Category: Youtube

Market Solutions?


See this.

Somewhere in these is a discussion of the increasing pressure Japan is under to accept migration in order to “get workers for an aging population with a low native birthrate.”  Alleged traditionalist Peterson asks whether the Japanese have a choice – don’t they have to accept migration because of their demographics and their need for workers?

Sigh. I have discussed this several times (see below for one such instance).  Haven’t we always been told how “the market can solve all problems” and that we should “depend on market forces?” What?  Is mass race replacement immigration – a Ponzi-like scheme of continuously bringing in new immigrants to deal with the current situation of needing workers to support today’s population – the only market solution?  Why can’t the vaunted market solve the problem of now native birthrates-aging population-workers in the absence of immigration?  Why can’t the market find a sustainable solution that eschews Ponzi scheme population flows?  Why can’t the market find a solution that is not demographic national suicide?  Where is the solution that doesn’t entail permanently changing the nature of the nation and replacing the native population?  How does the native population ultimately benefit if they lose their nation and the future belongs to others? And isn’t the immigration Ponzi scheme ultimately a short-term solution anyway? Either the native population will be replaced and the new population will no longer require more immigration or the new population will also exhibit lower birthrates and will require more immigration and/or national wealth differences balance out so that migration pressure ends, or some other scenario – but this cannot go over forever.  Sooner or later, the situation will change. Why not manifest change today and prevent race replacement?  Why must we “kick the can” down the road, procrastinate real change, and lose native populations before it is realized that this madness has to eventually end?  Are there any adults in the house?  Does anyone look to the future and realize that we are simply pushing the painful denouement to future populations that may be less capable of dealing with it?

We need to get all of the relevant thinkers together and tell them to assume a scenario in which immigration is possible, assume that there are no outside population sources.  In that situation, under those conditions, what would you do to solve the problems of low birthrates and (alleged) worker shortages?  If these problems really are so existential, then solutions must be found – these thinkers cannot be serious if they aver that in the absence of immigration these problems are insoluble and thus the nation will die. Eventually, effective solutions will be determined. Those solutions must then be implemented, even though it is acknowledged that these solutions would likely entail significant sacrifice and societal pain.  That sacrifice and pain are the prices to be paid for taking the easy way out for so long and procrastinating a sustainable and sane solution to these problems.  The sacrifice and pain are the prices to be paid to save the nation and prevent race replacement.

I note also this is why Salter’s EGI concept is so important, so as to clearly illustrate the costs involved in not making these necessary sacrifices. It’s not merely economics or politics or culture of whatever.  It is the loss of biological kin; it is a catastrophic loss of adaptive fitness.  This is akin to seeing an extended family diminished or actually eliminated.  These are ultimate interests; this is the destruction of one’s people, all for short-term selfish economic benefits and “well-being” – and even the “well-being” is suspect because the demographic changes bring proximate, immediate consequences that are unpleasant to natives.

Read this.  Emphasis added:

My solution to the demographic problem is the exact opposite of what the System is proposing and doing. My solution is to stop enabling nations and populations engaging in reckless demographic behavior, said enabling manifested by allowing Western nations to avoid the consequences of their selfish hedonism and allowing the Colored nations to avoid the consequences of endless population growth and poor management of their own nations, via the safety valve of transferring their excess population to the West.

Thus, I advocate zero immigration – absolute zero. Force the Western nations to face the consequences of their demographic choices – the shrinking and aging population, worker shortages, shrinking economies, problems in funding social welfare including caring for the aged, etc. Force the Colored nations to face the consequences of overpopulation, youth unemployment, restless young men, mismanaged governments and economies. Using the Colored excess to fill in the demographic gaps in the West, and so create a safety valve for Colored overpopulation and unemployment, is a short-term solution, one that enables bad behavior on both sides, makes both sides addicted to ad hoc immigration faux-solutions, and does not solve the inherent fundamental problems in both societies. And, as stated, for the West and Western populations, the problem is existential, for, if the process continues, it ultimately means the end of the West. It will result in the replacement of the West with new Colored nations, which will, in the end, exhibit the same problems as their original homelands. Thus, the West dies and the Third World remains as dysfunctional as ever, albeit with new territories for the ever-expanding Colored populations.

Instead, the West needs to find endogenous, internal solutions to its demographic crisis. Years, likely decades, of pain will ensue, with the consequences of the shrinking and aging population and all that means. Too bad. That pain will force radical solutions so as to adapt to the new reality, possibly including accepting negative economic “growth,” downscaled expectations, less social welfare, people working long and harder, extensive use of automation, and, yes, INCREASED NATIVE BIRTHRATES. Yes, the latter will take decades to “kick in,” so the period of adjustment will last a long time. But this, however painful, will be a long-term and sustainable solution, one that allows for the survival of the West and of Western peoples (particularly if combined with repatriation of aliens already present in Western nations, which does need to occur as well).  On the other side of the equation, if the Global South no longer has the safety valve of shipping their excess population to the West, they will need to take radical measures for population control and endogenous, native solutions to their political, social, and economic problems. That will entail pain as well.  But it is a long-term and sustainable solution.

The reason I am forced to repeat myself every few years is that my work is completely ignored and so I see, read, and hear people make the same wrongheaded arguments, and ask the same moronic questions, over and over again despite the fact that I have already refuted the arguments and answered the questions. Readers may have forgotten my past posts, and there may be new readers here as well, so here is value in pushing out these ideas every so often, in the forlorn hope that someone is paying attention and will actually take the arguments here seriously.

Odds and Ends, 12/11/22

In der news.

My hypothesis:

  • Der Movement is full of semi-autistic, socially awkward, omega males with a predilection for pedophilia. Hence the interest in neotenic Asian females.
  • These males of Der Movement are (justifiably) self-loathing, hence they are masochistic.
  • Therefore, their masochistic sexual fetishism centered on Asian females results in HBD, talk of “measured groveling,” Asiaphilia, and serious blog posts suggesting that black booted Chinese girls with guns should enforce security in White nations.

It is interesting that the conspiritard types don’t turn their attention to Der Movement and ask whether the decades of endless failure and humiliation are at least in part intentional. After all, you would think that the “watchdog groups” would be happy with extant “movement” entities, which serve three purposes:

  • 1. Their antics discredit serious racial activism
  • 2. They soak up millions of dollars of support that could be better used elsewhere
  • 3. They are a useful bogeyman to scare gullible Jews and High Trusters to donate to the watchdog groups

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, eh?

Greg Johnson:

If every important person in America today knows about Jewish power, why don’t they just speak out about it? It is complicated. But the main reason is lack of solidarity. They all know that the game would be up if enough of them would speak out at the same time. But somebody has to go first. And nobody wants to be first, because these people have more rivals than friends, and they know that their rivals would scramble to denounce them for speaking the truth. So a prominent American would have to be nuts to speak out about the Jews.

Ted Sallis:

If every important Far Rightist in America today knows about Der Movement’s failure, why don’t they just speak out about it? It is complicated. But the main reason is lack of solidarity. They all know that the game would be up if enough of them would speak out at the same time. But somebody has to go first. And nobody wants to be first, because these people have more rivals than friends, and they know that their rivals would scramble to denounce them for speaking the truth. So a prominent Far Rightist would have to be nuts to speak out about Der Movement.

After all, I have been banned, blocked, and blacklisted, as well as defamed as “crazy” and “paranoid.” Certain people who shall go nameless here who corresponded with me in the past refuse to do so now. There is a price to pay for speaking the truth. That tells you that the truth is painful to the grifters who run the freak show.

Four reasons why Der Movement is infatuated with East Asians:

  • 1. Racial Proximity Theory – Asians (and Jews) can be elevated over the hated White ethnics. In addition, High Trusters may feel (even if subconsciously) some kinship with Northeast Asians, due to ancient East-to-West admixture across Northern Eurasia – the Bromstad-Bjork Syndrome.
  • 2. Sexual fetishism – particularly of a masochistic nature – consider HBDers married to East Asian women, consider admissions of “measured groveling,” as well as the Majority Rights fantasy of black booted Chinese girls with guns ruthlessly enforcing discipline in the West.  It may seem absurd, but I suspect this is a major factor. Consider that some “movement”/HBD types are socially awkward autistics with low self-esteem and a predilection for pedophilia – Asians are neotenic, thus attractive to these types.
  • 3. The race realism gambit – these people may want to promote “HBD race realism” and push the idea that Blacks (and Southern Europeans) are dumb, but want to evade the label of “White supremacist” – so they gibber about Asian cognitive superiority (doesn’t work, they are still called “White supremacists” anyway). When coupled to the other three motivations, this gambit evolves into open declarations of Asian superiority over Whites by every standard.
  • 4. Aesthetics – violin-playing Asiatrices (and erudite cosmopolitan, cocktail party Jews) are considered less threatening and more acceptable for the WASP country club mentality than are uncouth, rough-talking White ethnics with their urban Northeast USA accents – the Caddyshack Syndrome.

I believe those four points cover most of the explanations.

See this. Sallis:

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe

Nutzis being dire off the shoulder of West Virginia

I’ve read dumb memes bitter in the darkness of Der Right’s hate

All these moments will be lost like tears in rain

Time to cry

Der Movement marches on.

Well, well, well…

We must not allow one set of buffoonish elites to be replaced by another. We must not abandon our principles and follow the pied pipers of pandemonium down the slippery slope into madness.

It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage. Christianity is being lauded as the thread which can tie the disparate disruptor’s caucus together, the tried-and-true glue that can bind a shaky alliance of disaffected groups. At this critical moment, we must not be distracted by the circus an unravelling world serves up to us daily. We cannot lose sight of our goals. Our race will not be liberated from without, but instead its salvation must come from within.

BINGO! We have another winner.  The key point:

It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage.

That’s WN 3.0 – essentially the equivalent of “whiteshift.”

How’s that “Ye” thing doing, “movement?” Has it led to the “anti-Semitic uprising” yet? Does anyone in “normie land” actually care? Has pro-White activism been materially progressed? No. Of course not. And there will be no positive outcomes – unless you label increased Counter-Currents page views as a “positive outcome.” All it has done is once again associate pro-White activism with something weird, stupid, downwardly mobile (West humiliating himself in public and losing money), and comical.

Der Movement should worry less about West critiquing Jewish power and worry more about Taylor not doing so.

Much of sociopolitical reality is a zero sum game in which costs and benefits balance out. Da System claims that it wants to “inclusive” but thus excludes normal White people. Der Movement wants a “big tent” and thus promotes conspiritards, anti-vaxxers, Kanye West, etc., and by consequence alienates highly educated Whites, particularly STEM types. You can’t have it all; you must make a choice.

The problems of digital isolation and social pricing has created a situation in which, literally, WNs can be neighbors or co-workers and not even know it. We are not going to get anywhere in the real world as long as that obtains, but it is not immediately clear how to deal with it, except to start with the following. Instead of flushing huge amounts of money down the “movement” toilet, there needs to be an organization, or organizations, dedicated to facilitating real world interaction and community building. Because of the dangers of social pricing and infiltration, there would need to be air tight security, top level high quality vetting, a legal infrastructure, significant financial resources, and contingencies in place to protect the interests of participants. I have my doubts that the extant “movement” is up to the task – but this would be a minimal first step.

If by “traditionalism” you mean traditional social mores, respect for our ancestors and our history, and a hierarchical society, then I of course support that. However, if by “traditionalism” you mean Savitri Devi and Kali Yuga and the establishment of the Luddite Hobbit Hole Twigs and Branches Bring Out Your Dead ethnostate, then I oppose that. We must be precise in our definitions.

See this.  I agree with Griffin, say, 80% of that video. Four points:

1. I would like to see Johnson debate Griffin with respect to Griffin’s claims that an electoral solution is a delusional impossibility as well as his skepticism with respect to online metapolitical work, positions that Johnson apparently completely disagrees with (if I am mistaken about the positions of these two gentleman, please correct me).

2. It would be helpful if Griffin would make a video outlining in detail what he believes should be done.  It would seem based on his pessimism, something like this might be considered. For that to work, we would need real pan-European solidarity, which does not currently exist. Also see this.

3. I am aware that I am of the type of anonymous/pseudononymous online “intellectuals” that Griffin harshly critiques.  Perhaps that criticism is justified.  However, I would assert the following (and these would be areas of disagreement):

  • a) There is a place for “intellectual” and “metapolitical” analyses in any revolutionary movement, there has been in the past and there is no good reason why this should not hold in the present or future.
  • b) There is a place for anonymous/pseudononymous activists in any revolutionary movement, there has been in the past and there is no good reason why this should not hold in the present or future.
  • c) In the past I was a “in real life” activist, as myself. I was unimpressed by my experiences; Der Movement has always been a dismal failure (see point 4 below); Griffin cannot always point the finger elsewhere.
  • d) There is a problem in suggesting that individuals should be overt activists and make sacrifices if the activist entity they are supposed to act in is hostile to their ethny and their ethny’s interests. Would High Trusters in Der Movement act in a self-sacrificial manner for a movement that is hostile to their ethnies and instead focuses only on helping White ethnics?  I think not. So, why should I? That is a form of EGI cuckoldry, a person sacrificing their own personal interests, including genetic interests, and including ethnic genetic interests, to boost the genetic interests of other ethnies. I am not going to be a EGI cuckold, sacrificing my own interests to boost the EGI others, as those others attack my ethny.

4. Griffin should realize and admit that his past failures, and those of people like Pierce, whatever the explanations and excuses for those failures, are in part responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in. Also see this.

Have you noticed that none of your conservative superheroes – Trump, DeSantis, Cotton, Carlson, whomever – ever say to Negroes: “You’ve already had your reparations. Hundreds of billions of dollars transferred from White taxpayers to you for decades as part of social welfare programs, a half century of affirmative action advantages, a myriad of special programs (including internships, scholarships, trainings, etc.), and being catered to by the political establishment and popular culture. You’ve already bled the country dry, and you should not get another cent.”  No, they do not say that, they never say that, much less that “Whites should get reparations for decades of affirmative action and other discrimination, Colored crime, societal defamation, and race replacement immigration.” No, that would be “racist” so all of your conservative heroes say nothing.

Similarly, the same Italian-American groups and “leaders” who whine and cry about mafia movies never say a word about the racial defamation of Italians – for example Sicilians being called “Black” in movies (e.g., True RomanceTheMany Saints of Newark) as well as the trick of casting non-White actors and actresses as Italians in movies and television. They also will not say a word about Italian-Americans victimized by Colored crime.

In summary, two maxims I follow:

  • 1. Everyone is full of shit.
  • 2. If you want something to get done, you have to do it yourself.

Truer words never written.

Let’s follow up on this.  Consider an infant – small and stocky, relatively large round head, broad flat nose, high body fat percentage, hairless body. Epicanthic folds are also found in infants and children of all races.

Epicanthal folds may be normal for people of Asiatic descent and some non-Asian infants. Epicanthal folds also may be seen in young children of any race before the bridge of the nose begins to rise.

Cold adapted? The arctic womb?  Ludicrous.

My point is that all of these East Asian features ascribed to “adaption to cold” could be due to selection for neoteny.

Females are more neotenic than males, so the White male infatuation for East Asian females can be a pathological (pedophilia) extension of that. Of course, East Asian females are typically slender, another advantage, albeit with attenuated secondary sexual characteristics (also neotenic).

In addition, since East Asian females prefer White males who are less neotenic and hence more masculine than East Asian males (while eschewing the bestial Black male), White males with a low sexual marketplace value (SMV) can “trade up” for Asiatrices more attractive than whatever White females they could have gotten.

I can think of two British HBDers who shall go nameless who have/had Chinese wives. Let’s say that by White standards their wives are a “5.” The HBDers themselves – complete losers – by a very generous ranking would be a “2.” Thus, because of Asiatrix preferences, these low SMV males get a three point boost.

If they were restricted to White females, they’d either be alone or stuck with a Walmart landwhale shopping on a motorized scooter.

After the Deluge Redux

What really to do?

This post was triggered by listening to this podcast (forwarded to me by one of my Balkanoid contacts), consisting of an interview with Professor David Engels.

There are considerable areas of agreement I have with Engels and the Bulgarian hosts, but some sharp areas of disagreement exist as well. To my mind, conservatives are losers, have failed to conserve anything of value, and their constant defensive and pessimistic mindset will lead to a failure to achieve even their limited objectives. The tribal “twigs and branches” approach to running away to small towns and so forth will ultimately fail – why do these people think that the barbarian hordes of chaos, criminality, and alien intrusive elements will leave these small tribal entities in peace, particularly if the agents of chaos get their hands of some of the remaining levels of state power or at least weaponry and other tools of coercion? I agree with the Bulgarian academic referenced who said that you must save the common as well as yourself, since in the end reality will intrude on you however and wherever you attempt to hide. I do agree with some of Engels’ statements about community building, about the aim of expanding not retracting, of the need for infrastructure that rightists sometimes play lip service to but never actually create. Therefore, Engels does recognize some of the shortcomings of the “twigs and branches” “hobbit hole” approach favored by some traditionalists, particularly in America.

What to say about statements that gene pool changes could not be bad, and, with respect to a description of “White Europeans,” the addendum “whatever that means?” Huh? Is that a way of evading YouTube censorship or do they all believe that?  Migration is not fundamentally new? Technically yes, but the sort of mass alien immigration happening today, without military invasion, is novel and is a major component of the problems we are observing. The pure Spenglerian pessimism of Engels is something I object to and that I see as a self-fulfilling prophecy (and that is very characteristic of conservatives). I utterly reject “Christian transcendence” and “European values of decency”- that is the feckless behavior that helped create the problem to begin with. Thus, the “decent Christian” Engels starts talking in the middle of this interview about the possibility of assimilating Muslim minorities into explicitly Western, Christian communities. “Others are welcome?”  No, no, no!  We do not want to assimilate aliens, we do not want to irreversibly alter the European genepool through panmixia with Afro-Asiatic peoples who should not be in Europe, or anywhere else in the White world, in the first place.  That’s what you get with “cultural patriotism” and “Christianity.”  Now, thankfully, I don’t believe such an assimilation is possible (the opposite is far more likely, Europeans will become assimilated into a Brown sewer), but such talk underscores the utter failure of conservatives to understand the ultimate interests of genetic continuity. Further, Trump’s failures are to a large extent his own fault. Yes, there were and are structural impediments to change. But Trump never really tried; instead, he collaborated with the System. I do completely agree with Engels that we need to have pan-European cooperation and federalization to defend our interests; that is what I have been advocating for nearly thirty years. The mention of Tolkien at the end- ugghh.  Have these people ever heard of Gene Wolfe?

I believe that there are three basic scenarios for European-derived peoples that would lead to their long-term survival.  They will be ordered from the most optimal but least likely to the least optimal but most likely.

1. The traditional racial nationalist scenario of a broad-based international White resistance that seizes control of White nations, deposes hostile elites, and expels all (or most) of the racial aliens. I would advocate that in this scenario there should be a pan-European Imperium/Union/Confederation for all of the reasons that I have written about for my entire activist career. Regardless of the details, this would be obviously be the optimal outcome, maximizing the realistic extent of White living space, keeping all historic White territory, free of internal and external enemies. Given everything that is going on today, the grim trends, the inept uselessness of the Dissident Right, and all of the issues discussed in that podcast (and my blog), I see this as by far the least likely outcome. But given the optimal nature of this outcome, we should continue to strive toward this goal, while also keeping the other options open as contingencies, and being flexible enough to switch the priority to the other options when necessary. Keep in mind that some of the characteristics of the other options should also be utilized for this option, particularly the pan-European focus and the establishment of a pan-European elite. I would recommend that for all of these options that Whites consider doing what they can to facilitate the movement from the moribund Winter of the West and move toward the next High Culture of European Man.

2. A less optimal but more likely outcome is the loss of most White nations but with the establishment of some generalized White pan-European homeland somewhere (Eastern Europe? North America? Both?) where Whites can survive in a demographically and culturally homogeneous nation-state, with the objective of using this homeland as a base for a Reconquista of the White homelands that were lost (hopefully leading to the optimal option #1).  Note that in this scenario, distinct White nations would for the most part not exist and the homeland would consist of the spectrum of European ethnies all living together, although within this homeland some elements of specific European ethnies may wish to maintain themselves as distinct entities, particularly if the idea is to repopulate their homelands after a Reconquista. I would not think Reconquista in this scenario would be very likely, but it should be attempted, and would serve as a cohesive meme promoting the organic solidarity of Europeans.

3. The least optimal (for obvious reasons) but most likely outcome is that Whites lose all of their nations and become a stateless, post-national, international, Diaspora people akin to the Jews through most of their history.  I have written about this previously:

…imagine a scenario in which the USA is majority non-White, many of the major nations of Western Europe are majority non-White, other European nations are rapidly headed for similar status, Whites are a subaltern minority in what used to be their nations and homelands, a minority ruled by sneering aliens and step-and-fetchit White traitors. The grand dream of a White resistance to “turn the tide before it is too late” has failed to come to pass. The mainstreaming nationalists have failed to cash in on their groveling slithering toward the political center. The game is up and the White Man has lost. What then?…

…Some may invoke the ethnocentric model of cohesive Jewish Diaspora group evolutionary strategies, as outlined in Kevin MacDonald’s works, as one possible model to follow for Whites who find themselves effectively equivalent to a stateless, diaspora people. There is much to say in favor of this, to an extent, although I note that the large amount of admixture which occurred with Jews at the beginning of their diaspora would be unacceptable for European preservationism, although the later stress on endogamy of course is exemplary.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will suggest an approach based at least in part on Codreanu’s Legionary movement. One could envision a pan-European, trans-national movement, highly elite, comradely and collectivist in orientation, with an emphasis on productive action, creating a higher form of man, with a defined style of living.  In a sense, this legion would be analogous to some of the trans-national and pan-European crusading orders of the past as well as recreating the best aspects of Codreanu’s movement, adjusted for modern times (e.g., pan-European, rejecting universalist ethos, etc.)…Such a movement would help to bind Whites worldwide in a brotherhood of solidarity – while of course absolutely rejecting White traitors – and will draw a hard line against any miscegenation between ethnic Europeans and those newcomers who have invaded White lands. With this Legion at the head, Whites – or at least racially conscious Whites – would be bound to each other through ties of race and culture and of a shared history, as well as of shared problems and the shared sacrifices necessary for survival. 

Therefore the model would be of Europeans becoming a people defined by race and culture, not by fixed homelands, a cohesive and fiercely ethnocentric and endogamous people (that they should be in any case, in all possible options and potential outcomes), closely cooperating with each other across borders, a “people that shall dwell alone” with traditions and customs and laws separating them from whatever other peoples may live near or amongst them, establishing enclaves with sufficient wealth and power to survive attack from the Other (thus, not small “twigs and branches” “hobbit hole” isolated “tribal” entities), and also influencing the governments of whatever states they may live in (in the manner Jews have manipulated host peoples). Just like the Jews had their priestly class as leaders in the Diaspora, Europeans would have their elites of the Legion described above, a pan-European order to maintain White survival in an effectively stateless condition for as long as that situation lasts (even if it is permanent).

Note that as stateless international people, becoming increasingly more disconnected from their former homelands, the trend would be for the group to be defined, as stated above, by race and culture, not specific ethnic identities. The trend would be for a more generalized pan-European identity rather than whatever distinct ethnic groups have heretofore existed. Eventually, over time, the meaning of being English, German, or Italian will become attenuated when England, Germany, and Italy no longer exist as nation states. Further, narrow ethnic identities would tend to fade as Europeans move throughout an inter-connected Diaspora community that makes a sharp distinction between European vs. non-European, while considering all members of the European Diaspora community as “our people” – brothers and sisters together against a hostile world. While it is true that different types of Jews maintained some degree of distinctiveness in the Diaspora, this was by far secondary to the overarching Jew vs. Gentile difference; in the end, all Jews were one, and today all are welcome in Israel.

I am sure that petty nationalist ethnonationalists (and Nordicists, etc.) would be horrified by the idea of a pan-European people within which ethnic distinctiveness becomes increasingly diminished (and they would be horrified even the pan-European aspects of the other two options listed above).  My answer to these Culture Retarding dividers is that if they object so much, if they believe that ethnonationalism (and similar ideologies) are the way to victory, then show us the actualization of your beliefs. Show us your victories. If you want to avoid option #3 (or #2), then take your vaunted ethnonationalism and achieve an ethnonationalist version of option #1. If you are so confident of the virtues and power of ethnonationalism, and if you are so horrified by the alternatives, then go forward, all ye petty nationalist political soldiers, and save your homelands, an objective that you haven’t really made the slightest progress toward despite all of your bluster. In the absence of actual accomplishment, objections from the Right with respect to the strategic options outlined here (that we may be forced into regardless of our preferences) is sound and fury signifying nothing.

As the racial crisis deepens, regardless of whatever option (if any) ends up being actualized, I see a move toward pan-Europeanism as the only path forward toward long-term survival.

Certainly, as part of this option #3 strategy, Europeans would have the ultimate objective of establishing a homeland (option #2) (akin to “next year in Jerusalem!”) with the even longer-term objective of Reconquista, leading to option #1. The likelihood of that is questionable, particularly going all of the way to option #1 – but, just like what was discussed in option #2, these memes, these “myths,” are important for the organic solidarity of the group. Given the optimal nature of those other options, why not strive toward them and take advantage of whatever opportunities emerge to advance to those goals? Like what was mentioned above for option #2, certain elements might wish to preserve their specific ethnic particularisms in the hope of one day reconstituting national states.  However, this would be more difficult for option #3 compared to option #2, and the longer the stateless Diaspora period continues, the less likely it is that individual European ethnic groups would be able to maintain their distinct identities.

Certainly, one could envision in this scenario – at least in the early stages – that stateless Whites of different ethnic groups would be concentrated in certain areas and would therefore be able to maintain ethnic distinctiveness (at least for a time) even in the absence of their own nation state.  For example, stateless Germans would be concentrated in the territory of what used to be Germany (and more broadly in Northcentral Europe) and hence would be able to maintain a distinct German ethnic identity. However, the longer the stateless condition exists and the longer Europeans exist as an international Diaspora people then the greater the chance that specific peoples will become disconnected from the territories of their former homelands and the greater the chance of becoming assimilated into a more generalized European Diaspora community.  Consider that even today, many Germans, Britons, and other Western Europeans are fleeing their homelands – how much more would such an exodus occur when those homelands are in the hands of hostile aliens or if the homelands completely collapse into complete chaos?  Again, if these scenarios offend the ethnonationalists, then they should obviate the need for such scenarios by achieving the victories inherent in option #1.

You may agree or disagree with these perspectives, but at least they constitute a foundation for further (hopefully fruitful) discussion and debate.

As for this podcast, I disagree with much of what Engels and the hosts said (as outlined above), but I do see them as on our side, and I do not want them to be offended by my criticism, which is meant to be constructive and not destructive.

Odds and Ends, 10/16/22

In der news.

Hood is at it again. One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard – and, surprisingly enough, it was from a woman – was that if you are going to bring up a problem then you should offer a solution. Hood and Amren do not do this. That site – and especially all of Hood’s “verified hate” posts – is an endless litany of racial and cultural woe, and their only “solutions” are to attend their conference to hear more woe and to listen to Taylor state that Asians are superior to Whites by every standard.

Laugh at this:


As if we should be surprised by this. Two brown eyed parents could conceivably have a blue-eyed child, rare though that might be.

Conceivably? Rare? These Amren commentators are incredibly stupid. It’s a common occurrence among Europeans as many dark-eyed Europeans are heterozygotes.

Another pathologically self-obsessed navel-gazing essay by Jeelvy.

Italians cause many of their own problems.

In general, I agree with this, and when MacDonald writes about Jews, it is more or less sound (of course, my opinion here can be ascribed to bias; nevertheless, that is my opinion). The problem here is that much of what MacDonald writes about disguised ethnocentrism and deception/self-deception with respect to Jews can apply to certain other groups that pretend that they are disinterested altruists while ruthlessly pursuing group goals (the John Lindsay syndrome).

I have noted several times that the human mind was not designed to seek truth but rather to attain evolutionary goals.

Indeed – like HBD and HBD-Nordicism.

Consider Quota Queens who give a litany of woe without ever providing concrete examples of what to do about it, or, more generally, all those Quota Queens living off of their supporters. We will do a thought experiment. Odin rides down from Asgard on a lightning bolt, with Viking horns blaring, and tells the Quota Queens that if they push this button right here, the race problem will be solved, all will be well, and they don’t need to be activists any more.  However, that means they need to go back to be ordinary people, with no special privileges or positions, they need to support themselves and make their own way in life, independent of supporters and donations.  Do they push that button?

The same holds for the Mainstream Right.  Ronnie Raygun rides a MX missile down from The Great Supply Side Economy in the sky, and tells the conservative politician/activist that the Left can be defeated by pushing that button over there, but then that means no more phony political careers, no more think tanks and foundations, no more lobbyist jobs, none of it.  Do they push the button?

I think they would not push the button and would rationalize that decision by stating that they don’t want the easy way out and that victory needs to be achieved through struggle – but that’s all deception and self-deception. The reality is that they are addicted to grifting and don’t want to work like ordinary people. They want to be parasites instead – and all of that applies to both cases, Odin and Raygun.

The litany of woe approach delegitimizes the Quota Queens who practice it and are too stupid to realize that people will ask – if things are so bad for Whites, then why aren’t they flocking to you and your “movement?”  And there are two basic possible answers:

  • 1. Whites are useless and hopeless, and/or
  • 2. Der Movement is useless and hopeless

In either case, there is no reason to support Der Movement and send them money. If #1 is true then nothing will help and if #2 is true then Der Movement is the problem and needs to be replaced.

White men inclined to MGTOW may try and do the right thing, and marry (intra-racially) and have children for the race and for personal genetic continuity.  They try and raise the children right and at least the children don’t end up with Color, but they then announce that they don’t want any children of their own, and the White man ends up with “grandchildren” that are dogs and cats. You’ve been played, sucker!

Gaslighting Greg Johnson was misrepresenting the meaning of White nationalism once again here in the YouTube discussion, and once again “debates” midwits who are unable to mount any sort of effective challenge. What a despicable coward. Defining White nationalism in terms of ethnonationalism is not only dishonest (and Johnson and dishonesty go together like peanut butter and jelly or like a homosexual’s ravaged anal sphincter and KY Jelly) but it is also logically superfluous. A constellation of ethnic nationalisms can be subsumed under a doctrine of ethnic nationalism itself or as universal nationalism if you want to stress the “everyone deserves a homeland” angle. To give a specifically racial designation to nationalism means – to any sane and honest individual – that the “nation” in question encompasses the entire race as a whole, not merely all of that race’s constituent ethnicities individually and separately in turn.