Category: Martin Luther King

Odds and Ends, 6/5/19

Several items.

Meet Julius Evola.

Giulio Cesare Evola was born in Rome. The parents of Giulio Cesare Evola were Vincenzo Evola, born 4 May 1854, and Concetta Mangiapane, born 15 August 1865. They were both born in Cinisi, a small town and municipality in the Province of Palermo in the north-western coast of Sicily.

As well as “the Philosopher of Fascism.”

Giovanni Gentile was born in Castelvetrano, Sicily.

Anyone remember Negro Thomas Sowell’s pontification that Southern Italians had nothing to do with Fascism?  Just like the HBDers, non-Whites always like to lie in order to divide Europeans against each other.  Non-White HBDers are the worst.

And is Der Movement going to officially revoke Julius Evola’s “Traditionalist Hero” membership card?  How can the Type I Traditionalists continue to value the work of that Negro?

Radical leftist Antifa Don Trump and his neo-Marxist DOJ defeated.

A degenerate Negro.

Traditionalism meets astronomy!  

2 months ago
What is the esoteric meaning of Aldebaran?
1 month ago
It’s the origin of the Aryan people at least the ones remaining on earth, who fled civil decay and started the civilization of mankind that fell around 8-12,000 years ago. Their descendants are still here today. However they are not originally from here. The lore goes back some of the oldest historians as well as occult histories. Namely works such as “The Race to Come” is inspired by such works. Maria Orsic etc. Etc. Theres to much to cover.

What about Antares or Betelgeuse?  Rigel?  Is Ultima Thule in the Canopus system?  The Aryans of Archernar!

This is where Der Movement’s Quota Queen “leadership” will bring us.

Joan of Arc!  Greg Johnson weeps.

February 2 Ancestry Analysis

Phil’s ancestral breakdown.

One could imagine one of the extant ancestry test companies given a breakdown of the ancestry of this individual, utilizing inadequate parental population coverage:

40% Squirrel

30% Beaver

20% Guinea Pig

5% Rat

4.8% Capybara

0.2% Mouse

Dat right!

The following could very well be used to describe the Afrowop:

The woodchuck, despite its deformities both of mind and body, possess some of the amenities of a higher civilization. It cleans its face after the manner of the squirrels, and licks its fur after the manner of a cat. Your committee is too wise, however, to be deceived by this purely superficial observation of better habits. Contemporaneous with the ark, the woodchuck has not made any material progress in social science, and it is now too late to reform the wayward sinner.

Then we have tomorrow’s holiday, Super Bowl Sunday, which rivals Martin King Day as the most holy day in the American calendar.

This picture is most appropriate for Sunday’s festivities.

See this – it’s “Based Italy!”

Wrong, wrong, they’re always wrong.

Biden and Der Stupidity

Mocking ridicule is always good for deconstruction.

First – hey, dumb mick-limey-frog Joe Biden, go fuck yourself.

This guy appears at something hosted by Al “Freddy Market Massacre Tawana Brawley Greek Homos” Sharpton, a paragon of justice, and he has the nerve to lecture Whites about their racism?

Maybe Joe, well known for being a buffoon rivaling Trump, can explain something to us. On the one hand, Whites are racists, tormenting the poor Negro. Yet, on the other hand, Negroes clamor to immigrate to majority White nations including the USA, Negroes clamor to move into White neighborhoods, use White institutions, the entire “holiday” you were groveling about was essentially focused on “integrating” Negroes and Whites together.  Does any of this make sense to you?  You must believe that Whites are not racists, Negroes are deranged masochists, and/or Negroes are so utterly incompetent at running their own affairs that they are willing to subject themselves to “White racism” in order to enjoy the fruits of societies that Whites have built – societies that the Negro can only destroy.

We await your response Joe – whenever you are done groping girls.

Second, we have the retarded wopess Milano, queen of plastic surgery, whose career peaked with “Commando” and has been downhill ever since.

Destiny of Angels.  I remember reading someone long ago – it might have been Strom – cautioning against an unrealistic too-positive view of modern Whites, with a cross-section of Walmart customers being a more representative sample of current Whites.


If so, the left wing fad for a meat-free, grain-heavy diet to “save the earth” might wind up making all of us unhealthier, suffering bleeding gums and seizing hearts.


If so, the gamester wing fad for a grain-free, meat-heavy diet to “be a jackass” might wind up making all of us unhealthier, suffering cancer and seizing bowels.

Seriously though, the Romans ate a carb-heavy diet of grains, fruits, and vegetables, yet had good teeth, because their diet was low in extra sugar (and high in fiber).

Roissy commentator:

Some have suggested fiber is actually bad for you. If you are going to eat plants eat fruit, fruit wants to be eaten, all other plants are poison.

Dat Right!  Dat Dere Broccoli, it be poison!  But that apple, he be begging – “eat me.”

Another idiot listed “olive oil” as a source of fiber.  How about a beefsteak as well?  Candy corn and Mountain Dew will make you real regular!


Ive gotten two back to back colds since going off low carb diet in over the holidays. Went several years with neither carbs nor colds

Yes sir!  That’s hardcore epidemiology right there!

And then:

I’m fair skinned, cutting grains upped my resistance to sunburns many times over.

Keep it up.  Soon, you’ll be able to walk along the surface of the sun, wearing a tank top and shorts. An experience rich in Vitamin D!


Jay in DC

As a half wop it greatly pains me that the once bad ass Bobby DeNiro turned out to be a moonbat lefty race cuck faggot. I’m sure his ancestors are rolling in their collective grave.

Well, “Bobby DeNiro” is only a quarter wop, so maybe his racial and social views can be laid on someone else’s doorstep?

Francis Parker Yockey would have been disgusted by Counter-Currents’ shilling for ethnonationalism.

That sound you hear is the HBDers’ weeping.

Executive summary: Der Movement is a pathetic joke, full of freaks, misfits, and morons, and the salvation of the White race will be possible only after Der Movement is completely deconstructed and dismantled, and replaced by a New Movement of rationality, sanity, and vision.  

Delenda est Der Movement.

Wednesday Weirdness

More “movement.”  In all cases, emphasis added.

What just happened?

Yet Johnson and McCulloch debate on the timing of our eventual victory.  Delusional.

I agree 100% with Taylor here.

Yet Johnson and McCulloch debate on the timing of our eventual victory.  Delusional.

I’ll give credit to Roissy for this:

Heritage America has no representation anymore.
424-1 in favor of condemning those who would entertain the thought that Whites have an identity.
The one nay vote was from a black Dem who thought the resolution didn’t go far enough.
lol america is finished.
The Two Minutes Hate directed against Steve King is symptomatic of a mind disease that has gripped the Western consciousness and won’t let go. Even otherwise normal, level-headed Americans are slave to the illness. What a shame. The craven prostration and groveling is what’s so disgusting about the whole spectacle.
Why do men like Crenshaw bend the knee to a puppet master who mocks them to their faces? Why make a show of his groveling on Twatter? Just vote “cuck” to appease the weasels and move on. Don’t hit up twatter to preen grotesquely about how bad Whites are for noticing their Whiteness.
But the greatest humiliation was reserved for Steve King, who had the temerity to insinuate that Whites are a collective identity with a glorious history of achievement who don’t deserve to be displaced from their own countries by third world rabble. One of those yea votes for the resolution condemning Steve King was from….Steve King.
As symbolism of a dying, weak, self-abasing race goes, that is hard to beat. Steve King condemning Steve King for crimes against the Diversity Orthodoxy he didn’t even commit.

Yet Johnson and McCulloch debate on the timing of our eventual victory.  Delusional.

Oh yes, all the “angels” will fulfill their “destiny.” No, the reality is what we see that happened to King and Watson…all at the same time!

Let’s consider this once again – the destiny-fulfilling angel, the “based” Steve King:

One of those yea votes for the resolution condemning Steve King was from….Steve King.  As symbolism of a dying, weak, self-abasing race goes, that is hard to beat. Steve King condemning Steve King for crimes against the Diversity Orthodoxy he didn’t even commit.

I go back to my old label as Whites as the “leucosa race” – a status even lower than omega.  There simply isn’t any “floor” to White self-abasement and masochistic pitiful weakness and self-destruction.  No floor.  The abyss beckons.

Song for Ted Sallis.

This is the retarded buffoon who has to be pointed out to foreign observers as the President of the United States. 

The Alt Right in one picture.

In general, Spencer sounds credible here, and I have sympathy for his situation, particularly as there are children involved and he is trying to be a father to them. I did read the Huffpost article (Spencer should not have talked to that woman, regardless of the circumstances), which was poorly written.  Look, I do not know the full facts here, maybe he did do some of what he has been accused of – or maybe not; I can only make a preliminary judgment based on what I do know, but the article was outrageously stupid, and clearly demonstrative of the lack of agency (hello, Greg) and insipidness of women.  Yegads!  Spencer was eating a sandwich and had mustard on his face!  Horrors!  Did he have spinach between his teeth as well?  Women have no business being writers or reporters or, really, being much about anything, other than housewives and mothers – if they can even handle that, and many of them cannot.

It’s amusing that the the soon-to-be-ex-wife (henceforth, “ex-wife”) claims she really didn’t know the direction of Spencer’ s politics from the beginning and implies that she was sort of carried along for the ride, while Johnson previously suggested that Spencer “is basically being dominated by Nina Nogoodnik, his Russian-Georgian wife.” 

The hypocrisy over the Spencer ex-wife situation is astounding as well.  The Far Right should reflect over their admiration for Saint Adolf and his ill-fated obsession with his half niece.  The Left should reflect on their lovefest with Saint Martin King and his philandering, womanizing, and plagiarism. The Left justifies this by saying that everyone has “personal flaws” and we should instead focus on King’s “dream.”  Fair enough.  So Spencer has flaws and we should instead focus on his “dream.”

“Alcohol is like throwing gasoline on fire.”  So – no more drunken podcasts?

Who does Spencer think was behind the Huffpost article?  Following the crumbs to where?  Someone in Der Movement?  Who?

And why do so many men in Der Movement have serious problems with their choice of women?  Strom is another one.  Consider MGTOW, guys.

Who can be a vice presidential candidate for Richard Spencer?  Answer: Greg Johnson.

Spencer/Johnson 2020!  A Pepe in every pot and a hobbit in every hole!  To the stars and to the shire! A Eurosiberian Imperium in the capital and de facto anarchy in the provinces!

And Spencer supports being “earnest and serious” and is against “nihilistic humor.”  Is he finally learning?

On the one hand, the call for standards is good, but the mendacious labeling of critics as a “peanut gallery” with “no real lives outside the Internet”  is just ad hominem excuse-making.

The comments about Greg Johnson in the podcast were interesting – as I assume that Johnson would say the same thing in return.  

But…they’re HuWhite!  I urge readers to go to the YouTube video and downvote. And,of course, boycott. These companies need to be held accountable for their behavior.

Again, they’re HuWhite.

Hey, guys, when will YOU oppose the Alt Wrong?  Delenda Est HBD!

“Based” Italy.

And who elected the current German government?


The tougher question is what sorts of immigrants would we accept, even in limited numbers. In the Mid-Atlantic, where a large Korean community exists, most people would be fine with Korean immigration. Unlike the Chinese, Koreans are not fleeing political oppression or economic uncertainty. Koreans come here for lifestyle reasons, so they assimilate rapidly. They also take pride in being the model minority, despite what what some lefty advocates claim. Koreans came here to be Americans.

That’s HBD – supporting Asian colonization of the United States, pathetic “measured groveling” to the Altar of Asia, all Asia all the time.