Category: NY Post

Opinion Polling and a Conservative View from the NY Post

To summarize:
1. Supporting amnesty is a good thing for the GOP nomination.
2. Side implication: getting the GOP nomination is more important than the well-being of the American people.
3. The most important thing for a GOP candidate is winning that small fraction of the vote that is “Latino.”  White voters can be taken for granted and simply ignored.
4. The popularity of Trump – wrongly perceived by the electorate as being anti-immigration – has no bearing whatsoever. Rigged “opinion polls” should be listed to instead.
5. One should follow the lead of McCain in these matters, who, after all, did so well in the 2008 general election, and who got re-elected in Arizona only after dishonestly tricking gullible White Arizonans to think he was “tough on illegal immigration” by squinting into the camera and muttering about “build the damn fence.”
Some realities:
1. Opinion polls do not exist to measure opinion. They exist to CREATE opinion. Combine a deceptively worded question, with a (in reality) non-random poll sample, with a deceptive “interpretation” of the “data,” and you get the “spin” that influences the conformist sheeple to go along with the program.
Polling questions on “immigration reform” that I have seen tend to emphasize enforcement, and couch language about amnesty in tough terms, usually counter-posed with some straw man alternative. Support for strict enforcement coupled with “hard-love” legalization is then equated to a “pro-amnesty” position.
The following would be typical:
Do you support immigration reform that would, once and for all, forever and ever, enforce immigration law, close the borders, end all illegal immigration, 100% permanently, coupled with allowing illegals presently in the country to stay if they pay a fine of ten million dollars apiece, speak English better than a British butler, and graduate from Harvard with a medical degree, OR do you support herding up all illegal aliens, killing them, and turning them into Soylent Green?
If more than 50% of Republican voters choose the “support immigration reform” option then that is construed as support for amnesty. Well done!
2. The current enthusiasm for Trump, and pitifully low numbers for Jeb and Miss Lindsey casts a pall over the chances of a GOP victory in 2016. Assuming the establishment will never let Trump be nominated, and given that the establishment would like to foist a pro-amnesty candidate, optimally Jeb, on us, this suggests that the base will be so “turned off” and unenthused in the general election that the Democrats could run a donkey as their candidate and still win. The base despises Jeb and pink-frilled Graham and the rest of the amnesty freaks.