Category: Codreanu quotes

Odds and Ends, 11/16/19

Various items.

As I often talk about “Type I” and “Type II” activists, here is a reminder of the principle involved.

Something to consider:

“If I had but one bullet and were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.”

― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries

Of course, this is metaphorical with respect to the present situation…by “have it” the traitors within the gates of racial activism should be shunned and defunded.  No more “D’Nations” for them.  HBDers are first among the traitors.

…appropriately dealing with violent white supremacist activity while not being perceived as painting with too broad a brush and impinging on legitimate right-wing political activity and free speech. fundamentally dishonest System apparatchik….we have LONG SINCE PASSED the phase where “legitimate right-wing political activity and free speech” has been “impinged” upon.  The entire continent of Europe, as well as Canada, has ZERO free speech and the usual suspects want the same for the USA.  And what makes certain activity and speech “legitimate?”  As long as the Right sticks to talking about “capital gains tax rates?”  Probably that will soon be labeled “White supremacist hate speech” as well.  After all, why don’t privileged Whites want to pay more taxes to help Coloreds?  Racism!  White fragility!  Note to System shills…you have already lost the narrative.  And thank you for alerting us to your concern. We’ll make sure to constantly add that your agenda is specifically anti-White. We have our narrative as well. But, the major difference is ours is true.

A delusional letter (at the end):

Change in percentage of white children in public schools is a proxy for immigration-driven population change. As I wrote in September, white children were 81% of America’s public school students in 1972, 63% in 1997, expected to be 45% in 2022, and, assuming the same pace of annual decline, 27% by 2047.

This is trouble for everyone, especially the white population. A simple search engine “experiment” illustrates. Education Week has a paid circulation of 50,000 education professionals. I searched using the term “whiteness.”

“Whiteness” is a word used with increasing frequency in progressive circles, particularly universities. The term conveys racial animus toward the white population. The EdWeek whiteness search turned up this 9-18-19 commentary: “’Mr. Turner, Are You Racist?’ A White Teacher Grapples With His Privilege.”

That search also produced news about the National Education Association. The NEA is a 2.9 million-member teachers professional association. The North Carolina Association of Educators is an affiliate. At its July convention, the NEA agreed to “incorporate the concept of ‘white fragility’ into NEA trainings and staff development, literature, and other communications.”

Concepts like “white privilege,” “white fragility,” and others highlighting problematic “whiteness” were unknown a few years ago. Imagine concepts that will be justifying educational, governmental, and corporate policy by 2047. If it’s bad now, how bad will it be in 28 years?

More on K-12’s ever-intensifying diversity challenge: A prominent education historian, Diane Ravitch, wrote a best seller in 2003: The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn. One revelation: hundred-page “bias and sensitivity guidelines” textbook publishers use to screen textbook content. The publishers want to avoid offending identity groups. Offending a sensitive group could derail approval of a textbook by state textbook adoption committees. At risk: millions in sales.

The mother lode of whiteness ideology, however, are America’s universities. I recently read The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture (2018) by Heather Mac Donald, Manhattan Institute fellow and frequent guest of Tucker Carlson. For a sense of The Diversity Delusion, watch her 38-minute YouTube interview with the Hoover Institution’s Peter Robinson. It’s had almost 500,000 views since April.

America is in a pickle. Its institutions, its leaders — all of them — have failed us for decades. But strange things can happen to disrupt disastrous trends/policies. One was the election of Donald Trump. Another would be his re-election.

Tom Shuford

Sure!  With the re-election of Donald Trump, his DOJ can start persecuting people like Shuford for ”hate speech.”  MAGA!  Pepe! Kek!  A sincere man of genuine greatness!

Two Wonderful Quotes

From Romania.
I’ve started reading For My Legionaries and I’d like to note two very wonderful quotes that I’ve just come across there.
First, by Codreanu himself:

This betrayal by these politicians of their people is so frightening that, if they are still alive, the people should gouge out their eyes; if they are dead, their bones should be disinterred and burnt in public squares. Their children and grandchildren should be prosecuted, their wealth confiscated and they should be stigmatized with the epithet of “traitors’ children.”

That beautiful passage, sublime in its power and elegance, should be a guiding light to how a future White ethnostate should deal with whatever traitors, HBDers, anti-White Internet trolls, “movement” wreckers, and other absolute scum fall into its hands.
Then we have Professor Ion Gavanescul talking about the Jewish influence in Romania of the past:

…inadmissible, inconceivable monstrosities of ethnic biology…

Also to the point and brimming with truthful vigor.