Category: diversity

Against Carl and For Whites

Book review and a statement of principle.

See this.

Amazon description:

Anti-white racism, undisguised and unembarrassed, is now official policy in America.

One class of citizens—whites—is openly discriminated against in every sphere of public and private life. The Unprotected Class is a comprehensive explanation of how we got here and what we must do to correct a manifest—and dangerous—injustice.

Launched with an appeal to justice for all, the civil rights movement went off the rails even as it achieved its original goals. Soon its excesses and failures were exploited to justify discrimination against whites in business, education, law, entertainment, and even the church. With the death of George Floyd and the shedding of all pretense of racial justice, vindictiveness, resentment, and hatred were unleashed in America.

Basically, an executive summary of this book is that it is excellent with respect to description (stating what the problems are – it is doom and gloom outrage porn that would make “Gregory Hood” proud) but terribly wrong and destructive with respect to prescription (what should be done about these problems). The latter issue is not surprising given the author’s Jewish ancestry (more about that below).

Among the description are passages such as that one could read from my work; for example, consider these comments about White Flight:

…the rather pathetic spectacle of groups of non-whites following whites as whited move like vagabonds from place to place, looking for a community free from crime and chaos – all while the non-whites yell at whites about how racist they are.  Of course, if whites later move back into the heavily minority neighborhoods they once left, they are accused of gentrifying” “them.”

Indeed. And it seems that Carl’s warnings about expropriation were prescient.

As regards prescription, particularly the major overarching themes of his prescriptions, I note that Carl in this book advocates in favor of Kaufmann’s genocidal Whiteshifting agenda (*), and the uses the assimilation of Southern Europeans as a historical example of how this can be successful; after all, there’s no difference between a Southern European and a mestizo or mulatto Hispanic or a Eurasian, amirite?

Lessons –

1. Never trust a conservative.

2. Never trust “right-wing Jews.”  Carl describes himself as a “…an actively engaged Christian of Jewish descent…”  I’ll comment about that at the end.

Carl also favorably mentions Sailer’s citizenism.  So, here we have someone who has the descriptive down pat, but is peddling a dangerous and genocidal prescriptive formula.  And of course this civic nationalist cul-de-sac gets promoted by Tucker Carlson (who favorably interviewed Carl), who never seems to interview any of the “we’re winning” Quota Queens. Fact is, White anger and increasing White receptiveness to a racial message is being deflected into aracial cuckservatism, and the failed “movement” cannot do anything about it.  For all their talk of “optics,” they have zero appeal to the White masses.

Carl rejects White nationalism (surprise!) as being something that “would be completely destructive of the fabric of American society.” To that I say – good. Any society that would be destroyed by White nationalism deserves to be destroyed. Carl is delusional if he believes that this “American will be destroyed” argument is going to convince White nationalists who have given up on America. Of course, this argument by Carl is aimed more generally at disgruntled Whites who have a choice between aracial civic nationalism (Carl’s choice) and a more race-based form of hardcore identity politics (my choice). Today, his argument has power for deluded Whites, but as the racial situation worsens and as America becomes more and more an alien and hostile land for Whites, it is possible – we can hope – that increasing numbers of Whites will respond to Carl’s argument that White nationalism will destroy America as I have, with a resounding “good.”  However, given how feckless and pathetic White Americans are, I wouldn’t bet on it.  Hope springs eternal, but since a majority of White Americans are Color-loving Eloi – even those on the Far Right love Color – let’s just say I’m skeptical. Aliens like Carl don’t make the situation any easier by providing to Whites a safe, dead-end civic nationalist alternative that some Whites will hold on to even when America’s rotting corpse begins to stink.  But, again, we can hope for at least some Whites to, finally, turn their back on the America delusion. The increasing numbers of Whites pondering a “national divorce” (but do they really mean it and would that “divorce’ be about ideology and not race?) allows for some mild optimism (VERY mild).

Thus, Carl, who endorses Kaufmann’s Whiteshift and Sailer’s citizenism, promotes a general strategy of conservative compromise.  While I agree with some details of his prescription – such as stopping mass immigration and using lawfare against the anti-White Left – I totally disagree with his overall strategy of Whites accepting a multiracial America, accepting their long-range demographic eclipse, and accepting a “widening” of “Whiteness” to include non-European and mixed-race peoples, Whites accepting mongrelization, and Whites accepting a permanent dilution and diminution of their European genetic and cultural heritage. Carl also approvingly quotes the execrable Razib Khan regarding Magyar genetic extinction coupled to cultural continuity, with implications about the future for Whites.  Carl assures us that there are too many Whites to become extinct as did the Magyars, but isn’t that what Whiteshift inevitably will lead to?  Why mention the Magyars unless that is considered an acceptable possible outcome for White America?

Statement of principle: Instead, I promote the opposite. Whites should give up on America, which is a dead country with no future. Whites should coalesce around their specific European racial/genetic/biological and cultural heritage. They must absolutely reject Whiteshift and absolutely reject civic nationalist citizenism. They must reject “non-White allies” (including Jews) and they must reject “non-White Whites (sic).” They must reject compromise, they must reject easy short-term solutions, and they must accept the reality that there must be short-term and medium-term pain in order to achieve a stable, long-term real solution to our race’s racial problems. Instead of conservative compromise, we should instead move in the direction of uncompromising radical and revolutionary activism. Whites must hold the line with respect to defining themselves as people of indigenous European stock. They must take an “ourselves alone” attitude, eschew “alliances” with other groups, and have a long-term goal of radical change (although, smaller changes to weaken the System can form part of the strategic “Suvorov’s Law” approach – see below). That must be the fundamental overarching strategy.  

In fact, Carl’s last chapter is incoherent.  He admits that Whites are being subjected to “cultural” (only cultural???!!!) genocide, yet for Whites to fight that genocide by coalescing around a racial White identity and struggling for White nationalism is somehow bad and “unfair” to all those nice decent non-White “ Americans.  After all, if you are being targeted for genocide based on RACE (with “culture” a proxy for that), then that existential threat must be opposed by an equally powerful counterforce.  If we are being subjected to genocide, is the proper response to say, “right-o, I’ll help my own race’s destruction, only can we do it a bit slower and more painless, please?” I do not think so. Carl worries about “violence” yet advocates for “bodies in the streets” for protest and the need for “sacrifice.”  Sacrifice?  For what? To beg and plead to all those “decent” non-Whites to please, pretty please, don’t genocide us?  Carl states that we need Asian allies, but then also states that Whites need to be the ones to speak out on their own behalf and should not depend on non-Whites (like him?) to do it for them. And getting back to his promotion of Whiteshifting – of course, Carl would describe the genocide that he opposes as “cultural” because his solution would lead to racial genocide, so he can’t well complain about the same sort of genocide that his own prescription would lead do, right?  While Carl gets the “small stuff” right in the last chapter, he gets the “big stuff” all wrong.

And another reason for rejecting Carl’s prescription if compromise, besides that it will be destructive specifically for Whites in America, is that the racial crisis is worldwide, in every majority White country, including and especially our European homelands. This is an existential crisis for Whites, and there is no place to run to if White America is destroyed.  We have to make a racial stand because Whites are being attacked as a race everywhere, it is not just an “American sociopolitical problem.” If we compromise in America, what about elsewhere?  Europe as well? Will Whites not have any home of their own?

Reading Carl’s book, I see that there are two sets of battles going on for the soul of the American Right. On the broader Pan-Right scale, there is the struggle between conservative aracial civic nationalism that wants to salvage a multiracial America and is willing to throw European-American racial integrity under the bus to do so, and the racialist Far Right, which wants to safeguard European-American racial identity and realizes – at least some of us do – that America is a dead country with no future and we need to move toward a post-American future. Then, within the Far Right itself, there is a struggle between Der Movement and the nascent New Movement that needs to replace it. The former is characterized by freakish failure, Nordicism, HBD, ethnonationalism, perverts, grifters, and WN 3.0 multiracial “White nationalism.” The latter supports Pan-European White nationalism, a Whites-only movement, and an adherence to facts and logic. I can’t help but notice that from my perspective, the Eloi are enriched in the wrong side of both sets of struggles. Given that the Eloi are junior partners to the Jews, Eloi support for Carl’s book will come as no surprise.

Reading the Jerome Carl book, for all of its faults, does clarify once more what an utter failure Der Movement is, and doubly so. First, the litany of woe clearly demonstrates that things are worse than ever for Whites and there is no effective push-back, real world pro-White activism that influences on-the-ground outcomes is non-existent. Second, the inability of Der Movement to take advantage of this desperate situation to recruit disgruntled Whites also clearly demonstrates what an inept failure Der Movement is, and how unappealing it is to potentially receptive Whites. That Der Movement tries to obfuscate their failure by noting their “page views” – while of course panhandling for donations – shows what dishonest grifters they all are.

One positive of Carl’s book is that any sensible and intelligent Whites out there reading the book can get motivated by Carl’s descriptions and thus become activists, while at the same time opposing Carl’s more destructive prescriptions.  Conservative compromise is how we got to the sorry state we are in now; Carl’s general approach to prescription is precisely what has led to the description that his wrong-headed prescription is supposed to “solve.”

Is it any wonder Der Right always loses?

Instead, we can invoke Suvorov’s Law (“revolutions do not take place during the time of greatest repression, but when that repression is suddenly relaxed”).  Even if Carl actually believes the cuckservative drivel of his last chapter, if Whites become mobilized and win the small-scale victories Carl envisions, then that can embolden previously cowardly Whites to do even more’ further, having the System be forced to make concessions would reveal weakness and hopefully lead to more radical change beyond that which Carl hopes for.  Relaxing the repression because of the pressure of White activist mobilization can be the precursor to revolution. In this sense, Carl and others like him can serve as “useful idiots.”

But I’m not optimistic. Thus, the Carl book spends 200+ pages outlining how bad things are for White Americans (“we’re winning?”). Then at the end he urges Whites to engage in protest and sacrifice. OK. Now, here’s the thing. I agree with Carl’s descriptions of the sorry state of White America today. Things really are terrible and we’re losing, and badly. But therein lies one of the reasons we are losing so badly. If Whites are persecuted so badly – and they are – why do they need to be so urged to fight back, protest, sacrifice, etc.? Any other group would have rebelled against this treatment long ago, any other group would not require 200+ page books outlining to them in gory detail all of the abuse and humiliations they face and then, even with that, would not then require urging to actually do something about it. Whites are a particularly feckless and self-abasing race (it’s not only Italians, lest you get the idea that I believe that, based on my criticism of that ethny). And the problem goes further – even among racially aware Whites, the ones who claim to believe in White Genocide and The Great Replacement, even those cannot be prompted to do anything useful, no matter how minor (as I have learned to my bitter disappointment); these “activists” believe leaving comments at retarded “movement” sites and giving some shekels to shameless grifters, constitutes “fighting back.” A major reason why Whites are in the sorry state they are in is related the lack of any significant response to being in that state. It’s the White Man’s Disease – an inability to act in their own racial interest; in many cases, not even being able to understand that they have racial interests, coupled to continuous catering to the interests of others.

We are losing and will no doubt will continue to lose, since no one wants to put in even the slightest effort for the serious political and metapolitical work required to win. “Right-wing activism” is an oxymoron.

Now about Carl’s ancestry – can we be surprised that a Jew peddles poison to us in the guise of “I’m one of you?” On the Left, we have the “fellow Whites” phenomenon, where Jews posing as Whites promote White guilt and White surrender – “we need to atone for our sins”- “we” meaning Whites.  On the Right, we have Carl, Michael “multiracial White separatist state” Hart (“Asians and others” included), Weissberg and the “racial status quo,” etc. Then there is Unz with his love of Hispanic immigration and the well known affiliation of rightist Jews with the anti-White HBD cult. In the mainstream, we have Kaufmann who is half-Jewish. In virtually every single case where a Jew peddles some sort of racial advice to Whites it is invariably racially destructive. They can’t help themselves; they are not us, they can never be us, and their interests are different from ours. Jews fear racial and cultural homogeneity in the nations they live in as part of their Diaspora, they have an innate tropism for diversity and for mixing other groups, so they will oppose strict White nationalism, oppose homogeneous White ethnostates, and oppose a European-based definition of Whiteness –  everything necessary for our long term racial survival will be opposed by Jews. And of course, the same holds for other non-White “allies,” who always oppose Pan-European White solidarity and instead promote anything that will divide Whites (e.g., HBD, Nordicism, etc.).

Do not listen to Carl and his pro-Whiteshift siren song leading you to racial destruction.

* Note:

More on Whiteshifting:

See this.

And this.

And this.

And this.

White Reengagement

What is required.

See this.  Excerpts, emphasis added:

…the imposition of an aggressive KPI sends a message to the layer below them: no white man in middle management will likely ever see a promotion as long as they remain in the organization. This is never expressed verbally. Rather, those overlooked figure it out as they are passed over continually for less competent but more diverse colleagues. The result is demoralization, disengagement, and over time, departure…Promoting diversity over competency does not simply affect new hires and promotion decisions. It also affects the people already working inside of America’s systems. Morale and competency inside U.S. organizations are declining. Those who understand that the new system makes it hard or impossible for them to advance are demoralized, affecting their performance…This effect was likely seen in a recent paper by McDonald, Keeves, and Westphal. The paper points out that white male senior leaders reduce their engagement following the appointment of a minority CEO…When boards choose diverse CEOs to make a political statement, high performers who see an organization shifting away from valuing honest performance respond by disengaging.

White male disengagement is only the first half of the necessary process of dismantling the multiculturalist regime. These White men need to reengage in explicitly White spaces, entities, projects, and movements. This latter response requires that White men get over their individualist and “color-blind” aracial tendencies and become more hardcore racial collectivists AND it requires that authentic and effective explicitly White spaces, entities, projects, and movements exist. To get those to exist the current inept affirmative action “leadership” of the Dissident Right needs to be jettisoned and replaced by competent individuals.

DemoMulticult 101

Fairly easy practical activism.

See this.

Vulnerabilities for the System abound, if only there was a crafty and strategic opponent willing to exploit those vulnerabilities. Consider Title VI and academia – coupled to the whole affirmative action scam about admissions – all tailor-made to infuriate White students and their families.  It is no coincidence that a major focus of “reverse racism” lawsuits have centered on the educational system.  In addition to what Title VI can do, Title VII can bring the focus of anti-White discrimination and hypocrisy to the broader arena, and Title IX can focus on anti-male discrimination and hypocrisy. The three “titles” together constitute a weak point, a chink (sorry, Derbyshire) in the System’s armor.

Salter stated that – from the standpoint of a majority being displaced and replaced – the only thing worse than a multiculturalism that does not work is one that does, thus ensuring the relatively painless race replacement of the majority. However, as stated above, Democratic Multiculturalism is not stable for the System in the long run, as the whole idea of multiculturalism is empowering minorities and disempowering the majority. A concerted effort of the majority to demand fair treatment under multiculturalism, according to its own standards, would destabilize the entire multicultural system and heighten the contradictions.

I suggest that White Americans file “multicultural” complaints non-stop, to “monkey wrench” the whole multiculturalist establishment and make it untenable. Of course, the complaints must have a solid basis in reality; they cannot be fabricated out of nothing. However, in today’s “woke” America, it will be very easy – almost trivial in fact – for Whites, particularly White men, to find something legitimate to complain about that is relevant to this approach. Certainly, one must take into account context. Is your position (e.g., as an employee or student) secure enough so that you can make the complaint without undue harm being directed back at you?  After all, you want the complaint to be a net positive. If there is a mechanism for anonymous complaints and if you believe that this approach is best for your situation, then go that route.  If an anonymous option is not available, then consider costs and benefits, and if the context is such that you think it best to move forward with the complaint, then do so. Remember that there are federal (and in some cases, state) laws in place outlawing retaliation against those who file discrimination complaints. That does not guarantee protection of course, but it is another legal weapon in your arsenal. If you make a legitimate discrimination complaint and can demonstrate retaliation, those responsible for the retaliation could (in theory) find themselves in significant legal difficulty.

Are you a college/university student?  Any discrimination against Whites? Use Title VI.  Against men?  Use Title IX. Given what goes on at colleges and universities these days, there would likely be a weekly abundance of choice legitimate complaints that can be filed.  If you work in academia, as a professor for example, not only do you have Title VI and IX in your arsenal, but Title VII as well. With respect to Titles VI and IX, keep in mind that virtually every school of higher learning receives federal money in some form, so those rules will apply. Remember that student loans, among other things, are included in the definition of “federal money” or “federal funds” so, again, virtually every college and university in America is covered. Title VII is a more general rule against employment discrimination.

If you work in any other field, then Title VII alone should cover employment discrimination with respect to anti-White and anti-male activities. Virtually all CRT, DEI, multicultural-diversity training or other activity will be, virtually by definition, anti-White and/or anti-male, and so Whites should file complaints about such activities non-stop.  The more the better!  

Now, if you go the legal route, beware of situations like this. However, filing complaints, either internally via Human Resources (or other internal departments related to diversity and discrimination), and/or externally with the relevant government agencies, is your right under the law and is independent of filing a legal action, so the caveat associated with that link would not apply (as long as no legal action is filed). However, as noted above, the targeted entity may attempt retaliation against you (even though that is technically illegal). Keep in mind that while internal complaints can be anonymous in some cases (depending on the school or employer in question), government complaints, insofar as I am aware, will require you to use your name. If you file a legal action against the entity, you would need to be public as well.

The minimal outcome of your complaints would be to use up the time and resources of whatever department/agency the complaint is made to, and will most likely annoy the (most likely, leftist) person(s) dealing with it.  If the complaint is not taken serious or acted upon, that is further evidence for anti-White (and/or anti-male) discrimination, exposing the contradictions of the System, and could be a basis for legal action (as long as you remember the warning mentioned above). If the complaint is fully taken seriously, the positive outcomes from the perspective of democratic multiculturalism and disrupting the System are obvious.  The most likely outcome of your complaint is that the relevant entity or government agency will go through the motions of an “investigation” and “determine” little to no basis for your complaint. If your complaint was legitimate (which, as I stated, it must be), then this outcome basically conflates with “the complaint is not taken serious or acted upon” and you can go from there. Again, at minimum, you are using up multicultural resources, bringing anti-White and anti-male discrimination into the discussion, provoking further racial division, stimulating societal chaos, and “monkey wrenching” the multicultural apparatus. You are also getting the satisfaction of responding to discrimination against you, rather than just quietly fuming about it, or complaining on some irrelevant forum.

The key here is to have many Whites do it. If a significant fraction of Whites pursue this strategy, the benefits of even a minimal response to the complaints will be amplified.  If the System, overwhelmed by such complaints, declares that anti-White (and anti-male) discrimination will no longer be considered, then they expose themselves to the White public, racial division is enhanced, and we will observe a “heightening of the contradictions.” Regardless of the exact outcome, it would seem that burying the multicultural apparatus under an avalanche of (legitimate) White racial complaints can only have some kind of long-term positive outcome.

There will always be nitwits who oppose such activity – it is not flashy enough for them, not sexy enough, not charging the ramparts with their Viking battle axe. They will write moronic comments about “whining and complaining dishonors our ancestors” as they sit on a computer in their parents’ basement, scrolling through panhandling grifter “movement” sites as part of their hobbyist “activism.”  Ignore such people.  Leveraging the multicultural system against itself is “low hanging fruit” that needs to be grabbed – it is ripe and ready.

Odds and Ends, 2/25/23

In der news.

My favorite form of historical fascism is the Legionary Movement. The following will explain why. It is certainly not due to their religious beliefs, their strong emphasis on Christianity, which I oppose, nor is it due to some of their (alleged) strange rituals, which, frankly, fits into the stereotype of Far Right freakishness. I see those things as secondary details, due to that movement’s derivation from the inter-war Romanian social and cultural milieu. Instead, I focus on the main, primary, fundamental aspect of the Legionary Movement – Codreanu and his followers realized, with crystal clarity, that in order to actualize meaningful and long-lasting positive change in a nation you absolutely must improve the character of that nation’s people. Further, to achieve the aforementioned objectives, your movement must be composed of an elite cadre itself of the highest character. To have a New Nation, you need New Men. The palingenetic thrust of the Legionary Movement primarily manifested in their concept of the New Man, and the idea that national regeneration requires personal regeneration from every member of that nation and most of all from its leadership. Without that, the new nation will be built on a foundation of sand. The Far Right of today believes that all it requires are fancy memes and slogans, and a passable ideology, and it will “win” despite the lousy human material of most of its followers and the even worse character of its leaders. We’ve seen the outcome of that. And lest anyone point the finger at me – I’m not a “movement leader,” my negative and nasty attitude is mostly due to exasperation and frustration with the utter failure of Der Movement, and I’ve repeatedly stated that much of my alleged nastiness is tongue-in-cheek ridicule of “movement” stupidity. Don’t blame the messenger for the message.

Yockey in Imperium:

There have been also the racial and temperamental differences of Teuton and Latin, of North and South. Once these may have contributed to the furnishing of motives to History— this can they no longer do.

That prescription is one I agree with. The problem is that the actual description of today’s realty doesn’t match that. The “racial and temperamental differences of Teuton and Latin, of North and South” are proving more intractable than Yockey hoped. Both sides find in the other things they dislike. The difference is that the Latin South is willing to overlook this for the benefit of Europe, but the Teuton North, steeped in Racial Proximity Theory, refuses to give up Culture Retardation and continues to endlessly divide. While the Latin South needs to do more to become more feared and respected, and to close the power gap, ultimately, the onus is on the Teuton North to “cut out the crap” and recognize the real threats to White Civilization.

One problem with Der Movement is that many of its adherents and many of its “leaders” are people with little or no personal experience with the horrors of diversity. They didn’t have to deal with Color, in any significant manner, during their formative years, and some of these people have managed to evade coming face to face with race for their entire lives. For them, the race question is, for the most part, purely theoretical, abstract, something they’ve read about online or in books. They didn’t live in the urban jungle, they didn’t attend racially integrated public schools, they never had fights with Negroes, they and their family were never victimized by racial attacks, they never had Color as neighbors, etc. So, for these people, apostasy comes easy, voting for liberal Democrats comes easy, denouncing “racism” because “some Black guy helped me when my car broke down” is easy. Their understanding of race is superficial, purely academic, with no component of lived experience. Of course, experience without theory is a problem as well, as you may end up with pure reactive Bunkerism, but that’s not much of a problem these days. With the Internet, and plenty of Dissident Right publications, theory is easy to come by (too easy in fact, as much of it from Der Movement is nonsense) once you have a personal reason to look for that theory. The real problem are folks, mostly Eloi, who base their views on theory only and who will switch to another theory for convenience, for some trivial reason, or whatever. To have such racial milksops in positions of leadership is particularly damaging.