Category: Hungary

Farstreaming vs. Mainstreaming

Vik wins again.

See this.  More farstreaming success. Mainstreaming is a proven failure; farstreaming is a proven success. Der Movement promotes mainstreaming. The Sallis Groupuscule promotes farstreaming. Is anyone surprised about who is consistently right and who is consistently wrong? 

Let us define these terms.

Mainstreaming is when a more extreme political figure attempts to broaden their base of support by moving toward the political center, moderating their positions, compromising their principles, diluting their ideology, so as to attract what they believe to be a winning coalition of moderate voters who would be repelled by “extremism.”

Farstreamng – a term that I invented – is when a political figure moves toward more extreme political positions, away from the center, embracing a more radical ideology with uncompromising principles. In the context of right-wing politics, it means someone on the center-right moving in the direction of, at the very least, hard right populism, if not the Far Right itself (that would be optimal and a more extreme example of farstreaming). It could also mean someone who is already far on the right moving either farther to the right – e.g., right-wing populists, including civic nationalists, moving to the Far Right and becoming overt racial nationalists..

Mainstreaming would seem to make sense on a superficial level, but the weaknesses of this approach are obvious upon reflection. A mainstreamer alienates their friends and dispirits their base, while never winning over their enemies, who will never trust the mainstreamer, and will have only contempt for this pandering to the center. The mainstreamer can become outflanked by a centrist modifying some positions for the sake of an election. Why should the average voter support a mainstreaming ex-“extremist” when they can vote for a “safer,” more established centrist candidate who now has approximately the same political positions as the mainstreamer?  Thus, by mainstreaming, a politician eliminates the only reasons for favoring them over the centrists, while the centrist still enjoy the advantages of being “more electable,” lacking the “baggage” of an “extremist” past.  If you are going to have the “baggage,” you may as well accompany that with actual policy positions that clearly distinguish you from your centrist opponents. Mainstreaming politicians also have credibility and character perception issues – can they be trusted if they so cavalierly change their most fundamental political positions?  At least a farstreaming politician can more realistically claim that they have “seen the light” and are embracing more “extreme” positions, moving away from the centrist mass,  because that is the right thing to do, but someone moving toward the bland center, moving toward the mass of the voters, has around them the stink of unprincipled political expediency. And even if a mainstreaming politician wins, they have achieved victory in such a manner that they have likely compromised their ability to effectively leverage that victory for doing any sustained good. 

Let’s consider some real-life examples.

I used to mock Orban as “Chicken Wire Vik” – a center-right politician posturing at immigration enforcement (with a flimsy chicken wire border fence) to win votes away from the Hungarian hard right. But over time Orban realized that the further he moved to the right, the more popular he became. He farstreamed so far to the right that he outflanked the mainstreaming “Far Right” Jobbik party, and afterwards Orban has gone from success to success, while Jobbik’s mainstreaming has been a dismal failure. The prime example of failed mainstreaming is Marine Le Pen, who as drifted so far to the center that in many ways her positions are indistinguishable from that of Macron, and she has been outflanked on her right by a North African Jew. I note that the “breakthrough personality” mentioned here is Zemmour and not LePen. It is astonishing that Le Pen has mainstreamed herself right out of the conversation about immigration and French demographics. Thus, even if – IF! – she ever wins an election, she’s compromised her positions so much that such a victory would mean little for the French Right and the long term prospects of French survival.

Donald Trump, in the past widely seen as a socially liberal New Yorker (“New York values”), at most center-right in his overall politics, farstreamed to the right in 2015-2016, running as a right-wing populist, and outflanking the rest of the GOP field on the right, particularly with respect to immigration. This not only led to an unexpected victory to the GOP nomination over more established political figures, but led to a shocking and unexpected victory in the 2016 Presidential election. Trump then spent the next four years betraying his base and governing center-right, and mainstreamed during the 2020 Presidential race, losing (whining about “electoral fraud” aside) to the widely unpopular, dementia-ridden walking cadaver Joe Biden. Food for thought, eh?

Of course, I am talking about general trends here. Mainstreaming may occasionally garner electoral success. Farstreaming may sometimes fail.  Laws of politics are not as stringent as, say, the laws of physics.  Nevertheless, the broad trends, the empirical real world evidence, strongly suggest that, in general, mainstreaming is a losing proposition, and farstreaming is a more likely road to success.

I can anticipate one objection. If farstreaming is best, then why don’t more extreme political parties routinely win elections?  One must be careful to understand the argument being made in this post. Mainstreaming vs. farstreaming focuses on the direction of political change – should a “dissident” politician move more toward the center or should they move to (or at least maintain their position in) the more extreme end (right or left, depending on what type of “dissident” politics we are evaluating) of the political spectrum. In most majority White countries, it is true that more moderate parties dominate. But this is not stable over time, since the definition of “moderate” changes, countries differ, and situations change.  America has drifted so far left since WWII that Eisenhower’s immigration policies would now be “Far Right Nazi” and today’s mainstream social policies would have shocked libertine Hollywood communists of the 1950s.  The centrist racial attitudes even as late as the 1980s and 1990s would be considered “hard right” today.  So the Far Left of the past has become “moderate” and “centrist” today. In contrast, Hungary has shifted to the right, so Orban’s right-wing populism is now mainstream. Even in today’s leftist America, the White population retains sufficient rightist sentiment as to allow for Trump’s initial success; therefore, there can be internal divisions within a country as to what “centrist” really means. The fact of national political change over time means that even if an “extremist” party has no chance of victory today, they may exhibit success in the future, if they stay the course and stay true to their principles, and if a changing political climate moves the central mass of voters in their direction. Finally, real leadership consists of leading, not following; the principled politician stakes out authentic positions, based on a sound ideology and certain uncompromising principles, and then attempts to convince the electorate to come in that direction. The effective leader leads the populace in the right direction and builds upon a solid base of supporters, they do not abandon that base in a vain attempt to follow the populace to the center (a “center” that is in any case constantly shifting).  So, yes, today, “moderate” has more success than “extreme” – but farstreaming is still the best long-term strategy. You should stake out an attractive position away from the milksop middle and entice the electorate to follow you to the “extremist” “promised land.”

Odds and Ends, 10/27/21

In der news.

Richard Gere vs. the Italian people.  Gere apparently wants Africans into Sicily. Gere’s ancestry is described here.

One of his ancestors, also named George, was an Englishman who came from Heavitree and settled in the Connecticut Colony in 1638, Both of Gere’s parents were Mayflower descendants, and his ancestors include Pilgrims…

“Movement” trope – Jews use Coloreds as weapons against Whites.


But what about – High Trusters use Coloreds as weapons against White ethnics.

That (both comments, actually) describes the last 60 years of American politics, and both can be said to be happening in Europe now as well.

Song for Ted Sallis.

The most outrageous lie I have ever read (courtesy of our favorite overweight “Ostrogothic” Turko-Albanian):

Part of the reason I love Counter-Currents is that there is no party line to toe and pluralism is allowed (and expected).

Sure! I look forward to Counter-Currents articles that excoriate Greg Johnson as a pitifully failed leader, that denounce ethnonationalism and traditionalism, that call Savitri Devi a deluded lesbian hag, that state that homosexuals have no place in the “movement,” that mock anyone fooled by Hermansson and Lewis, that expose Rushton a la Dutton, etc. Johnson was moderating some of my comments (including purely factual ones) off the board even before I was “banned.” Pluralism, my ass.

Following up on the stupidity of taxing unrealized capital gains, an idea which if passed will inevitably will spread generally and not only for “billionaires,” just you wait for how all of the suburban cucks will howl once the proposal is made to tax Roth IRAs.  That’s what people don’t understand – the Left/Coloreds have no conception of “fairness” and “right vs. wrong” – only power. If they can confiscate White American wealth, they will do so, with taxation being the simplest way of initiating the process.

Regardless of the final electoral outcome, the current political milieu in France is yet another example of Sallis is Right. I have long opposed mainstreaming for the Far Right, not only because it betrays core principles (and thus would make “victory” hollow and meaningless) but because it is politically naïve. When the Far Right moves to the Center, they allow themselves to be co-opted by the Center feinting Right. It happens time and again, without fail, but Der Retarded Right never learns. Today, Skullface Marine has managed to mainstream herself in a position behind that of an Algerian Jew who claims to be more hardcore about demographics and immigration (probably right about that), and has donned the mantle of the true defender of French national existence.

Meanwhile, in Hungary, Orban, initially a Trump-like fraud, has farstreamed himself to the Right and has become more and more popular and, in a “fake it into you make it” manner, seems to have transformed into a genuine right-wing populist concerned with national existence. On contrast, Jobbik mainstreamed itself into an incoherent mess, allowing Orban to become the authentic champion of Hungarian demographic and cultural continuity.

But, you see, the Grand Poobahs of Der Movement, with their snob effect rationale, have to show how politically “sophisticated” they are, how much more “pragmatic” and “prudent” and “worldly” they are compared to the wignat Nutzis, so the Poobahs will continue to sniff with disdain at hardcore political positions and will continue to promote “the mainstreaming strategy” and conduct hours-long livestreams and podcasts “analyzing” the “deep chess games” of mainstreaming rightist candidates. And when those candidates lose, the Poobahs will scurry off and forget about politics for a while, and instead discuss the metapolitical traditionalist implications of Tolkien jerking off over a photo of Lovecraft’s intestinal tumor.

This is how real activism is done.  Maybe Der Movement can learn a thing or two (or three).

Please note the presence of Chinese as part of the pan-Colored, Tropical, illegal alien invasion of America.  But I thought that Asians always produce superior civilizations, so why do Chinese mix in with Latinos and Haitians to smash through police barriers to invade majority-White USA?  Please explain, Sammy.

Odds and Ends, 8/7/21

In der news. In all cases, emphasis added.

While reading the Counter-Currents comment below, remember:

1. While Johnson allows this content on the site, I am “banned” from it.

2. Johnson calls me “insane” and a “paranoid piece of crap” for calling out the freaks and defectives of his beloved WN 2.0.

3. The failed Alt Right was supported by most of your “leaders” and was enabled by the support of all of YOU:

Ann SterzingerAugust 4, 2021 at 3:02 am

If I had a dollar for every time someone said it was “for the greater good” right before they did something cataclysmically stupid, destructive, or cruel, I would be able to buy back all the real estate in the US that’s been bought by China and Bezos, pay off the national debt, put Depo-Provera in all the drinking water for ten years, buy my own tropical island so I don’t have to watch shit collapse, and pay for all the therapy all of the site’s readers are going to need after being subjected to all of those heinous photos of that squint-eyed little stoner cunt.

Do you not understand that if you want to have a “movement,” which is almost always a backfiring disaster under the best of conditions, the last thing you want to do is condone LIARS?! I don’t give a shit that he’s gay and don’t care about the details; I’m appalled by his HYPOCRISY about it. Calling everyone else a fag while you’ve got one dick going down your throat and another pumping up out of it. Calling other people perverts and liars while telling so many lies about your perversion you can’t remember what you’ve got stuck inside your rectum.

He doesn’t care about the Air Force or the family or blah blah blah, any more than he cares about, say, protecting white women from being held down and forcibly penetrated by crackheads who have just enough of a brain stump to think we deserve it for being white. Nah, all women lie. Unless it’s Richard Spencer’s wife.

I’m appalled by this little trend-hopping weiner and his ilk thinking that people will accept “iz just irony doge” as a fig leaf for lying their worthless little bone-heads off at random. It’s even worse that, Judas Priest, here you are accepting it.

Zeus doesn’t hand poster children down from the sky and then force you to tilt your head to the side and mumble, “Oh no, I guess I have to lionize this pathological lying piece of shit, just like the left does with George ‘racism made me swallow a pound of fentanyl’ Floyd, uuuuh, I guess that’s Fate.” If you’re going to be just as gormless and fugly as the other side, why bother fighting them?

It’s the poster that makes the poster child, not the other way around. If you’re going to try to write propaganda, at least get that straight.

This isn’t an unjust discharge, if it happens. Granted, they would be discharging him for the wrong reason–but there are probably millions of wrong-thinkers quietly getting the boot WITHOUT being counterproductive twerps. My family has served in the Air Force since it was the Army Air Corps, and it’s shameful that they let the weaselly little swine in there in the first place. If he were ever in combat, gods help us, he would probably defect and try to turn his CO over to the CCP the minute a shot was fired in his vicinity.

He isn’t the “poster child” for any of the trends he’s followed. He’s a poster child for the future population of Idiocracy.

These people complaining about Alt Right figures today should have joined me years ago when I mocked those jackasses for their infantile behavior, such as running around in public shirtless, guzzling quarts of milk straight out of gallon jugs. But, no. That was defended as “youth culture” and “the authentic voices of WN 2.0.”  

All China, all the time, this from The Occidental Observer:

As Ron Unz has described, the sophisticated, literate but sink-or-swim culture of ancient China had obvious evolutionary implications. Those who did well had more children; those who didn’t often starved. But doing well meant mastering the complex and finely detailed Chinese writing-system — those who could master it were able to move into lucrative positions in the civil service, complete with wives, concubines, and many children. So the Chinese may well have acquired genes that improve their ability to read Chinese.

Actually though, that is somewhat compatible with my interpretation of the data showing that East Asians are a tropical, southern people. The idea is that the TROPICAL Chinese started off as unintelligent as are sub-Saharan Africans, but were then subjected to selective pressure for increased intelligence as described above. Thus, as I always say, the Asian is merely a more intelligent form of Negro. When Asians are pushed to the limit of their tropical capabilities, things like the Wuhan viral lab leak occur.

See this. If that poll reflects reality, the pathetic failures of Der Movement has to be put to the account of its failed Quota Queen “leadership” and the rigid ethnic affirmative action program that elevates incompetent grifters to positions of authority and influence in racial activism.

Maybe Der Right should have invested the time to infiltrate institutions the same as the Left did. But, no, failed meritless quota freaks instead kept on telling us “there is no time, the System is going to collapse in five years” (the mantra for the last FIFTY years and more) and so we all need to head for the hills (or hobbit holes) with muskets and a supply of twigs and branches to gnaw on.

Observation: Blacks don’t realize that other people really do not care about hair textures, “colorism,” and other Negro obsessions.

See this.  Five or six years ago I was justifiably critical of Orban, in that he seemed to be faking nationalist populism for political reasons. However, I cannot fault him for what he has been doing over the past few years, as he has been farstreaming to the Right.  Orban is I believe a political example of the Roissy adage “fake it until he make it” – after years of pretending to be a nationalist populist, he has really become one.

By the way, never forget that fetishists labelled Orban a “gypsy” because he doesn’t meet their phenotypic standards.

I’m ignoring the comments about “anti-Semites” and Israel – those are side issues.

Torba weeps.  Note that “fear of needles” is cited as one of the inhibitory factors – exactly what I have been saying all along.  All the sound and fury to cover up being afraid that a “Jew doctor” is going to hurt their delicate shoulder with that scary needle “jab.”

Laugh at this – person telling us how to raise White children, but has no children of his own.

By way of full disclosure, I do not have children. I wish I did. My advice will be only from an observer’s perspective…


Isaac Asimov’s original Foundation series is somewhat analogous to the Godfather movie series with respect to quality. The first (Foundation) is most often considered the best; however, the second (Foundation and Empire) – that introduces the two most interesting characters of the series, Bel Riose and The Mule – is so close to the first that many people prefer the second. The third (Second Foundation) is definitely inferior and somewhat mediocre; it is a very uneven book. The first half of Second Foundation, which also features The Mule, is quite good, but the second half, which features an insufferably obnoxious teen-aged girl, is close to unreadable.

The concept of “psychohistory” and the rise and fall of civilizations and empires, which serves as the focus of the series, is of course of interest to people on the Right.

Sallis Right Again: Political Population Genetics

And other news.

Another example of the politicization of science:

Isolation-by-distance models are part of the institutional creed of antiracialism used to critique claims of biological race concepts (BRCs). Proponents of antiracialism appeal to isolation-by-distance models to describe patterns of human genetic differences among and between groups as a function of distance. Isolation by distance has been referred to as the pattern that human genetic variation fits, distributing the differences we see as race throughout geographic space as a series of Gaussian gradients. Contemporary scientific critiques of BRCs fuse social constructionist race concepts with a description of the distribution of proportions of human genetic variation in geographic space as a function of distance. These two points are often followed by statements noting that there is only one human race… To address the shortcomings in the scientific critique of race, the author proposes combining Du Boisian demography with Darwinian evolutionary biology. From a Du Boisian demographic perspective, race is a product of racism, or race/ism, and is a heredity and inheritance system based on rules of partus sequitur ventrem and hypodescent. Race marks individuals and groups them to reproduce unequal relationships into which Europeans co-opted them. This synthesis propounds a new racial formation theory to understand the more general consequences of racism on genes and health outcomes.

This is an admission that much of modern population genetics, and pseudoscientific denials of racial reality, is based on “the institutional creed of antiracialism,” and not on genuine scientific empiricism.

…the differences we see as race throughout geographic space as a series of Gaussian gradients. Contemporary scientific critiques of BRCs fuse social constructionist race concepts with a description of the distribution of proportions of human genetic variation in geographic space as a function of distance.

Ignoring clustering and ignoring the ability of definitively assign race based on genetic data or on forensic anthropology.

To address the shortcomings in the scientific critique of race, the author proposes combining Du Boisian demography with Darwinian evolutionary biology.

“Du Boisian demography?” Do you need any more evidence that the “scientific” establishment has been completely co-opted by SJW lunacy and by Colored radicalism?

Everything I’ve ever written about the political objectives of population genetics is verified. And, by the way, do you think that “testing companies,” with their known biases and leaked admission of “owning racists” by fudging results, are immune to this politicization?

The pseudoscience of the Left mirrors that of the Right (e.g., HBD) – they start out with the desired conclusion and then work backward to try and justify it.

Should there be treason trials for selected HBDers?  Is there any way of connecting their activity to aiding China levying war against the United States?

The HBDers need to “pay” as well.

Considering all of the prominent HBDers, isn’t it interesting that there is a correlation between promoting HBD and having one or more of the following characteristics:

1. Being critical and/or opposed to White nationalism

2. Consumed with hostility toward pan-Europeanism

3. Being of non-European ancestry and/or married to someone of non-European ancestry

4. Promoting one or more of the following: miscegenation, aracial citizenism, cognitive elitist IQ nationalism, pseudoscience

5. Open disdain for White ethnics, typically combined with worship of Jews and East Asians

6. Innate hostility for any memes that unite Europeans and innate tropism toward any memes that divide Europeans

7. Being “socially awkward” or some other type of mattoid, including defending child porn

Related material.

Read this, and remember that the Quota Queens deny that the affirmative action program exists.

I’m surprised that we have not yet heard from Der Movement that all of the UFOs in the news are actually Nazi flying saucers from Antarctica. 

What hypocrisy.  In Hungary, no less.  Remember this:

Author Marisa Abrajano, whose origins we can only imagine from her name and appearance, teaches political science at UC San Diego. Zoltan Hajnal also teaches at UC San Diego. Zoltan is a Hungarian name, so it’s unlikely his ancestors came over on the Mayflower. White Backlash is published by Princeton University Press.

This is the perfect symbol for our degenerate times. Foreigners tell the American founding stock how benighted and deserving of oblivion we are, and are published by one of the country’s most prestigious academic presses. We have work to do.

Maybe Hungarians should not have foreigners in their nation preaching to them about “European Brotherhood” while in reality opposing that “brotherhood” in their own nations.

A telling admission from the new Counter-Currents:

Nick JeelvyMay 31, 2021 at 2:30 pm

I must admit I had no idea what the point of this article was while I was writing it…

And that’s an article behind their paywall!  You just can’t make this stuff up.