Category: Sunstein strategy

An Unsurprising Catastrophe

In der news.

See this.

The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary. The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of western power long after colonialism, imperialism and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. Superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call “minorities.”

Those White-hating “minorities” include Asians by the way.

See this for a related analysis..

Shh…don’t tell the Tolkien fanatics…get out of your hobbit hole!

See this. Well, yes, Colin, that is certainly true.

A defective is someone whose ideas and/or behavior will repulse, alienate, and turn-off most White people independent of racial nationalism.

The last four words of the definition are crucially important.  We acknowledge that just being pro-White is itself often enough to repulse many Whites and is enough to have one be considered “defective” by the mainstream.  What I’m saying is let’s eliminate that variable.  Let’s look at the person above and beyond their racial nationalism.  Forget all about their pro-White activism.  Is there anything else – anything independent of pro-White attitudes – that would make the person truly defective?  That’s the key.  If we are pro-White, then that’s a given and whether or not pro-White attitudes are considered “defective” by the mainstream is irrelevant, since we still need to promote pro-White memes.  But that should not, and must not, be complicated by truly defective ideas and behaviors that have nothing directly to do with being pro-White

Don’t over-complicate with extraneous matters. I’ve been writing recently about the paranoid retards of Der Right and their conspiracy theories, including covid-19 and vaccination. I’ve previously written about the other three factors Liddell mentioned, particularly factor two.

There’s yet another factor as well. Even though Der Right is full of freaks, rightists are still more normal than leftists. People on the Right are typically folks with jobs, families, more to lose, and less time and energy for activism. Leftists are typically bioleninist mattoids with little or nothing to lose, people with plenty of time and energy, plenty of rage to fuel their radicalism, and nothing else to do but engage with their activist beliefs. Coupled with the fact that the Right tends to be reactionary and the Left revolutionary, we can see that the motive force is on the side of the Left. And then there’s the JQ…

Heavy breathing now heard coming from Der Movement.

Prudent with money?  When are any of these guys going to address millions of dollars going to “an online publication?” How about $180,000 per year compensation for managing that publication?  And how is Counter-Currents itself making good use of its “D’Nations?”

To be fair, most of what Johnson says in that livestream was sound, but there’s always the usual lies, distortions, fetishism, and omissions. His sycophants can suggest all the debates that they like, but if Johnson believes he’ll be beaten, I doubt he’d agree. Forget about the dastardly “insane” untermensch Sallis, what about some sane Herrenvolk? I nominate Andrew Joyce as someone having the intellectual firepower and aggressiveness to battle Johnson. Topics could include the homosexual question and/or Mishima. Other people like Friberg, Liddell, von Hoffmeister, etc. could be interesting, but Joyce is my first choice. I suppose Taylor could be a friendly debate about the JQ, or Derbyshire can be an option, but, on the other hand, a Johnson-Derbyshire conversation would be too vomit-inducing.

I note that Johnson mentioned Eric Kaufmann and Whiteshift – sound familiar? – but of greater interest is Johnson equating Sicilians with Cubans (and other Hispanics).  If Johnson doesn’t realize that comments like that completely alienate wops and other White ethnics, then he’s even more stupid than I ever imagined. The man is a catastrophe. Certainly not surprising though. I do wonder when all of the shabbos suds and shabbos osts in Der Movement will realize that White ethnics are utterly despised by that “movement” and that they are wasting their time there, instead of helping to build a New Movement, which is desperately needed.More Counter-Currents:

This brings us to another feature of our new site. On April 10th, Counter-Currents will be extending special privileges to those who donate $120 or more per year.

Anything for more “D’Nations.” After all, apparently the only thing Der Movement does well is rattle the tin cup.First, donor comments will appear immediately instead of waiting in a moderation queue. (People who abuse this privilege will lose it.)An interesting test would be Ted Sallis as a donor, but I’m not interested in giving them any money. What about other “banned” individuals as well?  Weren’t Daniel S (for saying Mark Dyal was a mulatto, if I recall what Daniel wrote about the “banning”) and Captain Chaos also “banned?” Theoretically, if Johnson doesn’t openly declare a list of “proscribed” individuals, and then if he refuses to allow their unmoderated comments, from the start, after a donation from them, then he could be guilty of fraud. I would advise Herrenvolk Greg to be publicly clear on this. And there are other considerations. What does Gaslighting Greg precisely mean by “abuse this privilege?” He had better be reasonably explicit about what such abuse consists of, for if people donate money with the expectation of immediate commenting, and this privilege is taken away arbitrarily, that’s a problem. Twitter can get away with that. Counter-Currents is not Twitter. Finally, is this a good idea to begin with? The System’s targeting of the Far Right is not simply just “taking them offline,” but also “cognitive infiltration” of activist forums. For the System, $120 is a good deal to get open access to Counter-Currents comments threads, and then, an arbitrary removal of that access can lead to the issues alluded to above. Are these guys so hard up for “D’Nations” that they lose whatever little judgment that they have?

Second, donors will have immediate access to all Counter-Currents posts. Non-donors will find that one post a day, five posts a week will be behind a “paywall” and will be available to the general public after 30 days.

Don’t want to miss out on immediate access to all of that great content! Will Fullmoon Ancestry write a melancholy essay about the night spent in his mother’s basemen picking lint out of his navel?

This year, our goal is $200,000, up from last year for two reasons. 

More movies? More expulsions from Norway?

First, we have a lot more readers. 

The rank-and-file are absolutely hopeless, unless they are reading for cheap laughs (as I do).

Second, last year’s goal was set before we took on Jim Goad as a featured writer. We need the extra money not only to pay his salary…

salary? Goad should pay Johnson for allowing Goad’s retarded drivel to appear online. Imagine someone paying a salary for the absolute crap spewing from Goad’s vulgar “brain.”

…but also to take on other “names,” i.e., established professional writers who will bring us new audiences.

More page views! More readers!  More “D’Nations!” 

No matter how much the HBDers “shuck and jive,” the truth cannot be evaded. The incompetent yellow monsters created this plague. Nigerians would have handled the virus better. Are the Chinese behaviorally the most tropical of all of the global south colored sun peoples? 

The HBDers need to be thoroughly investigated. As usual, I make no accusations against anyone; I merely point out that such an investigation would be prudent and if the HBDers have nothing to hide then they should welcome it.

A Telling Admission

A small ray of disinfecting light.
Here we see Silver stating his disagreement with Greg Johnson’s “overarching worldview.”  Johnson’s overarching ideology/viewpoint is that of a White racial nationalist, so opposing that worldview is disagreement with the fundamental tenets of WN.
What’s particularly eyebrow-raising about the comment is that Johnson is a particularly moderate WN, far less extreme than, say, William Pierce (or myself for that matter).  In the past, Silver would frequently harshly critique the more extreme elements of WN, but Greg Johnson’s ethnonationalist-oriented, non-genocidal, New Right, anti-“Vantard” form of “Left Coast Nationalism” is far from extreme.
So, here we have someone who opposes even a moderate and intellectual form of racial nationalism, and is a shill for predatory capitalism.  What’s the battle cry then?  Jeb Bush in 2016!

Moderating Comments

I prefer no comments at all.
Well, moderating is better than the “free for all zoo” that occurs with lack of moderation.  And, I believe KMacD when he says that he does not “censor” comments at his site merely because he disagrees with them.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about other sites.  Herein lies the problem with blog comments.  Comments with no moderation will destroy a blog and drag it into a sewer, and also leave it open to Sunsteinite manipulation (which also occurs on poorly moderated blogs as well). However, moderation leave you open to accusations of deleting comments that effectively refute your position, thus yourself manipulating debate by eliminating certain points of view.
In contrast, I pick the simplest option: no commenting.  Certainly, that incurs costs as well, but it is the most time efficient.
Of course, in the end, moderating and no comments are not “censorship.”  One is free to set up one’s own blog to assert one’s own opinions. A commitment to free speech does not carry with it the obligation to host all types of speech at one’s own site. A commitment to free speech, for example, does not obligate a Negro to have a Stormfronter come to the Negro’s home and spout anti-Negro remarks.  On the other hand, the Stormfronter should have the right to say whatever he wants in public, and on his own property, including on Internet sites.

Antinora vs. Silver

Absolutely false.
Emphasis added:
Posted January 4, 2015 at 2:27 pm  

[Silver]:In general, the most reliable theories of economics lie in the area of microeconomics. Macroeconomics, in contrast, is far less well understood. 

[Antinora]: This is absolutely false. In fact, the discipline’s own assumptions about itself make it so. Macroeconomics has steadily and almost entirely disappeared after Keynes. Macroeconomics is applied microeconomics in the minds of economists. Because microeconomics is wrong macroeconomics is a mystery to them. It’s the reason nobody saw the economic crisis coming except non-orthodox economists. Money and credit do not figure prominently (at all really) in the orthodox understanding of the economy. There is also complete failure to understand that micro doesn’t scale up because aggregation doesn’t ‘work’. These two facts alone mean that economists are wrong on both counts; macro and micro.

Of course it is absolutely false.  Daniel, you need to wise up. What else should you expect from a dedicated White-hating, anti-racist extremist and shill for predatory capitalism such as the Sunsteinite troll Silver?