Category: segregation

A Call for Desegregation and Other Matters

Observations.  In all cases, emphasis added.

The great and good Jew Judge Sand destroyed Yonkers via “desegregation.”  Very well. I agree: We need desegregation!  Homogeneous communities are unacceptable!  I say we start here.

Let’s build some nice low income housing there, and bring in lots of poor Black and Hispanic families.  Mix it up!  The vibrant diversity will flourish in New Square!  Why not?  Can someone explain why New Square must be bereft of diversity?  New Square would also seem to be a perfect place for relocating refugees and other migrants.  Central Americans, Somalis, Syrians…the more the better.  They deserve a chance at a new life, no?  We can have some nice Black boys in New Square to date the Jewish girls, and nice Catholic Hispanic girls for the Jewish boys.  Again, can someone on the Left please explain to us why that should not occur?  Why don’t you go to New Square and not leave – make your stand! – until the community is properly desegregated? 

Notre Dame as an analogy for the fall of the West?  Perhaps. Blame Der Movement for that – squandering the last chance we’ve had to save race and civilization.  Notre Dame crashing and burning – just like the Alt Right. And do you think it would make any difference if the French authorities would find evidence of terrorism there and admit it?  Whites would enthusiastically flock to the streets – to demand more immigration, protect their Muslim “brothers and sisters” from a “backlash,” and vote to turn what’s left of the church into a mosque. 

An example of a stupid bastard.  Whither those big Nord Brains, Durocher?

Agreed (except for the praise of the Unz site):

Niccolo Salo says: • WebsiteNext New Comment

April 15, 2019 at 2:42 pm GMT • 100 Words

Who is this fucking clown? Hilarious shit.

“If there is even a partial biological basis to (northwest) Europeans’ psychology, which in turn underpins Western culture in all its uniqueness, then the genetic replacement and dissolution of this population through immigration will, eventually, mean the end of that psychology and culture.”

Imagine assigning the greatness of Western Civ to Nords like this guy does.

I read Unz Review daily because it does deliver a lot of quality but this piece has to be one of the most embarrassingly bad ones that I’ve ever come across here.

Congrats Monsieur Durocher.

Meet Ron Unz.  Unz:

…few forces that could so easily break America as the coming of white nationalism.

Johnson and Durocher write for this Jew.  Disgusting.  Now, knowing these type, I can imagine their riposte. First, we’ll be told that my comments (from yesterday) about Pierce not tolerating WN 2.0 hijinks is “low information moralizing” because Pierce dealt with the Jew publisher Lyle Stuart.  Next, we’ll be told that Unz criticizes Jews and allows writers at his site to do the same, so any criticism of the Unz site is more “low information moralizing.” Let’s consider each argument in turn.

From what I can gather about Stuart, he was a type often found in his tribe – intentionally provocative and attention seeking.  Under the banner of being an advocate of unrestricted free speech, Stuart published a wide variety of controversial books on many topics. He was not an ideologue, he did not try to steer Far Right thought in any direction, and he certainly didn’t fund individual “thinkers” to promote a specific worldview.  The Unz site,on the other hand, does indeed promote a spexific worldview that is,ultimately congenial to Jewish interests.  And as far as criticism of Jews goes, that’s not what “rightist”-oriented Jews fear. The main enemy  for them is pan-European nationalism that unites all Whites and excludes Jews.  

Allowing criticism of Jews so as to attract “anti-Semites” to participate in the anti-WN and anti-pan-European HBD project is just sound strategy. I suppose the Quota Queens haven’t noticed that Unz and the various “Amren Jews” – Hart. Weissberg, Levin, etc. – all seem to share certain memetic characteristics.  All are HBDers, all are “race realists,” all would tend to praise Jewish and Asian IQ, all have some level of distaste for hardcore White nationalism, all would seem to favor Jeurasian “cognitive elitism” over pan-European nationalism.  Let’s look at some people funded by Unz.  Greg Cochran, who muses that Israel should conquer Italy for Jewish lebensraum and who, if I recall correctly, was skeptical of “Salterism.”  Steve Sailer – anti-WN “citizenist” and prime HBDer.  “Razib” Khan – whose GNXP was a prime opponent of WN, promoter of “cognitive elitism, and which delighted in attacking any and all manifestations of pan-Europeanism in favor of intra-White division. GNXP also featured scurrilous attacks against Salter. “The Unz Review” has columns by the despicable Jayman – a non-White HBDer who – just like GNXP – attacks Salter, attacks White ethnics, and promotes intra-White division.  Then we have the Judeophile Derbyshire, a prime HBDer who thinks Amren conference attendees are “latrine flies” and who has written in support of miscegenation.  See any underlying connection, perhaps?

So…are you still going to equate Unz with Stuart?  Are you still going to argue that Unz is A-OK because some criticism of Jews can sometimes be found at his site?

You are all absolutely despicable.

Genome sequences are known for two archaic hominins-Neanderthals and Denisovans-which interbred with anatomically modern humans as they dispersed out of Africa. We identified high-confidence archaic haplotypes in 161 new genomes spanning 14 island groups in Island Southeast Asia and New Guinea and found large stretches of DNA that are inconsistent with a single introgressing Denisovan origin. Instead, modern Papuans carry hundreds of gene variants from two deeply divergent Denisovan lineages that separated over 350 thousand years ago. Spatial and temporal structure among these lineages suggest that introgression from one of these Denisovan groups predominantly took place east of the Wallace line and continued until near the end of the Pleistocene. A third Denisovan lineage occurs in modern East Asians. This regional mosaic suggests considerable complexity in archaic contact, with modern humans interbreeding with multiple Denisovan groups that were geographically isolated from each other over deep evolutionary time.

Hmmm…read this.

The only concern shown for the white majority is how to keep them placated as their communities are torn apart by immigration, how to keep them silent when they get angry, and how to keep them from feeling racial solidarity in the face of overwhelming hordes of hostile foreign races swarming into the countries of their ancestors without their consent.

Like giving them a $1000 per month handout? I don’t expect folks who sell out to a millionaire Jew to see any inconsistency in their blog’s positions.

Read this. And in the West, demographics are replacing humans with monkeys.

And so it goes.

It’s All Quite Obviously…

…the fault of the Meds and Slavs!

Among these elites who thought that miscegenation was a key aspect in the civilizing of Indians were George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Indeed, it may come as a surprise to some that “intermarriage was the stated goal of federal Indian policy throughout the first decades of the republic” (p. 124). A law that would pay interracial couples to marry, to pay these couples for each interracial child produced, and provide tax credits was even proposed — but rejected — in 1784 as part of these efforts (p. 122).

Thus, we see those greasy omnidominant wops Washington and Jefferson, as well as the shiftless dumb polack Adams (a brachycephalic alpinid!), plotting against the racial integrity of the early American Republic. Not to mention the later generation of White ethnic abolitionists. The race replacement that dare not speak its name! A Kodak moment!