Category: miscegenation

Odds and Ends, 6/18/23

In der news.

Read this.

I note that in his Great Nation book, Thiriart defines a nation as having a unity of historic destiny and general culture, unlike ethnonationalist Greggy there is no strict language definition there.

Sallis Groupuscule post from someone other than myself. Note comments.

The priority for the Dissident Right/Far Right in America is a strong, competent legal foundation that can protect the rights of activists and litigate on their behalf against the Left/System if necessary. This is absolutely essential and until such exists I cannot take Der Right in America seriously. Not in the slightest. After decades of activity and millions of dollars of D’Nations and “membership dues,” the fact that nothing like this exists is a testament to the utter uselessness and/or dishonesty of Der Right.


It’s funny, I see more interracial couples in the south than the north these days…

It’s not “funny” nor should it be surprising. One wonders. Was the real reason for the Civil War that the Southrons were afraid that their Negroes would be shipped back to Africa? Was the war all about keeping Negroes around?

The cargo cult mentality of American Blacks is illustrated by their lack of understanding of where all the goodies – including “reparations” – that they want are going to come from.  In order to pay for all of these “gimmedats” America is going to require a certain degree of continued economic productivity.  If the System were to simply print more money (that seems to be the current approach) without the requisite economic productivity to support the increased money supply, then the money will become increasingly worthless (as we are already observing in a smaller scale with current inflation).  However, this economic productivity requires a degree of societal and economic efficiency and ability that is being grossly undermined by the “woke” agenda and the constant need to accommodate Blacks (and other minorities).  A CRT/DEI-obsessed America, already with much of its productive economy outsourced to China, and in freefall decline, is not going to able to produce the wealth to pay for the endless demands for “gimmedats.”  Of course, the alternative would be to just transfer existing wealth from one group (Whites) to another (Blacks) as has been done for decades, but this time in a larger scale lump sum or multiple larger scale lump sums.  Now, Whites are supine milksops, but there is a limit to that, and opinion polls showing strong White resistance to “reparations” suggests that attempts at enforced large scale expropriations will lead to societal division and economic disruption, and a consequent accelerated socioeconomic decline. This would make the “gimmedats” increasingly worthless in that scenario as well – from inflation and/or a lack of goods and services to be obtained from the “gimmedats” and/or from a lack of a stable society with First World living standards to enjoy the “gimmedats” in.  The paradox American cargo culters face is that to obtain what they want, and to have what they want to maintain its value long-term (years and decades not merely for months or a few years), and to be able to enjoy the fruits of that value in a stable society these cargo culters need to restrain their demands, restrain their behavior, and restrain their expectation that the entirety of America will be remade to accommodate their deficiencies. Without such restraint, they will kill the goose laying the golden eggs; however, restrain is not their strong suit, is it?  The “worse is better” crowd will no doubt have an opportunity to see their thesis tested, because worse is coming.

All of Der Movement’s “victories” are illusory, but its defeats are all too real. The defining characteristic of “movement” “leaders” – more than the dogma, freakishness, and panhandling – is their bad judgment. They look at benefits but never at costs, never look that gift horse in the mouth, never consider the consequences of their naive and blithely reckless behavior. Then they label more prudent people as “paranoid.” They tend toward Type I “false positive” errors while they would be better served, if an error has to be made, to favor Type II “false negative” errors. Better to worry about something that is not a real danger than to ignore something that is a real danger. Better to be suspicious in accepting a “too good to be true” scenario than avoiding being too suspicious of real good fortune. Better paranoid than naive.

Solid advice from an Amren commentator:


Make posters & fliers that say “stop the biological suppression & harm of Whites”. This will tell Antifa & other Leftist groups that you are protesting against harming or suppressing biological Whites which won’t make you look like a White Supremacist so Antifa won’t attack you and of they do they can’t claim that biology is white supremacist unless it is neurological biology.

Sure! Just make sure you specify biological Whites (as opposed to, say, WN 3.0’s colored Desi-Negro-Asian self-chosen Whites) and Antifa won’t bother you at all! In fact, if you state you are promoting the ethnic genetic interests of racially biological Whites Antifa will become your friend and help you! Who says that Amren doesn’t provide good solid practical advice to you?

Der Movement across the board is degenerating quickly. The Amren commentators of today are like drooling retardates compared to those of the past, who weren’t too swift themselves – but I doubt any of those in the past would think that talking about “biological Whites” would deter Antifa. Compare Amren articles of the past to today’s outrage porn news stories coupled to “Hood’s” endlessly repetitive “verified hate” outrage porn posts. The quality of Counter-Currents writers today is abysmal, a joke compared to the past. Every week at Counter-Currents is the “worst week yet.” The rest of Der Movement is similarly rotted away. But…we’re winning!

Businesses care about making money and they would happily sacrifice quality in order to make more profits. The only restraint on this is customer reaction; if customers silently accept lower quality then the business succeeds in their approach. However, if the customers revolt, they can force the business to reverse course. An example of a successful customer revolt with respect to this scenario would be the Smart Balance formulation fiasco, which you can read about here. The same principle applies to Der Movement. The Quota Queens will happily provide you with increasingly lousy content, a rapidly degenerating commentator base, a complete lack of practical activism or even just strategizing, and decades of endless failure as long as you all quietly accept it and keep the D’Nations flowing in. But if the handouts dry up, the page views decrease, and rank-and-file activists vocally complain, then your Fearless Leaders would be forced to do something to salvage their tanking “brands.”

A charitable – perhaps too charitable – partial answer to the “Italian Question” specifically for America would be as follows. Contra the gaslighting likes of the HBDers, White ethnic assimilation worked all too well. Today, most “Italian-Americans” are not ethnic Italians – they are hybrids searching for an identity and grasping onto the most distorted interpretations of Italianism. Among the vanishing purebreds, most are culturally assimilated and many of these are outmarried. They too are cut off from an authentic ethnic identity and thus gravitate toward buffoonish stereotypes. Therefore, in a search for meaning as “Italian-Americans” both purebreds and hybrids accept a mash-up of Guido subcultures, mafia, food and wine, singing and general superficial extraversion, and a general clownish behavior. At the same time, even though they have lost their ethnocultural identities, these people are not fully accepted by the Eloi either – they are in an ethnic “no man’s land” that makes them even more vulnerable to embrace pathetic and contemptible stereotypical ethnic identities. The more they accept these identities, the more they isolate themselves from a healthy White American identity, reinforcing the problem – a problem further compounded by a lack of effective leadership and the fact that “Italian-American organizations” actually promote these negative trends instead of opposing them. This is by no means the full answer, but likely is a significant part of it.

The following is pure speculation, prediction, and hypothesis. Taylor and MacDonald aren’t getting any younger, so what will happen to Amren and TOO long-term? Will there be a (possibly de facto) merger with Counter-Currents? Who is Taylor’s heir apparent? “Hood?” If so, I would be skeptical of the long-term independence of Amren. If someone like Joyce takes over for MacDonald then there would no doubt be resistance to any affiliation with Counter-Currents. On the other hand, note the infiltration of Counter-Currents writers to the other two sites – a flow that seems unidirectional. Even now, there is influence of Counter-Currents on the other two sites. What will the future bring?

Illegal immigration?  Call then invaders and stick them in POW camps. Even more practical – no need to put anyone in POW camps. Just strip illegals of all civil rights, including the right to work, obtain medical care, education, legal rights with respect to law enforcement, everything. Then self-deportation would be a real thing. If they instead turn to crime or other violence, then the power of the state can deal with them in that scenario.

If you cater to illegals, give them free cell phones, free everything, treat them better than your own citizens, of course they will come and never leave. On the other hand, if you make life impossible for them, they will either leave, die, or do things that can be addressed by law enforcement. My alternatives about illegals are not “practical” or “politically possible?” That’s why political power is required. Of course if you have ZERO power then nothing is possible. A major focus should be on the miserable failures of Der Right for decades.

Worried that attempts to strip illegals of rights will be met with legal challenges, protests, and NGO activity? Rightly declare that illegals are invaders waging war against the United States. Therefore, by constitutional definition anyone who adheres to them, giving aid and comfort, is guilty of treason and can be dealt with by the state on that basis. It is a matter of political will.

You will note that Supreme Court Justices nominated by Republican Presidents often turn out more liberal than expected and will side with the Left on important decisions. When was the last time a Justice nominated by a Democrat turned out more conservative than expected and sided with the Right on anything? Hasn’t happened in your lifetime, has it? Der Right is a Fraud and a Grift.

Yockey’s distinction of vertical vs. horizontal race can perhaps be conceptualized as the difference between ranking-oriented ideas of racial superiority and inferiority vs. ideas of racial distinctiveness reflecting in Yockey’s view the representatives of different High Cultures and in the population genetics view different continental population groups (and subgroups within them).

Evolution of Prejudice

McGregor article.

See here.  Download here. Selected excerpts (bold font emphasis added) with my comments:

The author examines the phenomenon of ‘prejudice’ and explains the possibility that its roots are not purely cultural. The proclivity for prejudice appears to be deeply rooted in the human psyche, and has been shown to be of distinct utility in furthering the process of speciation.

That makes sense given the arguments made in the article, which follow a reasonably logical chain of thought. Genetic isolation is required for speciation, and if “prejudice” enables such isolation, then, obviously, an ecosystem favorable to speciation will be created.

The sociobiological nature of ‘prejudice’ can only be clearly understood if we realize that the emotional tensions generated when diverse ethnic groups are forced into close geographical contact do not derive solely from contrasting cultural systems: they reflect deeply ingrained sociobiological mechanisms which serve an essential evolutionary function. Indeed, they are by no means of modern or even recent origin in the history of our species.

Fair enough.

Evolution reveals two major trends, the first of which is a trend from the simplicity of unicellular life forms to the complexity of advanced organisms such as are represented by mammals, primates and men. The second is the trend from the primitive uniformity of early life forms to the rich variety of diverse species, sub-species, or, in the case of man, the diverse races which today inhabit the earth. 

That is an important point, which well summarizes the two major strands of evolutionary direction. First, we observe increased complexity, although of course many of the simpler life forms are still with us today.  Second, we observe an increasing diversity of life.  The two points are correlated; in the beginning there were only the simpler life forms (simplicity and uniformity – “primitive uniformity”) and today we have a diversity of life forms, adding the complex to the simple.  And, today, both simple and complex are characterized by that diversity, including the ethnic and racial diversity we see today.

…the higher more mobile forms of life require other defenses to prevent the accidental hybridization of evolving sub-species. Clearly, the evolutionary process would be frustrated if every new biological or evolutionary experiment, each new phylogenetic continuum, sub-species or race, were to lose its novel and distinctive combination of genes by admixture with sibling populations, or by the reabsorption of divergent sibling populations into the parental stock. In short, during the period in which emerging sub-species are evolving into separate species – so different from each other that they no longer have the biological ability to crossbreed their genetic identity must be protected from crossbreeding by some form of barrier, either geographical or psychological, which will effectively prevent the negation of nature’s experiments before they can even emerge as separate species and subspecies.

That is all reasonable, but see what I write below about where to draw the line, as well as the benefits of diversification by creating new ethnies through stabilized blends of related parental ethnies of the same broad race, as long as the parental stocks are also maintained.  Such processes can create increasingly diverse “biological experiments” for the forces of evolution to work on.  One note – some species can interbreed and in some cases produce fertile offspring. Species differentiation is more of a genetic and phenotypic distance; true, in most cases there is a breeding barrier, but not always.

When such mechanisms have developed and the prevention of interbreeding is more or less complete, we are dealing with separate species. A race becomes more and more of a “concrete entity” as this process goes on; what is essential about races is not their state of being but that of becoming. But when the separation of races is complete, we are dealing with races no longer, for what have emerged are separate species.

This is consistent with Strom’s assertion that racial purity is something we should strive for as we move toward the future, not some past state of grace that we mourn as lost. Races are not static, they are “becoming” not “being.”  That is consistent with Salter’s ethnic genetic interests concept, which allows for replacement of maladaptive alleles and understands that even a genetically isolated population will change over time.

However, Dobzhansky continued: …. “Races and species as discrete arrays of individuals may exist only so long as the genetic structures of their populations are preserved distinct by some mechanisms which prevent their interbreeding. Unlimited interbreeding of two or more initially different populations unavoidably results in an exchange of genes between them and a consequent fusion of the once distinct groups into a single greatly variable array. A number of mechanisms encountered in nature (ecological isolation, sexual isolation, hybrid sterility, and others) guard against such a fusion of the discrete arrays and the consequent decay of discontinuous variability. The origin and functioning of the isolating mechanisms constitute one of the most important problems of the genetics of populations.”

As Dobzhansky added, genetic isolation becomes “advantageous for species whose distributions overlap, provided that each species represents a more harmonious genetic system than the hybrids between them.”

See the Udry paper on the health and behavior risks of mixed-race adolescents.  While there may be a variety of reasons for those problems, genetic mechanisms may be included among them. This, there may be outbreeding depression, disrupting the “more harmonious genetic system” of unmixed individuals, including disruption of coadapted gene complexes and the epistatic interactions between genes that influence phenotype.

But geographical separation is not always effective in the case of the more advanced mobile forms of animal life, and various “feral restraints” also customarily evolve to discourage cross-breeding on those occasions that individuals from divergent populations do chance to meet. These feral restraints serve a vital evolutionary process. Zoologists have identified two types of such constraints, the first of which are called – “built-in” constraints, based upon physical sign stimuli. “Built-in” physical constraints may take the form of distinctive shape, color, smell, or even patterns of movement, common to animals of the same subspecies, but absent from other populations…Such distinctive characteristics serve as a warning to members of related but disparate subspecies not to attempt sexual relationships. They are like a sign that reads “Danger! a new biological experiment is in progress. Do not approach!”

Different hominid types can be said to have characteristics than can trigger “built in constraints” although obviously this is an attenuated reaction given the amount of miscegenation that occurs.  Still, in many cases, there is a repulsion, an aversion, to the phenotypes of radically different hominid types.

Such distinctive characteristics serve as a warning to members of related but disparate subspecies not to attempt sexual relationships. They are like a sign that reads “Danger! a new biological experiment is in progress. Do not approach!” (Simpson, 1964). But in addition to these built-in constraints, the distinguished zoologist, Peter Klopfer, (1970) has shown that acquired constraints exist among feral animals due to behavioral imprinting. These may be equated with the culturally-reinforced prejudices associated with “in-group” and “out- group” behavior among human beings.

Culture is important.  Proximate interests affect ultimate interests (and vice versa).

Domestication, by breaking down territorial restrictions and destroying patterns of feral or natural activity, often results in perverted, misdirected, unnatural and anti-evolutionary behavior… Culture, particularly in urbanized societies, may likewise pervert human instincts by suppressing natural feral constraints and encouraging abnormal patterns of behavior, leading to similar distortions of normal biological behavior, such as homosexuality and the quest for abnormal erotic experiences, including those associated with inter-subspecific sexual experimentation. 

We definitely observe this occurring, particularly in and around the urban areas of highly developed majority White nations.

No human civilization has to date avoided collapse, and it is tempting to enquire whether social conditions which diverge too widely from the natural or feral conditions under which mankind evolved – and to which humankind is biologically adapted – may weaken the survival potential of overdomesticated populations by promoting anti-evolutionary life-styles, together with their concomitant reproductive abnormalities.

This overdomestication – that may also influence what Frost calls genetic pacification – no doubt contributes to these issues. The bizarre behaviors observed in “mouse utopia” experiments may well have their human counterparts.

Indeed evolution is concerned not with the individual organism but only with breeding populations, with phylogenetic continua. Evolution involves populations, sub-species and species. Evolution is in no way concerned with the welfare or well-being of any one individual organism except to the extent that the death or survival of that organism may affect the gene pool of the breeding population. 

I suppose that many academics – those who reject group selection – would disagree with that.  I think here that McGregor goes too far in dismissing the importance of the individual.  Genetic interests run along the continuum from self-family-ethny-humanity.  I agree though that group interests are typically ignored by mainstream evolutionary theorists,

Fitness also must not be misunderstood. In the evolutionary context – by which we mean the living reality – fitness means only the ability of any breeding population, sub-species or race to reproduce itself, and, at the more complex mammalian, primate and human levels, the ability of adults to protect their offspring until the offspring can in turn successfully reproduce themselves. 

True. People always confuse adaptive fitness with some subjective valuation of phenotypic traits. Genetic continuity of sickly retardates makes them more fit than sterile supermen.

Biologically, an individual is little more than a link in the chain of generations. The genetic integrity of the gene pool is therefore of paramount evolutionary importance. Evolution could not continue its work amongst the higher animals if each new experimental sub-species were to lose its identity before it had time to evolve into a new species.

More or less true, as long as we do not completely dismiss individual interests

Evolutionary competition is between rival sub-species…cooperation at the primate and human level is aimed more at group survival than individual survival…

Group selection.

The genetic advancement of man arose as a result of ongoing competition for survival between genetically different, non-interbreeding hominid populations, and was sustained not merely by geographical isolation but also by developing bonds of cooperation and love within the kindred, and of suspicion, fear, antagonism, and even warfare against such alien groups as might become competitors for the territorial and material resources necessary to sustain life…the evolutionary struggle is commonly fiercest between closely related species, and particularly between sub-species who are dependent on and consequently competing for similar resources…

At some point though, when very closely related group compete (and if there is kinship overlap between them then this probably becomes worse) they may harm each other’s interests and benefit genetically more distant third parties.  Here, I refer to intra-European conflict and the consequent benefit to the world of Color. Having the conflict at the broad racial level seems to be the best balance if group interests.

…these two separate sets of behavior as syngenism (attachment and loyalty) and ethnocentrism (suspicion of aliens). He further suggested that the pressure of competition from other groups tended to reinforce the feelings of loyalty and cooperation, heightening the consciousness of ethnocentrism and prejudice against “outsiders.” 

But see my work on Racial Proximity Theory and how ethnocentrism against highly related groups (“narcissism of small differences”) can be counter-productive.

These forces enhance the competitive viability of the group in its struggle to survive and to outbreed rival groups, and also serve to protect the ongoing process of homogenization within the group’s own gene pool – a process which is itself dependent upon a high degree of genetic isolation.

That is reasonable.

These attitudes of in-group loyalty and out-group suspicion, which appear to have evolved long before the evolution of primitive human bands and to have developed more consciously identifiable forms at the level of tribal and national societies, reflect a clearcut evolutionary purpose. Patterns of racial and ethnic prejudice, of in-group loyalty and out-group suspicion, have served an effective evolutionary purpose over the long history of primate and human biological evolution, both in enhancing the competitiveness of the individual breeding population and also in preserving the uniqueness of its distinctive genetic heritage by discouraging interbreeding with the members of disparate subspecies. 

The only caveat I have to all of this is a point I have made previously, in that hybrids of (relatively) closely related ethnies can form new stabilized blends over time and become their own new ethny lines, just as some dog breeds are blends of older stocks (e.g., the bullmastiff). From the human perspective, it will be important to make sure that the original ethnic stocks are maintained and that the blending creating new strains only takes place within the same race (e.g., among Europeans). This creation of new stocks can be part of the diversification of life, and as long as the original strains are maintained, the evolutionary striving can continue. Of course as well, I do not believe we would want speciation among Europeans; however, between races is a quite satisfactory conclusion. It depends where you draw the line at “disparate subspecies.”  The major human races definitely qualify.  Of course, every individual or group has the right to make narrower choices if they wish.  And if some want to inter-breed across wide genetic lines – a broader choice – they can do so, but in a different territory. Here, I am speculating on what is likely the best choice in a White state.

The evolutionary message is clear. Human groups which lose their internal sense of identity and cohesion in respect of other groups eventually cease to exist as discrete realities. Amongst the higher more mobile forms of animal life, isolating mechanisms such as prejudice are necessary to preserve the genetic identity of races and sub-species (as emergent species) by inhibiting miscegenation. A human population which practices endogamous marriage and strives to preserve the integrity of its gene pool should not be criticized as immoral. Such behavior implies that it is adhering to deeply rooted instincts essential to the evolutionary process, which process – from the point of view of purely logical, naturalistic thought – provides the only basis for any scientifically sound system of ethical philosophy.

I agree with that ethical sentiment, and it is completely compatible with Salter’s ethnic genetic interests and universal nationalism.  Although McGregor seems to promote what Salter might call the “pure ethic” – putting biological requirements over all other interests.  These ethical issues require continued consideration.

Note: If humans ever colonize space, it is possible that the geographic isolation there would enable speciation as well.

Odds and Ends, 3/7/23

In der news.

It’s interesting how population genetics papers from a narrow period of several years, focusing on similar populations, often yield markedly different results and conclusions. That’s not just from “innocent” differences in methodology. Since results are highly contingent upon methods and reference samples chosen, and since population genetics is one of the most politicized of all sciences, it is almost certain that studies are being designed with desired conclusions in mind. If you want to be charitable, you can ascribe that mostly to unconscious bias; but regardless, bias it is nevertheless.

Here we see classic population genetics bullshit, and also a perfect example of “Padanian” manipulation of population genetics to attack Southern Italians.  They write, re: Fst (and other data):

Southern Italians showed a genetic affinity with Middle East populations, such as Palestinian and Druze; and Northern Italian populations were genetically closer to the French and CEU populations…the Northern Italian population was genetically close to the French population, and the Southern Italians had some similarities with other Mediterranean populations such as those from Middle East…

Now look at the actual Fst data. The reality is that the Northern Italians are relatively more similar to the French than are Southern Italians and the Southern Italians are relatively more similar to Middle Easterners than are the Northern Italians – BUT both Italian groups are closer to French than to Middle Easterners.  Looking at the actual data, rather than the breathless text, we see that Southern Italians have a Fst of 0.003 with French and 0.005 with CEU (Northwest Europeans from Utah) but 0.006 to Palestinian, 0.008 to Druze, and 0.011 to Bedouin. Thus, the Southern Italians were genetically closer to even Utah Mormons than to Levantine Palestinians, and much closer to French.  Further, the Fst between Northern and Southern Italians in this study was only 0.001 – the same as between Northern Italians and French!  Consider that, and then re-read what the authors wrote in the text.

The same applies to other metrics they use. The expected clinal differences in Italy are interpreted as “Southern Italians are akin to Middle Easterners” when the reality is that Northern and Central Italians are intermediate between French and Southern Italians, and the modeling puts the Southern Italians as having a bit more closeness to Middle Easterners, as would be expected. The differences are relatively small (see ADMIXTURE for example) and not the disjunctive differences that the hysterical text would indicate.

By the way, the Italian populations here are:

Colors represent the four different macro-areas; green- Southern Italy (Apulia, Calabria/Sicily, Campania, Basilicata), red- Central Italy (Tuscany, Lazio, Emilia Romagna and Abruzzo/Marche), black- Northern Italy (Piedmont,Liguria, Aosta Valley and Lombardy), blue- Sardinia.  

Thus, “Southern Italy” is both the mainland south as well as Sicily.

I am going to comment, from an American perspective, on the ethnic question and then the generational question. I have previously addressed the woman question.

First, the ethnic question. There are no doubt large numbers of normie NW Europeans who have no problem with White ethnics, including swarthoids. The issue here is that those are by and large the same Eloi who also have no problem with Coloreds. The trick is to find NW Europeans on the Far Right – Dissident Right types – who have are genuinely pan-European and without negative attitudes toward any White ethnies. Such people did exist; I have known some. But these were by and large WN 1.0 types, and were never in the “movement” majority. If such people exist today, I do not know them, and if they do exist I wish they’d speak up and make common cause with the rest of us.

The generational question – Boomer bashing is not only wrong in the sense of being factually incorrect and blaming people who themselves have been victims of the System even longer than the blamers, but it is also emotional masturbation, since there is no practical strategy or tactics to improve the situation; there is only juvenile venting. One issue that is brought up is old folks refusing to retire and make way for youth. Well, most people hate their jobs; they work out of necessity. Unless you plan to exterminate Boomers and other older working folks, you need to make it possible for them to retire. That means a return to pensions, instead of making people dependent on stock market-connected uncertain retirement accounts and the equally uncertain Social Security. There also needs to be a universal, effective health care system and provisions for long term care. All of that is not possible in a darkening America that has a hollowed out economy. So, we’re back to the problem of overturning the System.

What about humans, eh?

Odds and Ends, 12/11/22

In der news.

My hypothesis:

  • Der Movement is full of semi-autistic, socially awkward, omega males with a predilection for pedophilia. Hence the interest in neotenic Asian females.
  • These males of Der Movement are (justifiably) self-loathing, hence they are masochistic.
  • Therefore, their masochistic sexual fetishism centered on Asian females results in HBD, talk of “measured groveling,” Asiaphilia, and serious blog posts suggesting that black booted Chinese girls with guns should enforce security in White nations.

It is interesting that the conspiritard types don’t turn their attention to Der Movement and ask whether the decades of endless failure and humiliation are at least in part intentional. After all, you would think that the “watchdog groups” would be happy with extant “movement” entities, which serve three purposes:

  • 1. Their antics discredit serious racial activism
  • 2. They soak up millions of dollars of support that could be better used elsewhere
  • 3. They are a useful bogeyman to scare gullible Jews and High Trusters to donate to the watchdog groups

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, eh?

Greg Johnson:

If every important person in America today knows about Jewish power, why don’t they just speak out about it? It is complicated. But the main reason is lack of solidarity. They all know that the game would be up if enough of them would speak out at the same time. But somebody has to go first. And nobody wants to be first, because these people have more rivals than friends, and they know that their rivals would scramble to denounce them for speaking the truth. So a prominent American would have to be nuts to speak out about the Jews.

Ted Sallis:

If every important Far Rightist in America today knows about Der Movement’s failure, why don’t they just speak out about it? It is complicated. But the main reason is lack of solidarity. They all know that the game would be up if enough of them would speak out at the same time. But somebody has to go first. And nobody wants to be first, because these people have more rivals than friends, and they know that their rivals would scramble to denounce them for speaking the truth. So a prominent Far Rightist would have to be nuts to speak out about Der Movement.

After all, I have been banned, blocked, and blacklisted, as well as defamed as “crazy” and “paranoid.” Certain people who shall go nameless here who corresponded with me in the past refuse to do so now. There is a price to pay for speaking the truth. That tells you that the truth is painful to the grifters who run the freak show.

Four reasons why Der Movement is infatuated with East Asians:

  • 1. Racial Proximity Theory – Asians (and Jews) can be elevated over the hated White ethnics. In addition, High Trusters may feel (even if subconsciously) some kinship with Northeast Asians, due to ancient East-to-West admixture across Northern Eurasia – the Bromstad-Bjork Syndrome.
  • 2. Sexual fetishism – particularly of a masochistic nature – consider HBDers married to East Asian women, consider admissions of “measured groveling,” as well as the Majority Rights fantasy of black booted Chinese girls with guns ruthlessly enforcing discipline in the West.  It may seem absurd, but I suspect this is a major factor. Consider that some “movement”/HBD types are socially awkward autistics with low self-esteem and a predilection for pedophilia – Asians are neotenic, thus attractive to these types.
  • 3. The race realism gambit – these people may want to promote “HBD race realism” and push the idea that Blacks (and Southern Europeans) are dumb, but want to evade the label of “White supremacist” – so they gibber about Asian cognitive superiority (doesn’t work, they are still called “White supremacists” anyway). When coupled to the other three motivations, this gambit evolves into open declarations of Asian superiority over Whites by every standard.
  • 4. Aesthetics – violin-playing Asiatrices (and erudite cosmopolitan, cocktail party Jews) are considered less threatening and more acceptable for the WASP country club mentality than are uncouth, rough-talking White ethnics with their urban Northeast USA accents – the Caddyshack Syndrome.

I believe those four points cover most of the explanations.

See this. Sallis:

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe

Nutzis being dire off the shoulder of West Virginia

I’ve read dumb memes bitter in the darkness of Der Right’s hate

All these moments will be lost like tears in rain

Time to cry

Der Movement marches on.

Well, well, well…

We must not allow one set of buffoonish elites to be replaced by another. We must not abandon our principles and follow the pied pipers of pandemonium down the slippery slope into madness.

It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage. Christianity is being lauded as the thread which can tie the disparate disruptor’s caucus together, the tried-and-true glue that can bind a shaky alliance of disaffected groups. At this critical moment, we must not be distracted by the circus an unravelling world serves up to us daily. We cannot lose sight of our goals. Our race will not be liberated from without, but instead its salvation must come from within.

BINGO! We have another winner.  The key point:

It is increasingly apparent that we are being offered White Nationalism without whites, as the coalition of dissenters against the global liberal order expands to include new ethnic groups and social classes. Eric Kaufmann’s theory of “whiteshift” is playing out on a grand stage.

That’s WN 3.0 – essentially the equivalent of “whiteshift.”

How’s that “Ye” thing doing, “movement?” Has it led to the “anti-Semitic uprising” yet? Does anyone in “normie land” actually care? Has pro-White activism been materially progressed? No. Of course not. And there will be no positive outcomes – unless you label increased Counter-Currents page views as a “positive outcome.” All it has done is once again associate pro-White activism with something weird, stupid, downwardly mobile (West humiliating himself in public and losing money), and comical.

Der Movement should worry less about West critiquing Jewish power and worry more about Taylor not doing so.

Much of sociopolitical reality is a zero sum game in which costs and benefits balance out. Da System claims that it wants to “inclusive” but thus excludes normal White people. Der Movement wants a “big tent” and thus promotes conspiritards, anti-vaxxers, Kanye West, etc., and by consequence alienates highly educated Whites, particularly STEM types. You can’t have it all; you must make a choice.

The problems of digital isolation and social pricing has created a situation in which, literally, WNs can be neighbors or co-workers and not even know it. We are not going to get anywhere in the real world as long as that obtains, but it is not immediately clear how to deal with it, except to start with the following. Instead of flushing huge amounts of money down the “movement” toilet, there needs to be an organization, or organizations, dedicated to facilitating real world interaction and community building. Because of the dangers of social pricing and infiltration, there would need to be air tight security, top level high quality vetting, a legal infrastructure, significant financial resources, and contingencies in place to protect the interests of participants. I have my doubts that the extant “movement” is up to the task – but this would be a minimal first step.

If by “traditionalism” you mean traditional social mores, respect for our ancestors and our history, and a hierarchical society, then I of course support that. However, if by “traditionalism” you mean Savitri Devi and Kali Yuga and the establishment of the Luddite Hobbit Hole Twigs and Branches Bring Out Your Dead ethnostate, then I oppose that. We must be precise in our definitions.

See this.  I agree with Griffin, say, 80% of that video. Four points:

1. I would like to see Johnson debate Griffin with respect to Griffin’s claims that an electoral solution is a delusional impossibility as well as his skepticism with respect to online metapolitical work, positions that Johnson apparently completely disagrees with (if I am mistaken about the positions of these two gentleman, please correct me).

2. It would be helpful if Griffin would make a video outlining in detail what he believes should be done.  It would seem based on his pessimism, something like this might be considered. For that to work, we would need real pan-European solidarity, which does not currently exist. Also see this.

3. I am aware that I am of the type of anonymous/pseudononymous online “intellectuals” that Griffin harshly critiques.  Perhaps that criticism is justified.  However, I would assert the following (and these would be areas of disagreement):

  • a) There is a place for “intellectual” and “metapolitical” analyses in any revolutionary movement, there has been in the past and there is no good reason why this should not hold in the present or future.
  • b) There is a place for anonymous/pseudononymous activists in any revolutionary movement, there has been in the past and there is no good reason why this should not hold in the present or future.
  • c) In the past I was a “in real life” activist, as myself. I was unimpressed by my experiences; Der Movement has always been a dismal failure (see point 4 below); Griffin cannot always point the finger elsewhere.
  • d) There is a problem in suggesting that individuals should be overt activists and make sacrifices if the activist entity they are supposed to act in is hostile to their ethny and their ethny’s interests. Would High Trusters in Der Movement act in a self-sacrificial manner for a movement that is hostile to their ethnies and instead focuses only on helping White ethnics?  I think not. So, why should I? That is a form of EGI cuckoldry, a person sacrificing their own personal interests, including genetic interests, and including ethnic genetic interests, to boost the genetic interests of other ethnies. I am not going to be a EGI cuckold, sacrificing my own interests to boost the EGI others, as those others attack my ethny.

4. Griffin should realize and admit that his past failures, and those of people like Pierce, whatever the explanations and excuses for those failures, are in part responsible for the current situation we find ourselves in. Also see this.

Have you noticed that none of your conservative superheroes – Trump, DeSantis, Cotton, Carlson, whomever – ever say to Negroes: “You’ve already had your reparations. Hundreds of billions of dollars transferred from White taxpayers to you for decades as part of social welfare programs, a half century of affirmative action advantages, a myriad of special programs (including internships, scholarships, trainings, etc.), and being catered to by the political establishment and popular culture. You’ve already bled the country dry, and you should not get another cent.”  No, they do not say that, they never say that, much less that “Whites should get reparations for decades of affirmative action and other discrimination, Colored crime, societal defamation, and race replacement immigration.” No, that would be “racist” so all of your conservative heroes say nothing.

Similarly, the same Italian-American groups and “leaders” who whine and cry about mafia movies never say a word about the racial defamation of Italians – for example Sicilians being called “Black” in movies (e.g., True RomanceTheMany Saints of Newark) as well as the trick of casting non-White actors and actresses as Italians in movies and television. They also will not say a word about Italian-Americans victimized by Colored crime.

In summary, two maxims I follow:

  • 1. Everyone is full of shit.
  • 2. If you want something to get done, you have to do it yourself.

Truer words never written.

Let’s follow up on this.  Consider an infant – small and stocky, relatively large round head, broad flat nose, high body fat percentage, hairless body. Epicanthic folds are also found in infants and children of all races.

Epicanthal folds may be normal for people of Asiatic descent and some non-Asian infants. Epicanthal folds also may be seen in young children of any race before the bridge of the nose begins to rise.

Cold adapted? The arctic womb?  Ludicrous.

My point is that all of these East Asian features ascribed to “adaption to cold” could be due to selection for neoteny.

Females are more neotenic than males, so the White male infatuation for East Asian females can be a pathological (pedophilia) extension of that. Of course, East Asian females are typically slender, another advantage, albeit with attenuated secondary sexual characteristics (also neotenic).

In addition, since East Asian females prefer White males who are less neotenic and hence more masculine than East Asian males (while eschewing the bestial Black male), White males with a low sexual marketplace value (SMV) can “trade up” for Asiatrices more attractive than whatever White females they could have gotten.

I can think of two British HBDers who shall go nameless who have/had Chinese wives. Let’s say that by White standards their wives are a “5.” The HBDers themselves – complete losers – by a very generous ranking would be a “2.” Thus, because of Asiatrix preferences, these low SMV males get a three point boost.

If they were restricted to White females, they’d either be alone or stuck with a Walmart landwhale shopping on a motorized scooter.