Category: Italy

Odds and Ends, 4/23/24

In der news.

People, including on the Dissident Right, underestimate how much someone’s ideology is a part of their personal identity, and therefore how hard it is for people to substantially change that ideology because that is in essence a rejection of self. Yes, of course, some people do change. But much of that change is within a socially acceptable spectrum – someone goes from being a traditional leftist liberal in youth to a kosher conservative aracial civic nationalist conservative when older, in both cases rejecting the importance of race and of a deep civilizational bond. Dissident Righters who did make the jump from aracial to racial belieeve it is common or possibly could be common just with the right “memes and explanations.” They don’t realize that they are the exception to the rule, and to get White people, including aracial civic nationalist right-wingers, to make the jump to racial nationalism is a tough nut to crack, even with their vaunted (and biased) “polling data.” This is particularly true given how repulsive, retarded, and reactionary Der Movement is. Who would de facto question their personal identity for that?

I wonder – how many of the “young Italian-Americans” supporting stupid and destructive ethnic ideas are actually ethnic Italians? Likely no more than half (maybe less). No offense to anyone but it is my belief that membership in any specifically ethnic organization (of whatever ethnicity) should be strictly restricted to purebreds. Hybrids can be supporters, but they cannot be allowed to make or influence policy. Besides the fact that they are not of the group and that they may have divided loyalties, there’s other behavioral issues at play. Someone of mixed ethnic ancestry who identifies with one part of their ancestry may try and over-compensate and be a complete jackass, promoting bizarre hyper-ethnic memes that cut off the ethny from membership in large groupings. Try-hard hybrids cannot be allowed to do this.

Please watch from about 5:50 to 6:30, for a mention of Richard Spencer and Unite the Right, with Tucker Carlson saying that Spencer is “a liberal who hates Christianity.” Now, no doubt some anti-Spencer midwits in the Dissident/Far Right will see that as a good thing (“take that, Spencer”) as well as having nothing to do with them. Unfortunately for them and the “we’re winning” delusion they peddle to gullible donors, the mass of right-leaning “normies” out there make no distinction between Spencer and the anti-Spencers. Like it or not, the fine distinctions that people “on the inside” of the Dissident Right make between all of the actors (past and present) in the “scene” are unknown to all of the Carlson viewers out there, who bin all of these people together as “bad, anti-Christian freaks who are against Christianity and are not true ‘conservatives.”

So, when Carlson and his guest “diss” Spencer they are also “dissing” everyone else on the Dissident Right, who are not “winning” but losing badly. And if they don’t like the damage that they claim Spencer has done, they should focus their attention on the “movement” system that enabled the rise of Spencer. But, alas, they cannot do that because the same system enabled their own meritless rise.

The Quota Queens say I am some sort of apologetic advocate for Italians; this is the reality.  Also, please read this.

A Gab correspondent has told me that he tried to answer the anti-Italian comments at Amren and so far the comments seem censored.  Comments were something like:

Hey Nonracialistsupremacist, aren’t you Truthgiverofhumanity, that South Asian commenter who really loves blonde women? It’s interesting that a non-White would come to a site like Amren to promote Nordicism. Whatever could be the reason?”

Why is Amren running an article that attacks Italians when all Europeans are under threat, and White racial unity is needed now more than ever?

Will these comments eventually get through moderation? If not, why not? Regardless of that, Italians take note of the endless hostility toward you from Der Movement.  No, it is not your imagination; Der Movement really does hate you.

The Quota Queens continue to deny the affirmative action program, even though the Amren scenario makes quite clear that it would be impossible for a full-blooded Southern Italian to ever have a top leadership role in Der Movement, regardless of their qualifications. On the other hand, inept WASPs are continuously propped up.

Italian-Americans (and other White ethnics, but particularly Italians) who are interested in pro-White activism have a choice – they can be humiliated subaltern low caste stepandfetchits for Der Movement or they can help build a New Movement in which all persons of European ancestry are respected. So far, they choose the former and reject the latter.

An Example of Why I’m Anti-Italian

Welcome to Der Movement.

Welcome to American Renaissance:

Emphasis added:

When I was in France, I encountered two bullies. They were both of Italian descent. One had been held back not one but two grades. He was essentially going through puberty while the rest of us had a couple years to go yet. That’s a little like going up against someone on steroids because the testosterone hasn’t kicked in for the younger ones yet.

When I got back to the United States, the first bully I met was an Italian-American. If you want to know what got me wondering about genetics, it was that. Was it cultural or something in the genes? As I started to have a negative view of all Italians, I made friends with two guys who had regular Anglo-American names. When they invited me into their homes, I was surprised to discover that both their mothers were of Italian descent. I started taking a more nuanced view.

However, when I learned about the existence of the mafia, it didn’t surprise me at all. No, I don’t believe all Italians or Sicilians are criminals, but people like Joe Pesci were very much like what I encountered. They acted like Pesci’s character in Lethal Weapon (a bit of a clown, sort of wimpy) when outnumbered but like Pesci’s character in Goodfellas (psychopathic) when in a group of their own kind.


There are two races. Those who are White/Nordic & those who are brown/Non-Nordic as well as a mixed-race which is a combination of the White/brown races.

There’s the “Italians aren’t white” meme,

I live in NYC. The Italians are more rough/criminal/masculine. I love their food

do find it annoying that they describe themselves as Italian first and American second. Their love of the Mafia also disturbs me.

Or Pelosi. or DeBlasio, or “Dr” Jill Giacoppa Biden. There’s a whole website dedicated to Italian American Democrats.

the bad kids in my town were probably Italian first

The Italian bullies this guy had, who were most likely brownish Southern Italians, & the Black who harassed him with a block of ice are shows that any shade of brown people love to prey on fair colorful Whites especially when they’re defenseless.

I loathe, loathe, loathe Italians. An ethny who all act like jackasses, create bad impressions, but then, the rest will NEVER take concerted action to defend their ethny.  The most you’ll get is a lone random comment on Amren.  After all, why DO anything to defend your ethny, why DO anything to become a force in pro-White activism, and in Italy why defend the homeland from invasion, when you can sing on balconies, obsess over food, drink wine, chase women, act like juvenile jackasses, mimic Trump with all blustering talk and no action, and be all around contemptible weaklings and lazy hedonistic cowards.

About Amren itself – yes, yes, they’re just “telling the truth.”  Funny that they won’t do it about Jews though, amirite?

WDR42 and Odds and Ends

WDR42: Why I Oppose Them.

Listen here.

Odds and Ends:

The utter and complete ineptness of the Italian.

The migrant crisis can be ended immediately. Thus:

1. Repudiate all immigration/migration/refugee treaties.

2. Treat the invaders exactly like you would an invading military force. Sink the damn boats. If any manage to land – how did Germans treat the amphibious landing of the Allies on D-Day? Did they welcome them, feed them, and distribute them throughout Germany to live off the fat of the land? No, something else was done. Use lethal force to repel the invasion. If any surrender, they are POWs.

3. The countries from which the migrants have originated have de facto declared war on the receiving nations. The latter should declare war on the former and take military action to stop the invasion at is source.

More from Italy.  It’s possible the Nordicists were always right about Italians in a general sense, they just didn’t have the specific nature of the criticism correct. Above all, it is a character issue, which of course could have a genetic basis. I do not blame the Italians for Meloni’s betrayal, but I do blame them for not doing anything about it.  An Italian stereotype is of constantly collapsing governments; you’d think that this is a perfect time for the Italian penchant for (political) instability to manifest itself. But, no. An ethny addicted to self-abasement and characterized by lazy hedonistic cowardice does what it always does in a crisis – lazy do-nothingness leading to pathetic failure.  Time to sing on balconies!

Stable genius Adonis Dutton criticizes others, see here. I’ll need to read the Bronski paper referred to by Dutton. However I note this from Dutton:

I argue that rising mutational load is part of the explanation. It led to more and more selfish, individually-oriented people until a tipping point was reached, probably around 1963, causing society to rapidly become left-wing.

Possible? Sure. But note the year 1963. Coincidence? The Kennedy assassination was a major psychological trauma for the American nation (with ripple effects throughout the “West”) and can be viewed as the breaking point between the end of the cultural 1950s (that is, 1960-1963 in America was not culturally very different from, say, the late 1950s) and the beginning of the hard left 1960s counter-culture, which started in 1964 and ended in the early 1970s (say around Watergate). That is coupled with the constant rise of Jewish influence, the accumulated sociopolitical capital built up by the Left by their “long march” through the institutions (unopposed by the Right), as well as the LBJ-Democrat strategy to use Blacks and other non-Whites as building blocks for a new political coalition (hence, the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Immigration Act).

I am not surprised that HBDers want to reduce all to genetic determinism secondarily influenced by environment, coupled with giving a “pass” to the Jewish-Anglo alliance in undermining America.

And was this mutational load to leftism restricted to the “West?”


However, it is true that an element of these relationships could be environmental. Perhaps having these kinds of traits makes people feel excluded or inferior. This makes them bitter about the world, which makes them want to tear down all of its power structures and traditions…

But today, society and its power structures and traditions are solidly leftist. Does that mean dissatisfied mutants will now be found on the Right in the ranks of, say, HBD or Der Movement?

I’m re-reading Robert Griffin’s One Sheaf One Vine and two quotes so far stand out.  Eric Owens states: “…I couldn’t get anybody to do anything.”  I certainly empathize with that.  Linder quotes Sobran as observing that “ is all just a game to conservatives, just a way to make a living.”  True.  But can’t we say the same about some in Der Movement?

The Once and Future Year: 2023-2024

Looking back and forward.

The Past:

Past predictions in italics.

I can again repeat my prediction about the revealing of moles and infiltrators.

See this.

See Jeelvy’s comments about the possibility of moles and infiltrators.

See this.  And this. That puts a new perspective on the Nord-Jew alliance thing.

Here is an accusation from Liddell.

I can again repeat that the battle for the future of Der Movement will continue and intensify, with the HBD-Nordicist-ethnonationalist-Amnat alliance pushing multiracialist mainstreaming and remnants of the WN 1.0 Old Guard and the more hardcore WN 2.0 folks resisting this direction. 

More or less true as regards the first part, but not the second part as the old guard has essentially surrendered.

I can predict that Trumptards and various ethnic fetishists will attempt to openly use the “wop card” against DeSantis, making his Italian ancestry as a major strike against him.

That hasn’t been necessary, as DeSantis is flopping on his own. However, that said, there have been ethnic comments about The Meatball coming from Der Right.

I can predict that $300,000 won’t be enough for Counter-Currents in 2023, and their fundraising goal will be some sum greater than that.

It seems I was wrong about that. I believe they have asked for that amount again – and so far are not reaching it.

I also predict that the 2023 Amren conference will include at least one Jew and/or Colored speaker.

I was wrong.

I also predict that Meloni in Italy will continue to disappoint, re: race and immigration.

I have been 100% correct about that; it has been even worse than I expected.

I predict that there is a good chance that the cause of death for Roberts/Rojas will eventually be disclosed, possibly this upcoming year.

This has not happened; it may never occur. In fact I can now predict that it is most likely that it will continue to be hidden.

I’m not sure how much lower Der Movement can go compared to where it is in December 2022, but, hey, remember, these guys have decades of experience with absolute, utter, endless, humiliating failure and pitifully bad judgment, so anything, any collapse, is possible.

In my opinion, Der Movement continues to decline.

The Future:

Again: I can again repeat my prediction about the revealing of moles and infiltrators. Expect more scandals in general, re: Der Movement.

Also again: I also predict that Meloni in Italy will continue to disappoint, re: race and immigration.

In general, mainstreaming will continue to fail as a political strategy for the Far Right.

I am not going to make predictions for the 2024 US Presidential election; suffice to say, whatever the outcome, Whites will not benefit in the long term.

In general, I see 2024 much like 2023 and every preceding year – the overall situation worsens for Whites, Der Movement does nothing useful and has its hand out for D’Nations, and more time is wasted.

I can again repeat that the battle for the future of Der Movement will continue and intensify, with what I see as the infiltration of Counter-Currents into American Renaissance and The Occidental Observer continuing (if anyone involved in those entities says I am wrong about all of that, then please come on Western Destiny Radio and we can discuss it). WN 3.0 – multiracial “White nationalism” – will continue to be an utter farce.

A prediction – eventually, maybe in 2024 but likely later (when Sammy and the Kevster retire from their “activist” “hard work” perhaps?), the de facto affiliation between Counter-CurrentsAmerican Renaissance, and The Occidental Observer will become more “officially” formalized, via an announcement (or whatever) “spun” in such a way that it is a “path forward” and evidence that “we’re winning” and “expect great things ahead” coupled, of course, with further fundraising appeals.

I will assume that I will continue to be banned and blacklisted by Der Movement and that all of the Grand Poobahs will continue to be feckless cowards and ignore my debate challenges.

Will 2024 be the year that we get some more detailed archaeogenetics data, particularly the promised expansion of Ancient Egyptian samples that I have read online about?

In general, the paradigm for the Dissident Right of “no one wants to do anything” will continue to hold, re: serious political work and, especially, getting the rank-and-file from seeing any of this as anything other than entertainment.

One could easily imagine Johnson having a “falling out” with another of his contributors.

I believe that some of the other contrarians on the Dissident Right will, eventually if not in 2024, follow the Dickie Spinster path of moving from a Dissident Right contrarian to a centrist who praises liberals and can no longer truly be considered an authentic part of the Far Right.

It is likely that the only real progress on Der Right, broadly defined, will come from organizations led by Jews, as your Eloi “leaders” will be too busy begging for money, talking about Savitri Devi, doing “superman pushups,” etc.

“Truthgiver” at Amren will be seen as a trailblazer for individuals – actual Coloreds and/or White leftists/government agents posing as such – infiltrating the Dissident Right to spread Nordicism and other memes designed to divide Whites.  And the self-indulgent Eloi will “eat it all up.”  In contrast to Jews, who, whatever else you want to say about them, are a serious and determined people, Whites, particularly Eloi, are like children, and are easy prey for cognitive infiltration and other forms of manipulation.

The Italic Institute will continue with their asinine posts – I can say that they will make Italians look like buffoons, but Italians in general don’t need too much help in that regard.