Category: SJWs

SJW Identity

They don’t want to be like you.

Taking the opportunity to study many highly educated White American “progressive” SJW types, I conclude that their beliefs are a core component of their personal identity, their sense of self and of self-worth, and will be very difficult, if not impossible, to change their beliefs by rational argument. Besides the well-known paradigm of moral posturing, virtue-signaling, and the “goodwhite” vs. “badwhite” distinction based on such “moral virtue” issues, there is something else going on here.  “Badwhite” is defined not only on the basis of such badwhites being moral monsters, but as undesirable in other ways as well. The SJW White not only defines themselves as the “good,” but more importantly, the SJWs have a negative identity of distinguishing themselves from the right-wing Whites they loathe.

As stated above, this rejection of the rightist badwhite goes beyond merely moral considerations. The entire persona, the entire being, the entire perceived identity of the badwhite is anathema to the SJW and the rejection of this badwhite identity forms the basis of the negative SJW goodwhite identity.

And how are the badwhites perceived?  What is the stereotype?  Rightist Whites are seen – besides their moral failings as being vile racists – as stupid, crude, vulgar, downwardly mobile, low rent, ignorant, irrational, anti-intellectual, anti-science, often blindly religious, poorly educated, delusional and easily deluded, gullible, conspiracy-theorizing, trailer trash with poor judgment and unpleasant behavior.  To be associated in any way with such people, even if it is limited to sharing certain beliefs and ideologies, is an affront, a personal insult, to the sense of self, the self-worth of the SJW; indeed, the entire SJW identity is based on being the opposite of the stereotype just outlined.

You can argue that this stereotype is unfair and overblown, and point out that many SJWs have some of the same characteristics.  However, most (all?) stereotypes have as their basis some foundation of truth, and there is more than a little truth in this description of rightist Whites. To the extent that many rightist Whites actually fit the profile, and one can find many such among Trumptards, Christards, as well as many Nutzis of Der Movement, then that reinforces the stereotype and reinforces the SJWs in their own negative identity formed opposed to the typical right-wing droolcup.  Worse, those Whites who are not dedicated SJWs and who may in fact be inclined to the Right – potentially even to the Far Right – but who do NOT fit that stereotype in any way, will become alienated from, and reject, right-wing populism and, even more so, explicit pro-White activism to the extent that they perceive that rightist activists fit the profile of that stereotype.  Thus, even non-SJW and even anti-SJW Whites will adopt a de facto SJW identity based on their rejection of the Right-Wing Retard identity represented by so much of Der Right.

We can see them why the tendency of the Far Right to associate itself with the likes of Jim Goad and Kanye West is so destructive, why rightist ‘tard antics are so alienating, why the anti-intellectual and anti-science imbecility and tendency toward tin foil hat conspiracy theorizing on the part of the (Far) Right ends up alienating intelligent and rational people, leaving behind flotsam and jetsam who simply reinforce the stereotype and create a feedback loop of self-reinforcing isolation that moves the Right further and further away from productive people and productive activity. When the foundational identity of many Whites is to be as unlike you as possible, you are going to have a very difficult time recruiting the type of high quality Whites you (pretend to?) desire.

SJW Accountability

Holding them accountable.

What should be our attitude toward White leftists, particularly the worst of the bunch who actively betray racial interests?  Should they be ostracized and left out of any future ethnostate?  Should the sinner be embraced and forgiven and allowed into the ethnostate (or forced in)?  Should we endlessly try to reason with them, convert them, and forgive their past if they repent? 

Many people in Der Movement seem very reticent to reject White leftists. The idea is that White leftists are a potential pool of recruits. But is that it really? I believe that a major reason why Der Movement doesn’t want to write off White leftists is that so many SJWs are Nord types, and the “movement” doesn’t want to give up on such “superior stock.”  Indeed, Der Movement no doubt prefers Eloi Antifa to Morlock White nationalists, so the door that’s slammed in the face of the latter must always be left open a crack for the former – justifying it with “sometimes leftists wake up and are reformed.”

Yes, sometimes they do wake up, but it is rare, and even when they do, one has to wonder about the sincerity and durability of their conversion. Given that there are genetic components to political orientation (with leftists being more prone to “openness to experience” and with higher thresholds for danger and disgust) one not only wonders about the authenticity of such converts but whether introducing their genes into a White ethnostate genepool is really a wise idea.

I say instead that at some point such specimens need to be held accountable for their race treason, written off, considered traitors, and removed from consideration as being part of our White ingroup.

They’ve made their bed and now they’ll have to lie in it.

And Whites involved in inter-racial marriages, particularly those with mixed-race children, should be included in this ostracized category, regardless of their political outlook.

Reject SJW Science

Truth must prevail over leftist lies and censorship.

Why I no longer read Scientific (sic) American (sic).

For another thing, scientists must do some soul-searching about why they are so motivated to look for evidence that traits like intelligence or propensity to violence are written in our genes, or that they would be different for people in different racial groups.

Err..because you can’t hide from the truth behind politically correct hysteria?  What is it?  We need political pre-approval before doing certain kinds of research or publishing certain kinds of data?  Then we make fun of Lysenko and the USSR?  Or we smugly look back at the persecution of Galileo and Bruno and say, “we’ve progressed so much,” while this scum wants the same kind of persecution of free thought?

…or treating “race” as something with clear genetic grounding… helping build a world that supports the flourishing of all humans, whatever their genetic ancestry.

On the one hand race doesn’t exist, but we need to help all “humans” (sic) flourish, despite their DIFFERING “genetic ancestry.”

Gee..if differences in “genetic ancestry” did not correlate with race, then why does this author talk about White, Black, and Brown communities and of “different racial groups” and then define that in terms of “whatever their genetic ancestry?” Doesn’t that imply that these groups have a different “genetic ancestry?”

SJW hysteria is not good for the mind.

What will the knowledge I’m building be good for?

You evil piece of shit…knowledge is good in and of itself. How the hell can you know what it can be used for if it is hidden to begin with? 

Do you need any more evidence that Da Left wants to return to a new Dark Ages, this time via the secular religion of “social justice” rather because of Christinsanity? As a scientist, I reject this crap, and will use my training to promote White interests, as I have done for more than 25 years

Odds and Ends, 3/15/22

In der news.

Happy March 15th.

See this.  I promote truth and facts, not dogmatic narratives. In that spirit, I share this Campbell video. It does give some support to those who have been hysterical about the covid vaccines. However, this needs to be put into the perspective of morbidity and mortality from covid itself. It would seem that with Omicron being mild, they should stop pushing endless vaccination. Further, stop with the young people. Older people like myself are a different story (although as I sort through my health issues, it will be interesting to determine, if possible, if the metabolic issues are vaccine-derived. The surgical ones are not).

Where I differ from others is that I rightly pin the blame where it ultimately belongs – China and the Chinese. That doesn’t take Big Pharma off the hook. That needs to be addressed. But none of this would have happened if the HBD Gods were not as filthy and utterly incompetent as any possible Negro.

Problems with the covid mRNA vaccines are not due to “DNA being changed” and is unlikely to be due to any inherent problems with the mRNA vaccine concept. Instead, it is likely due to immune responses to high levels of the (modified) covid spike protein antigen, especially with repeated exposures. However, given that covid doesn’t seem to cause a very strong, long-lasting immune response, I’m not sure if the vaccines would have been effective if they were “weaker.”

We should not let the (possible – probable?) bizarre inter-racial sexual preferences and deviances of White male HBDers deflect us from pinning the blame on the ethny of disease and death the Chinese.

Gaslighting Greg:

Our biggest project this year, however, is creating an entirely new institution: a think tank that will propose concrete policies to halt and reverse the negative consequences of globalization and multiculturalism. This is an enormous, long-term project which is taking most of my time.

This has to rank among the most alarming developments of all my time in pro-White activism. if this “think tank” promotes the failed and wrong ideas of Counter-Currents, and if it displays the same lack of judgment as Greggy and his pitiful crew of imbecilic sycophants, then it is a pernicious, destructive development that must be opposed.

If the National Policy Institute was properly managed, then there would be no room for the looming catastrophe of a Counter-Currents think tank.

Der Movement’s ethnic affirmative action program is not a theoretical construct; instead, it is a real world disaster bringing a seemingly endless series of negative consequences.

Please distribute far and wide. That is based on my Amren article from about 20 years ago. Translate into other European languages if you can do so.

More High Truster SJW babble that is poisoning the West. Sorry, Cliff, ascribing success to “luck” and “privilege” fails to account for patterns of accomplishment that track not only with ethny/gender (luck? I think not) but also with innate cognitive and behavioral traits (privilege? I think not?).

Certainly, yes, just as phenotype is genes and environment, success is often a combination of merit and some degree of good fortune. But the presence of the latter (sometimes) does not delegitimize the importance of the former. Put it this way. An intelligent and productive person can sometimes become a great success or not, and some degree of luck can be involved. But all the good luck in the world is not going to make a retarded dullard into a rocket scientist or a quantum physicist.

And to say meritocracy leads to discrimination is just virtue-signaling nonsense. So what? Maybe the inferior should be discriminated against to make more room for the superior. This idiot only counts the costs of meritocracy without looking at the benefits, and does the opposite for the anti-meritocratic view.

I’d prefer discrimination with First World standards than equity living in a Third World mud hut.

Readers of my blog know I reject simplistic “worse is better” narratives and instead promote Suvorov’s Law. However, it is complex. Things need to be bad enough to stimulate a strong desire for change, but not so bad as t make people give up in despair. There needs to be enough repression to make people uncomfortable and desperate enough for radical solutions, but not so much repression that they have no room for maneuver. People need to see some victories to maintain morale and to delegitimize the System. This requires prudent leadership with sound judgment – not dogmatic imbeciles with piss-poor judgment. We need flexible strategizers, not rigid idiots.

Note 7,8,12. First, as I’ve written, there’s a non-zero chance that Putin ends up as an exile in China, bending over for Ms. Wei Fuk Yu. Second, the stupidity of Der Right – in this case, right-wing populists – is endless. I’ve been criticizing Trad Vlad since at least December 2013, but the fearless leaders of Der Right know better, huh? Maybe you need new leaders? Third, the victory of “democracy” and “freedom” is what a Colored like this Jap would enjoy – hate speech laws targeting Whites, no freedom of association, genocidal mass migration, globalist control and and end to populist politics. Thanks, Trad Vlad. The deep chess game continues!