Category: computers

Advice for Der Movement Part II

The double edged sword of the Internet.

Thinking about this – we must remember that the Internet is a double edged sword. A net gain – but still, it comes with costs, as I have written about and as others (Covington for example) have commented on in the past. We have all become too addicted to, and dependent on, the Web, and we have lost much of the social interaction, and the ability to navigate the real world, that we had in the past. The nature of the Internet, which removes people from face-to-face interaction, breeds freakishness and removes much of the selective pressure against severe defectives. Indeed, activism in the Internet age seems to be breeding a new form of racialist, a deformed human type.

Thinking back to the sort of racialists I knew – personally, IRL – back in my time as an analog “meat space” activist, it is obvious that those WN 1.0 types were very different from the WN 2.0 (or 3.0) “heroes” of today.  They were so different, it is almost as if they were a different species.

Those activists of the 90s were hard men. None were effeminate; none were metrosexual. No soyboys. None were potential bronies or furries or Asian Aryanists or cosplay wannabes. None were potential juvenile lulzers.  Maybe some liked to drink, but none were cokeheads.  For all their faults – and most of those people were hardcore Type Is so faults there were aplenty – they were serious. Maybe some were too harsh and offended their fellows, certainly many had all the freakishness, fetishism, and incompetence of today’s Type Is. Similar to today, they made sure to exclude Type IIs from any positions of authority, and of course the “movement’s” ethnic affirmative action policy was already very well entrenched back then.  But even with all of that, there was solidity of character, some of those people inspired confidence because of their character, if not by their competence (or lack thereof). Character is a trait sorely lacking in the activists of today. Yes, I may sound like a grumpy “get off my lawn” older man, but that’s the way I see it.

Of course, we cannot ascribe all of these differences in activist character solely to the influence of the Internet. There are generational differences (although that itself may be in part affected by the pervasive influence of the Internet in the 21st century). The activists of the past were mostly Boomers and the first half of Generation X, with some fraction from earlier generations. Today, we have a core made up of Millennials and the second half of Generation X, with some Generation Z filtering in. Contra Millennial rants about Boomers, this change has not been for the better.

Further, “movement” organizations of the past explicitly and officially rejected homosexuals, people with non-White spouses, and drug addicts – an exclusiveness which by itself would eliminate a significant fraction of today’s Alt Right and Alt Wrong.

But the Internet has indeed had an effect. As stated above, we have all become too dependent on the digital world. Just like a muscle, or a mind, becomes weaker through disuse, the “movement’s” abandonment of “meat space” has led to a proliferation of the unfit, the botched, the hyper-freaks (instead of the more typical WN 1.0 Type I lesser freaks) – and has led to a situation that when the muscle is finally used, it fails. When WN 2.0 organizes meetings or rallies, that usually turns into disaster.  Yes, the hard men of the past were hopeless with the more intellectual aspects (that are the most important) of operational security (they were Type Is after all), but at least they had the physical aspects of operational security well in hand. Today, there is neither.

Perhaps, just like the Internet has been a double edged sword for our side, censorship and deplatforming of our side from the Internet will be a double edged sword for our opponents. Perhaps the selective pressures of a more hostile environment, and the need for more effective IRL activism, will bring back some of the hard men, but this time with more effective Type II leadership cadres, so as to not  repeat the errors of the past.

I would like to cite another problem, this one fully within the context of Internet use itself. The rise of social media as a communication platform has resulted in the degeneration of the ability of activists – particularly the younger ones – from expressing themselves in longer and thought-out opinion pieces. Everything is tweets and brief “memes” – forget about reasoned argument and debate.  But, hey, it’s WN 2.0 (or 3.0) – so it’s all good!  No worries, eh?

Seriously though, the “movement” needs to get ahead of the curve, and develop a more balanced portfolio of analog and digital activism.  We need to stress more on the analog; however, the problem is that I do not believe that Der Movement and its failed “leadership,” as well as the “face-buried-in-the –smart-phone” rank-and-file are ready and able to do this.

But I most strongly advise that we start thinking about becoming less dependent on an Internet controlled by our enemies. Of course, we should develop our own independent digital capabilities if possible, but we need to look analog as well.  After all, in the end, racial survival and progress will be actualized in “meat space.”

The AI and White Revolution

Mobilizing the disaffected.

Read this.

I recently listened to a podcast talking about the massive changes in the workplace and society due to Artificial Intelligence (AI)-induced human obsolescence (*).  For example, read this.

One third of able-bodied American men between 25 and 54 could be out of job by 2050, contends the author of “The Future of Work: Robots, AI and Automation.”
“We’re already at 12% of prime-aged men without jobs,” said Darrell West, vice president of the Brookings Institution think tank, at a forum in Washington, D.C. on Monday. That number has grown steadily over the past 60 years, but it could triple in the next 30 years because of new technology such as artificial intelligence and automation.

And it is not just “low-skilled” labor – even radiologists can be replaced by AI that can read CT and MRI scans, never mind analyzing something as relatively simple as X-rays. Robotic surgery is being increasingly utilized.  AI can certainly replace accountants.  This is the new reality.  And talk of re-training is ludicrous, as I have discussed here previously.  First, a large fraction of the population does not have the cognitive ability for such re-training, and some fraction of the economically obsolete will be too old to retool their careers, even if they have the IQ to handle it.  Second, even the jobs these folks will be re-trained for will also eventually become obsolete due to AI. And what are radiologists and other very high-skilled workers going to be retrained as?  Third, even if people can be retrained, the economic and societal costs will be enormous, and even under a best case scenario, the fraction of the population that is out of the workforce will still be significantly increased compared to today.

This of course brings opportunity.  Prime age White men, disenfranchised economically to go with their racial dispossession and societal-cultural deconstruction – this is a potent brew, an army of the disaffected looking for someone to blame, and looking for someone to give them purpose.

Remember how Saint Adolf mobilized disenfranchised German men to fill the ranks of the SA – the Nazis who rode the tide of the Depression, and the resulting societal upheaval, into power.  

And a clever movement – a real movement with real leaders – can very well show this army of disaffected White man how their futures, how their lives, and how their nation was stolen from them.  Class resentment merges easily with racial resentment, particularly since Jews and Asians are at the top of the human energy pyramid, over-represented in the professions (which will be the last jobs to be replaced by AI), with disproportionate wealth and opportunities, and who will be in a position to leverage societal upheaval to their own benefit.  Indeed, Jewish places in the System may be among the most AI-resistant, and as the wire-pullers, they can direct the flow of AI-induced dispossession away from themselves and toward blue collar and white collar Whites.  Lawyers, media executives, economists, etc. will still float at the top of a society dominated by AI, and one can expect clever and ethnocentric Jews to quickly fill, and dominate, those few professions left relatively unscathed (at least at the beginning) by the AI revolution.  Asians may be somewhat more vulnerable than Jews, since their niche professions are somewhat more easily filled by AI, but even then, they are, per capita, much less vulnerable than Whites, given Asian wealth and over-representation in professions that will be among the last to be lost.  Further, Asians can be a useful target for racial resentment if one focuses on the stereotype of the “Asian computer nerd” as being responsible for developing intrusive AI technologies (**).  On the other hand, the AI revolution can also breed White resentment against the Blacks and Browns, who will be competing with Whites for remaining employment, with the advantage of affirmative action and other programs; further, one can expect Black-Brown criminality to increase even more than its current astronomical levels given increased societal chaos and economic obsolescence.  In addition, downwardly mobile Whites will be intersecting with Blacks and Browns and competing for niche spaces, in general terms, in this re-ordered society. Thus, Whites can be shown how all their hard work was used to trick them, disenfranchise them, their wealthy stolen by White traitor fat cats, Jews, Asians, and the Colored underclass.

What we need are populist demagogues who can take advantage of these upcoming changes to fan the flames of chaos, hatred, and unrest.  What we need to avoid like the plague is any connection with traditional conservative hyper-capitalist economics.  We need to eschew Boomer “White advocates” preening about their “sweet business deals,” and we need to eschew Millennial libertarians (the same retards who populated the defunct Alt Right), and we need to eschew “pro-White” Jews and their call for laissez-faire free-trade Jeurasian states.

I’ll give credit to Greg Johnson here for talking about social credit – these are the sorts of ideas and solutions we need to be promoting, not warmed over crony-capitalism and ever-increasing wealth disparities and the creation of globalist elites.  Economic populism has to go hand-in-hand with racial-cultural populism. There needs to be consistency and authenticity – how can a racial demagogue leverage economic crises to fan the flames of ethnoracial hatred if that same demagogue is a proponent of the capitalist system causing the problem?  And the problem is NOT ‘science and technology” as the Type I traditionalist retards will say – a racially and culturally homogeneous nation could leverage the economic productivity of AI and automation to provide its citizens with a citizens dividend, coupled with shorter working hours, cultural production, and useful make-work and entertainment for the left side of the Bell Curve.  A sane racially unified society can make the AI revolution into a well-managed positive (**), instead of the dystopian nightmare we are headed toward as large numbers of men, of all races, find themselves made obsolete, all mixed together and competing in a multiracial madhouse created by the Jews and their White globalist collaborators. In this latter case, the AI revolution can lead to a real revolution – the question is, WHOSE revolution?  If we want it to be of the White Right, and not the Jew-Colored Left, we had better prepare now, to link the AI Revolution to White Revolution.

This is not something that needs to wait – we can get started now, with the already high numbers of men – that includes White men – out of the workforce, and who are not only economically and racio-culturally disenfranchised, by sexually disenfranchised as well, by a society that combines, feminism, female “empowerment,” and female hypergamy in the sexual marketplace.  Stop with the stupidity about Kali Yuga and cephalic indices and start mobilizing the disaffected – a mass of disaffected that contains some fraction of useful right side of the Bell Curve folks looking for a purpose, for meaning in life. Either we give them that purpose or someone else will do so.


*Needless to say, of course, all of this makes immigration not only economically unnecessary but economically harmful – just adding to the population that will be in the category of having been made obsolete by AI.  

**While we should embrace, and not reject, science and technology, we can still, as suggested above, slyly suggest to the left-side-of-the-White-Bell-Curve crowd that Asians and their fetish for computers and robotics are to blame for human economic dispossession. We could distinguish between creative White technics that empower people and destructive Asian technics – originally copied from Whites and then degenerated into negativism – that are used to create a faceless, insect-like, hive society in which people are dominated by machines instead of vice versa.