Strasser, who was expelled from the Nazi Party by Adolf Hitler in 1930.

Despite the pan-European style of its title, the ideology of the manifesto is ethnic and racial nationalism

Take over the name of Yockey’s organization and then promote an opposing ideology.  Very good!  Hail Der Movement!

Authentic pan-Europeanism does not exist in any organization of which I am aware over the last 50 years or more, except Lowell’s in Malta.

Forney on Spencer Part I.Part II.
Note that I do not agree on Forney on all his comments, but, nevertheless, the rank-and-file needs to understand where their affirmative action program leads.  I also find Forney’s glee at Spencer’s problems unseemly.  It is not funny, it is a tragedy.  I don’t care about Spencer himself, but we all need to realize that the White public – you know, the folks that your “movement” wants to recruit from – do not make fine distinctions between Spencer, Johnson, Forney, Taylor et al.  It’s all one.  Spencer’s downfall therefore reflects badly on the entirety of racial activism in the public “mind.”  
That downfall, ultimately, derives from the lack of judgment of “movement” “elites.”  Spencer should never have been allowed to be the head of NPI in the first place; that position should have gone to an older individual with more experience, maturity, and gravitas. Spencer should instead have been groomed for electoral politics, as the smiling young face of the Far Right, with mature adults as his behind-the-scenes handlers. 
The past cannot be changed. But going forward, the affirmative program needs to be eliminated.  That is step one.  It’s not a case of a single rotten apple that needs to be gotten rid of, it’s a whole case.  And as soon as one apple becomes so horribly decayed that it is thrown out, another one joins in. The entire crate needs to be thrown out, and the entire process of picking rotten apples changed.

A sincere man of genuine greatness.

Glad to see we got dem dere Republican conservative judges like “Earl Warren Jr.” Roberts there.

I’m no fan of Rushton, but the retraction of his hypothesis paper was unfair and disgusting, and I agree with this analysis, which is a refutation of leftist hysteria that helped get the paper unfairly retracted.  I also agree with the analysis in that the author of the leftist attack on Rushton-Templar doesn’t understand what pleiotropy is, possibly confusing it with epistasis (or who knows what).  I am also amused by the leftist critique of Rushton-Templar for having a “political bias.” Hoho!  What about the leftist critic’s bias?  Would he care to inform us on his views on say, race in America?  What’s his party affiliation?  Who did he vote for in 2016? What about, say, Lewontin’s biases?  Any comments on that?
If the Rushton-Templar paper was inherently flawed – even as a hypothesis – and this somehow escaped the notice of the reviewers at that time, then the appropriate response is to write a paper (for publication) refuting the Rushton-Templar logic and/or do studies that produce data refuting the Rushton-Templar hypothesis. Retracting the paper is politically motivated censorship, leading us to a scientific dark ages. The retraction is a disgrace.

Hey, it’s time for Trump to tweet LAW AND ORDER!  That’ll fix it.  Fat Don is like, you know, demonstrating his sincerity and his genuine greatness!

I was looking at Amazon reviews of Robert Griffin’s One Sheaf One Vine book, of interest to me since I am one of the people featured in it.  Two excerpts from the comments I found amusing:

1. Interesting anthropological study. Nothing really new here, but contains only interview available of Alex Linder. No other interviews with people who would go on to become personages. 

That’s a stinging rebuke of my lack of accomplishment I suppose.

2. Another observation I make, is that none of the people in the book, offer any solutions to the racial problems they criticize. In numerous cases, they simply flee those high-‘diversity’ problems by moving to other, whiter states. But none of them seem to envision the new domiciles undergoing future change.

Let’s see.  I spend a significant portion of my interview talking about practical things that should be done.  So it would seem that this individual lacks any reading comprehension skills whatsoever.  As well, with respect to the second half of the criticism, I’m not one of the “numerous cases” since that’s nowhere in my section.
Also interesting is that if you search on Amazon for a book like this, you get “suggested reading” consisting of a host of anti-White diatribes.  Like Google, Amazon is another company I am going to personally “deplatform” from any spending.

Thus in summary: Sallis right, Johnson wrong.

Kevin Strom:

The purpose of the race that is is to bring into being the race that is to come. Let’s concentrate on that. Let’s concentrate on being the ones who decide that.I have been in this cause of ours for nearly 40 years. I have seen and heard and read so much wasted verbiage about why Russians or eastern Europeans generally, or southern Europeans generally, or even other odd subracial or national combinations should be read out of the White race. I have heard it all, please don’t repeat it to me. I’m sick of it.
The group or groups which coalesce to save our endangered race will be the ones who determine its genetic future. Beyond the obvious aesthetic that we know White when we see it, and a future that can include (but not be totally ruled by) accurate genetic testing, that’s all we need to know. If the White future is primarily Russian or Hungarian, so be it. If the White future is primarily pan-European American with strong German, Anglo, and Irish components, so be it. If the White future is predominantly Greek or Italian or Bulgarian or Nordic, so be it. None of us are in a position to pick and choose right now, nor does such picking and choosing make sense during this crisis.
Let’s just admit that every single group and sub-group of Europeans has racially devolved — due to dysgenics, due to genetic drift, due to past mixtures. Let’s just admit that every single White nationality could be — and, if we have anything to say about it, will be — helped by a healthy dose of eugenics.
But never forget this: We are targeted and marked for death as Whites. It is as Whites — not as dolichocephalic Red Nordids, or Paleo-Atlantids, or western Europeans only — that we must become awakened and fight back.

Very good; I obviously agree.  But then Strom has to admit that much of the work of Pierce and of the National Alliance was and is de facto opposed to that pan-European view. As regards Pierce accepting people with fractional Amerindian ancestry (and Pierce’s gibbering about “Caucasian” Amerindian tribes is nonsense – whatever their appearance, they are racial aliens from Asia), we must remember that the “Indian princess” stories – real or imagined – typically derive from “Nordish” Anglo-Americans. They’ve always gotten a “pass” for that – the “Pace Amendment” for example.

By the way, even Yockey himself wasn’t immune to a touch of Nordicism, with respect to his rhapsodizing about “Northern barbarians” in both Imperium and, more especially, Thoughts Personal and Superpersonal. I suppose we can forgive Yockey for that lapse, since the broader “movement” he derives from has always been marinated in Nordicism, but it is rather hypocritical of him given his pontifications about horizontal vs. vertical race.  And what would he think today, with all of the “Northern Barbarians” being the biggest race cucks of them all?

And by the way, Yockeyites past and present should know that The Doctrine of Fascism they so admire was really written by Giovanni Gentile, not Benito Mussolini.  But Gentile was one of those two foot tall superstitious Sicilians who so vexed Humphrey Ireland, so who cares about facts?

Newly discovered!  A film clip of Humphrey Ireland being overwhelmed by the scurrying Sicilian hordes.

Odds and Ends, 12/22/19

Various issues.

It seems like “the boys” have a bit of a disagreement.  Of course, they are both wrong and both right.  The Left and the Mainstream Right are responsible.

Amerindian history and culture.  Fancy footwork from 2:29-2:34.

Interesting video by Taylor. Note how East Asians take the side of Blacks and of “diversity” (fewer White people). The Tropical Alliance marches onward, eh Derbyshire?

Bust of Gaius Marius, reflecting a Mediterranean origin. Julius Caesar.

Experto Crede.

E-e-e-qualiteee….racial e-e-e-qualitee…