Category: balkanization

DemoMulticult 101

Fairly easy practical activism.

See this.

Vulnerabilities for the System abound, if only there was a crafty and strategic opponent willing to exploit those vulnerabilities. Consider Title VI and academia – coupled to the whole affirmative action scam about admissions – all tailor-made to infuriate White students and their families.  It is no coincidence that a major focus of “reverse racism” lawsuits have centered on the educational system.  In addition to what Title VI can do, Title VII can bring the focus of anti-White discrimination and hypocrisy to the broader arena, and Title IX can focus on anti-male discrimination and hypocrisy. The three “titles” together constitute a weak point, a chink (sorry, Derbyshire) in the System’s armor.

Salter stated that – from the standpoint of a majority being displaced and replaced – the only thing worse than a multiculturalism that does not work is one that does, thus ensuring the relatively painless race replacement of the majority. However, as stated above, Democratic Multiculturalism is not stable for the System in the long run, as the whole idea of multiculturalism is empowering minorities and disempowering the majority. A concerted effort of the majority to demand fair treatment under multiculturalism, according to its own standards, would destabilize the entire multicultural system and heighten the contradictions.

I suggest that White Americans file “multicultural” complaints non-stop, to “monkey wrench” the whole multiculturalist establishment and make it untenable. Of course, the complaints must have a solid basis in reality; they cannot be fabricated out of nothing. However, in today’s “woke” America, it will be very easy – almost trivial in fact – for Whites, particularly White men, to find something legitimate to complain about that is relevant to this approach. Certainly, one must take into account context. Is your position (e.g., as an employee or student) secure enough so that you can make the complaint without undue harm being directed back at you?  After all, you want the complaint to be a net positive. If there is a mechanism for anonymous complaints and if you believe that this approach is best for your situation, then go that route.  If an anonymous option is not available, then consider costs and benefits, and if the context is such that you think it best to move forward with the complaint, then do so. Remember that there are federal (and in some cases, state) laws in place outlawing retaliation against those who file discrimination complaints. That does not guarantee protection of course, but it is another legal weapon in your arsenal. If you make a legitimate discrimination complaint and can demonstrate retaliation, those responsible for the retaliation could (in theory) find themselves in significant legal difficulty.

Are you a college/university student?  Any discrimination against Whites? Use Title VI.  Against men?  Use Title IX. Given what goes on at colleges and universities these days, there would likely be a weekly abundance of choice legitimate complaints that can be filed.  If you work in academia, as a professor for example, not only do you have Title VI and IX in your arsenal, but Title VII as well. With respect to Titles VI and IX, keep in mind that virtually every school of higher learning receives federal money in some form, so those rules will apply. Remember that student loans, among other things, are included in the definition of “federal money” or “federal funds” so, again, virtually every college and university in America is covered. Title VII is a more general rule against employment discrimination.

If you work in any other field, then Title VII alone should cover employment discrimination with respect to anti-White and anti-male activities. Virtually all CRT, DEI, multicultural-diversity training or other activity will be, virtually by definition, anti-White and/or anti-male, and so Whites should file complaints about such activities non-stop.  The more the better!  

Now, if you go the legal route, beware of situations like this. However, filing complaints, either internally via Human Resources (or other internal departments related to diversity and discrimination), and/or externally with the relevant government agencies, is your right under the law and is independent of filing a legal action, so the caveat associated with that link would not apply (as long as no legal action is filed). However, as noted above, the targeted entity may attempt retaliation against you (even though that is technically illegal). Keep in mind that while internal complaints can be anonymous in some cases (depending on the school or employer in question), government complaints, insofar as I am aware, will require you to use your name. If you file a legal action against the entity, you would need to be public as well.

The minimal outcome of your complaints would be to use up the time and resources of whatever department/agency the complaint is made to, and will most likely annoy the (most likely, leftist) person(s) dealing with it.  If the complaint is not taken serious or acted upon, that is further evidence for anti-White (and/or anti-male) discrimination, exposing the contradictions of the System, and could be a basis for legal action (as long as you remember the warning mentioned above). If the complaint is fully taken seriously, the positive outcomes from the perspective of democratic multiculturalism and disrupting the System are obvious.  The most likely outcome of your complaint is that the relevant entity or government agency will go through the motions of an “investigation” and “determine” little to no basis for your complaint. If your complaint was legitimate (which, as I stated, it must be), then this outcome basically conflates with “the complaint is not taken serious or acted upon” and you can go from there. Again, at minimum, you are using up multicultural resources, bringing anti-White and anti-male discrimination into the discussion, provoking further racial division, stimulating societal chaos, and “monkey wrenching” the multicultural apparatus. You are also getting the satisfaction of responding to discrimination against you, rather than just quietly fuming about it, or complaining on some irrelevant forum.

The key here is to have many Whites do it. If a significant fraction of Whites pursue this strategy, the benefits of even a minimal response to the complaints will be amplified.  If the System, overwhelmed by such complaints, declares that anti-White (and anti-male) discrimination will no longer be considered, then they expose themselves to the White public, racial division is enhanced, and we will observe a “heightening of the contradictions.” Regardless of the exact outcome, it would seem that burying the multicultural apparatus under an avalanche of (legitimate) White racial complaints can only have some kind of long-term positive outcome.

There will always be nitwits who oppose such activity – it is not flashy enough for them, not sexy enough, not charging the ramparts with their Viking battle axe. They will write moronic comments about “whining and complaining dishonors our ancestors” as they sit on a computer in their parents’ basement, scrolling through panhandling grifter “movement” sites as part of their hobbyist “activism.”  Ignore such people.  Leveraging the multicultural system against itself is “low hanging fruit” that needs to be grabbed – it is ripe and ready.

Odds and Ends, 7/24/22

In der news.

WN 3.0 = multiracial “White nationalism.” It is the victory of Hart’s “Asians and others” multiracial “White separatist state.” It is the victory of Sailer’s “Jeurasian” concept. Rosie and the Kids! Neil, Lipton, and the boys! Mama Malkin!

Of course, in such a scheme there needs to be an outgroup, some enemy. Problem solved – it’s the White ethnics, those runty penned up chicken Morlocks.

Thus,  WN 3.0 is not just Fuentes. I see it as the triumph of two forces, on the one hand, HBD race realism, and on the other, the big tent idea of merging WN with civic nationalism. The underlying force holding it together is ditching exclusive WN with an inclusive right-wing populism that includes Neil Kumar, Malkin, Lipton Matthews, Rosie and the KIds (Derbyshire clan), while, at the same time, firmly rejecting White ethnics. The essence of WN 3.0:

NikandrosNovember 26, 2021 at 8:33 am White nationalists are now more welcoming of Asians, Jews, Jamaicans, and mutts into the movement than they are of Southern and Eastern Europeans. Where did it all go so wrong?

On a related note – people who view themselves as “angels” and as “swan-like Eloi” will lack the introspective self-awareness required to stop making repeated catastrophic errors of judgment. As we see.

The Far Right needs to analyze what exactly is the problem the Putin regime has with Ukrainian “Nazis.” Is it merely a petty rhetorical trick to trigger Russians with memories of WWII? Given that Ukrainians are Eastern European Slavs, it can’t be that Putin believes that the Ukrainians are anti-Slavic Germocentric Hitlerites, can it? Or is it a narrowly anti-Russian form of Nazism, which would be strange given how ethnically similar Russians are to Ukrainians? Forgetting for a moment that Ukraine has a Jewish President, is Putin concerned with anti-Semitism? Why? Or is it a anti-racist concern with “Nazi hatred” of non-Whites, particularly Russia’s Asiatic minorities? Is that “based?” Or is it a general hostility to “cave man” ethnic and racial nationalism that can threaten Russia’s multi-ethnic state? Is Putin a champion of liberal democracy? Is it a deep-seated Russian civilizational hatred of the West and Ukraine’s desire to be part of the West (Nazism!)? Whatever the answer, it seems that inevitably the Russian stance on this makes them either petty, culturally anti-Western, or part of “Globohomo.” Which is it, Putin fanboys?

All of this good news – chaos and balkanization! – and Der Movement makes no significant progress. The Quota Queens have FAILED, they are morally, spiritually, and politically bankrupt – REPLACE THEM. That should be the real “Great Replacement.”

I’m surprised that we haven’t yet had called for Baseball Hall of Fame selections to be rescinded because of “racism.” Anson, Landis, and Yawkey will have their plaques thrown out in the Cooperstown trash. Revisionism might save Cobb; he’ll have his plaque merely relocated to a bathroom stall, mounted above the toilet paper dispenser. Social justice!

A Time to Hate

A general approach.  And other news.

What we need.

…I agree with Salter – the only thing worse, from the perspective of a majority being replaced, than a multiculturalism that does not work is one that does work. What must be avoided at all costs is a “successful” multiculturalism that enables the peaceful and orderly race replacement of the majority population…The new America must…become a living hell of division, despair, bitterness, rage, balkanization, hatred, distrust, and unending boiling anger and frustration.  Group must be against group; the idea that “we are all Americans” must be thrown into the dustbin of history.  “Americans” of European, Asian, African, Jewish, Hispanic, etc. origins must hate and distrust each other, making a “coming together” impossible, making the multicultural consensus untenable.

Powerful forces will attempt to smooth over these difference to delay the collapse of multiculturalism sufficiently to ensure that Whites are a powerless minority.  We must oppose this…We need to do everything to highlight the contradictions, encourage distrust and division, stoke anger, promote rage, open up the fissures to full-fledged balkanization, catalyze chaos, tear open the wounds of America and pour salt into those wounds and rub them raw and bleeding…


Gee, Zman finally gets what has been written here for years:

From the perspective of white populism, all politics must now be irregular politics as conventional politics has been closed off to us. The Right has to move away from the mindset of the majority to the mindset of the put-upon minority. That means engaging in unconventional tactics. When you cannot participate in conventional politics in order to advance your interests, your choices are clear. You either submit and live the lie that is conventional politics, or you rebel and live outside the lie.

This is why boycotting elections and threatening the Republican Party from the Right must be part of the new political toolkit. In the old politics, it was always about the people running the system, not the system itself. The focus was on getting the right people elected. In the new politics, this is reversed. It is about the system, not the people running the system. The GOP is part of that system. Attacking them is part of weakening a system that makes war on us.

This has a strategic value, as well. The Left has always looked at the Republicans, along with their enablers from Conservative Inc., as an electric fence that keeps the white majority inside the system. Attacking the GOP forces them to choose their friends on the Left over their former constituents. It reframes politics as insiders versus outsiders, rather than one group of insiders versus another, with the white majority looking on like spectators, hoping for a good result.

The hardest part of this new mindset will be the idea of being ungovernable. This is the opposite of what most right-wing people have been conditioned to think. In the old way, the good citizen plays by the rules. In the new age, the good citizen is always looking for the chance to throw sand in the gears and undermine the rules. The dissident is always looking to drive up the costs to the managerial class by making them expend resources to compel compliance with their rules.

When Sallis and Zman are actually on the same general side of an issue, this would, I believe, mean that side is obviously and self-evidently right. America is a dead country with no future. A call for “unity” is actually a call for White genocide. Instead, Salter’s “democratic multiculturalism” is a good approach to try.

Now, EGI Notes is, of course, a pacifist blog, unalterably opposed to any and all forms of violence whatsoever. But the approach outlined here is 100% legal and requires absolutely zero violence. It is all about memes, politics, the promotion of cynicism, the spreading of bitterness, despair, distrust, division, balkanization, etc. Whites need to view the American society and system as the enemy, to withdraw consent, to view (correctly) the GOP as a fraud that needs to end up in the dustbin of history.

Please note the inherent weakness of the System:

1. The System’s raison d’etre is hatred of Whites, particularly White men.

2. The proper functioning – actually the entire existence – of the System depends upon the work and compliance of Whites, particularly White men.

What is the critical mass of that group required to undermine the System by withdrawing their compliance?

That is the critical question, isn’t it?

Other news:

I recently thanked Putin for the Russian government’s words criticizing the “American” government’s persecution of dissidents, but I did note that I disagree with him on many issues.  Well, right on cue, here we go.  “Caveman nationalism?”  Some blue-haired SJW couldn’t have made a more silly remark.  As I’ve always said, while Putin wants a strong Russia, he apparently doesn’t care if that Russia is populated by ethnic Russians or by Central Asians or by NEC filth. It’s a shame. It’s the same for America and the civic nationalists.  Who cares about a “strong America” if it is not a White America?  The nation as a specific people creates a legitimate and strong” state, not the other way around.

An Amren commentator makes a similar point (emphasis added):


Putin is a pure Russian imperialist who does not care about race or ethnicity of his subjects. He only needs their full compliance. I, for years now, have been explaining why he is not, and has never been a defender of our race. But people in the US just do not listen… I guess truth hurts…

See this. I disagree. Full Moon Ancestry as a predator? Well, maybe to East European women, but not to sociopaths. The natural predator to the sociopath is the moralpath.

While I have little doubt that The Holy Orientals of China hacked the election, as part of The Tropical Alliance against White interests, I see the narrative going nowhere. Pro-White interests have no real influence on the levers of power. In my 25+ years associated with the “movement” I have constantly heard or read people saying or writing that something is going to be a “game changer” and that “finally, this will make White people wake up” or “you have to read this, it’s going to make a difference”- and then, of course, absolutely nothing happens, it comes and goes with zero impact. If I had a dollar for every time that happened, well, I could be challenging the Quota Queens with their D’Nations.

Looking Back and Ahead

Let us consider together.

Looking back with 20-20 hindsight, the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016 must rank as one of the greatest catastrophes in White American history – and perhaps, White history in general.  Unlike “movement leaders” I can admit when I am wrong.  Now, I was 100% correct in my overall view of Trump, my identification of Trump as a fraud and a vulgar ignorant buffoon, occurring at the same time the “movement leaders” were onanistically foaming at the mouth over their “God Emperor” who was to be “the last hope for White America.”  However, I was wrong to endorse Trump, and wrong in my positive expectations of his Presidency from the standpoint of the societal ramifications.  

Trump has been a far worse fraud than I had ever imagined.  Further, Whites in general have been more inert and cowardly that I had ever imagined.  Thus, even though Trump did create chaos as I predicted – more due to the Left’s perception of him than from anything he actually did – not much actual balkanization occurred. The problem is that the chaos has been coming from only one side, from only one direction – the Left/Colored direction. Whites in general, and Trump in particular, remained, and still remain, passive and inert. In essence, the sum total of Trump’s Presidency has had him doing virtually nothing except energize, mobilize, and radicalize the Left, while at the same time, depressing, demotivating, and in some cases actually persecuting (via the DOJ) his own supporters.  We are now set for a potential disaster in November 2020 and beyond, with the ascension to power of this empowered Left. And even if Trump wins in 2020, what will we then have? Four more years of uselessness, blustering tweets followed by inaction and “monitoring the situation,” further radicalization and mobilization of the Left, and simply “kicking the can” down the road to 2024. Either way, regardless of the precise outcomes involved, Trump’s Presidency has been an unmitigated catastrophe for White America. Trump indeed is a world historical figure – in a purely negative sense.  The man is a monster.

And that is just the external effects on the broader society. Internally, with respect to (American) White racial activism, the entire phenomenon of Trumpism, broadly defined (including and especially his campaign of 2015-2016), has been an utter calamity, since it empowered the Alt Right and other such negative aspects of the “movement.”  Whatever little seriousness and gravitas that existed in American White racial activism was dissipated by the “Beavis-and-Butthead” antics of the Alt Right, by Pepe and Kek, “youth culture” and “memes,” “shitposting” and cosplay rallies, the rise and fall of Spencer, the conflation of White nationalism with the Alt Right, followed by deplatforming, defeat, depression, and despair. Trumpism was the central node of a convergence of factors that were in play – the degeneration of the American vanguardist Far Right since the death of Pierce, the “Gresham’s Law” aspects of the Internet and the over-dependence on digital activism, the pernicious “behavioral sink” effects of social media, the rise of the HBDers within the “movement,” the influence of the homosexual cabal, the resurgence of Nordicism and ethnic fetishism, the ability of greedy grifters to leverage the Internet to vacuum up the bulk of “movement” financial resources into do-nothing cul-de-sacs, the emergence of Millennial sensibilities in activism – all of these negative trends were empowered and amplified by Trump.

Looking ahead, I will continue extending and expanding my thoughts and advice on what needs to be done in the dark days ahead.  Some of the individuals responsible, in part, for the current state of affairs – the affirmative action “movement leadership” – can to a limited extent redeem themselves if they start doing the right thing. Of course, I have zero confidence in their leadership, judgment, and abilities. One cannot expect too much from this direction. However (unfortunately), these individuals do have status, followers, resources, connections, and funding – in essence a body sans an effectively functioning brain. Combined with a “leavening element” of some merit-based, prudent, judgment-enriched individuals, there could emerge a “brain trust” or “think tank” (using the words “brain” and “think” for only those individuals for whom they are appropriate) of individuals who could begin the process of (private of course) high-level discussion and strategizing to plot a course forward in these dangerous times. This would require certain individuals placing the racial good above ego, personality, desire for status, money-hungry grifting, feuds, and the like, and work at a higher level for race and civilization, rather than for self.  At the very least, some sort of infrastructure –“collective social goods” – needs to be established for use by the more useful (in relative terms) precincts of the “movement” (this should have been begun decades ago).

Think of this as a test: Character vs. selfishness, pettiness, and greed.  I for one am skeptical; I believe that they will all fail the test.  But I am sometimes, albeit rarely, wrong – see above.  I do not believe I will be wrong in this case, but we shall see – will any of the faux heroes step up to the plate and be men?

At the very least, no one can say that the need for such action was never stated. This post stands as that statement. The clock is ticking; the test awaits.