Category: Nutzis

3/3/19 Movement News

In der news.

This here is probably the most archetypical “movement” story imaginable. That is what you suckers in the rank-and-file support, donate do, and devote yourselves to.

Princess Tulsi Coconut is old news!  The ascetic monks of the Alt Right have found a new hero to latch on to!

It’s The Oriental on Yellow Eggroll Syndrome!  The Yang Gang will save us!  Beavis-and-Butthead go full HBD!

I find it hilarious that Donald Trump Jr. is going around making a big deal about free speech, deplatforming, and the Big Tech-leftist alliance to silence the opposition.  Hey, Don Jr. – too bad you don’t know anyone in a position of power to do something about it!  You can fantasize –“imagine if my father was President, then we could have someone to deal with the situation!”

If Trump loses in 2020, it will not be because (as the media will no doubt tell us) of a resurgent Left, or as Roissy would tell us, that all the Amish horse and buggies got stuck in early November mud.  No, it will because Trump will be abandoned by the base that he betrayed.  If he had fulfilled his campaign promises, or at last made a good faith effort to do so, and if had kept the faith of right-wing populism, he’d win.  As of now, he seems to be currying favor with the Neocon Establishment for protection against prison in case he loses.

Hey, it’s about time that Roissy posts some gifs of Trump strutting around like Vince McMahon, or some”neg” from Trump, or whatever other homoerotic fantasy Roissy still has. The actual news about Trump – well, that’s another thing entirely, eh?

When are any of the Quota Queens going to be held accountable for their unhinged Trump worship?  Resign!

Well, forget about Trump: Eggroll-Coconut 2020!

Remember the great and good Desmond Jones – Italy is 100% ethnically and racially homogeneous, to the ends of time, forever and ever, amen.  Italian, Egyptians…what’s the difference?  The guy is more gracile, and an order of magnitude more racially European than the average S. Italian, amiritre?  And Sicilians are pure-blooded sub-Saharan Africans, so why complain about an Egyptian?  Dat right!

Der Movement marches on:

But the moon isn’t a structure one can travel to and land on. It is a light source with a holographic quality to it, not only that, the light emitted is cold in nature.

Dat right!

Things that are NOT real: The moon as a physical structure.  The moon landings.  Space travel (how are we going to top off the gas tank of our starship with Peak Oil?).  Quantum mechanics (a Jewish invention).  The White race (a twentieth century Jewish construct).

Things that ARE real:  The Age of Tungsten!  The Men Who Can’t Tell Time!  Spiritual Race.  The pyramids of Atlantis were built with psychokinesis. Ultima Thule.  The deep Asgardian themes of Shakin’ Stevens.  Snug in our hobbit hole!

Der Movement, Der Movement. Der Movement marches on.

I was reading some papers – apparently, gene expression variation can be greater comparing normal tissues from different individuals than between matched normal and tumorigenic (activated by an oncogenic mutation) cells. More variation within normal than between normal-cancer. Thus – cancer doesn’t exist, it is a social construct!  

The best thing about this stupid article is the “related articles around the web” part at the end. Anything stand out there?  We can play that child’s game: What here is different, what here does not belong?  This reminds me of the time when some over-sensitive Asiatrix put together a book about “Asian Graphic Narratives” and quoted from my Counter-Currents article on Marvel Comics and race.

SJWs are pathetically hilarious – almost as pathetically hilarious as Der Movement itself.

Anyone who listened to the Pilleater-Johnson conversation is now well aware that once again I am right –this time about my prediction of the growing Amren-Counter-Currents-VDARE Alt Wrong axis.  After all, with Greg no longer bashing Derbyshire and no longer telling people not to attend Amren meetings (which he attends) and working for Unz and Derbyshire praising Johnson at VDARE, the new configuration wasn’t at all hard to discern.

Quite obviously, this here is the type of person you want as a member of the Alt Right, this is your confidant for 98 minute gossip sessions, this is your dependable and trustworthy cog in the machine of “movement” activism, this is the person whose airing of “movement” dirty laundry you want to link to in tweets.

Der Movement, Der Movement, Der Movement marches on.

Then we have: 

The conservatives’ cult of Trump is somehow worse and stupider than their cult of Dubya. 

Rewritten for clarity:

Der Movement’s cult of Trump is somehow worse and stupider than its cult of Reagan, Putin, Rand, Buchanan, Princess Coconut, King Eggroll…


It’s unreal to think that the last GOP President who wasn’t demented, stupid, or a total cuck was Nixon. A man who, coincidentally, is always demonized. Really makes ya wonder.. 

Nixon, who brought us affirmative action and busing.  Yes, comments like these really “makes ya wonder…”

Never forget, women have “agency” – Greg tells us this.  Joan of Arc is offended!

The same chart for East Asian women:

A = You’re voluptuous!

B or anything higher = You’re not East Asian

Analysis by Derbyshire and Pilleater forthcoming.

Speaking of Asiatrices, she left someone out.

“Both parties are to blame,” she said. “And yes, I’m looking at you, retired Paul Ryan, and yes, I’m looking at you, Mitch McConnell,” she added, referring to the former Republican House speaker from Wisconsin and the current Senate majority leader from Kentucky.

“And yes, I’m looking at you, Bush family, and yes, I’m looking at you, the ghost of John McCain,” she continued with a gesture toward the ceiling. The line drew a standing ovation from the audience.

And, yes, I’m looking at you, Antifa Don Trump…

Basket of Bunkers

The Left’s misunderstanding (or deception).

Hillary’s supporters are doubling down on her “basket of deplorables” comment; indeed, they tell us that she underestimated the proportion of Trump’s supporters who are irredeemable bigots.  Thus, the current narrative of the Left is that a very significant portion of the White American electorate is composed of hardcore racists akin to the most extreme of the Alt-Right – many millions of White racial nationalists.

However, the reality is that White racial nationalism in America is tiny and powerless, often persecuted, sans resources and supporters.  Indeed, many racial nationalists – myself included – have asserted that only if a fraction – even 10% – of White Americans supported our views then we would be on the road to victory, given a bedrock of support; history is always made by a dedicated minority. But that minority must have some numbers, two dozen guys measuring each other’s cephalic indices with calipers in the basement of a meeting hall just won’t cut it.  Obviously, this minority does not currently exist.

So, why this discrepancy between breathless Leftist accounts of numberless hordes of virulent White racists, and the grim reality of a powerless “movement?”

The Left, to the extent they believe their own rhetoric, are captive to their Manichean mindset; they view race through a binary prism: if you are not a racial progressive, then you are a Hitler-loving Nutzi.  This is absurd and unrealistic, as racial attitudes exist along a continuum, and the bulk of even the most hardcore Trump supporters are more liberal about race than are most Alt-Righters, never mind other types of racial nationalists.

Trump’s supporters, and here I am talking about those the Left labels as “deplorables,” are at best “Archie Bunker types” – causal bigots whose mild racism is almost always a private affair and never manifests as public behavior or, more importantly, into the political realm. These are civic nationalist types who don’t like Blacks (who does – other than Trump, the cucks, and the Left?) and who have nostalgia about an America that is long gone.  In the past they have cheerfully voted for the most outrageous of anti-White liberal Republican cucks.  But after many years of disappointments and frustrations, they feel like Trump’s politically incorrect speech gives them a voice (however muted and cucked it may be). These people are hardly racial nationalists, not in any way supporters of Der Movement, and are for the most part completely useless – for now – for racial nationalism.

They do, however, constitute a possible source of recruits (at least those who don’t already have one foot in the grave – remember, Trump’s supporters are all “old grouchy White men”).

However, before Der Movement can go recruiting among the Bunkers, it must get its own house in order.  Who in their right mind would want to be recruited to a deranged embarrassment like Der Movement? [Note: I’m obviously not in my right mind, to have been so recruited in the past.  After all, haven’t my critics labeled me as insane?].  I have to laugh at those activists who dream of a “Day of the Rope,” a “reckoning” for all who have harmed the White race.  How about looking at yourselves?  If there ever is a settling of accounts by a real racial nationalist revolution, all the Nutzis and their leaders (including, perhaps, some “Alt-Right” heroes) had better wonder what end of the rope they’ll end up at.

Of course, a dedicated pacifist and effete liberal such as myself does not like to think about such distasteful topics.

In any case, “movement” stupidity and failure aside, the inability of the Left to understand the concept of degree leads them to hysterical errors in which all is black vs. white (no pun intended).  And then they accuse us of simplicity – of not being able to see all the shades of gray!  Fifty shades, no doubt, to the leftist eye, if they would only look.

More of the Fraud, 8/30/16


Riopel  TommyLiam • 9 hours ago
Yes. Whites should be the ones rioting and burning down cities, not blacks.
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silviosilver ✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒʳᵗᵉʳ  Riopel • 4 hours ago
Finally, something you said I can wholeheartedly agree with.
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Now, I agree with Riopel as well, but then I’m a “crazy” “over-earnest” “deranged” “shiteating” extremist.  You know, the type that Silver was constantly attacking over at Majority Rights. But now that the grand fraud is burrowing into Radix like a deer tick into someone’s leg, the “Trump supporter” needs to out-Nutzi the Nutzis…until such time when he needs to switch his persona again like a spastic chameleon and once again denounce extremist rhetoric.