Category: Rotten Orange News

Odds and Ends, 5/1/21

In der news.

Happy May Day!

Onanism material for the HBDers.

See this.  Tucker Carlson asks – where are the Republicans? Good question.  Another good question is – where is Trump?  Brief comments about “unfairness,” and then lapsing again into torpid inactivity? Where is the sincere man of genuine greatness these days?  He seems real quiet, even when his supporters are languishing in solitary confinement being beaten by guards, or when his lawyer and buddy Rudy is raided by the feds. I suppose those golf games and those Big Macs are mightily distracting, eh? Oh, the sincerity!  Oh, the greatness!  The God Emperor!  What a fraud.

See this. Ignore the milksop aspects of that piece and instead concentrate on the growing opportunities for democratic multiculturalism for Whites opposing the “woke” agenda, and the opportunities of a prudent, real movement to leverage these sociopolitical currents to infiltrate the mainstream.

Will the HBDers report on this story?  Perhaps Engelman can write an Amren article about it?

A sensible Amren comment:

American Tax Payer 

A Third World Alien with an English Name…. I reckon I’m not surprised since gregory hood is a “big tent”, come one, come all, kind of “politician”. You know, the exact same kind of “politicians” whom have turned America into a third world cesspool with that exact same kind of “big tent” mentality.

Laugh at this.

Not that there’s anything wrong with quoting Evola, in the proper context.

Come on, now. Evola was not only not White, he wasn’t even human.  Despise the Afrowop!

Leadership Sociopathy

And other news.

See this. I would like to first consider this topic from the perspective of the actual post and then briefly examine how this can be extended to the “movement.”

Loyalty — of any kind — is a career impediment.

Loyalty to one’s race, religion, region (the South) etc., are not only impediments. Those kinds of loyalty are radioactive, instant death.

Even loyalty to one’s family is a career impediment. The normal young law firm associate wants to go home at 5.00 p.m. to be with his wife and child. The sociopath will work on till 8.00 on the important brief without any psychological conflict. He’ll call up the wife and tell her he won’t be home for dinner without any upset.

This explains someone like Biden feeling no loyalty to his country and being willing to pimp for those with power and money without any regard to what it means to people at large.

What makes the situation in America even worse, however, is that this situation is the opposite for the predatory ethnic groups seeking conquest at our expense.

Black, Hispanic, Jewish politicians are successful the more they are loyal. A law student who can put in his resume that he was President of the Black Law Student’s Association, the La Raza Club or the Hillel Foundation enhances his chances of getting a high-paying job with a prestigious law firm, a federal judgeship or election to the US Senate. (Like Schumer who was recently caught explaining to other Jews that his whole life is spent scheming on how to advance his own particular ethnic group.)

What these two contradictory patterns lead to is what’s going on in contemporary America.

Our antagonists are led by men whose loyalty to their ethnic group exceeds that of most of the others.  We are “led” by people like Biden, Clinton, John McCain, William F Buckley Jr., Johnny Isakson, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnel who are bereft of loyalty to us.

This is another reason why there is no hope of reform under the present System.

I agree with this overall assessment. Yes, political leaders are, typically, sociopaths (or, if you will, psychopaths). Yes, and this is important, White political leaders are unique (in a negative sense) in that they are hostile to, and opposed to, the interests of their own people, in contrast to leaders of all other groups, who (almost) always strongly support and promote the interests of their own group. 

An older National Alliance ADV broadcast (I don’t remember if it was Pierce or Strom) mentioned a sociopolitical “ratchet” – events move only in the direction of anti-Whiteness and never in the direction of pro-Whiteness. If both White and non-White political leaders are anti-White and pro-non-White, thus having the entire political system hostile to White interests, then we can understand why this “ratchet” exists.

Of course, the HBD-Nordicists would have varied other explanations for the behavior of White political leaders; in some cases, perhaps those Whites are acting in a “sincere” manner in pursuing pathological altruism (high trusters!). Still, generally, it would seem that many of these leaders have strong strains of sociopathy, for the reasons explained in the essay.

This would in part explain why the ratchet moves in an anti-White direction in nations that have a White majority and the majority of voters being White. Yes, some Whites are leftists and openly act in defiance of group interests, and, in combination with non-White voters, there is a strong anti-White voting bloc. But, how did all of those newer non-White immigrants get here in the first place?  Why was the minority of Whites who are leftist allowed to get their way all the time? If you want to blame “the Jews,” then who empowered them (and let them in the country to begin with), and who goes along with their agenda in exchange for “thirty pieces of silver?”

Political policies derived from White leaders put into office by a majority White electorate are responsible. But, here is an important point – even when the White electorate puts right-of-center political leaders into office, the same ratchet moves in the anti-White direction. So, even when Whites try and vote in the direction of their interests, they are betrayed by their leaders, most recently by Trump. Therefore, sociopathy plays a role, perhaps a crucial role. When your own leaders, across the entire political spectrum, betray you without remorse, with no conscience bothering them, who openly lie and betray – this seems to be sociopathy in action.

Moving to the “movement,” I would maintain that sociopathy plays a role as well. Gaslighters, grifters, betrayers, liars, lazy good-for-nothings – is it any wonder why Der Movement has gone from failure to failure decade after decade? When you combine sociopathy with outrageous incompetence, all protected by an ethnic affirmative action program – well, we see the utter catastrophe that is (American) pro-White activism.

Maybe we need to add some moralpaths to the mix?

Other news:

See this.  Well, OK, if you agree that women are basically whores who exchange sex to gain goods, favors, and concessions from men, and who have nothing else to offer society, I suppose that’s an effective approach for inducing change.  What say you, ladies?

Of course, the tactic is not going to very effective with the typical married Western man, who’s not “getting any” regardless of circumstances. Milady, how can you go “on strike” if you’re not “working” in the first place?

The solution for men? The man strike. Note what the article says:

“Successful lysistratic non-action works best among large groups of women who have little or no power in the social system.”

That’s exactly the type of women who NEED men for support and resources. So, fine. No sex?  Then no money, no food, no support.  Walk out on the harridan and let her go rot. After all, when men (except for Travis Bickle) pay for prostitutes they expect sexual activity in return.  Children involved?  Take them away and let their grandmother take care of them.  Is grandma supporting the strike?  Well, then tell grandpa to leave her and let her go rot as well.

Another intellectual product from the brave new Counter-Currents. Title: “white-people-need-to-start-fucking-again.”

Of course, all of the highbrow Herrenvolk who turn up their nose to the “uncouth” Sallis Groupuscule will, of course, have nothing to say about “white-people-need-to-start-fucking-again.”

Laugh at this.

Perhaps Le Pen’s progress is indeed explicable with what Le Monde calls her “permanent normalization”: she is perpetually moderating her discourse…

And perpetually losing. There isn’t the slightest evidence that mainstreaming is a winning electoral strategy.  And even if I turned out to be wrong here, and she wins – to what end? The purpose of winning elections should be to actualize a political agenda, not merely to attain power for its own sake. If a moderate and “normalized” Le Pen is elected and ends up doing little to nothing for France and Europe, then who cares?

…and sending signals to make herself more “presidentiable” in the eyes of the mainstream media and skittish center-right voters (think pensioners and bourgeois Catholics disturbed by Afro-Islamization, but also wary of the potential instability and incompetence of a Le Pen presidency, particularly in the economic sphere).

So, if these voters are “skittish” of Le Pen, and believe that a Le Pen presidency will be characterized by “instability and incompetence,” then why should they vote for her if she moves so far toward the center that the political distance between herself and Macron – particularly if he feints right for the election – is negligible?Le Pen’s closer advisor and brother-in-law Philippe Olivier says: “There is no more detoxification, now is the time of presidentialization.”The moves towards normalization include praise for Charles de Gaulle (loathed by Le Pen père for his abandonment of the 1 million Europeans of French Algeria), the commemoration of the victims of the Vel d’Hiv, agreeing with the media that the “Great Replacement” is a baseless conspiracy, and providing only qualified support for the persecuted group Generation Identity on grounds of free speech.And that substantially differs from Macron how, exactly?

In a debate with Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, the Macronist even sought to attack Le Pen from the right saying: “you’re practically soft now.”

Exactly. That is a key component of my argument against Durocher’s mainstreaming that I have been making for years now. If Le Pen moves so far to the center that that she can be outflanked on the right by Macronists, and if voters are “skittish” about her, then why the hell won’t they just vote for Macron? If it’s between a “stable” known quality centrist and “potential instability and incompetence” of another centrist slightly more to the right (maybe), where’s the incentive for favoring the latter over the former?
And even if she does win, then we get this:

Indeed, Le Pen now is very careful to distinguish between Islam and Islamism. Islam is “a religion like any other” with its place in France, she says, reserving her trademark “far-right” rhetorical fury for the government’s failure to eliminate “Islamism.”

That’s great.

By the way, Durocher, if Salvini was so wonderfully popular among Italians, then they can, you know, elect him back into office, this time to the top spot. Why not? I mean, if he’s so insanely popular and all, right? 
Let’s see mainstreaming accomplish two things.  First, win a major election. Second, after that victory, leverage power to actually get something done to benefit native Europeans. Can we get one – just one – example of accomplishing both? 

Don’t mention Orban. He’s an example of the opposite tactic – farstreaming, moving further to the right. Orban is now to the right of Jobbik, and he’s more popular, and successful, than ever before. Trump’s success in America came in 2016 when he moved to the right; he failed in 2020 moving to the center (putting aside election fraud; he could have still won in 2020 if he had done better among White men).

There isactual electoral success observed with farstreaming, none with mainstreaming. But promoting mainstreaming makes you look ever-so-clever to the peanut gallery, so let’s all burnish our “pragmatic” mainstreaming credentials, despite zero actual success backing up that paradigm.

Meanwhile, the despicable Unz site promotes anti-vaxxism, particularly with respect to covid-19. Fascinating when Jews promote anti-vaxxism.  They are very good at making sure their Israel is well protected, but, hey, let’s convince the goyim that the vaccines are “toxic operating systems.”  More for the chosen ones, eh?

Der Movement onanism material.  HBDers are looking for the Japanese equivalent.

Of course not. Ben Dover! Remember, Ben Dover!Reality is here. But, hey, The Holy Orientals are off limits. Let’s focus on “mRNA operating systems” and “face diapers” instead, amirite?

Mormon Autism Alert

And other news. In all cases, emphasis added.

Laugh at this.

…when I was a teenager, heavy metal was my life and my religion. 

That gives you a good feel for his character, judgment, and intelligence. In contrast, as a teenager, I was already interested in national socialism and fascism. I did go through a period in my early-to-mid-20s where I went in the more “pragmatic” (sic) direction of anti-communist paleoconservatism, but even then, the Far Right was always “my religion.”

Unfortunately, this led to conflicts with my father as he returned to the Mormon Church. 

Those Danes were Mormons?  That explains much, no?

…I gained some important insights on human nature, self-reliance, and perseverance. 

Thus, when someone doesn’t invite you to a party, write a long, self-pitying, and delusional Counter-Currents post about it.

My father came from a broken home in Idaho. 

I thought that these were k-selected high trust Nordics?

As I was practicing my guitar one day…

One can almost hear the “fingernails on the chalkboard” noise.

… my father came into my room and told me that he wanted to take me to the church he grew up in. He then told me about the history of the Mormon Church and how they kept an important “secret.” Long ago, there was a war in heaven between angels and demons. 

Nordics vs. Mediterraneans. Destiny of angels!

The angels had white skin and the demons had dark skin. 

Eyetalian demons!

After the angels won, the demons were cast down into a barren wasteland. 

In other words, into Sicily.

The Mormon Church believed that Africans were the descendants of the demons and that is why they committed so much crime. 

Africa starts at Rome! Or the Alps! Or is it Calais?

This story caught my interest, as I wanted to meet other people that knew about this secret. However, my father explained that due to political reasons, the church had to hide this secret and let Africans into the priesthood in 1978. 

Demon priests?

Some of the boys knew me from school as the heavy metal kid that didn’t have any friends. 

The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?

After the initial introductions, they started talking about abortion. 

I can imagine that they wanted to ask him – “why the hell didn’t your parents abort YOU?”

This was when I became a rebellious teenager.

Err… wasn’t he already “the heavy metal kid that didn’t have any friends?”

I hated going to church. I didn’t get along with any of the people there. 


Why respect a community that doesn’t respect you?

White ethnics in Der Movement, take note.

When you think of Mormons, you often think of polite, happy, and successful white people. 

Well, now we know why Mr. Ancestry didn’t fit in.

If I wasn’t opening my door to white missionaries, you better believe I’m not opening my door to demons and monsters.

Tell those wops to stay away!  Five foot tall superstitious monsters!  Get Humphrey to stomp ‘em all out!

After my father passed away, I never returned to the Mormon Church. If man is a computer and religion is an operating system, then the Mormon Church was never meant to run on my hardware. Heavy metal was my religion as a teen

Freakshow alert!

Other news:

I was listening to Trump’s CPAC speech, and when he got to the point in which he started talking about every group except for  Whites, I turned it off. Boy, he really learned his lesson from the last election, huh?  What a turd.

See here – supportive evidence that the ultimate purpose of Goad at Counter-Currents is to bump up page views. Well, having Howard Stern write for you would accomplish the same thing, so why not recruit Howie?

The wages of HBD.

It’s impossible to know how the patient acquired the parasitic hitchhiker, although since he made frequent trips back to China, his doctors say it could have been from eating undercooked infected reptile, amphibian or crustacean meat, or from rubbing raw frog flesh on his eyes—a remedy, in traditional Chinese medicine, for sore eyes, the Independent reports.

Very cognitive, very elite.

Get this:

Richard McCullochsays:

March 1, 2021 at 12:19 pm

Your points. like those of Mr. Andrews, are based on the assumption that the White ethnostate will by a rump secessionist state containing a small fraction of the country’s territory and White population, which would then confront a much larger and more powerful multiracial state that would still contain the great majority of the White population and nearly all of its economic and military strength, including the nuclear arsenal, and, by the way, would be the continuation of the United States. This is all very similar to Michael Hart’s proposal, and based on this assumption your points are well taken. But they are not valid for a “National Premise” (as Wilmot Robertson called it) White ethnostate realized by partition, in which the conditions of relationship between the White and multiracial states noted above would be reversed.

See and

It is interesting that so many pro-Whites, in which I presumptively include both you and Mr. Andrews, seem to exclusively conceive of the White ethnostate in the rump secessionist form, and do not consider, or ignore, or are unaware of, other alternatives such as the “National Premise” concept that would be far more advantageous to Whites and their interests and not place them in such desperate circumstances when much better options are still possible. Certainly we should all want the best for our race, which the rump ethnostate concept decidedly is not, as your own points make very clear.

Let’s consider certain excerpts here:

…a rump secessionist state containing a small fraction of the country’s territory and White population, which would then confront a much larger and more powerful…state that would still contain the great majority of the White population and nearly all of its economic and military strength, including the nuclear arsenal, and, by the way, would be the continuation of the United States… place them in such desperate circumstances…

I agree that such “a rump secessionist state” would cause its inhabitants to be placed in “desperate circumstances.” So, what comes to mind are previous iterations of racial separatist plans, from two different individuals who shall go nameless, each of who placed “Mediterranean” (sic) Whites in precisely such “rump state” “desperate circumstances,” in combination with various non-Whites thrown in for good measure (e.g., Puerto Ricans or NECs). So, yes, “desperate circumstances,” indeed. But, hey, the American southwest (a desert that is unlivable except as part of a larger USA that provides to that desert the necessities of life) is “the sun belt” and a New York “Minoria” is, hey, New York, so what are all you two inch tall dago cockroaches complaining about, eh?

In any case, good to see the tacit admission that those previous separatist plans did, as I often stated at that time, place the swarthoids in “desperate circumstances.”  

Here is an interesting and useful analysis, which has political relevance (as commentators note). It would also explain, in general, why movies are typically worse, more childish, and dumbed down, compared to the books (including comic books) on which they are sometimes based, why storylines are changed to appeal to the retarded masses and, possibly, why sequels are typically worse than the originals (an original movie’s excellence may be in many cases an unintentional oversatisfying of a [previously unknown?] fan base, while the insipid sequels are intentional attempts to broaden that base through dilution, while trying to hold on to the core fan base).

Compare that interesting Affirmative Right analysis with pathetic Counter-Currents articles by self-indulgent autistics and their navel-gazing laments about why they are not invited to parties. I’m no fan of Liddell, and most of the content of Affirmative Right is, well, rather dull, but to compete with Counter-Currents, it doesn’t have to – dare I say it? – oversatisfy the “movement” fan base, now does it?

Why don’t they sue?

Odds and Ends, 2/15/21

A streak of lavender in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. One wonders how relevant that is all to Der Movement. Food for thought, indeed. Are there any “reptile funds” in Der Movement?  Funded perhaps by your D’Nations?   

Gee…it must be that Arctic Alliance again, huh?

But many of the white-bashers of my acquaintance have been highly-educated and affluent Asian American professionals…white-bashing can actually serve as a means of ascent, especially for Asian Americans…it allows Asian Americans who use the discourse to position themselves as ethnic outsiders, including those who are comfortably enmeshed in elite circles.

The Yellow fist of hatred slaps away the measured groveling White hand of friendship.

The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

Reject HBD Race Realism. A political movement based on the hyper-masochistic yellow fever fantasies of White omega males is not something that serves White interests; the exact same thing can be said of Silk Road White nationalism.

See this.

My frustration continues to mount under the occupation government of Senile Joe. The evil executive orders continue to flow, and it’s back to Israel First. The hysteria and blatant lies, especially by the mainstream media and establishment, are especially jarring. Indeed, Time just published a boastful article about how the establishment rigged the election.

Due to the return of aggressive Jews to Senile Joe’s foreign policy team, I especially fear a military disaster in the Middle East or Eastern Europe. A disaster likely to be made worse by the first sub-Saharan Secretary of Defense; a Secretary who seems to be more afraid of his own troops than any foreign threat. He also likely has an IQ that is too low for the job.

Isn’t this the same idiot who counseled us to respond favorably if and when His Fraudulency “reaches out to conservatives?”

[Note: As if we are conservatives…maybe the author is]

By the same author:

See this.

Joe Biden is said to be a compromiser and a moderate man.

See this.

President Trump is the first Chief Executive that I’ve truly loved. His accomplishments are enormous

An enormous amount of Big Macs eaten!

I wish I’d been able to die in battle with a sword in my hand for Donald Trump. But it was never about Trump, it was always about his ideas.

Hey!  Don’t tell your fearless leader Johnson that. He’s been for years pushing the LIE that Trump could have won in 2016 with a Jeb Bush platform; it was all about Trump’s sparkling personality, you see!  All those evangelicals who voted for him wanted to see him “grab some pussy.”

In the Type I White ethnostate, the highest level of technology will be windmills, so no need to worry about incidents like this.

“Ask me anything” – just tuned in for a few minutes. Johnson mentions Le Brun, bringing that subject up (he could have ignored the question). Very well. Has Le Brun really left? My ears and stylometric analysis say no, but, hey, my ears may be “insane” and stylometry – apparently efficacious for The Federalist Papers – may merely be “pseudoscience” (unlike HBD of course, right?), so Johnson must be right. Who could ever doubt Johnson’s truthfulness about anything?  Interesting that Le Brun seemed to disappear right after that French election that he was discussing on podcasts with Johnson…and I remember VERY clearly everything that he (Le Brun) was saying in those podcasts. All a coincidence, I suppose. Back to Johnson’s Spencer criticism – I ask, once again, for the 100th time: What qualifications did Spencer have to be made President of NPI? Johnson doesn’t want to mention this website – scurrilous, it all is!  As scurrilous as labeling a critic “insane” because you are afraid to debate them?

The pathetic and disgusting Greg Johnson.  The vaccine is safer than the virus, not the other way around, right-wing retards (“right-wing” and “retard” in the same sentence is, of course, superfluous). 

But, hey, let’s deny the efficacy and safety of the vaccine, but instead take seriously Yogi Bear and The Men Who Can’t Tell Time in The Age of Aluminum. That’s the kind of rational discourse that will lead us to victory!