Category: Putin loves Jews

Falling Off the White Horse

Checkmating their own people.

Being an “alpha male” is sure turning out well for MAGA man Trump.

Line up dem wimmin!  No condoms please, after all, that’s what a “germaphobe” would do. A stormy conundrum!

Neocon Donald Cuck.

And now for another “movement” hero we have Trad Vlad, who expresses himself about a dire threat to the world today:

Putin, in a speech before 12,500 massed troops on Moscow’s Red Square, warned against “aggressive nationalism,” saying it was leading to new threats that recalled those of Nazism.

Sure!  What? Collapsing White demographics and race replacement?  No problem!  The rising tide of color?  No problem!  The invasion of the White North by the Global South?  No problem!  Radical Islam?  No problem!  The invasion of the Russian Far East by Chinese “immigration?” No problem!  The looting of Russia by Jewish oligarchs?  No problem!

The problem is- quite obviously – all dem dere nasty nationalists who want to save their nations, peoples, and cultures – they are the problem!   They’re Nazis!  Nazis!  Let’s celebrate “Victory Day” while Russian women are groped in the streets by dusky Central Asians, while terrorists kill Russian children, and while the Russian Far East is being inexorably annexed to China.  That’s the ticket!  It’s a deep, deep, deep chess game!  Sort of like Trump’s “4-D chess” only lacking Stormy Daniels!

And in case you missed it:

Putin watched the parade alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu…

Because Netanyahu and his cohort of Israeli rightist ethnic supremacists are not dangerous nationalists, after all.  Nationalists are dangerous only when they are ethnically European, right?

By the way, all the soldiers pictured look like ethnically Russian Slavs.  So, young Russians have to fight and die to keep Russia safe for grasping Jewish oligarchs, Central Asian criminals and terrorists, diseased Chinamen infiltrating into the Russian Far East, and cunning slant-eyed Siberians?  And all the time ethnic Russians are being demographically replaced in their own homeland? A deep, deep chess game, indeed!

The Man on White Horse Syndrome is an example of mental weakness, of a defect of character, of “movement” activists who cannot and will not accept the harsh reality that there are no leaders who represent pro-White views, no leaders who are on “their side,” and that the entire System, including all their “deep chess game” heroes, are aligned against White interests.  Instead, the weaklings of Der Movement cling to pathetic fantasies about how some anti-White leader is “really on our side” but is playing a “deep chess game,” albeit a game that always sees White folks get checkmated.

Der Movement in the (der) News, 9/16/16

Two items.

Is Putin’s Russia more repressive than Xi Jinping’s China?
Yet, Republicans rarely use “thug” when speaking about Xi.

Er…Xi is a Holy Oriental, a HBD God that walketh the Earth. Putin is just some dumb Slav. Come now, there’s a big difference! Even the GOP Establishment worships at the Altar of Asia, and why not? What’s the difference between a Derbyshire and a McCain, politically-wise?

Fine. How does Israel regard Putin “the thug” and Putin “the butcher”?

According to foreign policy scholar Stephen Sniegoski, when Putin first visited Israel in 2005, President Moshe Katsav hailed him as a “friend of Israel” and Ariel Sharon said he was “among brothers.”
In the last year alone, Bibi Netanyahu has gone to Moscow three times and Putin has visited Israel. The two get along wonderfully well.

Hey! That’s part of Putin’s “deep chess game!” He’s really an Alt-Right Traditionalist Anti-Semite, and don’t you ever think different!
Prayers, schmayers. More important: What was his cephalic index? Praetorian Guard, break out your calipers!

That Deep Chess Game Continues!

Cunning Trad Vlad fooling everyone!

The Russian President added that the situation of Russian Jews was currently the best of any place in Europe. 

This would be far from the first time that Putin has made such comments at a Jewish gathering. In July of 2014 he thanked a gathering of prominent Israeli and European rabbis for what he categorized as their “help in Russia’s fight against the revival of Nazism.” In fact, Putin’s magnanimous offer was the latest gambit in the contentious leveraging of the issue of anti-Semitism in the continuing Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Why, if we all didn’t know better, one would think that Putin was a pro-Jewish, anti-national socialist, anti-racist, multiculturalist.

But that couldn’t be right! After all, Der Movement worships his bare-chestedness, so it must all be part of that really, really, really deep chess game.
