Category: abortion

Men’s Rights Manifesto on Abortion


If women want the “right to choose” then they must also have the responsibility for raising the child if they want it and not demand that the father pay “child support.” A exclusive right to choose obligates an equally exclusive responsibility to support.

On the other hand, if fathers are to be obligated to pay child support, at least in certain circumstances, then they must have the right to contribute to the decisions about pregnancy. What if there are conflicting views? If the woman wants the child and the man does not, then she can go ahead and have the child but with no support, economic or otherwise, whatsoever from the father. If the woman wants an abortion and the man objects, the woman can have the abortion but must pay the man reparations equal to whatever child support payments he would have been obligated to pay for the child until that child’s independence.

It is time for men to take a stand on this issue.

Milady weeps.

Odds and Ends, 6/25/22

In der news.

It is not clear to me why the HBD Nordicists tend to lump the same populations as being both egalitarian and individualistic, implying that the two traits are linked. It would seem the opposite would the case. Ever since the French Revolution, the Far Left has linked an egalitarian ideology with collectivism. Even on the Far Right, the collectivist folk communities of fascist movements were egalitarian at least in the sense of mitigating class differences to enhance the organic solidarity of the ethny. Never mind that some of Der Movement’s favorite ethnies are no more individualistic then the allegedly ethnocentric collectivist (sic) Italians.  Also see this. I also do not see a clear connection between late marriage and individualism. It would seem that the harsher ecologies that would lead to later marriage would also promote societies that are collectivist as well as egalitarian. I believe that this HBD Nordicist nonsense derives from the Eloi paradigm – the worshipped ethnies are just too good, too noble, too honorable, too altruistic, too egalitarian, and too individualistic for their own good – as opposed to the runty penned up chicken Morlocks.

Ultimately, the problem with Trump as President is that he governed as if his electoral base of support came from Blacks and Jews. He catered to those who hate him and betrayed his base of supporters (sounds like Amren). Trump had one of the most bizarre and politically inept Presidencies in American history, and he retained (most of his) White support in 2020 essentially only because they had nowhere else to go and they were fearful of a Biden Presidency.

See this.  You’ll notice that my writing over the years has essentially ignored Yarvin and his “Cathedral” nonsense. Granted that the critiques of Joyce and Jeelvy have merit – and I believe that they do – they are in my opinion almost superfluous. Consider the corpus of Yarvin’s work. \There’s no “there” there. I see nothing particularly novel or interesting in anything Yarvin gibbers about; he has authority on Der Right only insofar as Alt Right knuckleheads, juvenile manosphere jackasses, and “neoreactionary” “traditionalists” pay attention to the imbecility of his work.

The only good thing about this – besides exposing leftist hysteria – is that it will accelerate right/left geographical sorting and balkanization, as people move to states that have abortion laws that they find congenial. Of course, that will enrich “right-wing states” with Christian religious yahoos who worship Negro fetuses, but we can’t have everything.

The Sallis compromise on abortion is as follows. Women are allowed one abortion (preferably with the consent of the sperm donor if possible) and the procedure will be accompanied by permanent sterilization. The exceptions to this would be abortions due to rape, incest, danger to the woman’s health/life, and/or it is determined that the fetus has some sort of significant (genetic) defect – like being a retard. The vast majority of current abortions do not fit with any of those exceptions and are instead done for the sake of convenience.

Rationale: If a woman is too stupid and/or irresponsible to (correctly) use birth control (herself directly or via her partner) and/or is so psychopathic that she would kill her own child, apart from the exceptions listed above, then she should be removed from the genepool, and is unfit to be a mother in any case.

Note that my compromise maintains the racial and eugenic benefits of the current abortion policy, as births from these women will be prevented. Indeed, my compromise is more beneficial than current policy, because under current conditions, the women in question may spew out offspring at a later date. Moral and religious considerations are irrelevant to me.

Odds and Ends, 5/14/22

In der news.

Laugh at this.

This White Revivalist movement seems dead on arrival. For one thing, the Dissident Righters are in the impossible position of being against all people except whites and, not infrequently, express themselves as favoring only North European whites. This reduces them to political hobbyists, unable to compromise. Further, Latinos are simply not behaving badly enough to support a white racial consciousness.

Fred Reed’s logic leaves much to be desired. If the whole point of the “White Revivalist movement” is to promote specifically White interests, why should it also promote the interests of non-Whites whose presence in majority White nations is one of the biggest problems for Whites, who are typically hostile to Whites, and whose interests are already well cared for by the System? Reed’s inter-racial marriage is not sufficient justification for a pro-White movement to be multiracial (the problem with WN 3.0 Rosie and the Kids White Nationalism). His implied criticism of Nordicism is a bit more relevant, but it is insofar as Der Movement is dishonest about it. If they want to be concerned only about Northern Europeans then they should explicitly state this, instead of practicing an implicit, furtive, crypto-Nordicism. They hide behind a “pan-White” veneer, while making sure that Der Movement is so hostile to White ethnics that such people are repelled. And his positive comments about Latinos are of course connected to the fact of his marriage and family.

My own basic objections to America First are that (in order of importance):

1. It is multiracial civic nationalism, which I oppose

2. It has, in my opinion, inept, juvenile, destructive, money-grubbing leadership

Since that also describes WN 3.0, what objections do the WN 3.0ers have?

In order of importance, it seems to be:

1. Fuentes is a competitor for D’Nations

2. Fuentes is a short, lawn jockey-sized manlet

3. America First criticizes women

America First vs. WN 3.0 – A duel of wits between unarmed opponents.

Observing the Counter-Currents/America First dust-up, it is clear that bioleninism exists on the Right as well as on the Left. Der Movement, and the associated, but different, Alt Lite, is full of freaks and misfits; it is a natural kakistocracy. How can one explain the prominence of individuals such as Johnson, Goad, and Fuentes without invoking bioleninism?

Laugh at this – two nitwits in discussion. The Nordicist Durocher talks to crypto-Nordicist Hood. Although there is some criticism of Marine Le Pen, there is no honest admission of the failure of mainstreaming and no admission that these “movement” heroes are always, always wrong about all of this.

Thus, listening to that nonsense, with all of the “deep” analysis of electoral details and all of the speculation, they do not address the 800 lb. gorilla in the room – the fact that mainstreaming failed once again, it ALWAYS fails, it has NEVER been successful, either in winning elections or in building the coalitions that Durocher thinks are so important.  These types love to sound sophisticated with their knowledge of esoterica, but they miss the forest for the trees.  It is also no surprise that the Nordicist Durocher disapproves of economic populism – that’s common among Nordicists and HBDers, the love of “economic liberalism” that is in fact responsible for much of the racial crisis.

The Right needs to contest the centers of power, and not retreat into “twigs and branches” Type I activism. The point is not that the Left would be dislodged (very unlikely), but that some presence of the Right is required to provide assistance and protection for other activities and to cause chaos and disruption in the System. Dedicated, organized minorities can be very effective, at least to delegitimize the establishment.

The Ted Sallis opinion on abortion is as follows. Yes, abortion is murder. But so what?  People accept murder all of the time. When soldiers kill each other that is murder, even though we call it “war.”  When cities are bombed in “war,” civilians are murdered, and that includes children, babies, and pregnant women. When the USA imposed sanctions on Iraq, didn’t that result in civilian death, hence, a form of murder? A good case can be made that abortion in the USA has had a positive effect, re: race and eugenics, so the spectacle of Der Right – at least the mainstream Right – thinking that abortion must be opposed is pathetic, and the pro-abortion stance of the Left is hilarious. I for one am not going to oppose abortion in the multiracial USA, in which a disproportionate number of abortions are from Coloreds as well as the dumbest fraction of the human (i.e., White) population. A few other points: (1) if men are obligated to pay child support if they are the father (and in some cases, even when cuckolded!) then they should have a right to influence the decision about whether or not to continue the pregnancy, (2) it is interesting that the Left has no problem distinguishing men from women when leftists become hysterical over issues like this, and (3) re: the “protests,” we once again observe the System selectively enforcing the law to advantage the Left and disadvantage the Right.  Der Right ALWAYS loses, because it – ranging from mainstream conservatism to Der Movement – is essentially a grift, and those who are sincere are comically inept.

The thing that gets me about the Quota Queens is this. Even if they dislike me and my ideology and tactics, even if I am “insane,” that doesn’t change the objective reality of decades of utter failure for Der Movement, capped off by the disastrous collapse of the Alt Right, a permutation of the “movement” most of them supported. They won’t even admit failure in general terms, never mind admit any personal culpability for the failure. They have zero accountability; they take responsibility for nothing. They lurch from one catastrophe to another and after it is over pretend that it never happened or was just a minor setback on the glorious road to eventual victory. Even worse – they are hypocrites, for even though they label general criticism of their “movement” as “insane” and even though they’ll absolutely reject any personal responsibility, they will cite failures when it is convenient to do so as part of their feuds, in order to attack “movement” rivals. Thus, it is “acceptable” to cite the Alt Right disaster as part of an attack against Spencer, but we are not allowed to note that Taylor, Johnson, MacDonald, Brimelow, et al. were all on the Alt Right train at least until Heilgate, and in some cases, up until Unite the Right. It is “acceptable” to attack Fuentes, but we are not allowed to note all of the “movement” “leaders” who have supported Fuentes, praised him, were honored guests at America First meetings, etc. The fundamental dishonesty here, indicative of severe character flaws, is vomit-inducing.

I have what I call the “Full Sibling Test” to evaluate biologically-related schemes for separating people ingroup/outgroup, with a prime example being dividing people into ethnostates. If it is theoretical possible for full siblings to end up in different ethnostates based on the biological approach used, then that approach is flawed. That is one reason to reject dividing people based on phenotypic rankings or genetic ancestry testing percentage cut-offs. On the other hand, genealogical ancestry is sound, since full siblings will share the same genealogical background and hence the absurdity of full siblings being biologically separated into different ethnostates is avoided. Of course, dividing people on non-biological factors is another story. And all of this also applies to dividing people in ways other than for ethnostates.

Odds and Ends, 11/16/20

In der news.

See this.

THE TIME has come to stop focusing on what Trump, Biden, and all the crooked Republicans and crooked Democrats are doing as they try to grab the wheel of the sinking ship in Washington.

Yes, let’s blithely ignore the consequences of increased political persecution of the Far Right and ignore the consequences of further suppression of free expression.

Instead of what they’re doing, let’s talk about what we are trying to do. 

Yes, we’ve been waiting for that for a long time.  I suspect we won’t get any specifics though.

When I say “we,” I mean the men and women of the National Alliance.

Both of them.

If the current leadership of the National Alliance wants to garner support they need to first generate at least some successes that they can point to, with the resources they already have at hand, and they need to describe, at least in general terms, the strategic approaches that they are going to take to achieve their goals.  Merely reading the writings of a man who has been dead for close to twenty years does not suffice. Invoking the names of “The National Alliance” and “William Pierce” are insufficient incentives to attract quality followers, as opposed to all the other activism going on (or pretending to be going on).

FDR’s perfidy and Hitler’s stupidity.

Read this.  “Social science” (sic) marches on.

This article is being retracted at the request of all of the authors. The first author of the paper, Abdiel J. Flores, contacted the journal on his own initiative to inform it that he falsified data in the paper. He altered specific data values in Figures 1 and 2 and associated analyses that resulted in incorrect and misleading results on the effects of SES identity threat on cardiovascular challenge/threat reactivity and on mathematics performance. Because this data manipulation invalidates the findings, the entire article is being retracted. Mr. Flores informed the journal that he takes full responsibility for alteration of data; none of the co-authors participated in or had knowledge of the first author’s actions. Mr. Flores self-reported this matter to his institution, Columbia University, which is handling it in accordance with institutional policy and procedure.

Why hasn’t this bizarrely alien turd been thrown out of his PhD program?

See this. Well, not Counter-Currents or Brimelow/VDARE to start with.  Probably spend some on legal defense, starting independent media – probably a good idea to invest a good chunk of it into dividend funds, and use the proceeds (not the principal) to find full-time REAL activists, not gifters.

Hmm.  Very good.  Now let’s figure out what could be done with the millions of dollars being wasted by the “movement.”  Start here.

The essence of Trump in one tweet. Add another option –

“I’ll get back to you; I’m busy golfing.”

Flubro retardation marches on:

Diversity Heretic says:

For those of us who remember the 1976 swine flu vaccination fiasco…

Which I remember as well, and it was indeed a fiasco.

…the concept of mass inoculations with a minimaly-tested, rushed-to-production vaccine for a highly contagious, but not particularly lethal virus is very disturbing. 

Blame China.

And the fact that it isn’t only a new vaccine, but a new type of vaccine that uses messenger RNA (whatever that is)…

“Whatever that is.” You know, if you are an ignorant moron, and also can’t be bothered to look up terms that you do not know, then probably you shouldn’t be commenting on the subject. Idiot.

…makes me even more uneasy. (I’ve read that it actually makes a person a genetically modified organism, but don’t have the scientific expertise to evaluate such a claim.) 

What an idiot. By golly, imagining getting another organism’s nucleic acids inside your body. Horrors!  Good thing you don’t eat organic material and that your body is completely sterile and contains no microorganisms whatsoever!

The riposte to me on that would be that the mRNA vaccine is of mRNA not typically found in a human body and that it will be translated into protein. So?  The specific viral antigen will be produced, you will have an immunogenic reaction to it, and then the mRNA will eventually be degraded.  

Big deal. No, you are not going to be “genetically modified” in any real sense. No, you are not going to be the first transgenic retard.

There’s a reason that vaccine development often takes a while, such as evaluating the long-term side effects. 

And then the anti-vaxxers still won’t take it.

This vaccination program has all the signs of a major health disaster. 

Letting Chinese live on the same planet as humans has all the signs of a major health disaster.

I’d prefer to take my chances with the virus and I’m in my seventh decade.

Let’s hope you contract it.

Johnson in his latest livestream commented on Donovan critiquing his past association with WNs – “well he was never a WN.” True, but Donovan sure received a lot of (undeserved) positive attention from “White advocates” and other WN-oriented people, didn’t he?

Apart from Donovan’s and Pilleater’s shared, err, “interests,” here is a question – what do Donovan, Pilleater, and Jorjani have in common?

1. They were showered with positive attention by various factions of Der Movement, particularly the Alt Right, and were taken seriously as important figures – Donovan and Jorjani more than Pilleater, but Johnson definitely took Pilleater seriously as well. Indeed, Johnson was associated with all three of them.

2. All three of them were critiqued here at EGI Notes, and I strongly disapproved of the fact that Der Movement took them seriously; my opinion was that the “movement” should not have had anything to do with any of them.

3. In all three cases, things went badly. Donovan denounces his past links with WN, Jorjani did the same, and we know how the Pilleater-Johnson association ended up.

It’s almost as if – gasp! who knows? – Sallis’ judgment about people is better than that of Johnson or that of any of the other affirmative action “leaders” of the “movement.” Paging “Lovecraft’s Cat.”I make an analogy to running a business. Imagine you are the owner of a small business in a very volatile market with much larger competitors who want to drive you out of business.  On the one hand, you want to grow your business and try to grab a larger market share, but on the other hand you have to be very careful, very prudent; you would need to avoid any serious errors. In this scenario, you have no leeway for large error, as you are on the edge of success vs. failure.  Der Movement is in that position vs. the System/Left.  Every serious error runs the risk of being devastating.

So, Pilleater was an obviously bad investment with no real upside.  Jorjani was a highly risky investment with limited upside – I would never have bothered with him (I don’t trust NECs and my scientific background allowed me to recognize Jorjani’s silly pseudoscience – “the spectral!”).  Donovan may have been a bit less risky, with some more upside, but again, from my perspective, still not worth the risk. If the “movement” wants to take any prudent risks in order to achieve growth, there are better options than those three.