Category: boycott

Woke Free Business?

An open niche? And some news items at the end.

See this.

One would think there is opportunity here for woke-free businesses and institutions of all sorts. Yes, I support boycotts, but that’s a purely negative response, and becomes problematical given the inertia of many Whites and, to a greater extent, because there may not be alternative goods and services easily available, or available at all, if one refuses to patronize the woke.

Thus, if you need to use widgets, and every single current corporation making widgets is woke, the practicality of a boycott is an obvious problem. There would be a market for widgets made by a non-woke company, but none such currently exist. Therein lies the opportunity – to make widgets while advertising yourself to non-woke clientele.

Of course, one can think of a myriad of obstacles to this, starting with mass deplatforming of the company from the various other services and products it needs to make or provide its own. Perhaps the best approach (at least at this time) under these circumstances (i.e., dependence upon the System) is not to market oneself as “right-wing” or “conservative” or “rightist” or “pro-White” or anything like that, but as apolitical. You will provide a quality product or a quality service without getting involved in any social or political issues not directly relevant to your product or service, and you market yourself precisely in that manner. That stance will no doubt annoy or outrage some, particularly on the Left, but it would be much less obviously provocative, and much more receptive of broader support, than an explicitly rightist entity – in today’s America, which has shifted so far to the Left, being purely apolitical is implicitly right-wing.

At some point, if a woke-free economy grows, more explicitly politically rightists entities can come into being. Of course, in some circumstances, where dependence on others is not a major issue, the explicitly rightist nature of the entity can be actualized now. Woke-free and pro-White accounting? Legal services?

Although the goods and services may well be more expensive (among other reasons, lacking the economies of scale of larger companies and all of the other benefits that comes from being a large and established entity) I think there are people out there who would be willing to pay a bit more for woke-free business as long as the quality is sound. People highly annoyed with wokeness should be willing to pay $5 for a woke-free widget compared to the normal $3.50.

Another strategy for dealing with (large) woke businesses that have, as a collective, a virtual monopoly on products and services, and who seem, for now, boycott-proof, is for people annoyed at them to sell stock in the company (if they have any), or, alternatively, become stock holders and then use that as leverage (obviously you would need many people buying up a significant portion of the stock), to call for changes in leadership.

Alumni of schools can withhold donations – and if they are big enough contributors then they can demand changes in institutional policy.

Imagine woke-free colleges and universities to go along with woke-free widget makes.  Don’t you think that they would have faculty and students clamoring to join?

Some news:

Counter-Currents author:

…I am the proprietor of a rather handsome foreskin…

I suppose that puts the phrase “beautiful male” in a quite novel perspective, eh?

A representative comment from Amren:

Go back to Sicily, ya wop. You’re not even White.

Remember, that’s the same “race realist” site that features John Engelman preaching the superiority of Orientals and Jews.

HBD race realism = treasonous lickspittle worship of East Asians and Jews coupled with overt hatred of White ethnics.

The existential meaning of HBD is the subservience of Whites to Asian/Jewish interests.

From the Unz site:

We must ask ourselves whether the current mass vaccination campaign is a science-based effort to relieve sickness and disease or a fasttrack to a dark and frightening dystopia conjured up by evil men seeking to tighten their grip on all humanity?

Meanwhile, Israeli Jews continue to get vaccinated and protected. No vaccine for you, goys. Here is a slight re-writing of the above:

We must ask ourselves whether the current anti-vaxx campaign is a science-based effort to relieve sickness and disease or a fasttrack to a dark and frightening dystopia conjured up by evil men seeking to tighten their grip on all humanity?

Remember Unz is a piece of shit. Anyone who associates with Unz is equally a piece of shit.

Hmmm, it seems like a Pole doesn’t want to be ethnically cleansed by Germanic Herrenvolk ethnonationalists:

Nicholas BourbakiApril 15, 2021 at 6:18 am

“An influx of economically viable, can-do, high-IQ Dutch, Germans, Belgians, Scandinavians, and so on might put the V4 countries’ economies on steroids.”

Ah, so importing Germans some of whom will be migrating solely to seek a safe place to drive their Mercedes convertibles, will super charge Poland? After these folks let Merkle import all the 3rd worlders now they want to find a “clean place” to live. Good to know that replacing the Poles will have such beneficial effects.

Boycott Sportsball

The sportsball test, and other news.

In the past, one could pretend that organized spectator sports were merely a mildly anti-White “bread and circuses” distraction, “sportsball” used to placate Joe Sixpack while America slowly is flushed down the toilet.

But now the mask is off; “sportsball” is revealed as another part of the Far Left faction of the System, closely allied with BLM and Antifa, and inhabiting the most fetid fever swamps of anti-White hysteria.

We’ve passed through the “kneeling” phase and now we have entered a more egregious “fuck you” middle finger to the predominantly White fan base – player “boycotts” and “strikes” and “walk-offs” in solidarity with Marxist terrorists, Negro criminals, anti-White extremists, rioters and thugs, etc.  Pampered and wealthy athletes, whose inflated salaries are paid, ultimately, by the fans who they despise, are being “courageous” by expressing their hatred of the White Americans who literally put money in their pockets.

Now, if those White Americans were themselves to boycott and strike, walk away from sports, then that whole rotten edifice would collapse. Well, of course, a significant portion of the White population are rabid leftists who support the players’ tantrums, but a sizeable portion of the fan base are composed of more normal, rightist-oriented Whites who are by now no doubt tiring of this nonsense.

If those people were to boycott sports, well, that may not cause the collapse that would occur if all Whites boycotted, but it would still sting, still make an enormous impact on the fiscal bottom line, really inflict financial hurt on organized sports and would be a clear signal that White America is not completely ready to roll over to these scum.

But – ah! – would they do it?  Consider what I am asking of these fans.  Am I asking them to boycott, say, medications or food or exercise equipment, etc. that could be construed as being essential for health? No. Am I asking them to strike from their employment, boycott transportation, or otherwise interfere with their ability to make a buck? No. I am simply urging them to refrain from supporting a form of entertainment (and thus save money, by the way) that consists of grown men and “men” playing with balls and sticks and hoops and nets and poles and pucks and grassy fields.  And consider that there has never been a time when walking away from sports would be easier – with the covid-19 disruption and all that means for the disconnect between the games and the fans.  If it can’t be done now, when could it be done?

Think of this as a test – the sportsball test.  If Whites, at least rightist Whites, can’t even be motivated to refrain from watching Negro behemoths collide with each other on a football field, or watch elongated neo-Watutsis dunk a ball into a net, or watch some Hispanic mulatto hit a little white ball with a wooden stick – if they can’t even do that, how can you trust them to make any real sacrifices to fight for race and nation?  If they can’t even shut off the ball game, or refrain from buying a sports jersey with a Negro athlete’s name on it, how do you think they will become “a fighter for their people?”

Do I believe that Whites will pass this test?  No. This race of feckless losers will instead continue to flock to sports and once The China Plague is over, will swarm like lemmings to the stadiums and arenas to watch their Colored Gods run, jump, dunk, throw, hit, and tackle.  Pathetic.

See this – evidence of the efficacy of HCQ against covid-19. Apparently, Antifa Don Trump was right, and all his further-to-the-left critics were wrong (so much for Spencer’s stupidity about liberal competence).  

Saint Adolf the disaster.

Rand Paul’s libertarianism takes a hit when he is put in a position in which he needs and wants big government to intervene on his behalf. In any case, we are reaching the point in this country that even sitting senators are being threatened. That doesn’t discredit by call for electoral politics – note that Paul has received more protection than the ordinary person and that he has a forum to speak out on the issue. Of course, a candidate is not at the level as an elected official, but still, you need to take what you can get.

America is falling apart even faster than I could have imagined.  I suppose I was right (again) when I said that Trump’s election would stimulate chaos and balkanization; unfortunately most of that has been one-sided. The majestic world-historical failure of Der Movement to take advantage of the situation is a tragedy of the first order. What despicable and destructive useless incompetents the Quota Queens are.  What a waste of unprecedented opportunities.

See this. I support Dr. MacDonald on this issue. I’m familiar with ResearchGate and it is despicable that they are censoring material.  If I object to some type of work, my response is to analyze it and make my arguments, not censor it. But then, I’m a Westerner and many who censor science are either non-Westerners or are in thrall to such.

ResearchGate should restore access to that material, immediately. 

The International Day of the Yeastbucket

A boycott for milady.

Weeks after EGI Notes tells you to boycott Captain MenstrualAmren jumps on board.

Desmond Jones’ homogeneous Italy.

Like many on the Far Right, I was saddened to hear of Faye’s death.  Note that the situation supports my contention that you should take care of yourself, your health, first.  Faye apparently did not do so, focusing on his work instead, and his cancer progressed too far before it was diagnosed. Essentially, he sacrificed himself for a self-destructive race with racialist “leaders” now sweatily pontificating about “the Yang Gang.”

Question: If someone really identifies as a WN, and believes that Jews are behind the genocide of the White race, and if you want to expel Jews to Israel, why would they work for a Jew HBDer who is on record of stating that White nationalism ranks among the biggest threat to America?

On “movement” feuds: To those of you readers who are rank-and-file activists, I blame you, and your ethnic fetishism, for enabling this disaster that is fueled by the affirmative action program enthusiastically supported by you. It are the rank-and-file activists who cling to a failed “movement” and its failed leaders, it is they I truly have contempt for.  Neither side of this feud are worth support; yet you people in general do continuously support one side or another.

I was telling you Trump was a fraud back in 2015-2016.


I can’t believe Trump would so brazenly betray his campaign promises (implied and stated), so his current actions make no sense unless it’s misdirection (good) or total co-option (bad).

It’s misdirection no doubt!  So, let’s just get back to those gifs of Trump strutting around like Vince McMahon and ignore the hordes of Trump-supported brownsters streaming in – legally!

An aspiring member of the Brony faction of the Alt Right?  Well, actually not, be it would seem to be a possible good fit.

Yes, let’s debate whether our “total victory” will occur now, or fifty years from now.

The only “total victory” is when all those “D’Nations” flow in to the tin cuppers.

So, a little brown alien yeastbucket tells off Jews (and they get what they deserve ,they’re the ones responsible for it being in America in the first place) and Congress denounces Whites.  Let’s have a gif of Greg Johnson and Richard McCulloch strutting around like Vince McMahon, celebrating Total White Victory!  Now or in fifty years.  Pepe! Kek! MAGA!

Not Made For Me

Boycott Captain Menstrual and Star Trek Yeastbucket.

Not made for me – perhaps the best video I’ve seen exposing the destruction of superhero/sci-fi entertainment by SJW nonsense.

I guess Gaslighting Greg will tell us these are all up-and-coming Joan of Arcs, who must be – must be! – immune from any and all criticism.

Boycott, boycott, boycott.

Better late than never, Annie.  Question for the readership: Is it more important to realize this about Trump now, after he’s wrecked everything for the past two years, or to have realized this before he was elected, realized all of this during the campaign?

The Retard Emperor.  Donald Downs Trump, aka Donnie Triple 21.

It’s Der Trumpening!

As much as I despise Trump, what McCabe and his fellows did – how is that not an indictable offense?  

It’s dat dere capitalism!  As the Alt Wrong would say: “Sweet business deals.”