Category: Devlin

Amren 2021

Let’s laugh.

I will do a brisk fisking of this Amren 2021 report.

The conference proper started on Saturday morning with a fascinating account by F. Roger Devlin of the role of envy in race relations. 

I have written on this subject a number of times in the past.  Did Devlin cite any of my work?

Dr. Devlin noted that envious groups can “embrace even failure itself as a badge of identity.” 

Sounds like Der Movement.

The second speaker was Peter Brimelow of VDARE.COM…

Question: Are Amren conference speakers paid?

…who talked about what the mid-term elections could mean for us. He began by noting that Joe Biden has “gone full Merkel,” by throwing open the borders “with the obvious intention of electing a new people.”

Well, gee, that’s an insightful comment.  You can hear that almost nightly with Tucker Carlson.

Mr. Brimelow added that the new administration’s level of delirium means that “not being involved in the Capitol insurrection hoax will be no protection against a regime moral panic” that will be used against us, just as the frenzy over Unite the Right was an excuse to deplatform and demonetize everyone the regime fears.

Obviously, folks who get $340K+ in a year for “executive compensation” haven’t been completely “demonetized” yet.

Mr. Brimelow laid 3-1 odds, however, that the GOP will take back the house and the senate in 2022, and proposed a “to do” list: 1. Impeach both Biden and Harris for treasonously failing to enforce immigration law. 2. End birthright citizenship and retroactively revoke the last generation of “Americans” who got it. 3. Put a moratorium on all immigration and deport all illegals. 4. Get out of all refugee treaties. 5. Hive off Puerto Rico and give DC to Maryland, so Democrats can never turn them into states.

How about: 6. Deporting all Asians, regardless of citizenship and land of birth. They should go to their ancestral homelands, and any White spouses and mixed-race children should go with them.

Mr. Brimelow noted the number of “red diaper babies” who have become professors and prosecutors, and was pleased that hard lefties are increasingly being called “communists.” He added that all this is driving the white-percentage vote for the Republicans ever higher, and cited the case of Logan County, West Virginia. In 1996, it voted 72 percent for Bill Clinton, but steadily shifted Republican to the point that in 2020, it voted 81 percent for Donald Trump.

West Virginia is FOXNews/Gab territory, no doubt.

Mr. Brimelow said there is no reason we cannot see a similar shift in the entire electorate, which could even lead to a reconquista.

Delusional madness. Hey, why doesn’t Lawrence over at Affirmative Right critique Mophead Pete?

Columnist Michelle Malkin received a warm welcome…

Oh, I’m sure of that.

…for a talk about the “Open Borders Conspiracy.” She began by tracing her “30-year journey from mainstream Conservatism Inc” to realizing that Rodney King is wrong: We can’t “just all get along.” She now describes her work as “hand to hand, pen to pen combat against the vast anti-white, anti-American forces bent on demographic mass murder.” “I was never lost,” she said, “I was always headed in the right direction.”

I suppose getting frightened by all those White folks voting for someone like Trump was added incentive to “buy insurance” against the day of Brimelow’s “Reconquista,” eh?  Got to cater to dem dere White racists, right?

“Being white,” said Mrs. Malkin, “is not a crime. 

Not that she would know anything about it.

Noticing and caring about the overthrow of the historic American nation is not a crime.” She is now sickened by simpering Republican politicians such as Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis.

But Hubert Humphrey was a great man, and we need more men like him.

As someone who is 94 percent Filipino and 6 percent Chinese…

Let me guess…that is from “ancestry testing.”  Make sure we know it is 6% Chinese, not 5% or 7% or 6.2319873325%. What an idiot. And what’s “Filipino” in that context?  Doesn’t the modern Filipino ancestry contain some Chinese and Spanish admixture? Or is there an unmixed purebred Filipino population used as a parental reference sample?

Mrs. Malkin is dismayed by Asians who now blame “white supremacy” when blacks attack them, but is glad to see “a growing legion of undeceived Chinese tiger moms and ‘rooftop Koreans.’ ”

All two of them.  And both at Amren.

 She noted that her parents came to America after the 1965 change in US immigration law, but asked “why does this obligate me to support mass immigration that will turn the only homeland I’ve known and loved into the kind of third-world hellhole my parents fled?”


Colin Flaherty, who had been scheduled to speak, was unable to attend because he is at a critical stage in a battle with cancer. 

I suppose that Der Movement would blame that on a “toxic vaccine.” And what about “chosen one” Cole’s talk?

Instead, there was a witty and talented musical tribute to him by Allan the Barbershop Guy. 

High-brow culture.

Jared Taylor began with the assertion that “our country is sick”…

As a look at the Amren conference would make quite obvious.

…adding that the patient took a dramatic turn for the worst on May 25, 2020. Of course, if one arrest that went wrong could unleash a year of rioting, looking, and arson, anything could have done it.

Mr. Taylor evoked Brittney Cooper of Rutgers University… Mr. Taylor thanked the professor for drawing a racial dividing line so clear and bright it should “should dazzle even whites who are deliberately blind.”

I’ll bet that 99% of Whites never heard of her.

Mr. Taylor spoke of the many futile, fratricidal wars whites have fought…

Thanks to people like him who promotes intra-White division as well as his buddy Gaslighting Greg, the self-proclaimed petty nationalist ethnonationalist.

He concluded that although our fight is with words and ideas rather than with weapons, we must be like our heroic ancestors who did die in glorious causes: the Greeks who fought the Persians…

Not your ancestors.

Gregory Hood…

AKA Kevin Mootie McHugh.

…the after-dinner speaker, spoke on what he called the “Real Racial Reckoning.” 

White ethnics realizing that Der Movement hates them?

Mr. Kaalep opened his message with the words, “Dear friends from America and the white world.” He explained that the reason why he was not with us in person is because he refused to be vaccinated, a requirement for travel to the United States.

OK, so he’s a stupid bastard and a free-riding selfish prick.

As usual, Sam Dickson closed the conference. 

Saving the worst for last?

Mr. Dickson said that non-whites will always hate us and that anything we do to appease them will only make them hate us more. 

Does that include Michelle Malkin?  How about “Rosie and the kids?”

Mr. Dickson quoted Selwyn Duke: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” 

Sounds like Der Movement and its attitude toward Sallis.

Mr. Dickson brought the audience to its feet by concluding that the idea and the time have come together in such a powerful way that “I believe very confidently that we will have our own nation.”

Here it is – your own nation.

Mr. Taylor brought the conference to a close with a promise to meet again next year.

Maybe you should rethink that?

The Genetic Lottery: Genetic and Movement Reality

Devlin book review of The Genetic Lottery.

Having either alienated their science writers (cough, Ted Sallis, cough) or having such writers die on them (Glayde Whitney and likely “Hippocrates” as well), American Renaissance is forced to have F. Roger Devlin write the article that I analyze in this post.  While Devlin does a credible job here, it is telling that Der Movement is unable to attract or retain genuine STEM people.

See this; of course it is related to Amren’s favorite topic, IQ.

Kathryn Paige Harden…

High Truster!

….a professor of clinical psychology…

Not a hardcore STEM field – not biology, chemistry, or physics; in this case, biology would be most appropriate.  

….at the University of Texas, has just published The Genetic Lottery, a much-heralded book that tries to reconcile progressive politics with the reality of genetic differences. 

It is NOT the place of science to try and reconcile anything with an ideology.  Science is supposed to provide a framework for understanding, and predicting, reality.  Harden thus exposes herself as a politicized hack.

Given the continuing dominance of egalitarian thinking and the ever-greater difficulty of dismissing the results of modern science, such books are likely to become a substantial genre. Frederick deBoer’s The Cult of Smart, which I reviewed for American Renaissance last year, was an earlier example.

Amren’s continued obsession with IQ (ironic given the apparent low IQ of most of those active in the comments threads there), combined with its lack of qualified scientific writers, on display once again – Devlin reviewed The Cult of Smart.

Harden studied with Turkheimer. Turkheimer, wonderful. No ideological bias there, no siree! Remember this?  A high, high, high, high, high, high IQ past Amren science writer discussed Turkheimer. Back to Devlin’s review:

A recent profile in the New Yorker described Prof. Harden as waging a two-front war: “on her left are those who assume that genes are irrelevant, on her right those who insist that they’re everything.” The first group, sometimes referred to as blank-slatists or social constructivists, are an omnipresent force within the academic world with enough power to make things unpleasant for genetic researchers (though not yet enough to stop research altogether, which many would like to do). The second group, said to insist that “genes are everything,” appears imaginary. 

Really? It sounds like Der Movement, particularly the HBDers.

A few philosophers may have toyed with the idea that humans merely execute inborn genetic programs, but empirical researchers know that all human behavior is influenced by both genes and environment.

Well, environment plays a large role when the HBDers need to explain why China has been relatively backward given its “high IQ.”  Otherwise, for other peoples, it’s all genes, right?

What the New Yorker profile really means by “those who insist genes are everything” are race realists…In contrast, her polemic against the genes-count-for-nothing position draws upon her full professional expertise, so she is waging her “two-front war” in a very asymmetrical way.

What “professional expertise?”  “Social science?”  Laughable.

Genome-Wide Association Studies

Professor Harden’s work is mainly in the area of Genome-Wide Association Studies, or GWAS (pronounced Gee-Wass). Researchers choose a trait such as height, schizophrenia, or years of formal schooling and feed genetic information from a sample group into a computer. Inevitably, they find that the tallest, most educated, or highest earning people tend to have more of certain genetic variants and fewer of others than the group as a whole. The number of these variants is often very large, each with only a small effect on the trait. A “polygenetic score” can be computed for the trait, and the score has predictive value. For example, if someone has many gene variants associated with schizophrenia, his risk of developing schizophrenia will be higher than average.

That is a reasonable summary.

A GWAS finds genetic correlations — not necessarily causation…

Hey, Devlin, please repeat that to Der Movement, particularly the HBDers: “not necessarily causation.”  Now, repeat in ten more times, please.

…between genetic variants and phenotypic traits. In the case of a trait such as height, there is a good chance that many of the associated variants are causal, but nearly every trait is heritable to some degree, including such things as marital status, religiosity, and political beliefs. (This means that parents and their children — and even more persuasively, identical twins separated at birth and reared apart — tend to be similar in these ways.) For many people, it is difficult to believe that genes influence such matters as getting divorced or becoming a Missouri Synod Lutheran.

Or influence being a HBDer with a Chinatrix strap-on shoved up their ass.

Even for physical traits such as height, we almost never understand the causal genetic or metabolic pathways. We may never entirely understand them. Nevertheless, despite caveats about polygenetic scores and causality, Prof. Harden says this about education levels, which are good shorthand for intelligence:

Genes associated with educational attainment are preferentially expressed in the brain, and within the brain, they are preferentially expressed in neurons. Zeroing in on the “top” genes associated with educational attainment, they are involved in the processes that are critical to the ability of neurons to communicate with one another. Those processes include the secretion of neurotransmitters that carry messages from neuron to neuron, the plasticity of neuronal connections in response to new information or in response to disuse, and the maintenance of ion channels that are necessary for a neuron’s electrical charge.

This sounds more like correlations between genes and height than those of genes and being a Missouri Synod Lutheran.

I have no idea what Devlin’s point is with that last sentence.

Prof. Harden clearly understands something that is anathema to many of her social-science colleagues: We are not blank slates, and the genes we are born with determine to some degree who we are and how we will live.

It is “anathema” to them because “social science:” is merely politics masquerading as science.

Race differences

However, Prof. Harden applies this understanding only to people of the same race, adding the extraordinary claim that “there is zero evidence that genetics explains racial differences in outcomes like education.” 

This is prima facie evidence that Harden is a pathetic political hack.

She writes:

We cannot and should not expect GWAS results to be “portable” across genetic ancestries. What you discover in one group isn’t expected to apply to another group, and if you study a different group, you might discover different genes. This expectation is clearly borne out by the data. Looking across a diverse set of phenotypes, polygenetic indices based on analyses of European ancestry populations are less strongly related to phenotypes measured in other populations, particularly African ancestry groups.

I will take Prof. Harden’s word for how the data shake out, but it doesn’t support her claim about genes and education outcomes. First, if polygenic scores that predict outcomes for whites don’t predict them for blacks (or predict them less accurately), doesn’t that suggest important racial differences?

This is an extremely important point – not only the most important point in Devlin’s review but also in Harden’s book itself.  In her desperation to delegitimize heritable racial differences in intelligence, Harden stresses that continental population groups – i.e., races – are so radically different from each other, genetically speaking, that the GWAS from one race is not “portable” to others.  This completely and utterly invalidates the nonsense of “race does exist” and “race is only a social construct” and “we are the same” and “race has no biological basis” and “there are only superficial differences like skin color between population groups” as well the purported significance of all of the Lewontinian nonsense about relative genetic variation within and between groups.

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that the genes encoding important phenotypic traits, including intelligence, between, say, Europeans and Africans, are so different that the GWAS data from one group cannot apply to the other, while at the same time also asserting that race is only a social construct without any biological basis or significance.

Therefore, in her haste to obfuscate the issue of genetic differences in racial intelligence, Harden is forced to legitimize the genetic-biological basis of race.

But is her argument about intelligence and GWAS valid?

Second, GWAS has found race differences in comparable education-related genetic patterns to support the view that race differences in outcome are at least party genetic in origin. Prof. Harden might dismiss such studies as insufficiently “portable” across races. For reasons of funding and to protect reputations, there may never be a powerful GWAS study that definitively demonstrates races differences in intelligence-related genetic patterns. However, that means only that studies using that method have not (yet) found such evidence.

The point is that it really doesn’t matter if GWAS is “portable” between groups (I’m not saying that Harden is right about that).

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Africans have a completely different set of “intelligence genes” than do Europeans.  You can still find that Europeans typically have a greater number of (European-specific) high-intelligence alleles and that Africans typically have a smaller of (African-specific) high-intelligence alleles. Even if there is no overlap at all between the two sets of “intelligence genes” (unlikely), you can still demonstrate a genetic basis for racial differences in intelligence, as long as some groups have more high-intelligence genes (e.g., those accounting for a significant portion of IQ) than do other groups.

Needless to say, there is an enormous amount of evidence of different kinds for race differences in intelligence, as well as many other outcomes. It has filled books by such people as Arthur Jensen, Michael Levin, Snyderman and Rothman, Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Charles Murray, Edward Dutton, and all the way back to Audrey Shuey and Frank McGurk.

Some of those individuals are HBD pseudoscientific quacks. Some I am not familiar with.  

Prof. Harding says nothing about this evidence, other than implying that the people who study the question are bad.

Others have pointed out Lynn’s many errors, for example here.

The unbearable whiteness of genetic databases

Like other academics, Prof. Harden bemoans the fact that genetic studies have focused mainly on white people. Twentieth century geneticists in American and Europe who needed DNA samples did not look for them in Timbuktu. They got them from students and colleagues. This was not because they believed their neighbors belonged to the Master Race, but because it was easier. In the early days of genetic research, it often did not matter whether DNA samples came from a man or a dog.

We have now mapped the human genome, and the issues being researched are more fine-tuned. Some medical treatments don’t work for all races, so there is a need for data from different groups. 

Again, race is real.  If we were really “all the same” then it wouldn’t matter if the databases were mostly White, would it?

But even if there is new, broad-based research, Prof. Harden warns that “there are valid concerns that DNA will become yet another valuable resource extracted from marginalized populations by White people for the benefit of White people, while leaving participants vulnerable to surveillance, discrimination, and other harms.” If white people study only white people, that’s wrong, but if they study all people — for the purpose of helping them — that will probably be wrong, too.

Hardin is a typical “High Trust” SJW piece of filth.

Genetics and equality

The subtitle of Prof. Harden’s book is Why DNA Matters for Social Equality. This is a large claim: Rather than setting limits on what egalitarian social engineers can accomplish, genetics can help them. Her argument is simple:

Her argument is breathtakingly stupid as well.

When inequality is seen as stemming from lucky factors over which people have no control, both conservatives and liberals are more likely to see those inequalities as unfair and to support redistribution to equalize outcomes. Genetics is a matter of luck in people’s lives. Appreciating the role of genetic luck in people’s educational and financial success undercuts the blame that is heaped on people for not “achieving” enough and might, in fact, bolster the case for redistributing resources to achieve greater equality.

That’s just crazy talk, and leads to today’s current “equity” insanity. So, let’s give every student an “A” in every class, right?  After all, it is unfair that some are smarter than others. Short, spastic, Jewish nerds should be allowed to be starters in the NBA, because, well, let’s not be unfair; retards can teach physics in Harvard; the blind can fly airplanes; and those with hand tremors can be brain surgeons. Let’s not restrict anyone because of the bad luck of genes or of disease!  

Look, life isn’t fair. Live with it. Those better endowed owe nothing to those less endowed.  That would be maladaptive altruism. It is also destructive to society and to human progress.  Wasting resources trying to lift the botched up to the level of mediocrity is a tragic misuse of scarce resources that could be leveraged to take advantage of the gifts of the better endowed.

Race realists don’t deny that “genetics is a matter of luck in people’s lives.” Those with fortunate endowments haven’t “earned” them, and if they do high-paid work because of them — practicing medicine or designing airplanes — it’s to everyone’s advantage that work on which other people’s lives may depend be performed by the most competent people. If anyone doesn’t want to recognize chance, it’s promoters of the idea that villainous whites are responsible for everyone else’s problems. Prof. Harden should teach them about the genetic lottery.

I agree.

But is she even right to think that understanding the chance nature of genetic endowments will persuade conservatives — or even liberals, for that matter — to accept redistribution? As Jared Taylor wrote recently, it might be possible to explain to middle-class whites that people in Section 8 are not responsible for the laziness and poverty they inherited through their genes, but that will not make them more desirable neighbors.

OK, fair enough.

Prof. Harden hints broadly that egalitarians like her who understand genetics will come up with social programs that actually work and will lead to greater equality. I was looking forward to a list of such programs. I was disappointed.

Because there aren’t any.

Ignoring genes is morally wrong

Not to be too hard on Prof. Harden, I will conclude with some powerful words from her book about why so many social programs fail:

Ultimately, all interventions and policies are built on a model about how the world works: “If I change x, then y will happen.” A model of the world that pretends all people are genetically the same, or that the only thing that people inherit from their parents is their environment, is a wrong model of how the world works. The more often our models of the world are wrong, the more often we will fail in designing interventions and policies that do what they intend to do . . . .

Open almost any issue of a scientific journal in education or developmental psychology or sociology, and you will find paper after paper announcing correlations between parental characteristics and child development outcomes. Parental income and child brain structure. Maternal depression and child intelligence. Each of these papers represents a massive amount of investigator time and public investment in the research process, and each of these papers has an easily-explained flaw — that differences in children’s environments are entangled with the genetic differences between them, but no serious effort is being expended toward disentangling them.

So, let’s applaud this political hack for writing some obvious truths, right?  Der Movement sure has a low threshold for approval these days.

This is remarkably close to the conclusion of Charles Murray’s latest book, Facing Reality, in which he also asked scientists not ignore the obvious: “I don’t ask for much. I will be gratified if researchers are buffered from accusations of racism because they entered IQ scores as an independent variable in a regression equation.”

Prof. Harden would never credit Dr. Murray with a good idea. Instead, she attributes to him — outrageously — the view that “one’s DNA determines one’s intrinsic worth” and that “to be White is superior.”

But, “bravo” to her; see below.

And yet, she denounces those who ignore genes in stronger terms than Dr. Murray is ever likely to have used:

It’s stealing. It’s stealing people’s time when researchers work to churn out critically flawed scientific papers, and other researchers chase false leads that will go nowhere. It’s stealing people’s money when taxpayers and private foundations support policies premised on the shakiest of causal foundations.

Bravo for Prof. Harden. Let her words ring out throughout the social sciences and in the halls of government.

“Social science” is an oxymoron. And why “bravo” for a political hack like Harden?  Just because she writes one paragraph that you like?

But let her also consider another kind of stealing: the theft of the moral legitimacy of the entire white race. Let her at least consider the possibility that, just as the rise or fall of individual whites is influenced to some degree by their genes, so are the achievements of races as a whole.

Does that include the lack of creativity of East Asians, and that race stealing and copying everything from the White West?  HBD weeps.

More Odds and Ends, 2/28/20


Don’t worry!  There’s always Spring Break!  Have a productive vacation!

The Weinstein case can be summarized with the following analogy: A bunch of whores were dissatisfied with how much they were paid, so they successfully accused their “john” of rape.

Of course, some would argue that heterosexual marriage is itself legalized prostitution, in which the man gets a brief period of sex up front, and then pays for it the rest of his life. If milady is dissatisfied with payment, then there’s the pro-female divorce courts and alimony.


The striking thing about the map here is the similarity between East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. That similarity should not be in any way surprising, since larger breasts would be disadvantageous in hot and humid environments. Thus, since both East Asians and sub-Saharan Africans are TROPICAL peoples, they exhibit racially similar adaptions to an anti-arctic, tropical environment.

What about the fact that “African-American” females apparently have significantly larger breasts than do Black African females?

One can speculate this is due to:

1. Admixture with European stocks (particularly with Celto-Germanic British-derived peoples)

2. Sexual selection in a temperate environment in which natural selection against large breasts no longer holds

3. Obesity

Anxiety and neurosis? Can you imagine if a male Italian minister started crying at a news conference? The HBDers would be foaming at the mouth (and from other body parts) for months; we would never hear the end of it. But a Holy Oriental? Move on, move on, there’s nothing to see here.

Note lunatic feminist “Lexi” in the comments thread here, as well as Johnson’s hysteria about “burqas.”

Meanwhile, I’m getting more and more suspicious about this “Hampton.”

And 99% of Black women.  But, hey, don’t worry about the FACT that Americans are a bunch of landwhales (the 40% is only the obese; at least half of the other 60% are “merely” overweight, with a minority remainder being regular weight) and need to subsist on pills made by Asian frauds. Worry instead about the MYTH that “Big Pharma” is sodomizing “our babies” with vaccinations and “giving them autism.”

Grift alert!  Danger, danger…

Jack Vance expresses himself.

The alliance continues.

Amusing Taylor video. But isn’t “White advocate” a euphemism as well? Further, “White male” is perfectly acceptable for those whose character and behavior does not befit the word “man” – HBDers for example.

Do fries and a coke come with that nothingburger?  Meanwhile, I’ve been spending considerable money, time, and effort prepping. Thanks, China!  In theory, these are supplies that can be used anyway if nothing happens, so it’s not a complete waste of money; time and effort are another story. I would also advise readers who live with at least one other person to have one room in their apartment or home as a potential “sick room” that an afflicted person can stay in, to minimize viral load exposure to others in the same “household.”  It is unlikely that could completely prevent viral spread, but if you can delay it, you can reduce overlap between different individuals in the same “household” being ill, so one can help take care of the other or others before he or she becomes ill themselves (by which time the other person or persons would be recovered…or dead). Thanks, China!

This is China’s attitude toward humanity.

Some good news.  The Silkers weep.  What will “the border guards of the West” do?

It’s the Tropical Alliance

The reality of racial alliances – Asians with other Colored against Whites…since 1905. In all cases, emphasis added.

Remember this?

In contrast, Sallis has talked about a “Tropical Alliance” or a “South-South Alliance” or a “pan-Colored Alliance.”

So, read this.

Appreciation of the Russo-Japanese War’s racial significance was not limited to the actual combatants. Lothrop Stoddard writes that the war inspired “an understanding between Asiatic and African races and creeds . . . a ‘Pan-Colored’ alliance against white domination.” He wrote that Japan’s victory “produced intensely exciting effects all over the Dark Continent [and] sent a feverish tremor throughout Islam.”

Chinese statesman Sun Yat-sen was sailing through the Suez Canal in 1905 when the news of Japan’s victory broke. The locals, mistaking him for a Japanese, enthusiastically congratulated him on his people’s great victory, calling it a triumph for all colored people. Muslim leaders called for political alliances and commercial relations with the Japanese — even for the reorganization of Oriental armies under Japanese direction. A few dreamed of converting them to Islam.

At the same time, as Stoddard noted, white solidarity seemed to be eroding; the Asiatic cause was finding “zealous white sponsors and abettors.” Among the most dangerous symptoms was an expansion of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance in 1905, in the immediate aftermath of Japan’s victory.

Anglo-Japanese.  Of course. Proto-Derbyshires, perhaps? Hey, if the “wogs begin at Calais,” then what does White solidarity matter?  Ethnonationalism!

Laurence Whelksays:
January 16, 2020 at 7:29 am
“Above all, however, there is no comparison with spending time researching the lives of one’s own co-ethnic heroes and one’s own culture. As Europeans, we are so spoiled for choice we needn’t waste time with the rejected, outcast, and badly damaged members of other groups.“
This pretty much sums up my stance on regaling vs. reviling Mishima. There are plenty of our own people to study and hold up as exemplars – no need to go fishing for mentally ill, sexually deviant outsiders to worship.
There seems to be a misplaced expectation among racially aware right whites of a potential kinship with East Asians because they are – like us – one of the smart races. It’s the smart races we should be most wary of…

Indeed.  But in some cases the “misplaced expectation” is intentional – Yellow Supremacists and other HBDers, the Silk Roaders and their masochistic sexual fantasies about black-booted Chinese girls with guns, Derbyshire and his self-admitted “measured groveling” to his Chinese wife and the interests he has in normalizing his mixed-race family.  There’s an agenda there.

Listen to this.  You have a duty to fight HBD, the Arctic Alliance, and Der Movement.  Note the part about getting involved in politics.  Sound familiar?

Sallis: Always,always right.

An effeminate SJW soyboy talks sports.

Andrew Joyce:

Andrew Joycesays:
January 16, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Greg Johnson declares a piece with 50 references (covering biographies, psycholical papers, sociological studies, mental health research etc) unscholarly, while promoting pro-Mishima pieces on his website with barely a reference and packed with vague and sweeping claims. Just one of the reasons I’ve long regarded Johnson as an intellectual fraud who should stick to film reviews, some of which are actually enjoyable to read, if a little on the sissy side for my taste. He’s now written about 1000 words in comments, rather than provide, or point to, a single piece of worthwhile (and for us, necessary) piece of political literature. Instead, Johnson has obfuscated matters, mischaracterised the essay, avoided its core argument, denied being influenced by his own homosexuality, and otherwise simply thrown a hissy fit. All in sharp contrast to the majority of readers at both this site and Unz. It would be laughable but for the desperation and strange sincerity of his effort.

Note the reference to Unz.  I have a difficult time taking Joyce seriously – particularly with respect to his views on Jews – if he’s in support of having his work on Unz.

In his latest podcast, with some incoherent, mumbling “racial traditionalist” Millennial, Johnson specifically promotes Taylor, Brimelow,and MacDonald (by name) – supporting my contention of the ethnonationalist-HBD-Nordicist alliance.  Of course, that’ll be labelled as “the paranoid style”- after all, noticing things is “paranoid.” and “crazy and bitter” too, lest we forget.