Category: failure of right-wing propaganda

More On Our Failure


While presentation and optics are important, the failures of our side have deeper origins. I will list and describe the most fundamental of these.

1. Whites are less ethnocentric than other groups. This is a prime fundamental problem that obviously has no quick fix.

2. Elites side with the Left. There are many reasons why they do so – economic, ethnic, etc. One major factor among those elites who know better is their apparent belief that a slow decline is preferable compared to some sort of catastrophic racial reckoning to actually solve the race/culture/diversity problem. They would rather “punt” the problem downstream to future generations than to suffer the consequences of “lancing the boil” and dealing it with now. Riding out a long slow decline is their preferred strategy; however, if the elites can be convinced that the decline may be faster than they thought, and a precipitous collapse is coming sooner than they predicted, some change in their attitude may occur. But I am not sanguine about that.

The Elite-Left alliance is what produces social pricing against the Right, particularly the Far Right, and what produces hate speech laws and other examples of repression against Whites defending their group interests. Rightists believe they have more to personally lose via activism than the Left, and that is true, but that is a secondary downstream effect of the more fundamental issues at play.

There is no way out but through the elites. There’s only two ways I see this happening – either, as alluded to above, some fraction of the elites can be convinced to take our side, even if for no other reason than self-interest, or the System collapses to such an extent that the elites lose much of their power and interests conducive to our side can fill part of the power vacuum.  Well, there’s a third way as well, but unlikely given the retarded mindset of the Right – infiltration of the System so parts of the elite are slowly replaced by us. That’ll take time that we can ill afford (it should have been started decades ago), and will require a level of discipline, seriousness, and long-term strategic thinking severely lacking on the Right.

3. People on the Left (and Jews in general, compared to Whites) are more serious and psychologically intense than those on the Right.

The Right, in its juvenile stupidity and HBD-inspired obtuseness, mocks this psychological intensity as “neuroticism.”  Well, if that’s the case, all I say is we need a lot more neurotics on our side. I suppose Yockey and Hitler are examples of “neurotics.”  Well, that’s what we need, not a dispassionate analysis of “high Asian IQ” written by a placid milksop being sodomized by a strap-on-wearing Chinatrix.

If people on our side really believe in White Genocide and The Great Replacement, they certain don’t act like it. Even when one controls for psychological intensity and for Elite preferences, leftists always seem to outcompete rightists.  There may be another behavioral traits at play that result in the Left always being more active, more dissatisfied with the status quo, more aggressive, more involved in every way, apart from the general trend of psychological intensity.  It well may be that those with a more rightist mindset value stability and “conservative” (broadly defined) behavior as compared to the Left.  There is also a basic asymmetry between the inherently forward-looking, futurist, progressive, revolutionary, optimistic, utopian mindset of the Left and the inherently backward-looking, reactionary, pessimistic, “Golden Age in the past,” mindset that unfortunately characterizes the Right.  The former tends to promote action and self-sacrifice; the latter to suppress it.

Of course, from a “thermodynamic” perspective, the Left’s objectives of chaos and degeneration are far easier to achieve. Yet, paradoxically, the Left puts more effort into their more achievable goals than the Right does to its less achievable ones.  Is it that the Left has confidence that their work will pay off and that the Right believes that “resistance is futile?”

To summarize – the grand secret of the Dissident Right is that no one actually wants to do anything. By “anything” I mean effective, meaningful, rational, legal political and metapolitical activism. The mantra – when in doubt, do nothing; when not in doubt, do nothing; in all possible circumstances, do nothing.  It’s all a joke, just entertainment for hobbyists. Of course, the (Far) Right always loses. To them, it is just entertainment.  The Left wages war; the Right has fun. The former always wins; the latter always loses. Why are we surprised?

4. Paradox – the Left supports affirmative action for the broad society but generally practices meritocracy among its own ranks, while the Right supports meritocracy for the broad society but practices affirmative action in its own ranks – especially in the Far Right.  Your “leaders” are meritless, juvenile incompetents whose major objectives ultimately revolve around fundraising.

5. Bad dogma. The crazy and stupid dogma of the “movement” attracts low quality individuals and alienates those of higher quality (including STEM people and academics/intellectuals in general) and also contributes to the abovementioned affirmative action program. It is ludicrous nonsense promoted by meritless losers (see point four) to entertain the useless hobbyists who constitute the rank-and-file (see point three) to elicit donations (see point four again).  Serious people are repulsed by “movement” nonsense.  You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear; putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t make it an attractive woman.  Dressing up “movement” trash with “good optics” and “good aesthetics” doesn’t make it any less trash.

Other serious issues like social pricing and the low quality of the human material among rank-and-file “activists” derive from one of more of the abovementioned five basic problems; therefore the listed problems are those most fundamental (although everything is connected to each other; I am simplifying very complex issues for the sake of illustration).

All of the five problems listed above are difficult to solve, but some are relatively easier to solve than others.  Among the difficult ones to solve is number one – the relative lack of White ethnocentrism. Number one is likely to be solved only by long term selection – if Whites survive – and the only thing to do now is to coalesce together more ethnocentric Whites who naturally will be more attracted to our cause. Numbers two, four, and five are theoretically solvable, at least partially, they are those that are easier to solve in a relative sense, but it is unlikely in the extreme that anything will be done in that regard, at least for the foreseeable future. Number three seems almost as intractable as number one. There seems to be innate behaviors characteristic of rightists, of Whites, and thus particularly of White rightists, and one may as well try to reason with a brick than to get most of these people to be serious, committed, consistent activists. The human material to get things done just does not exist on the Right.  It does on the Left; hence their constant winning, as opposed to the fake and delusional “we’re winning” nonsense coming from right-wing retards and grifters.

I am not sanguine about solving any of this.  But we should at least understand what the real problems are, so those few among us on the Right who are serious do not waste more time and energy trying to “fix” false problems.

One more thing.  In my analysis of point five I wrote of trashy “movement” dogma:

Serious people are repulsed by “movement” nonsense.  You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear; putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t make it an attractive woman.  Dressing up “movement” trash with “good optics” and “good aesthetics” doesn’t make it any less trash.

The opposite is a concern. I understand that optics and aesthetics are important.  A public speaker – at least one from the Right – should look and act respectable and not be a babbling disheveled wreck. Written material should be coherent and logical, with proper spelling and grammar. Audio and/or visual material should be presented effectively. There needs to be collaboration between people skilled at message content and those skilled at message presentation (but this would require people to be active and actually do things, so we’re back to square one).

Very well.  But why should optics and aesthetics of a message be considered as important, or even more important, than the actual content of the message?  I have problem with the idea that important content, serious messages, powerful paradigms, objective facts will be ignored if they are not presented with all sorts of “bells and whistles” and made into a “catching” entertainment presentation.  One can argue that I am confusing prescriptive and descriptive, that I am uselessly complaining about what should be, rather than pragmatically dealing with the reality of what is – the reality that people need entertaining aesthetics to pay attention to serious sociopolitical messages.

Maybe.  But there’s a place for prescription here. Serious people, the type of people who will actually DO things, seem to me to be the type of people who would focus on message content rather than an entertaining message delivery.  I can point out that entertaining aesthetics are no guarantee of success.  The British National Party produced a very well-made and entertaining video that had ZERO success and ZERO real-world impact.  You can pour all your time and effort into optics and aesthetics and problem number three will still exist – the do-nothings will be nicely entertained by your content and then proceed to continue to do absolutely nothing. The end result is the same regardless of optics and aesthetics – endless failure, endless inertia, and endless nothing.  If we cannot attract serious people with serious messaging, then the serious people we require do not exist (as seems to be the case) and the entire effort is for nothing.

If we just put out entertainment, we will attract those who want to be entertained. That may be a good business model for Der Movement’s “brand” that has its objective as fundraising, but is a poor political activist model for serious people.

Maybe we are all really doomed.

But, if that is so, maybe we should focus our attention on the small number of serious people (of they exist) who are primarily attracted to message content?  That prescription may run afoul of descriptive reality and end in failure.  Almost certainly it will.. But concentrating on optics and aesthetics will also almost certainly end in failure as well.

The Pettiness of the Right

More odds and ends.

The thing that irritates me most of all about the whole Jill Biden “controversy” is the pettiness and childishness of the Right.  Yes, the woman is a complete mediocrity.  Yes, her doctorate should be a joke – although I note that, unfortunately, those with “doctorates in education” often end up being administrators who earn much more money than do PhDs (who do have the title of “Dr.” whether the Right agrees or not) and even many MDs as well. But who cares? Doesn’t the Right have more important things to worry about? The Left has just successfully stolen the Presidency, the Senate may be next, they have been running wild with impunity in America, and they have been transforming America into a mockery of itself.  And yet the Right wastes time and energy attacking Jill Biden’s narcissistic use of a title. Really? That’s important?  Can we wonder why the Right always loses and the Left always wins?  Further, would any of these heroes mocking Jill Biden’s “Dr.” title dare criticize the fraudulent PhD of the plagiarist Doctor Marin Luther King? The silence of the Tuckers – the silence is deafening.

Let us consider together. The problem here is not only one of pettiness and childishness, or even that of misplaced priorities. When the Right says things like “this person insists on being called doctor yet they can’t write you a prescription” (and how many prescriptions did Saint Martin of King write, Tucker?), they reinforce the stereotype of the Right as being a bastion of anti-intellectualism. The Mainstream Right in particular has long practiced the fake-populist “reverse snobbery” game – e.g., “my plumber and auto mechanic have more sense than a bunch of Ivy League professors” – so that all of the plumbers and auto mechanics go out and vote for neoconservative Republican plutocrats who front for open-borders BIg Business and for Israel. 

Do we really want to play the anti-intellectualism game?  Do we want to parrot idiots who write that “only someone who has delivered a baby can be called doctor” (which would eliminate the bulk of actual MDs and privilege midwives instead)?  Do we want to strip people like MacDonald and Salter (or even Johnson for that matter) of their title of “doctor?”  Should we alienate academics and surrender scholarship to the Left?

Now, it is true that when people insist on being addressed with a title that reflects a lack of character. Instead, we should consider this Twin Peaks quote. I remember wincing when I overheard a PhD tell someone over the phone that “I should be called doctor not mister.” But just because some people are jackasses doesn’t mean we should disrespect genuine academic achievement (that admittedly Jill Biden does not have – I do not consider her degree or thesis to be a genuine academic achievement, unlike that of MacDonald, Salter, or, yes, even Johnson). 

The Retard Right marches on.

And as a side note, there is a misconception that MDs are more intelligent that PhDs. This is not, in my experience, true, at least not for STEM PhDs.  Some people are more interested in ideas than in people, some people are not interested in dealing with patients (imagine having to treat some 450 pound sheboon).  Yes, you could do research as a MD or a MD-PhD, but what is the point of going to medical school, and becoming a MD, if you are not going to treat patients?

And then we have the question of societal contribution. What’s a greater contribution – Salter’s On Genetic Interests or your neighborhood MD prescribing opioids and Adderall?  And if the Right is so skeptical about covid, why are they now fetishizing the status of MDs?

Yet another intellectual cartoon from the train wreck that is Counter-Currents.

Hail HBD!  Hail Sallis for always being right!

The HBD “race realist” ideal family.  Johnson’s “ten percenters” right there.  After all, we all need to alter our conception of an “ethnostate” in order to accommodate “Rosie and the kids,” right?

It looks like Hapas are unhappy with Derb (*), although they get his racial views wrong about who is “superior.”  After all, the “measured groveling” seemingly goes in only one direction, eh?

*So much for the “benefits” of mixing, eh?

More retarded stupidity from Drew Fraser:

Drew Frasersays:

December 15, 2020 at 10:21 pm

Kevin MacDonald suggests that “We have to unify behind powerful, empirically based critique of Jewish [power? enmity?] or it will never go anywhere.” Yes, but first “we” need to know who “we” are and how”we” should or could combat the malign influence of Jewish hostility towards “us”. Some would say “we” are members of the White race; others, such as E. Michael Jones, emphasize “our” Christian spiritual identity.

I feel that I belong to an Anglo-Saxon diaspora people that both “at home” and abroad appears, “empirically” speaking, to be in a rapid state of decline (spiritual, moral, political, and demographic). To reverse that decline, I reckon, British-descended WASPs must recover their ancestral ethno-religious cohesion and spiritual confidence.

A critique of Jews must rise above the secular realm of “empirical reality”. To combat hostile Jewish elites effectively, we must recognize that Jews are formidable ethno-political rivals, not just because they are rich and well-connected. Hard-wired in their ancestral bioculture is a venerable ethno-theology. Jews have become their own Messiah.

WASPs need an ethno-theology of “our” own before “we” can hope to displace Jews from their well-entrenched place of honour and respect among TPTB. As an empirical, genetic category “White” identity is unlikely to generate an ethno-theology capable of matching Jewish ethno-religious solidarity. Anglo-Saxons can at least imagine a sacred history of their own with Alfred the Great becoming our very own David.

A glimpse into those mythic possibilities can be seen in the recent TV series The Last Kingdom, itself based in the novels of Bernard Cornwell.

So, Anglo-Saxons should cut themselves off from the White Race and from Europe and the West and go it alone. I suppose in the USA, they should do the same, and, if, say, someone is of mixed Anglo/non-Anglo ethnic descent they strategize in favor of their Anglo parts – “I support the rights and interests of my right arm but not of my left leg.”

And, hey, MacDonald is of predominantly German Catholic descent, so what is Fraser doing on MacDonald’s blog?  Can’t the Anglos make it on their own?

As an empirical, genetic category “White” identity is unlikely to generate an ethno-theology capable of matching Jewish ethno-religious solidarity…

Because he says so.  And, of course, let’s base a political philosophy on a TV series.  

The Retard Right marches on, again.

Youth and the Left

Whither idealism?

Why are young White people (in the West, or whatever is left of it) typically leftist?  One argument is that it is youthful rebellion against parents, who are themselves typically more conservative due to the effects of family formation and increasing responsibility (and general experience with life and the realities of human nature). It is interesting that this scenario always seems to work in one direction – the children of leftist parents never seem to rebel by moving to the Right, if anything they may become even more radically leftist than their parents are.  So, it can’t be simple rebellion against parental authority.  Is it rebellion against a conservative society?  Well, today, the System is so far to the Left and so anti-White, that actual rebellion would mean that young Whites should all become neo-Nazis; “movement” fantasies about “Generation Zyklon” aside, that is not happening.  Is it because System propaganda portrays itself as exhibiting “systemic racism” and the youth perceived a Far Left System as being Far Right?  Is the rebellion against a perception rather than against a reality?

Or maybe it is not just rebellion – youth are by nature idealistic, and the Left traffics in idealism, as opposed to the stuffy, reactionary Right, which stupidly advertises itself as “standing athwart history yelling stop.”  What an inspiring image!

The reactionary Right needs to be displaced by the revolutionary Far Right and an inspiring ideology and worldview needs to be promoted.  By the way, “traditionalism” “snug in one’s hobbit hole” is not such a worldview.

Political EGI VI: Know Your Audience

Calibrate your arguments.

With respect to introducing EGI to political discourse, I am sure the attitude will be: “most people will not be convinced by rational, scientific arguments; instead they will be influenced by emotional arguments instead.  No one will care about EGI.”

This is truth to that – but I also do not believe that ”most people” are going to be influenced by cartoon frogs or screams of “Hail Kek!”– but I’ve never said that “most people” should be addressed by discussions of gene frequencies or of “Hamilton’s Rule.”

Obviously, if you are addressing who Pierce would call “Joe and Jill Sixpack” then you are not going to be invoking “genetic kinship” and explaining the fine points of On Genetic Interests.  You could, however, invoke the language of family and tribe, stoke the “us vs. them” divide and equate face and family to stimulate protective instincts for the group against those threatening it.  

 As one moves up the intellectual hierarchy then one can be more explicit about EGI, although the “full story” is likely going to make complete sense only to scientifically literate and sane individuals with triple-digit IQs (leaving most of the “movement” out of the running).  Along the continuum of human understanding, knowledge, and intelligence one must calibrate the rhetoric and arguments for optimal receptivity.

So, no, I’m not arguing that one should go to a local town hall with charts of Fst values or what have you, but the fundamental principles can be put forth in language understandable to the target audience, even if one must use analogies and rhetorical proxies for some major points.  In past “Political EGI” posts I gave some examples of calibrated arguments: I’m no politician or speechwriter, and I’m sure those that are can do an even better job of formulating EGI-based arguments that can resonate to even Mr. and Mrs. Sixpack.

One can also argue – and it’s likely correct – that the less intellectual Whites, the Sixpacks, are more inherently tribal and will require less prompting to unleash their instincts in that regard. They just need guidance so as to direct that unleashing in the proper political direction (not to GOP cucks or Trumpain frauds, for example) and they need to be inoculated against “we are all the same” leftist rhetoric that, while they may not believe it “in their bones,” may still confuse them.

On the other hand, it are the more intellectually advanced “professionals” among Whites who lead rarefied lives apart from tribal instincts so it are precisely they – the ones best as understanding EGI concepts – would be benefit from more explicit, albeit still carefully calibrated, appeals to more rationalized EGI arguments.

So in that sense it works out well: those Whites least capable of understanding the more explicit EGI arguments are in the least need of them and those Whites most capable of understanding have the most need.

At this point someone will say I’ve missed the original point, which was one of emotion trumping logic, not one of understanding or not.  That’s true, but consider that the “lower class” Whites tend to be more emotional/irrational and the “upper class” Whites are relatively more rational, and hence rationality and understanding go hand-in-hand.  In addition, remember I’m still advocating calibration even for the upper classes; likely pure EGI is suitable for the highest intellectual groups, academics, top intellectual activists, etc. Some “irrational” arguments may need to be made to the rank-and-file upper class, but these would need to be calibrated differently than those used for the Sixpacks.  Perhaps less raw tribalism and more Universal Nationalism? This post is not the place to evaluate this at that level of detail, but to point out that those with rhetorical skills can make EGI-style arguments palatable to specific target audiences.  It’s more a matter of will – wanting to do it – rather than the rhetorical technics.