Category: Asians with typical Negro behavior

You Can’t Take the Quota Out of the Queens

Der Movement.

Laugh at this. OK, once again I ask Johnson the question that the coward will continue to ignore – what qualifications did Spencer have to be made the head of NPI? Johnson can’t address that because the answer leads to the same “movement” ethnic affirmative action program that elevated a meritless empty vessel like Johnson himself to be another “movement” “leader.” Fact is, an essay like LeBlanc’s could just as easily be made about Johnson or any of the other Quota Queens. They have nothing to offer other than their WASPness. Absolutely nothing.

Fisking the article:

Spencer, for his part, who was once the face of the most exciting and talked-about news story in the world, now finds himself a broke and broken man with nothing to show for his adventures but a trail of burned bridges and broken lives that he left in his wake. He has long since surpassed in relevance by a 23-year-old who lives with his parents, and he is now even shunned by White Nationalists.

This is the fellow who was named the head of NPI and who hobnobbed with high-level “movement” “leaders” – at least before they got scared off by Hailgate. I also seem to recall a Spencer-Johnson podcast episode before their feud erupted full scale.

If there were any lingering doubts as to whether or not Richard Spencer is the poster child for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the 8-minute interview should seal the deal. Right out of the gate, Spencer tries to distance himself from the movement and dodge any blame for how things turned out.

I’m no fan of Spencer, but please stop this cheap psychobabble pathologization. Right…and I’m a “paranoid piece of crap” suffering from “insanity,” right? Everyone is mentally maladjusted except Gaslighting Greg and his merry little band of sycophants.

Richard: I was trying to unite everything to where it would be simply me, and it would have been better if they had fucking bent the knee and shut the fuck up.

Spencer isn’t the only “movement” “leader” who expects people to “had fucking bent the knee and shut the fuck up.”  What about folks who “ban” anyone who dares disagree with them?

There’s a lot to unpack here. Basically, Spencer thinks that the Alt Right should have been a Richard Spencer cult of personality. 

Is it supposed to be a Greg Johnson “cult of personality” instead? Of course, a “cult of personality” requires a personality, so there may be a problem with that.

But at the same time, Spencer acknowledges that he did not create the movement. This raises the obvious question: “If you didn’t create the movement, then what is your claim to leadership?” 

Anglo-Nord affirmative action. Same with Johnson.

He didn’t create the movement. He’s never written a book. He ran a blog, but it was one of many blogs. It wasn’t the biggest blog, nor was it light-years better than other blogs. His fan base was miniscule compared to that of TRS or The Daily Stormer. So why him as leader? 

Why was he made the head of NPI?  I’ve been giving the answer to all of these questions, right here, for years.

The simple answer is that better candidates didn’t want the job. 


Spencer says as much in the interview.

So, you believe that?

Richard: The whole 2016-2017 experience was quite something, wasn’t it? I was making headlines every week. Trump was also reaching people online, and the Alt Right became a kind of advertising wing. And the Alt Right’s anonymous, and I am not anonymous, and if I dare say so, I think I am interesting.

Yes, he’s very interesting. Like a carbuncle.

Well, that part is true, but only in the same sense as someone like Ted Bundy is interesting. However, he is on to something. The main reason Spencer was able to land the job of Alt Right spokesman is because most of the movement was anonymous and no one else wanted the job. If the TRS doxes had happened a year earlier, Mike Enoch probably would have wound up with that job.

Enoch – the guy many people call a “Jew?” The guy who, regardless of his exact ancestry, is not an Anglo-Nord?  Fantasy.

That’s not really a strong claim to leadership. That’s like becoming the heavyweight boxing champion because the last champ retired. It’s not really proof that you’re the best.

Sounds a lot like Johnson’s situation.

To a narcissistic sociopath, what you feel about him is not as important as the fact that you feel something and feel it intensely. To a narcissistic sociopath, being admired is of course the ideal, but failing that, being hated is the next-best thing. More than anything, a narcissist wants to be the center of your world. Thus, to Spencer, “love to hate” and “hate to love” are basically the same things. In both cases, he is the center of your world. They both fulfill the need for narcissistic supply.

Stop the psychobabble crap.  

Richard: There was “the punch of Richard Spencer” in 2017.

Yes, he referred to the event in the third person. I’m sorry, but I find that funny. He doesn’t say, “There was the time when I was punched in 2017.” He calls it “The Punch of Richard Spencer” as if it was a major historical event on par with “The Sinking of the Lusitania.” I wonder if Abraham Lincoln is up there in heaven talking about his death and saying, “I wanted to enjoy a play, but then The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln happened.”

So what?  Making much ado about nothing.  What a nitpicking idiot.

Similarly, Spencer wanted to be respected as a serious intellectual like Jared Taylor, but he also wanted the street cred of Mike Enoch.

That’s like saying someone wants to have the muscularity of Pee Wee Herman and the humble sensitivity of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Pumping Iron.

One cannot help but consider it an insult that Spencer would refer to associating with the greater Alt Right as “slumming,” but to be fair, compared to the days when he was doing conferences with Peter Brimelow, Paul Gottfried, and Jared Taylor and working alongside Steve Sailor, John Derbyshire, and other Dissident Right legends…

OK, so if Spencer is so bad and is a “narcissistic sociopath” then what does that say about the judgment of all those “Dissident Right legends” for associating with him?

…Spencer was indeed kind of slumming throughout most of 2016 and 2017. That’s not a diss on the Alt Right so much as it is a reflection of the high-class characters Spencer used to run with. 

I think you have it backwards, but never mind.

Can you imagine Jared Taylor “bending the knee” to Richard Spencer?

No, he’s too busy “bending the knee” to Jews and Asians.

Let me ask the readers of Counter-Currents a question: Can you think of a Richard Spencer rip-off?

Can you think of a Greg Johnson rip-off?

I remember a time when every podcaster was trying to be Mike Enoch, and I’ve seen a million bloggers trying to write like Andrew Anglin, but I have never seen a content creator who made me say “Man, this guy is totally ripping off Richard Spencer. He’s jacking all of his talking points. He’s shilling for the EU and advocating for ethical child pornography. 

But when “Dissident Right legends” implicitly advocate for the possession of child porn to be legal, that’s OK, right?  Disgusting hypocrites.

That Spencer had any amount of influence at all was due to the fact that he had the goodwill of all the bigwigs who did have substantial fan bases, and who were willing to vouch for him.

OK, here we have the $64,000 question – why did he have their “goodwill” if he’s such an obvious fuckup?  Only I am willing to provide the answer.

This is one of the reasons Spencer has crashed so hard. He put all his eggs in the networking basket and no eggs into the “cultivating a fan base” basket. This is probably because cultivating a loyal base of support is hard and tedious work that often involves being nice to people who are not important, but who will support you forever and follow you to the gates of Hell in exchange for a morsel of respect. But Spencer was never the type to soil his hands by engaging with unimportant people.

Then we have Johnson who “soiled his hands” (or whatever) with Hermansson, Lewis, and Pilleater.  How did that all work out?

Instead, Spencer networked and won over the key bigwigs in the movement who did have large followings. 

Great judgment on their part.

But when those aforementioned bigwigs withdrew their support…

Because Hailgate offended Jews and imperiled fundraising.

Richard: At the end of the day, Unite the Right meant putting me next to, like, Azzmador, who is just disgusting and gross.

Again, this is because Spencer did not actually have a fan base of his own. Thus, he needed people like Azzmador of The Daily Stormer — people who actually did have significant fanbases — if he wanted to have his picture taken speaking in front of a large crowd, which was all he ever wanted.

I’ll admit that I initially wasn’t too hot on Azzmador. He was a little too edgelordy for my taste, but I must say, he has really grown on me. Post-Charlottesville, he has improved his style a lot. Rather than being an edgelord, he now gives off a dad-like vibe and tries to be more of a positive role model and mentor for the youth. It’s quite a remarkable turnaround.

Despite currently being a fugitive from the law, Azzmador still streams regularly. You can find him on Odysee. Do listen and support.

Does Sallis every support any of the freakshow brigade?  No, because I actually have some degree of judgment.

Back to Spencer:

Richard: I don’t like ugly, stupid freaks. It always just should have been about Richard Spencer.

Sort of self-contradictory there, no?  OK, he’s not ugly, but the rest of it…

So here, Richard “Hailgate” Spencer is claiming that it was the movement that made him look bad.

The sense of entitlement is really breathtaking here. After all this time, I should not be surprised by Spencer’s narcissism, and yet I am. I never dreamed that he would ever take his mask off to this extent.

Did someone take the “mask” – or anything else – off in a Budapest men’s room?

Spencer isn’t wrong, but he makes it sound like he did not actively participate in it himself. If you didn’t know who Richard Spencer was, and then saw this interview, you would think like that Nazi humor was something Spencer himself was above and that he dirtied his hands by hanging around people who made Nazi jokes. In reality, Spencer did quite a bit of Nazi LARPing himself. Aside from Hailgate, Spencer reportedly made people give him Roman salutes when he entered the room.

I – and not Der Movement – was criticizing the Beavis-and-Butthead Spencerian Alt Right at its peak.

I try to imagine a world where Richard Spencer never existed, and it’s frankly infuriating to think of what might have been. No Spencer, no Hailgate. “Alt Right” becomes a catch-all term for anyone who is not liberal or neocon. No Alt Right/Alt Lite schism.

As if being welded to the Alt Lite is a good thing.

There are other people who could have done as good a job or better debating Sargon…

At least Spencer was willing to debate semi-competent opponents, which is more than I can say about a certain other “movement” “leader.”

All in all, I therefore have no choice but to declare that Richard Spencer was a gigantic net loss for the movement for white survival.

As is Der Movement as a whole.

I wrote “similar,” because when Matt Heimbach took his mask off, he was already banished from the movement, anyway. It was an epilogue to a story that had already ended. But with Spencer, I had been worried that we might have to deal with carrying that guy on our backs forever.

I am worried the same way about Johnson.

I wish I had the energy for Schadenfreude. I would love nothing more right now than to spike the football and yell at the wignats, “I was right all along!” 

It was I, not you, who was warning about the Alt Right as far back as late 2016/early 2017. Mendacity by omission.

See this. Do you need any more evidence that I am correct about Rosie and the Kids White nationalism, and that Nikandros is also correct?  Now non-White HapaPerspective is being given a forum on Counter-Currents. Remember that both Sallis and Nikandros are “banned” from Counter-Currents.

Rosie and the Kids!

Speaking of which. Asian teens are more anti-White than are Hispanics. How’s that “Arctic Alliance” working out, Derb?

Real Race Realism


Compared to the politicized pseudoscience of HBD, we can consider real race realism, a true, genuine, authentic consideration of racial differences. According to HBD, East Asians, like the Chinese, are high-IQ supermen, and are beyond criticism. According to real race realism, the Chinese (and extension, other East Asians) are inept colored tropical people, whose nation is a festering cesspool of disease, who are an uncreative hive of human photocopiers, copying and stealing the fruits of other people’s intellectual and technical work, and who are responsible for creating one pandemic after another, the latest being covid-19.

A sound understanding of real race realism would have better informed American scientists and scientific administrators. Thus, when a decision needed to be made regarding whether or not to fund gain-of-function virus research in China, the  real race realist reaction would have been:

Definitely not! The Chinese are a corrupt, incompetent, tropical, global south, colored people, with a documented history of barbaric behavior, including politically-motivated voluntary cannibalism, they are a singularly uncreative race who steal and copy the fruits of the White man’s genuine creativity, they are bereft of any authentic higher striving, they mass produce shoddy, low quality, sometimes lead-infested and poisonous, junk that they dump onto other economies, they regularly produce deadly pandemics through their filth and destructive lack of self-awareness, they are untrustworthy, they cheat, they cut corners, they lie, and they would use whatever research they do against our interests. Their incompetence, corruption, and untrustworthiness makes any such research in their hands dangerous to all humanity, the potential for a lab leak (or an intentional release) is very real, and we can’t take the chance. We may not be able to stop them from doing such research on their own, but we certainly should not be enabling it, and we must not fund it. It would be less risky to fund gain-of-function Ebola research in Nigeria than it would be to fund any type of viral research in China. The answer is and must reman a resounding no.

That’s what a real race realism would tell us. In contrast, multiculturalist naivete helped produce covid-19, and “drop your pants and bend over” HBD gives us absolute filth who do the dirty work of the Chinese government to help cover up the real origins of that disease.

HBD would tell us that having the Chinese supermen doing gain-of-function virus research is a good thing – imagine the amazing discoveries The Holy Orientals will make compared to stupid Whites!  Real race realism, on the other hand, would tell you that having the Chinese doing that research would be just as bad, or worse, than having sub-Saharan Africans do it, with potential pandemics an ever-present possibility. Guess which of those two perspectives better reflects reality.

Odds and Ends, 6/10/21

In der news.

Liddell will probably get excited over this.

Fellow White people?

Susan Goldberg

Editor in Chief, National Geographic

Race Card: White, privileged, with much to learn

HBDers ejaculate.

See this. Let’s hear more pro-capitalist shilling from the “race realist” Alt Right.  “Sweet business deals.”

Sallis right again: The existential meaning of Asians is hatred of Whites.

After reading Jeelvy promoting unemployment and downward mobility, now this idiot counsels robot-like brown-nosing at work. Which is it?

Check yourself to see if you are the difficult person. If you are back talking, getting hard looks, and/or instinctively wanting to do the opposite of what the boss wants, then you might be the difficult one. This sort of situation will be tolerated until it isn’t.


Born in 1980, Dutton is a serious academic who has a firm grasp of anthropology, genetics, and evolution, his thoughts on which he presents through his “eccentric Englishman” persona on his highly enjoyable and informative YouTube and Odysee channels.


Born in 1980, Dutton is a comical pseudo-academic who has a non-existent “grasp” of anthropology, genetics, and evolution, his thoughts on which he presents through his “neurotic Englishman” persona on his highly boring and misinformative YouTube and Odysee channels.

HBD Filth, 5/29/21

In der news.  In all cases, emphasis added.

Note that the connection China and India had before their falling out was hostility against Whites and the West, a Colored Alliance against the White World.

Tibet was an excuse – just like that petty assassination in Central Europe was an excuse for WWI – the real reason for the Sino-India conflict was competition for leadership of The Tropical Alliance.

Derbyshire weeps.

This is the reality of American Renaissance:


American Renaissance performs essential work in drawing attention to intrinsic black social pathology. American Renaissance posters who slander Jews and Orientals by attributing their success to anything but intelligence, hard work, and sound morals jeopardize what Jared Taylor does and endanger the future of American Renaissance.

Engelman is the gift that keeps on giving. I can’t think of anyone else who “endangers” Amren as much as him, no one else who so very clearly proves my point about how Amren’s pro-Jewish and pro-Asian “yellow supremacist” HBD “race realism” is actually being interpreted by folks like Engelman.

See this.  Investigate the HBDers. Hold them accountable for spreading Chinese lies. Having a Chinatrix strap-on stuck in your rectum is no excuse.

The HBDers would no doubt oppose this. We all need to oppose HBD.

Hey!  This sounds just like HBD talking points.

It is high time to investigate the HBDers. They should be probed as deeply by this investigation as they are deeply probed (literally) by their Chinatrix “girlfriends.”  Another “rite of passage” (rear entry passage) for the Alt Right, no doubt.

Colored is a colored does – TROPICAL Asians attack White America while whining about “racism.”  Yes, some folks have a lot to “unpack” – the HBDers can begin by “unpacking” that yellow-colored strap-on from the endpoint of their gastrointestinal tract.

Laugh at this.

there were white traitors, who put greed ahead of loyalty. Chief among them in 1543 was a Hungarian named Urban, a gunnery expert who served the Byzantines. However, when the nearly exhausted empire couldn’t pay him enough, he went to work for the attacking enemy, Sultan Mehmed II. It was thanks to Urban and his artillery that the Turks breached the walls. White people really are our own worst enemies…

Oh, I agree. Does Hood include himself in that category?  How about his buddies, the HBD “race realists?”  How about the fetishists?  How about the greedy grifters, who soak up money that could be better used for…I don’t know, just about anything else?

Another general of the time, Narses, was unnecessarily insulted, and then invited the Lombards to invade Italy.

Lombards! Hey!  That’s why the Northern Italians of today are Celto-Germanic Nordics, just like this guy.

The West is one. This won’t always mean political or religious unity. But it does mean that we see each other as comrades and family. It means that we can’t allow rulers who claim to speak in our name to set us at each other’s throats. We can’t afford another Fourth Crusade.

Ho ho!  Will Hood denounce his own Nordicism and ethnic fetishism?

We’re the heirs of Greece and Rome. 

Certainly!  After all, the Ancient Greeks and Romans were Nordics who looked exactly like Dolph Lundgren; set aside all of those lies coming from Medicist population geneticists!

Another example of Johnson’s great optics.

Here’s a litmus test – anyone who takes the delusional freak “Savitri Devi” seriously should just be laughed at until they are buried under a metaphorical pile of well-deserved ridicule.

Here’s some ignorant drivel from “Fowler” –

Second, Savitri Devi’s husband was not of a different race. He really was a Brahmin from Bengal, and there is no reason to think that he was not of entirely Caucasian descent. I have met members of his family, and although they have dark hair and complexions, their features are Caucasian, although few if any of them could be taken for Europeans. If the Aryans who settled India originally resembled Europeans (which is probable, but not certain), they have become mixed to varying degrees with the dark Caucasoid Dravidian sub-race that established the first Indian civilization, the so-called “Indus Valley” civilization (which probably embraced the whole sub-continent).

Of course this might not be “good enough” for some, who do not consider Indians to be “White enough” even though many are perfectly Caucasian. But then their objection should be not to “race-mixing” but to “sub-racial mixing,” and no matter how much one might deplore sub-racial mixing, it is clearly not as bad as race-mixing.

What an unmitigated idiot. Regardless of what Greggy might think of a given South Asian’s physical appearance, they are not European, are genetically distinct from, and distant from, Europeans, and derive from a completely different continental population group (i.e., race), as well as a completely different civilization/High Culture. The High Retard of Traditionalism seems to think that “Caucasian” is a race by the modern standards of population genetics (never mind that of White nationalism) and that distinctions between “Caucasians” are simply “sub-racial.” Whew! What a relief! What with all those South Asians, Arabs, and Iranians around, the Caucasian race is well stocked and safe!  No racial crisis!  Only a “sub-racial” one! If there’s no objection to Devi marrying a South Asian, then what objection should here be for countless millions of them immigrating to, say, Europe?  Camp of the Saints, here we come!

Note, see this:

Before there was Counter-Currents, there was the Savitri Devi Archive (, which I set up in 2006 under the pen name of R. G. Fowler in collaboration Gabriella Anelauskaite, the Webmistress.

Counter-Currents commentator:

3g4meMay 27, 2021 at 1:08 pm

Sigh.  More of Lipton Matthews’ writing on the nature and future of the black race.  With, of course, recommendations for black women to marry White men.

Matthews has an anti-White agenda, and is yet another non-White who uses the HBD obsession of Der Right to spread memetic poison. Let’s see how the meritless Quota Queens react.

First, an intelligent comment:

MemebroMay 28, 2021 at 8:39 am

I have no desire whatsoever to see higher rates of intermarriage between whites and blacks of either gender.

This article reads more like a “how to” guide on creating a “master mixed race” rather than a ethnonationalist essay.

It has some value in analyzing the cause for dysgenic breeding among blacks, but that’s as far as its usefulness goes.

Now, the hysterical Quota Queen reaction:

Greg JohnsonMay 28, 2021 at 9:30 am

This article absolutely does not read like a how-to guide for creating a mixed master race. You are either being dishonest or are incapable of reading. Either way, we would not miss you as a commenter.

No doubt Johnson may have reasons to support Matthews:

Some studies declare that homosexual men compared to heterosexual men are more intelligent. Gay men are even reported to deliver better grades in college relative to their peers.

Lipton does know how to appeal to his target audience, eh?

Is Memebro’s characterization really unfair?  Matthews wrote:

Due to the reluctance of educated black women to reproduce and marry intelligent men of different races, the black population cannot elude the striking reality of dysgenics.

Matthews poses as an IQ fetishist HBDer. He has declared – just like King HBDer Sailer – that White nationalism is “unrealistic” because “Whites are not ethnocentric enough” and has endorsed aracial “rightist” HBD “citiizenism” instead. So, given that, isn’t miscegenation the obvious implied solution to the Negro dysgenics problem?

If Memebro is “incapable of reading” then Johnson is incapable of thinking and using sound judgment – but we already knew that. As regards “being dishonest” – pot calls kettle black (no pun intended), no? If Johnson objects so much to Memebro, then why not to the comment by 3g4me quoted above? What is it? It wouldn’t look good to pick fights with multiple commentators at the same time?  

When are the rank-and-file going to recognize the ongoing train wreck that is Counter-Currents, with Greg Johnson as the engineer in the locomotive?

Getting back to the Matthews-Quota Queen alliance, I suppose that each side thinks it is using the other.  Thus, according to this hypothesis, Matthews gets to promote cognitive elitist aracial citizenism and the Quota Queens get…what?  Are the unimaginative dullards of Der Movement really reduced to mimicking the mainstream conservative tactic of utilizing token Negroes to appeal to normie sensibilities?  I would think that the White people open to the racialist message are tired of having Negroes, and other Coloreds, shoved in their faces 24/7, and would not be particularly appreciative of seeing essays by Negroes on “White advocate” websites. Or are the Quota Queens so invested in the HBD cult that it doesn’t matter to them who spreads the lies?