Category: Tommasi

Odds and Ends, 3/22/22

In der news.

Laugh at this.  Rome had “immoral decadence.” In contrast to all those clean-living, honorable Germanics with their genes for altruism. Indeed, even today, the word “vandal” connotes the type of high-trust constructive altruism to which we all aspire.

Unz commentator:

The time for debating what percentage is White, etc… is after we have the actual power to make those decisions on our own…

Undoubtedly a racially smug High Truster who believes he has the God-given right to decide upon, and bestow, “whiteness.”

100% WRONG. You do not get to retroactively define your “army” after the war is won. The battle lines are drawn before the conflict, and everyone involved must know exactly where they stand and who and what they are fighting for.

If you can’t even define your group before you expect group members to fight, then you are not worth fighting for to begin with.

I said the same thing long ago.

Leaders and organizations who are vague as regards what Euro-ethnies they do or do not represent and who are contradictory as to what is their actual “ingroup” need to be replaced by those who are honestly “transparent” on such questions. After all, if a person of group x supports an organization which is really hostile to the ethnic genetic interests of that group, this would be a significant loss of ethnic genetic interest for the activist. Comments such as “these issues will be resolved after a total white victory” are completely inappropriate; people need to know now where to invest their activist energies, and they need to know now where and how their specific ethnic genetic interests will be met.

See this. Some things never change – the High Truster love of Coloreds (as compared to their hatred toward White ethnics) as how this love is never reciprocated.

One English leader, George Thorpe, was especially insistent on kindness to Indians, and even publicly hanged dogs whose barking had frightened them…Indians carried out a carefully-hatched extermination plan, turning on the colonists with whom they worked, killing as many as they could. In some areas, they lost the element of surprise and therefore killed only 400 of Jamestown’s 1,200 whites. For Thorpe, the special friend of the Indians, they reserved a particularly cruel death and elaborate mutilation.


….British reformers redirected their zeal overnight to putting down the “ungrateful wogs.”

Ungrateful wogs? South Asians, or Patler and Tommasi?

Another 17th century Englishman wrote of Africans that “the men and women go so alike, that one cannot know a man from a woman but by their breasts, which in the most part be very foule and long, hanging downe low like the udder of a goat.” One Caribbean planter wrote that when African women bent over to tend crops, their breasts touched the ground, giving the impression from a distance that they were six-legged creatures. It would be hard to find such harsh descriptions of people of other races.

Well, not much has changed with the Negro, except they are fatter now.

I have to think of the howling Societies at home who have sympathy with all black men whilst they care nothing for the miseries inflicted on their own kith and kin who have the misfortune to be located near these interesting niggers.

White SJWs today come to mind.

…prominent people split over the Amritsar action, with men who knew India backing the general. Churchill condemned the shootings…

But of course. Only Europeans should be shot at, right Winnie?

One incident from the final days of the Raj showed just how far the former rulers had fallen. While the last viceroy, Louis Mountbatten, was negotiating the final withdrawal, his wife Edwina was carrying on an affair with Jawaharlal Nehru, the most prominent nationalist after Gandhi, and India’s future prime minister.

We can always depend on milady!

And what to make of this:

Indians appear to have been reasonably content to be ruled by the British, but wanted their culture and religions left alone. Men like Kipling, who spent years in India, understood that “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet….

Doesn’t that imply a rejection of Neil Kumar?

Please see footnote 64 here. This nonsense has been going on a long time. Are the endless decades of utter failure any surprise? Footnote 67 is also of interest. High Trust homosexuals vs. White ethnics has been going on since the early 1970s. Nothing new under the sun.

China is watching the conflict in Ukraine not only, re: Taiwan, but, re: Siberia, which they also covet. The Russian military has exposed its conventional ineptness. Based purely in conventional forces, China can take the Russian Far East, no problem. Russia would then be in a position of having to threaten with nuclear weapons, meaning Chinese nuclear retaliation against European Russia. Would Russia endanger its core to defend Siberia? Meanwhile, having alienated the West, Russia couldn’t depend on Tom Clancy-novel-like scenarios of help against China. Putin’s invasion is a strategic blunder of world historical proportions.

Whatever the final outcome of the Russia-Ukraine war, the White man will lose. The White man has been losing, non-stop, since August 1914.

Thanks, ethnonationalists.

Note: The reason I harp on being historically correct about fundamental issues such as the Alt Right, mainstreaming, Trump, Putin, etc. is not because of arrogance or ego. It is to point out how destructive Der Movement’s ethnic affirmative action program is, which is made worse by Der Movement’s blacklist.

Odds and Ends, 3/11/22

In der news.

Behold the female!

See this, brought to my attention by Catiline. But, remember – the “movement” affirmative action program is just a figment of my paranoid insane old crank imagination.  Certainly, any wop has the same potential to be an American “movement” leader as does a founding stock WASP, and don’t you forget it!  Just dig up the corpse of Joe Tommasi and ask him.

See this. Real reason – hinted at with mention of “white flight” – mass transit in urban areas is infested with feral Coloreds – Blacks and Hispanics – who terrorize human passengers; commit crime; produce noise, litter, and graffiti; fare jump; and don’t produce a tax base that can effectively maintain a technological system. And to the extent they themselves staff the system, it will be an incompetent mess. The reason why “express buses” exist in some urban areas is to cater to remaining Whites afraid to use low cost public mass transit. The bulk of Whites live in the suburbs and commute via car or things like Metro-North.

Behold the hypocrite.

Our enemies can’t defeat us in fair intellectual debates, so they have to resort to censorship…

So writes the person who refuses to debate me and bans me from commenting at his blog.

But we are still here, two years later, bigger and badder than ever.

Well, badder, certainly.

Because our audience, staff, and ambitions have grown, in 2022 our fundraising goal has grown as well, to $300,000.

Hey! You’re getting close to Mophead’s annual executive compensation! Counter-Currents headed to his ultimate objective? D’Nations!

Retarded nonsense

When well-informed Italian Americans express disdain for the film, they are referring to its negative media image. That is all. In no way, shape, or form are they comparing a fictional Hollywood movie to the genuine historical sufferings of other racial or ethnic groups.

Ah, you see, wops never had any “genuine historical sufferings” – that’s the sole reality of Coloreds and Jews, right, you mendacious dago?

New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia…

A Jew.

 …appointed Jane Bolin the first Black female judge in the nation…

That’s a good thing?

Here we are with the time change again (March 13), the idiocy of changing the clocks forward or back one hour twice a year, with different polities doing it different weeks and some not doing it at all. Here’s a suggestion using some swarthoid common sense. How about everyone agrees to a one time change of 30 minutes, splitting the difference between the Fall and Spring time extremes, and then just leave it at that, never changing it again. Sounds reasonable to me, although I’m sure my High Truster betters would have some long-winded explanation as to why such an eminently sensible solution is “insane.”

Advantages that China has:

  • 1. Relatively homogeneous population with the Han majority firmly in charge
  • 2. Nationalist population
  • 3. Authoritarian leadership committed to national greatness
  • 4. The West being weak, liberal, and multicultural

Note to the Quota Queens – if you are boosted to leadership based on affirmative action, then you may as well try to do good in your position, rather than just being a greedy grifter.

Given all of that, if the Chinese were really the cognitive supermen of HBD fantasy, they would have achieved complete world dominance decades ago.

Counter-Currents commentator:

And I’m being generous in my definition of “white”, including not only racial Nordics like Trump, Biden, Dr. Johnson (and me), but all indigenous Europeans, including Iberians, Sicilians, Montenegrans, Greeks, etc, many of whom are scarcely indistinguishable from many lighter-skinned Turks, Persians, and Latinos…


…as well as all East Europeans and ethnic Russians (many of whom have some portion of “Tartar” {ie, Central Asiatic} blood).

My response is this: Fuck you and your “generous” definition. Non-Nordic Europeans do not need or want the condescending “generous” attitude of racially smug Nordics bestowing “Whiteness” on other Europeans as if it is their God-given right to do so. That is exactly the kind of self-satisfied arrogance that creates intra-European animus and distrust. If by “White” we mean “European” then “Iberians, Sicilians, Montenegrans, Greeks” are “White” regardless of your opinion of what you think they look like. And Eastern Europeans are “White” as well, regardless of how you think they are “tainted” compared to your imperial purity. Thank you and please shut the fuck up now.

By the way, I consider this statement, vulgarity included, to be among the most important I have ever written, since it summarizes the attitude of non-Nordic Europeans to the ill-concealed racial arrogance of Nordics in the “movement.”

Genuine cooperation among Europeans will not be possible as long as some perceive the existence of an intra-European hierarchy/caste system (with themselves at the top of course). No one of pride and character would be willing to accept a second -class, subaltern position – and they would be worthless as an ally if they did.

How Dare You!

The usual suspects.

After TOO runs a series about how “climate change” is a leftist hoax aimed at attacking the technological and industrial basis of the West, the other shoe drops.

Look at that facial expression.  Exactly like Elizabeth Warren. That is the sort of arrogant self-righteousness and moral posturing we all know and despise. What’s next for Thunberg?  Becoming a ship captain and crashing into Italian ports to dump African invaders?  Riding trains into Bulgaria to tear down border fences?

Cue Counter-Currents: We need more youngsters like Greta Thunberg!

Ethno-Williams Syndrome in a picture.

As regards the status of White ethnics in Der Movement, and what they can expect, consider the fate of Joe Tommasi.  Also consider Michael Polignano and Greg Conte.  I do not defend either Polignano or Conte; I am just stating facts. I never had any problem with Polignano. I didn’t like some things he wrote about Salter’s work (e.g.,”genetic stasis”), but I believe that was out of ignorance and not malice.  Conte is a different story, as I view him as a classic shabbos sud stepandfetchit – ready to throw other Italians under the bus so as to get some table scraps from his Quota Queen masters.  Regardless, fact is, both of them were chewed up and spit out by Der Movement; they should, I suppose, consider themselves lucky they haven’t ended up like Tommasi.  Why put yourself through all of that for a “movement” that has racial contempt for you, that will never take you or your interests seriously?  It is literally true that Der Movement values John Lindsay, Hubert Humphrey, and Greta Thunberg more than it values Michael Polignano. Greg Conte, and Joe Tommasi.  Again, I’m not being sarcastic or facetious – that is literally true. So why do you support, and sacrifice yourself for, people who despise you?  Your activist energies would have been better suited to help create a new, truly pan-European, movement.

It seems like Costello agrees with Sallis and disagrees with Johnson:

I would wager very few of those who voted for Trump did so purely for economic reasons. No, Trump’s most important promise was to end illegal immigration. I submit that there is no way Glassner cannot know this. He goes on to gas about “tax cuts,” “de-regulation,” “thousands of new jobs every month,” “the labor market,” protecting “American workers from the unfair trade practices of our economic and geopolitical adversaries,” and “finally holding Beijing to account.”

Now, I don’t doubt that all of this means something to the overwhelming white middle- and working-class Trump base. But it doesn’t mean nearly as much to them as the prospect of taking back their country. In other words: sending back the illegals and stopping new ones from coming in; rolling back the “diversity” that has all but completely destroyed community in our towns and cities; and reversing trends that would make whites a minority in the nation they founded in, say, another twenty-five years…No one is allowed to say that they support Trump because they think he is good for white interests. But it is just beneath the surface.

Gee…what?  White folks voted for Trump because of his promises about immigration?  Because of White interests? Not because of his charming personality? Not that they would have supported him if he “cloned Jeb Bush’s campaign?”

Johnson is such a fundamentally dishonest liar it is comedy at this point.  The joke’s on you, though.

Some Errors of Der Movement

Errors of strategy and tactics.

Putting aside my fundamental disagreements with Der Movement’s ideology, let us consider some of Der Movement’s greatest errors of the last 50 years, with respect to action, not ideas.  This is certainly not a comprehensive list, and I’ve written about some of these things before (and written about other items not mentioned here).  But it is useful for readers to rehash some of these important issues.  At least some of us need to learn from mistake, even if the Quota Queens are unable to do so.

The transformation of the National Youth Alliance (NYA) into the National Alliance (NA).  While the NYA unfortunately had some Type Is associated with it (which is why it collapsed as an entity in its original formulation), it was in its foundation a Type II group based on Yockey and Imperium. If it had survived and prospered, we could have had in America an authentic pan-European Type II organization. Instead, we got the Nordicist hardcore Type I NA, and all the promise of the NYA was lost.  Lessons – Type Is are dangerous in leadership positions, and Nordicists will always try and subvert pan-Europeanism.  This begins to get into ideology, not the topic of today’s post, so let’s move on.

Moving to the mountain.  And whatever possibilities of positive advancement from the National Alliance were lost when the “national headquarters” moved from the DC area to the mountains of West Virginia. Whatever benefits that may have accrued from that move, they were more than outweighed by the negatives of having the headquarters of a group claiming to be the vanguard of worldwide racial revolution hidden away in the backroads of rural West Virginia. Careful readers of Griffin’s biography of Pierce, and those paying attention to Pierce’s comments over the years, can discern that the real reason for the move was simply Pierce’s Type I “twigs and branches” distaste for cities and his more positive attitude to the “mountain man” lifestyle.  As regards the well-being of the NA’s mission, the move was a strategic blunder of the first magnitude.  Remember – I was there for a visit, I saw it, and so I know of what I speak. There’s nothing wrong with the natural beauty of West Virginia and there’s nothing wrong with the long-suffering population of that state, abandoned by the coastal elites, but the mountains of West Virginia were simply not the place for the primary headquarters of a group that styled itself the vanguard of worldwide White Revolution.

Then there is the issue of public image; the perception of a small, powerless group, hiding out in the middle of nowhere, which would seem more even ludicrous given the group’s aforementioned pretensions of national and international influence.

The most prudent strategy would have been to hold two main headquarters, one (the primary headquarters) near some main artery of sociopolitical influence (e.g., the DC area) and a fail-safe, fallback position (e.g., West Virginia), where the group could retreat in times of crisis (one justification for WV given by Pierce was its security in times of major societal unrest and upheaval). It wasn’t necessary to have such a large property in West Virginia, and with the money flowing through the organization it was possible to have maintained two headquarters. With years of preparation, a cohort of followers, and all of the money, the issue of physical security for the primary (more central) headquarters could have been reasonably dealt with.

Spencer’s choice.  If what was written about NPI was accurate, then Regnery was correct that it was a mistake for Spencer to compromise himself and his future political liability by becoming an overt “movement leader.”  It would have been better for Spencer to have been the marketable “face” of the Far Right, leaving open the possibility of a future electoral campaign.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that the only substantive criticism Spencer gets is from the (Far) Right?  If you want cheap laughs, check out his Twitter account, and see the “arguments” the Left uses to respond to his tweets.  These fall into one of the following categories:

1. Posting the gif of Spencer being elbowed in the face.  This is the most popular leftist riposte.  According to the leftist “mind,” that constitutes an argument against Spencer’s views.

2. Calling him a “Nazi,” or a “bad person” or some other childish insult.

3. Mocking him over some aspect of his personal life.

Conspicuously missing is any actual argument against, or refutation of, Spencer’s views. The Left has no argument.  All they have is force, censorship, deplatforming, childishness, and thuggery.

As a side note, the tendency of people like Duke and Spencer to restlessly move from one failed endeavor to another, with no staying power, focus, and deep planning, has wasted the time, effort, and money of many people. On the other hand, why Strom and Williams are trying to reanimate the dead corpse of the National Alliance is beyond reasonable understanding. These are the two extremes – never allowing an endeavor to fulfill its potential before moving on to something else vs. not knowing when to cash in your chips and bury the dead past.

Squandering Trump.  The election of Trump could have provided at least four years of cover, behind which the Far Right could have quietly built an infrastructure, organized, infiltrated local communities, and targeted the 2018 and 2020 elections with right wing populist candidates, whose campaigns would not only be useful for propaganda but provide more cover behind which quiet organizing could have taken place. All this time, the blowhard Trump would have drawn the major attention of the Left, letting the Far Right do what it had to do without too much notice.

Instead we got Unite the Right, drunken podcasts, cosplay rallies and riots,  the failed Alt Right corporation, humiliating infiltrations, open feuding, and no real organizing or infrastructure building whatsoever.

The rejection and murder of Joe Tommasi.  I am not claiming that Tommasi’s guerilla warfare NSLF was (or is) the right approach, although it was seemingly well suited for the America of the early-to-mid 1970s, and it was certainly superior to the Stormtrooper dress-up and Esoteric Nazism of Koehl.  Furthermore, had Tomassi lived, he may well have developed other approaches to further the cause, adapting to the changing times of the late 70s, 1980s, and beyond.  Further, his emergence as a leader may have made the “movement” more accepting of, and palatable to, White ethnics.  Regarding this latter issue, of course the opposite was the case. Tomassi was despised within the “movement” because of his heritage, derisively named “Tomato Joe” because of his “Italian heritage and less than Nordic complexion,” and while he was admired in one sense for being “a total fanatic,” he was the target or contemptuous “private caustic remarks” about his “ethnicity and appearance.”  The more things change, the more they stay the same. White ethnics have no home whatsoever in Der Movement, Inc.


Calcandi Serpentes
1 year ago
I’m not one to compromise on race, I’m pure Germanic, no mixed DNA, not even Slavic or Iberian. I don’t see any reason to dislike nick over this. He’s never claimed to be a pure european . I respect certain Arabs,Turks, Persians, Pashtuns, southern Italians, Greeks. These people are heavily mixed with non-white peoples yet they can conjure honour, just keep away from our white girls!

After all, Southern Italians and Greeks are no different from Arabs, Turks, Persians, and Pashtuns.  They overlap completely on a PCA – have no doubt about it!  

If this laughable retard had been tested with DNAPrint, he’d have been a “Eurasian mongrel.” Instead, being compared to himself with extensive “Germanic” parental populations with today’s “testing companies,” he’s as “pure” as a CEU Mormon would have been 15 years ago.  Funny how one’s DNA changes depending upon how it is being measured. Paging Bohr and Heisenberg!

By the way, going back to Koehl vs. Tommasi, the existence of a homosexual cabal in the “movement” dating back to at least the 1960s and 70s should give pause – once again, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Tommasi, Conte, Polignano – why do they even bother? This is what Der Movement, Inc. wants to support, so that’s what it gets.  After all, send your shekels to folks doing something that other people do for nothing.  But, they’re so very…English, after all!

Of course, this starts delving into the issue of ideology, which is not the focus of this post, but is perhaps the largest failing of Der Movement.  Thus, the “movement’s” rejection of, and animus toward, White ethnics, is not a major focus here, nor is its ethnic affirmative action program, particularly with respect to its “leadership.”

The Man on White Horse Syndrome. I’ve discussed this endlessly on this blog, so no reason to dwell on it here, but the amount of time and energy wasted on Reagan (and Goldwater?  and Nixon?) Putin, Ron Paul, and, last but not least, Donald Trump, has been appalling. The obsessions with Tulsi Coconut and Andy Eggroll have been just plain embarrassing.

Over-reliance on the Internet.  I have also written about this extensively as well.  Putting all its eggs in the digital basket, the Far Right is not only uniquely vulnerable to deplatforming and other forms of online censorship, but it has forgotten, for the most part (Amren being somewhat of an exception) how to organize IRL.  Racial preservation will be actualized in analog, by friends, we are not going to “save the race” by preserving digital images of Whites or by saving online files of White genetic information.

This is getting into ideology, but I’ll just mention letting the “movement” be hijacked by “HBD race realism” was a terrible mistake.  In fact, the whole mainstreaming “big tent” trend was an error.  I won’t even mention Millennial “Beavis-and-Butthead White nationalism” or Silk Road White nationalism, or any of these other bizarre wastes of time. The whole WN 2.0 scene was a terrible waste, as is pro-Jewish and/or pro-Asian strains of “White nationalism” (sic). The dominance of Type Is is also something that veers into the ideological, as is the obsession with “traditionalism.”  

The degeneration of the “movement” into Der Movement, Inc., a money-making enterprise for grifters needs not to be gone into, as it has been discussed here before.  I have nothing against people being full-time activists and living off donations and “movement” infrastructure – IF THEY EARN IT, IF THEIR LIFESTYLE IS TO SUPPORT RACIAL ACTIVISM INSTEAD OF USING RACIAL ACTIVISM TO SUPPORT THEIR LIFESTYLE.  Can you name ONE of these tin cuppers who actually earns their “D’Nations” by means of real accomplishment?  And those people who get the lion’s share of the money for doing things that other people do not nothing (running a website!  podcasts!) are disgusting, as is using children as fundraising props.

Welcome defectives!  The more the “movement” talks about eschewing defectives, the more it welcomes them.  Amusingly, a “movement” that prides itself on its “elitism” and “racial superiority” has always gone for the lowest common denominator; it will take anyone White who can fog a mirror held up to their nose.  This – combined with faulty ideology – drives quality people out of the “movement” – a form of Gresham’s law.