Category: H. Keith Thompson

Once Again Countering the Rancid Current

Counter-Currents: The worst “pro-White site” on the Internet.

Greg Johnson: Trump is a sincere man of genuine greatness.

The reality (emphasis):

Mr. Cullen indicted RAM members with an anti-riot statute originally passed to stop Vietnam War protesters. The Washington Post wrote a glowing profile on Mr. Cullen, in which he explained: “Hate crimes and violence by white supremacist organizations that qualify as domestic terrorism are way up. Prosecuting them is common sense.”

There is no white-supremacist violence “surge.” Mr. Cullen simply wanted to destroy this group. He credited far-left journalists with providing a “starting-point” for his investigation, and the FBI relied on a hit piece from antifa for its criminal complaint. Four RAM members pleaded guilty to “conspiracy to riot” charges. Mr. Cullen ignored — consciously or not — the obvious truth that if there had been no antifa protesters, there would have been no violence. If the “conspiracy to riot” law were enforced fairly, he would have prosecuted antifa as well. He didn’t, apparently because he takes orders from liberal journalists…Any crackdown will be subjective. That’s why Mr. Cullen’s nomination is wrong. He selectively enforces the law based on political and media considerations. For the RAM case, he took his cue from left-wing journalists. He ignores groups that proclaim revolutionary intent but indicts groups that defend themselves. He practices “anarcho-tyranny.”

The House just impeached President Trump. I’m having a hard time caring. President Trump probably doesn’t even know Mr. Cullen’s name, but he should. If these are the judges he gives us, it’s hard to see why we should support him.

The Quota Queens: Wrong, wrong, they’re ALWAYS wrong.

Sallis – who labeled Trump a fraud and nicknamed him “Antifa Don Trump” – proven right again.

Sallis: Right, right, he’s ALWAYS right.

More from Counter-Currents:


Posted December 18, 2019 at 9:35 am | Permalink

“Under would-be Yockey biographer Keith Stimley’s editorship, Thompson contributed book reviews to the Journal of Historical Review.”

I see that Keith Stimley died very young (35). Does anyone know the circumstances of his death?


K R Bolton

Posted December 18, 2019 at 11:03 pm | Permalink


Keith Stimely: proto-Alt Righter?

Contrary to what you may think, these clips are not – repeat, not! – documentary footage of a certain young bisexual male Alt Righter attending certain highbrow racialist meetings.

If you watched episode one of A Very English Scandal (about a real life political scandal) you’ll see that the homosexual politician was a radical pro-colored immigration lunatic, mocking and opposing the idea of a White Britain, and shamelessly shilling for more “Commonwealth immigration” – open borders for “the Commonwealth” (sort of like the pro-Brexit leaders of today). That’s yet more evidence that “being in the EU” has, and had, fundamentally nothing to do with the racial morass found in the UK today. The British people did it to themselves. Ethnonationalism!

In reality, even if there was never an EU, the UK would still be as non-White as it is today. Actually, likely even more so, since in the absence of the EU, and the UK’s presence in the EU, all those immigration slots that went to Eastern Europeans would have gone to “Commonwealth” Negroes and South Asians instead.  And I say that as someone who has a long history of being anti-EU. But as much as I dislike the EU, I dislike ethnonationalist lies even more.

Hampton writing in Counter-Currents:

Baseball is too slow-paced and indulges conservative fantasies. The world never changes in baseball, and conservatives can pretend it’s still 1950 every summer

Putting aside the comments about “slow-paced” (interestingly exactly mirroring Johnson’s previous critiques of the sport*), as regards:

The world never changes in baseball, and conservatives can pretend it’s still 1950 every summer.

Sure!  What with inter-league play, the designated hitter, bottom-of-the-lineup hitters blasting 30+ home runs per year with the juiced-up balls travelling well over 400 feet even with clumsy one-handed swings, the endless parade of relief pitchers, every other pitcher having had “Tommy John surgery,” most televised games being on pay-for-TV cable, etc. – it’s just like 1950!  

Wrong, wrong, they’re ALWAYS wrong.

And, hey, I thought Counter-Currents liked “tradition?” I suspect the disdain for baseball is due to ADHD types (likely enriched among Type I activists) whose preference in sports is for constant, repetitive, back-and-forth action, devoid of deeper strategy and forethought (sort of like how they conduct their “activism).  I suppose it is also possible some types get a thrill over all those “macho hard men” in hockey (too bad hockey players don’t skate around in “rainbow thongs,” eh?).  Anyway…sports are all “bread and circuses” anyway.  But the Alt Right sure seems obsessed with it.

* I recall that, recently, another Hampton article – a movie review no less (was”Trevor Lynch” not available?) – was originally credited to Johnson.  This Hampton requires close scrutiny.

Another issue: Read this.  When Russia announces advances in their nuclear deterrent, the fraud Trump tweets, lying, that “we have better and more advanced weapons.”  Nonsense. The Minuteman ICBM is a weapon system from the 60s and 70s, the Trident SBLM is a weapon system from the 70s and 90s, and as far as the bomber force goes, the US continues to downgrade the yield of the free fall bombs to embarrassingly low levels. Russia is far, far ahead. The “Ground Based Strategic Deterrent” should have been produced decades ago.

And have you noticed that in the past, American rockets and missiles (actualized or cancelled) were always given names reflecting imagination and individualism, names that also reflected cultural “Whiteness” – Greco-Roman and Norse mythology, American history, Western literature, animals, stars, etc. (even naming one after an Indian tribe is a very ‘White” thing to do – look at sports teams)?  Nowadays, we get sterile names like “Ground Based Strategic Deterrent.”  I suppose the rot started when the MX missile was given the stupid name of Peacekeeper (on the other hand, I rather liked the name Midgetman, which reflected tongue-in-cheek imagination). This seems like a small and unimportant change, but it informs us about deep differences in American culture and attitudes between then and now.  Today’s deracinated, empty, consumerist, vapid, sterile culture cannot even come up with imaginative and Western/American/White code names for the products of Western technics. I suppose though I shouldn’t complain too much about it – we may start getting “diverse” names for rockets and missiles – Zulu, Carjacker, Rapper, Cholo, Confucius, King David…the mind boggles.

A Fascist Theoretical Journal?

Taking an updated look at Stimely’s idea.

The Keith Stimely interview of H. Keith Thompson, with a heavy emphasis on Francis Parker Yockey, is very interesting. Perhaps the most intriguing part is this exchange:

Stimely: One final question. Supposing that a group of young, relatively young, fascists – not conservatives, not [sneeringly] “populists,” not reformers not people who believe in working evolutionarily within the system, not people who believe at all in saving the system (and who may “work evolutionarily” within it only in order to undermine it) — suppose such a group were to get together and decide to publish their own little journal on the “right,” even in the modest form at first of an 8-page newsletter, entitled Thought & Action, which would be a very nearly explicit fascist theoretical journal working toward the explicit goal of a fascist revolution. Such a journal would explore in the realm of theory the contributions that have been made in political/social thought, and that should be taken into account by present-day revolutionaries, by such as Robert Michels, Vilfredo Pareto, Gaetano Mosca, Georges Sorel, even, Lawrence Dennis, Max Nomad, James Burnham, so many more . . . Yockey, Spengler, Carl Schmitt, Harold Lasswell, other prime thinkers on the subjects of power and revolution and social dynamics . . . and to explore all these things on a fairly high intellectual level. My question is: what is your realistic estimate of the number of people who would either understand, or be at all interested in, such a publication? Thompson:One hundred.

Such a journal would be very useful, but today, it would need to expand its focus to include the Salterian empirical view as well as the more political-social-spiritual “continental existentialist” view as emphasized by Stimely.  One could envision that the fusion of those two worldviews (Salter-Yockey) would be a main objective of such a journal.
Some would argue that blogs such as this one as well as Counter-Currents, together with publications such as The Occidental Quarterly (TOQ) fill this role.  While those forums do touch on some of the topics I am talking about, what I’m proposing is something more in line with Stimely; a more focused and specialized journal, for fascist/national socialist “revolutionaries” – combining both metapolitics and politics. Such a journal would be not only explicitly (actually, not just “very nearly”) fascist and national socialist, but also explicitly pan-European, Futurist, science based (both hard science and the best of political and social science), with a solid philosophical and epistemological foundation. This would be something for the “hardcore” – not for the run-of-the-mill “latrine flies.”  It would not be ‘public” in the free online sense, more of a TOQ format, but perhaps even requiring screening of subscribers, to eliminate infiltrators and trolls as much as possible. The typical “movement” dogma would be eschewed; this would be an attempt for a fresh start, based on the aforementioned key principles, perhaps based on the key fundamentals here.